Spiritually dead must Call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob TO BE RAISED up. Luke 20:37.

Spiritually dead must Call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob TO BE RAISED up. Luke 20:37.

31/May 2019

 JESUS CHRIST the LORD said The dead will be raised when they call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as Moses spoke about. “Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.. WHO IS THIS GOD, of these fathers? Which GOD did Moses showed? If you want to be raised up, YOU SHOULD CALL ON this GOD. No other GOD can raise you up! And if you have NOT CALLED ON HIM, THEN YOU ARE DEAD! If you have already called on Him, you know you are raised up AND YOU ARE LIVING, BECAUSE HE IS THE GOD OF ‘LIVING’ AND NOT DEAD! Then, when this knowledge is UNDERSTOOD, they must call on His name, and they will be raised up! Which GOD did Moses show to worship? Which GOD is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ’s GOD? If you have called on this GOD of the fathers, then you are raised up. If not, you are dead. It is that serious and easy to understand and judge yourselves to see if you are alive or dead! The teaching in the churches of GOD about GODHEAD is that there are TWO PERSONAGES, called god the father and The SON JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Out of these TWO GODS, WHICH GOD IS THE GOD OF THESE FATHERS and Moses showed? Unless you call on this GOD of the fathers, you cannot be RAISED UP! This is why The harvest is past, and NO ONE IS SAVED Jer. 8:19-20. Perhaps they may have called on the WRONG GOD, and NOT the GOD of these fathers, to be alive! We will prove in this writing that the church of GOD which is called the Body of CHRIST, never worshiped the true GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or the GOD whom Moses showed, who is THE ALMIGHTY, The ROCK or JESUS CHRIST the LORD.! GOD appeared to Moses, JUST BEFORE DELIVERING THE PEOPLE FROM Egypt and their gods and idols. Even now, once again, Spiritually, they are in Egypt, Rev. 11:8, not having the SPIRIT of the same GOD. Then it is the same GOD, who would come again a second time to give the spiritual meat and drink. So He is prophesied to come again a SECOND TIME to deliver them from spiritual Egypt once again. Two facts are given in this Scripture to prove the true GOD, to call on Him, so all can be raised up. PROVE ALL THINGS! The promises GOD made to Abraham and JACOB, with the dream to bring all to the House of GOD, to the Gate of HEAVEN, which means to raise them up, must be fulfilled. Then, the House of GOD must have it’s foundations laid in order to fulfill the dream of JACOB, to bring him to BETHEL once again! Has your church leader taught you to call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses? You will be surprised to learn the GOD of these fathers is The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY, who IS THE Living GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD!


As proven below, the GOD of these fathers IS THE ALMIGHTY. Then, hear from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own mouth, that HE IS THE ALMIGHTY.

Rev. 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, THE ALMIGHTY!

We do not need any more proof, it is written in the WORD of GOD , that THE ALMIGHTY whom these fathers served is JESUS CHRIST the LORD! All proven below. Have your leaders taught you that THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD? I don’t think so. HWA wrote THE ALMIGHTY is god the father. Then, that is not the GOD of these fathers, WHO TELLS US TO CALL ON HIM TO BE RAISED UP! Perhaps, that may be why, no one is RAISED UP but Spiritually dead being Laodicean !

Hear from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own words ;-


“I am Alpha and Omega.. the beginning and the ending…, the Almighty!”

From HWA’s “conversion” book he wrote

“Now the reason for His going to heaven was to “receive for himself a kingdom, and to return” (verse 12). That is, He was going to the throne of the government of the entire universe where God Almighty, the Father, sits, to have conferred on Him the ruler ship of the world.”

So according to Him, … THE ALMIGHTY is NOT JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but god the father whom he taught. But JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself says ‘ I AM THE ALMIGHTY’. SO WHO DO YOU WANT TO BELIEVE?  This THE ALMIGHTY GOD, is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and also Moses taught, and if you call upon His name , you are RAISED UP. Not having this knowledge, you are DEAD. HWA caused all to die. In his death bed, he wrote the MOA and died. Then the next leader totally preached what HWA preached. This is how the Laodicea era came to be. They are Spiritually blind means cannot read the SPIRIT , the words of THE ALMIGHTY, John 6:63 which is SPIRIT and life. So no one called upon THE ALMIGHTY as their fathers and DIED. Now this knowledge is given, so you can call on Him the GOD of your fathers, in order to be raised up!

So this is the leader who claimed to be a type of John the Baptist ! He does not agree with the THE ALMIGHTY, who is CHRIST THE LORD, or the Scripture. CHRIST THE LORD says, I AM THE ALMIGHTY! HWA says no it is god the father! This is the belief of GODHEAD in the church of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! If the church is the Body of CHRIST, .. then should not the body honor THE HEAD ? He went on to many countries preaching a false GOD. It is THE ALMIGHTY who gives understanding. Then, if he does not agree with THE ALMIGHTY’s word, would THE ALMIGHTY reveal and inspire him? So went preaching a false gospel to the whole world. So the whole world went after the beast. (a beast is a man without understanding Psa. 49: 20).


In Egypt means, you have other gods as proven, other than The ROCK who is CHRIST THE LORD. that is why The LORD delivered them from Egypt, and brought them to the wilderness, then to the Promised land. So it is the same way now also. IF Israel LEAVE THAT GOD AND GO TO ANOTHER, INCLUDING GOD THE FATHER, … YOU WILL NOT BE The ROCK’S OR Moses’ or Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ’s GOD’s people. HE IS THE Holy ONE, THE GOD OF Israel. That means you are back in Egypt. This is why Laodiceans are Spiritually blind, as the SPIRIT comes from The ROCK and as they did not go to Him to get it, they do not have HIS SPIRIT, NEITHER THEY CALLED ON HIS NAME TO BE RAISED UP! The Laodicean era have closed the door to Him, and they do not call on His name and at the end of the Philadelphia era they DENIED His name. Rev. 3. If The ROCK brought you out of Egypt to be His people, and to make a name for Him, and if you do not become His people, but call on other names, would you be the people of the same GOD as these fathers? so they must be once again be delivered giving the truth about The ROCK or the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses so they can be raised up!


The two facts which this Scripture says to see if you are dead or not according to this Scripture,:-

  1. Which GOD did ‘MOSES’ show ?
  2. Who is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ?

Which GOD did Moses show ?

Exo 3:1  Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.

Exo 3:2  And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

Exo 3:3  And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.

Exo 3:4  And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, here am I.

Exo 3:5  And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.

Exo 3:6  Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Exo 3:7  And the LORD said, I have surely seen the AFFLICTION OF MY PEOPLE which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

Exo 3:13  And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

Exo 3:14  And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

Exo 3:15  And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

Exo 3:16  Go, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I HAVE SURELY VISITED YOU, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt: }}}…. Now, we will examine all the BOLD words and see  Which GOD did VISIT?


How all these are fulfilled now, IN OUR TIME, but Spiritually.

  • the mountain of God, :- In this mountain, it is THE ALMIGHTY Who would dwell. If you look for any other GOD’s mountain, .. you will not be in the mountain of the GOD of the fathers. it is those who trust in The LORD, who are in the mountain of GOD. Psa. 125:1. In that mountain, NO LIES are taught. Zeph. 3:12-13. And that is where the knowledge of God as the sea is given and the Glorious Rest of GOD. Isa. 11: 9-11. This mountain will not destroy or hurt anyone. That knowledge will redeem you from death as it preaches the GOD of Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! It will raise up all. This mountain will be set up on top of other mountains, such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, in the LAST DAYS. Isa. 2, Micah 2. In this mountain, the veil of Israel will be removed when the rebuke is to be removed. Isa. 25: 7 (see below)
  • flame of fire- Now, GOD Visits with flame of fire, Isa. 29:6, His eyes will be as flame of fire, Rev. 19:12, The LORD will be a fire, to burn the briers and thorns, who are the ministry, and their light will be as fire, Isa. 10: 17, and it comes to devour, Isa. 30: 30, and it will set fire to mountains, (many church leaders) Psa. 83:14, and the fire is the WORD of GOD. and in the lake of fire , all the books will be opened or the WORD of GOD will be opened or made to understand as proven. The flaming sword will burn Zion lam 2:3, and it comes on those who did not know GOD, nor who obeyed not. 2 Thess. 1:8. So those who did not obey nor knew Him are His enemies , and to melt them, making Himself known, making them to tremble. Isa. 64: 2. Therefore, if you have not known the GOD of Moses, this fire will come on you.
  • burned with fire.. not consumed..- Just as the mountain which GOD Spoke to Moses did not burn, even now, at the lake of fire , no one will be burnt, but The LORD will be made known, only the wickedness will burn Isa. 9: 18- 19 , making them just. It comes on the briers etc. just as GOD introduced Himself to Moses through fire, now also He will make Himself known.
  • AFFLICTION OF MY PEOPLE which are in Egypt,

 heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;..- Now, on the day of THE LORD, or Day of Visitation, the church is back in Egypt, as GOD sent them as He said Deut. 28:68, and in the HEART. Acts. 7. So the leaders or the taskmasters , the thorns and briers, are Spiritually afflicting them. How? They do not take the people to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , but to other gods, such as god the father, and HWA calling him the chariot which will take them to eternity, and drinking from his rock, instead of The ROCK who is Israel’s GOD causes them to trust in pharoah, who is the church leader who is in Egypt Rev. 11: 8 and Babylon to be delivered. Micah 4:10. So they stop the people from calling upon the GOD of fathers, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and Spiritually killing them, and even with hard labour such as unless the people agree with them, they cannot stay in the church, but teach they will be thrown in to lake of fire  and in fear of death, they hang on to these leaders. Heb. 2:14. They look on to the headquarters focus and not focusing on the GOD of the fathers. Their spiritual lies about the GOD of the fathers, afflict them. Jer. 16: 19. Therefore, once again their only hope is the same GOD of fathers, The ROCK , who is NOW VISITING , giving the sea of knowledge of GOD, of Him, so the people can come out of the sea as it was. If you are not with The ROCK, you are Spiritually being afflicted. Just imagine, if you are a servant to some one, and if another causes you to serve him, would it be right? Same way these leaders did not take the people to The ROCK, but to other gods. So Spiritually they are being MURDERED. The leaders taught wrongly about THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of the fathers. that is why all are dead Spiritually. So they are being afflicted Spiritually now as they do not know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , The ROCK OR THE ALMIGHTY. Remember HWA and GF did not know THE ALMIGHTY as proven in previous writings!


  • I AM THAT I AMCHRIST THE LORD said, if you do not believe ‘I AM’, you will die in your sins. John 8: 24. And He said, before Abraham, I AM. John 8: 58. I am means I am who I am”, "I am what I am" or "I will be what I will be” or I will be merciful to whom ever I want’ etc. But He was known as The LORD, The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY in the beginning. Gen. 49: 24, JACOB said The ROCK or THE STONE of Israel. Deut. 32:4, but Israel is to forget and not esteem Him. Deut. 32; 15, 18. 2 sam 23:3, Psa. 18:31, there is no GOD like The ROCK. And Psa. 19:14 says He is The REDEEMER. And king David will call The ROCK, my ‘FATHER’. Psa. 89:26. Then, all the names of GOD proves The ROCK is our FATHER , just as Deut. 32: 18 also clearly says. So this GOD ‘ I AM’ is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The REDEEMER, The Saviour, The ROCK of salvation.
  • God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,– which GOD is the GOD of the fathers except for The ROCK? He is THE ALMIGHTY. He met Abraham, Gen. 17: 1, Gen. 35: 11 “ And God said to JACOB,, I am God Almighty. 48:3, and in Ex 6:3, THE ALMIGHTY said Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew Me as THE ALMIGHTY. This is said to Moses. So all these fathers knew Him in these names. “ And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty”. And The ROCK, or CHRIST THE LORD directly said, I AM THE ALMIGHTY. Rev 1:8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the Almighty” .


So the GOD of the fathers are ONE GOD, who is known in many names, and He is THE ALMIGHTY, WHO MET THEM, and Moses and said to us, that HE IS THE ALMIGHTY. And CHRIST THE LORD said ‘ I AM THE ALMIGHTY”. This is why, Abraham LOOKED FOR JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S DAY. John 8:56 “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day”. That means Abraham met JESUS CHRIST the LORD! Read Heb. 11:9-10. But HWA wrote THE ALMIGHTY is god the father. 2 Cor. 6: 16-19 says THE ALMIGHTY to the gentiles, you will be MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS. That means THE ALMIGHTY is the FATHER. This verse says THE ALMIGHTY is the Living GOD as well. But Gerald Flurry, the last high priest said Living GOD is god the father as proven. So both these leaders could not be sons to THE ALMIGHTY, as they never knew Him. This is how they afflict the people in Egypt Spiritually now where they are, Rev. 11: 8, because that stopped all from knowing the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, and that made them not call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , and they are once again back in Egypt Spiritually! That is how they are being afflicted, not knowing the true GOD, The ROCK or THE ALMIGHTY! That caused all to DIE Spiritually as written above in Luke 20:37, as they could never call Him.

  • I HAVE SURELY VISITED YOU. GOD VISITED when He was to bring Israel out of Egypt back then. Even now, He Is visiting as He said in Exo 32: 33-34 to visit the sin of Aaron. Amo 3:14 says, when He visits, He will cut off the horns of the altar who are the leaders who did not preach the truth about Him but preached god the father or some other and idols. So HE VISIT TO GIVE THE TRUTH to establish all. !


So the GOD, Moses showed and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had, is The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY as you can see, who is CHRIST THE LORD. ! So according to the Scripture, we proved both points.

  1. Which GOD did ‘MOSES’ show ? It is THE I AM GOD, who Is CHRIST THE LORD.
  2. Who is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ? THE ALMIGHTY, who is also CHRIST THE LORD. And CHRIST THE LORD is THE Living GOD as well, as 2 Cor. 6: 16-19 says. That is why, HE IS CALLED THE GOD OF THE LIVING!


In the mountain of The LORD, the DEATH WILL BE SWALLOWED UP. That means all will call on The LORD, the GOD of the fathers. because that is the only way to  BE RAISED UP !

The mountain of The LORD … It will exalt The LORD, THE ALMIGHTY. No one understood THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD and no one exalted Him. That is why no one could be gathered to Him. John 12: 32. Until GOD brings all to this mountain, or to the House of GOD , all Israel were blinded to not to know Him. They did not know The LORD of glory. 1 Cor. 2:8.

Isa 25:1  O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

Isa 25:6  And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

Isa 25:7  And HE WILL DESTROY IN THIS MOUNTAIN the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations.

Isa 25:8  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… in this mountain, or in the House of GOD, … the TRUTH ABOUT THE ALMIGHTY WILL BE PREACHED. THAT IS HOW THE DEATH WILL BE DESTROYED. Remember all the DEAD only are called to the White Throne. (white means light or revelation) So the dead Rev. 20:12, will come to know the truth about THE ALMIGHTY that it is CHRIST THE LORD , the GOD of the fathers. That is the first time they will understand the GODHEAD. Their hearts will be burned. That is why it is called the lake of fire . when the Scripture is opened , their hearts will be burned as in the early apostle’s did. Because that is what the fire in the mountain means as proven. When GOD introduces Himself, always fire comes. HE IS A CONSUMING FIRE. But not to burn us, but the wickedness. Isa. 9. GOD was not planning to kill any one. WHY DID HE DIE ? Is not it To save us from our death! Then, He will open the understanding to know THE ALMIGHTY , and all will call on Him !


Then, after the veil is removed, they will say THIS IS OUR GOD, we have WAITED FOR HIM, AND HE WILL SAVE IS… THIS IS The LORD… !!! Didn’t you know your GOD till ‘IN THAT DAY”????  Didn’t HWA write the MYSTERY OF GOD ?? Then why does this Scripture says, IN THAT DAY, you will say THIS IS OUR GOD ? We never looked for THE ALMIGHTY ! HWA preached THE ALMIGHTY is god the father ! So we all were calling THE ALMIGHTY, but to a GOD that does not exist!

Isa 25:9  And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the LORD; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation!.

So you see ??? ‘IN THAT DAY’… when you are called to the Holy Mountain, of The LORD OF HOSTS, that is CHRIST THE LORD, … THE ALMIGHTY , the GOD of the fathers, that one should call in order to be raised up, … and you will say, THIS IS ‘OUR’ GOD !!!  Oh… we had other gods !!! But THIS IS OUR GOD, The Saviour, … HE WILL SAVE US !!!!  HE ALONE CAN SAVE YOU FROM DEATH!!! Then you will call on His name… and will be raised up ! This is why we say you do not even know your sin! You never knew you have sinned against THE ALMIGHTY !


Until GOD brings all to this mountain, or to the House of GOD , all Israel were blinded to not to know Him. They did not know The LORD of glory. 1 Cor. 2:8. Their hearts also were hardened. Isa. 63:17. 2 Cor. 3 says, they are blinded to not to read the ‘Old testament’. So how could they understand THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD , because THE ALMIGHTY is the GOD of the Old testament !


1Co_2:8  which none of the rulers of this age has known. For if they had known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory; }}}… The LORD Had to blind you, so He could be killed. If not, when the Scripture clearly says THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD, … we all missed that knowledge ! But now, He opened the eyes of those whom HE SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE. 2 Thess. 2: 13 ! He Has to come to gentiles, because all those who are under the law, had to die, WITHOUT MERCY. Heb. 10: 28. You had no choice, but to die till The LORD raises you up. In order to kill, He did not give that knowledge, because if anyone had that knowledge, … that one would have called on His name and lived !




Remember JACOB’s dream is to bring him to Bethel, to the House of GOD, which is the Gate of HEAVEN ??? So sons of THE ALMIGHTY, or The ROCK, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD are that temple. (more below). To be with the GOD of JACOB is the reward of JACOB and his family. He said He will dwell in the Sanctuary, in the midst of HIS PEOPLE. And HE will sanctify the ministry and the temple as written below. Then, He will dwell in the midst of His people. So JACOB’s dream’s or the vision’s fulfillment is to be in the House of GOD. (more below).. There will be NO OTHER GODS OR IDOLS.


2Co 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.

2Co 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

2Co 6:18  And will be A FATHER unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith THE LORD ALMIGHTY. !…}}}… THE ALMIGHTY , is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  as written above in Exo 6: 3.   Then, is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as HE, HIMSELF said I AM THE ALMIGHTY? Rev. 1:8. Then, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house, who we are, (Heb. 3:6) the TEMPLE OF GOD, as written below . That is the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN, which THE ALMIGHTY showed to JACOB in that dream! You will see more proof from Scripture below. And THE ALMIGHTY says, you are the temple of GOD, and I WILL BE A FATHER to you and you will be My sons and daughters. So THE ALMIGHTY, is our FATHER. if HE IS THE GOD, THEN HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER, AS WE COME FORTH FROM HIM!


If THE ALMIGHTY says, I will be a FATHER to you, then should we not believe Him? WE, THE GENTILES BELIEVE THE ALMIGHTY IS OUR FATHER NOW! The LORD delivered us from the confusion as written elsewhere in this writing and brought us out of Egypt to WORSHIP HIM AND TO BE HIS PEOPLE! HE BECAME A FATHER TO US !


“YE ARE THE TEMPLE OF THE LIVING GOD;”…If THE ALMIGHTY is THE Living GOD also, that is CHRIST THE LORD. So from the beginning, it was CHRIST THE LORD who said to Moses to build the first Tabernacle to Him to dwell among Israel. He is the GOD THE ALMIGHTY who spoke to JACOB in the dream. Then, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses served Him only. ONLY HIM. This is absolutely important to understand, because HE HAS SAID TO NOT TO HAVE ANY OTHER GODS OR IDOLS BEFORE HIM. Don’t we call ourselves the ‘Body of CHRIST”???


“I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.”JESUS CHRIST the LORD will dwell IN US, and walk in us… and WILL BE OUR GOD and we will be HIS people. Now this is said to gentiles. And we believed, He came in to us, … and He Is in us , and HE IS OUR GOD and WE ARE HIS PEOPLE. THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses is among the gentiles. Even in His first coming, HE MIXED UP WITH THE GENTILES WHICH CAUSED OTHERS TO HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT HIM, THAT IF HE IS THE TRUE GOD! THIS IS WHAT JACOB PROPHESIED IN Gen. 49 8-12. He said to JUDAH, the donkey will be bound. That is the foolish nation which will be bound, at the time SHILOH  or CHRIST THE LORD comes to GATHER THE PEOPLE. In His first time He did not come to gather anyone. He send prophets, to teach them, but no one was accepted by them even unto the day of THE LORD, as Zeph. 3: says. She received no instructions. Therefore,, The LORD, Himself came to deliver them. So JACOB saw JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house as the Gate of HEAVEN. (more below).  


be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,”. Be separate, says JESUS CHRIST the LORD . from whom should we be separate? It is from those who are unclean having other gods and idols, AND NOT THE ALMIGHTY OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! They are HIS OWN WIFE AND CHILDREN WHO FORSOOK HIM, and went after other gods. They are the 12 tribes and all the sister churches of Eze. 16, who have other gods such as god the father, and idols , and despised even the STONE OF DESTINY , THE SYMBOL WHICH GOD AND JACOB ANOINTED TO REMEMBER THE PROMISE OR THE Covenant BETWEEN THEM, and GOD’s promise was to bring them to HIS HOUSE, TO BE HIS TEMPLE. And JACOB’s promise was to serve THE ALMIGHTY only.


Isaac blessed JACOB, saying may ‘THE ALMIGHTY’ bless you with ‘Abraham’s blessings. Then JACOB was met by GOD and blessed Him.

 Gen 28:3  And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people; }}}…See ???   IT IS THE ALMIGHTY WHO IS Isaac’S GOD AS WELL, AND HE SAID THE ALMIGHTY WILL BLESS JACOB.  and Isaac said the blessings of Abraham to be in JACOB. So from Abraham, to Isaac, and to JACOB, … all were met by THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Read the next verses. It is on his way, he saw that dream. V 13, GOD said to JACOB,  I AM THE GOD OF Abraham and Isaac. So it is THE ALMIGHTY, who is the GOD of all and who will bless us with Abraham’s blessings. V 16, JACOB said surely The LORD is in this place.


Then, after JACOB was met by GOD, The LORD THE ALMIGHTY SAID…

Gen 28:15  And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. }}}… just as Isaac blessed the blessings of THE ALMIGHTY and Abraham to JACOB, … The LORD said:-


I will keep thee…

I will bring you again to this land ( to the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN)

I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of!


JACOB said…

Gen 28:16  And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew it not.

Gen 28:17  And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. !

So The LORD met JACOB in THE House of GOD, THE Gate of HEAVEN, where THE ALMIGHTY’s house is in heaven. This is why Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day, while you say god the father is your GOD. John 8: 54- 56! Like Abraham, … we the gentiles, who have become the sons and daughters  of the same GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , THE ALMIGHTY, also say our GOD is THE ALMIGHTY , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


Then JACOB’s vow ;

Gen 28:19  And he called the name of that place Bethel: but the name of that city was called Luz at the first.

Gen 28:20  And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

Gen 28:21  So that I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:

Gen 28:22  And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house:


So GOD said to JACOB,


I will keep thee…

I will bring you again to this land ( to the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN)

I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of!


The JACOB said to GOD…

If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go,

and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:

this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house”.


Then, which GOD Is this, who is JACOB’s GOD ??? It is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. JACOB’s GOD is THE ALMIGHTY. All the churches, 12 tribes who are scattered as Jam 1 says, who did not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Mat. 12: 30, says, have GOD THE FATHER, as their GOD and not THE ALMIGHTY. HWA taught THE ALMIGHTY is god the father as proven in previous writings. So being of Judah, he did not even know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD is CHRIST THE LORD or THE ALMIGHTY the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses ! And so did GF, who wrote the Living GOD is god the father ! You can judge yourselves by understanding that ; have you worshiped the same GOD as these fathers? Did you worship and trust in THE ALMIGHTY to keep you, give you bread to eat and raiment to wear and to bring you to HIS HOUSE? Can you find His house, by yourself ??  No man can find Him, unless HE BRINGS. So, JACOB’s seed utterly failed him and did not come to THE ALMIGHTY’s house as they did not trust in Him. !



As written above, So GOD said to JACOB,


I will keep thee…

I will bring you again to this land ( to the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN)

I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of!


I will be with thee:- could THE ALMIGHTY be with you ? You turned away from Him you replaced even the stone of destiny which witnessed the Covenant of THE ALMIGHTY and JACOB. ! You are unclean and THE ALMIGHTY said to the gentiles, “And will be A FATHER unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith THE LORD ALMIGHTY:, come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you”

So THE ALMIGHTY said to COME OUT among them, from the seed of JACOB who did not follow JACOB and despised the Covenant even replacing the stone of destiny which pictured the House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN, the END OF THE BLESSINGS OF Abraham ! remember it was Abraham’s blessings which we are talking about as written above. To be in GOD’s house, is the most blessed hope, next to have HIM in one. That is why Abraham looked for THE ALMIGHTY’s day! Then finally, THE ALMIGHTY is WITH THE GENTILES. They have become HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS  ! And even they are THE TEMPLE OF THE ALMIGHTY ! That is the House of GOD , even as written below …

“I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE.”…

2 Cor. 6: 16 ! So THE ALMIGHTY, became the FATHER of the gentiles !

But JACOB’s seed has god the father as their father and GOD,  when there is no such one spoken in the whole volume of the Book ! So the promise to JACOB ‘ I WILL BE WITH THEE’, till brought to the House of GOD, is given to gentiles. !


“I will keep thee”…

GOD said He will keep JACOB. But JACOB’s seed DID NOT WANT THE ALMIGHTY TO KEEP THEM as they had other gods. But now, the gentiles trusted in THE ALMIGHTY to keep them for His day… He even prayed for them while being on this earth to show that it IS HE WHO KEEP US…


Joh_17:12  While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.}}}…It is THE ALMIGHTY who promised JACOB to keep him till he comes to HIS HOUSE. Now, as He knew that JACOB’s seed will not be kept by Him, He had planned to keep HIS CHILDREN, as HE WROTE IN HIS WORDS, THE FATHER. ( remember His words are HIS FATHER). Isa. 8: 14-18,  29: 23,  54: 13,  John 17, 1 John 4: 4, 17, Col. 1: 27, luk10: 19-22 etc. SO NOW, THE ALMIGHTY HAS KEPT THESE CHILDREN AND BROUGHT THEM TO HIS HOUSE, FULFILLING JACOB’S DREAM AND PROMISE. This is why JACOB said, SHILOH  will bind the donkey to the tribe of Judah Gen. 49! JACOB, himself would have not known what he said. Because Isa. 63: 16 says, Abraham is ignorant of us that we have found EVERLASTING FATHER ! So as you can see… JACOB’s promise from GOD , turned to gentiles finally. Read the following Scripture as well.


2Th 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

Php_4:7  And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Jud_1:24  Now to Him being able to keep you without stumbling, and to set you before His glory without blemish

1Co 1:7  So that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ:

1Co 1:8  Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Isa 65:1  I am sought of them that asked not for Me; I am found of them that sought Me not: I said, Behold Me, behold Me, unto a nation that was not called by My name.

Isa 65:2  I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; }}}… this is now fulfilled. GOD Has totally rejected you. Even you have rejected and replaced the Covenant of THE ALMIGHTY and JACOB , to be brought in to the House of GOD, and to the Gate of HEAVEN, … He Has now said to us, that HE WILL BE A FATHER TO US, AND WE WILL BE SONS AND DAUGHTERS ,… the same thing He said to king Solomon in 2 sam 7: 14, .. has said to us as well. So we too BEHELD HIM and you were never called by His name. Isa. 63: 16-19. This is 1  Pet. 2: 5-10 also. So you walk after your own thoughts. That is vanity and lies.



1Ti 6:11  But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. }}}… all these come from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE ALMIGHTY…

“righteousness”…He is The Righteous. 1 John 2: 1. He gives righteousness freely. Rom. 5: 16-17


Godliness :acknowledge  the truth, which is after Godliness. It must come from the true GOD. Titus 1:1,

2Pe_1:3  According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto LIFE AND GODLINESS, THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM THAT HATH CALLED US TO GLORY and virtue: }}}… Life and GODLINESS comes from the knowledge of the GOD who has called us .. that is THE ALMIGHTY, CHRIST THE LORD ! So Godliness comes from Him.


faith, :… Heb. 12: 2. JESUS CHRIST the LORD Is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of  FAITH. He gives it as a free gift. Eph. 2: 8. And JACOB’s seed is cut off from it. Rom. 11:20. Gal. 3 says, after the law, faith is given and till then, faith was shut up!


love, patience, :-

Rom_8:39  Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. }}}… Love of GOD  is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! No man can have the love of GOD , in them! All these characters of GOD or the divine nature, must be given by Him and He gave them FIRST, to HIS FIRST FRUITS , to sons and daughters  who are separated from JACOB seed who failed to be converted and come to the House of GOD !

2Th 3:5  And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. … The LORD will direct our hearts to the love of GOD and to patience !!! The FATHER Is making His son also to be like Him !!! You are the mother and daughters Eze. 16 : 44- 45. “As the mother, so is her daughter.”

1Th 4:9  But regarding brotherly love, you do not need that I write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. }}}… BROTHERLY LOVE??? That is a true Philadelphian! You denied His name and became the synagogue of satan, … and the gentiles BEHOLDING HIS NAME, are taught the brotherly love, to be continue in Philadelphia love! JACOB’s seed’s door is shut, Isa. 22: 25. But to us, it is opened ! Did you trust JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE ALMIGHTY to give any of these ? You think you can have them by yourself! But we trusted in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses and received all these!



Mat 11:29  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Zep_2:3  Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger. }}}… it is THE ALMIGHTY who is MEEK and lowly in the heart. And on the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles, Eze.  30: 3, who sought Him ? It is the gentiles. So they received all these from Him. !


The rest, are highminded and that caused them to depart from the Living GOD, who is THE ALMIGHTY ! So we charge them to not to be so…

1Ti 6:17  Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;…}}}… remember the UNBELIEF CAUSED YOU TO DEPART FROM THE Living GOD. So He did not give HIS KNOWLEDGE to any of the JACOB’s seed.



The JACOB said to GOD…

If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go,

and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,

I come again to my father's house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:

this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house”….}}}… THE ALMIGHTY, JACOB’s GOD is with us. Col. 1: 27, 1 John 4: 4. And He leads our way we should go as written above, keeping our feet for HIS DAY.


And bread to eat ?  He Is the LIVING BREAD FROM HEAVEN. John 6. So He gave it to us. Man shall not live by bread alone. so HE GAVE HIS WORDS TO US TO LIVE.


raiment to put on”.

JACOB’s seed failed to receive white linen or clothes from THE ALMIGHTY. Rev. 3. One should be covered their nakedness by the SPIRIT of The LORD. Isa. 30: 1. So that is the white linen as proven. And JACOB’s seed did not receive it from THE ALMIGHTY, and they have to be GRANTED TO WEAR FINE LINEN AFTER THE JUDGMENT, but we received freely from The LORD who gives it. .All those who are in the House of GOD, have white linen. They are the saints who will see the priests being given salvation and white linen. Psa. 132.

Psa 132:9  Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy.

Psa 132:16  I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

So the saints will see the priests being clothed with righteousness, which means white linen, and salvation. ! So GOD gave raiment to JACOB as The LION of Judah bound the donkey to Judah !


“And will be A FATHER unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith THE LORD ALMIGHTY. !..


Gate of HEAVEN !

Zion, is cast down from heaven. that is JACOB’s seed. Lam 2: 1. But the gentiles are called to heaven, while yet they were sinners. THAT IS THE MERCY OF GOD AND ‘  I AM”, He will be what He will be etc. He will have mercy to whom ever He will !

Eph 2:5  Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved😉

Eph 2:6  And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: …}}}… ‘RAISED’ up ??? As written above, one is RAISED UP, IF THEY CALL ON THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND THE GOD WHOM Moses SHOWED. So as you can see, that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD THE ALMIGHTY. And we have become HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS ! So He raised us up, as we called on HIS NAME ! For what purpose ??? Read Col. 3: 1-4

Eph 2:7  That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. }}}… to show JACOB’S SEED WHO FAILED … that all these are done by THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD .

Eph 2:8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: }}}… THE ALMIGHTY or CHRIST THE LORD is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  and of FAITH. So saving the gentiles, He gave faith, after the law Covenant failed in JACOB. Gal. 3. And faith pleases GOD, because faith means to hope and believe things which The LORD speaks that HE WILL DO. JACOB’s seed has no faith as they were faithful to god the father. but we are faithful to the faithful CREATOR, and to THE ALMIGHTY as written elsewhere in this writing. !

Eph 2:9  Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Eph 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them…}}}… Apostle Apostle Paul’s writings to gentiles says in many Scripture, that they are predestinated, Eph. 1, … and ordained for salvation and everlasting life, Acts. 13: 46 , 28: 26-28 etc, and to be created in CHRIST THE LORD, or THE ALMIGHTY , whom JACOB’s seed did not trust and have faith in !


Therefore, JACOB’s promise and GOD’s promise is now fulfilled in THE ALMIGHTY and gentiles. The House of GOD and the Gate of HEAVEN and the angels ( Zion) descended, but gentiles ascended in Him. !


Then, compare this Scripture to see if you have CALLED THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob … If YOU HAVE , YOU ARE RAISED UP.  If not, repent and call upon Him. Understand, from the beginning, it was The CREATOR who appeared in many names. This is what happened in Babylon as GOD said you will be , before delivered. Micah 4:10. And that is the spiritual 70 years in Babylon, under HWA and GF who preached the same lies about THE ALMIGHTY, the Living GOD , The ROCK , the GOD I AM of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . ! Therefore, you could not be raised up as you did NOT CALL UPON HIS NAME ! Understand this Scripture clearly…

Luk 20:37  Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. ! …}}}  DEAD ARE RAISED, … when you call on the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! Did you really call upon His name? That is the GOD Whom Moses showed to Israel anciently and even now.


GOD, clearly said to Israel to have no other gods. Ex 20, etc

Jer 44:4  Howbeit I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending them, saying, Oh, do not this abominable thing that I hate.

Jer 44:3  Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

Jer 44:5  But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods. }}}… burning incense to other gods means praying to other gods. And GOD says that is WICKEDNESS. HE SAID NOT TO DO SO. BUT JACOB’S SEED DID NOT HEARKEN TO THE ALMIGHTY. But GOD says in Mal. 1: 11, gentiles sends PURE INCENSE TO HIS NAME! That is to call upon the name of THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of the fathers! GOD Is not a respecter of persons. Anyone fears Him, He accept ! Acts. 10 : 34- 35. But if you fear Him, that means righteousness, because you humble yourselves before Him, when you fear Him. Then The LORD gives you righteousness or forgiveness. So HE ACCEPT YOU.


Exo 23:13  And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth. }}}…. JACOB’s seed even to this day, had other gods before THE ALMIGHTY. They never knew THE ALMIGHTY is CHRIST THE LORD, but believed it is their GOD, who is called the god the father as The LORD said in John 8: 54-56. That is not the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! So unless you call on Him, you cannot be raised up as written above.


Deu 4:23  Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and make you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, which the LORD thy God hath forbidden thee.

Deu 4:24  For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.}}}.. GOD Is a consuming fire. His words are fire. So His words, when understood, it will be fire to those who did not obey the gospel, nor knew Him as proven. !


But the same fire, the WORD of GOD , will save one in the end. That is those who are NOT IN THE TEMPLE OF THE ALMIGHTY!  If you are in it, then you have the SPIRIT of GOD dwells in you.

1Co 3:15  If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. }}}… GOD will never burn anyone. As proven, it is the wickedness which is burnt. And GOD wants all to save the spirits on the day of THE LORD. 1 Cor. 5: 5, 1  Pet. 4: 6 and 50% will not die in the lake of fire  as the lake of fire  is to grant the wife to wear fine linen. That is when the Scripture or the fire is opened. could the death be thrown in to the lake of fire  with the devil as Rev. 20 says? Same way, no one will be thrown in to a fire. Why would GOD, create any one to be thrown in to a fire ?

1Co 3:16  Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? …}}}… if you are the temple of THE ALMIGHTY, as written above, … then YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLING IN YOU. That means they have the white linen. They have called on the GOD of JACOB and THE ALMIGHTY. They are brought to the House of GOD, to the Gate of HEAVEN !

1Co 3:17  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. }}}… then, if any man DEFILE THE TEMPLE OF GOD, that is to have other gods, you are unclean as written above, … and we cannot have any other gods, but THE ALMIGHTY. !


When GOD promised JACOB, the House of GOD, it was a HEAVENLY CALLING to be the Gate of HEAVEN…

Moses was faithful to CHRIST THE LORD’s house. This prophecy is for those who are  to be partakers of the HEAVENLY CALLING, to be in the same GOD’s house as Moses was. So Moses’ faithfulness is a WITNESS to us to know that we too must serve and be faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. AND THIS HOUSE IS BUILT BY GOD, HIMSELF, BY JESUS CHRIST the LORD! No man can enter in to it, unless The LORD BRINGS ONE as He promised JACOB.

Heb 3:1  Therefore, holy brothers, called to be partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus, }}}… the HEAVENLY CALLING is to be partakers to be in GOD’s house. remember the high priest replaced the symbol of GOD’s house which JACOB saw to a jungle rock? Unlike  Moses, all failed to be faithful to the SAME GOD OF Moses and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as proven above. As you will see.. THE APOSTLE AND THE HIGH PRIEST, IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD NOW, IN THIS House of GOD WHICH IS HIS’ AND HE BUILDS. So HWA nor GF can say they are apostles any more as they were never faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD but served god the father , saying not to focus on CHRIST … etc. Rom. 1: 5- 6 says, those who are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and are called who have obeyed faith, are the apostles.

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ:…}}}… who has OBEYED FAITH and who are for THE ALMIGHTY’S OR CHRIST THE LORD’S NAME? They are called by CHRIST THE LORD, HIMSELF. Then, Apostle Peter wrote about the trial of faith. 1  Pet. 1: 7. Then, it is these apostles, who are the FOUNDATION OF GOD’S HOUSE … and they are built on the Chief Corner Stone, whom you stumbled and rejected !

Eph 2:19  Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with ( with is not there as Deut. 32:43 also do not have ‘with’) the saints, and of the household of God;

Eph 2:20  And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; }}}… So the gentiles are no more strangers, … but fellow citizens … that saints of the House of GOD, built on the foundation on the apostles and prophets. Please read “True house, true prophet”. These are the apostles who are alive when JESUS CHRIST the LORD laid the foundation of HIS OWN HOUSE. So this is talking about now, after the faith came. But what JESUS CHRIST the LORD spoke through the prophets, and apostles, it is not Israel who obeyed, but the gentiles. They are now the House of GOD. Isa. 56 also.



Heb 3:2  who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all his house. }}}… who appointed Moses ? Is it not The ROCK, who is CHRIST THE LORD ? So Moses was faithful to The ROCK or THE ALMIGHTY.

Heb 3:3  For He was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, because he who has built the house has more honor than the house. }}}… we must focus on the GOD who BUILD the house, more than the house. That is we must give honor to CHRIST THE LORD , and not to the head quarters. Remember GF said do not focus on CHRIST too much, … and again, focus on head quarters. So THE BUILDER is more glorious than those in the house.

Heb 3:4  For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.}}}… so this house is built BY GOD, HIMSELF. Right?


Those who did not look for JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are enemies of the cross…

Php 3:18  (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Php 3:19  Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) }}}… the HEAVENLY and EARTHLY now are made manifest. The Heavenly Tabernacle , and the earthly Tabernacle. Who did not serve JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … served their own bellies. Rom. 16. So JACOB’s seed utterly failed in serving the GOD of the fathers.

Php 3:20  For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: }}}… those who looked for THE ALMIGHTY, … is in heaven. But, The LORD can change our bodies like unto HIS GLORIOUS BODY.

Php 3:21  Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto HIS GLORIOUS BODY, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. }}}… He also can subdue all things to Himself. !



Heb 3:5  And Moses truly was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken afterward. }}}… so Moses’s faithfulness in GOD’s house, as a servant , is a TESTIMONY to us, spoken afterwards. That means Moses’ faithfulness is a testimony to us, WHEN The LORD , THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE APOSTLE HAS COME TO BUILD HIS OWN HOUSE! So Moses served and were faithful to The ROCK or THE ALMIGHTY as proven above.

Heb 3:6  But CHRIST WAS FAITHFUL AS A SON OVER HIS OWN HOUSE; whose house we are, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm to the end.”…}}}… CHRIST was faithful as a ‘SON’, to His OWN HOUSE. So if HE IS A SON, … to HIS own house, then HE IS THE FATHER to His own house as well. ! Because there are no other fathers. CHRIST THE LORD has no FATHER or mother. He is THE ALMIGHTY, ALPHA and OMEGA and I AM. HE IS ALWAYS I AM. So Moses was faithful to CHRIST THE LORD’s house. did he not build a Tabernacle to The ROCK ??? Is not The ROCK, the same GOD ? And ‘whose house we are” means those who came as HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS , coming out among those who failed who are the JACOB’s seed. ! So WE ARE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S HOUSE.


Then, out of HIS OWN HOUSE, .. CHRIST THE LORD, reminds us to be FAITHFUL TO HIM as Moses, as his faithfulness is a TESTIMONY TO US, … but when The LORD came to build HIS OWN HOUSE. Now, HE HAS LAID THE FOUNDATION TO HIS OWN HOUSE as proven in previous writings. Please read “The TRUE GOD, TRUE HOUSE OF GOD , TRUE people of GOD, and the TRUE prophet !”  and

The CREATOR Has placed His name on HIS OWN HOUSE ;to call upon His name!

As Moses, be faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !

Then, CHRIST THE LORD or the GOD of Abraham and Moses wants you to hear HIS VOICE, when HE CALLS FROM HIS OWN HOUSE! Remember you replaced the symbol of the GOD of JACOB , and you failed to enter in to HIS HOUSE. You looked for god the father’s house! You never knew THE ALMIGHTY or the Living GOD. V 12 of this chapter says, you have departed from the Living GOD. if you think god the father is the Living GOD as Mr Flurry had written as proven, … you CANNOT BE FAITHFUL TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S HOUSE NOR HAVE YOU THE HEAVENLY CALLING as written above. CHRIST THE LORD knew HIS OWN WIFE will depart from Him, … LIGHTLY ESTEEM HIM, .. WOULD NOT KNOW HE IS THE FATHER WHO BEGAT ( Deut. 32) AND WILL NOT BE FAITHFUL TO THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses! So HE CALLED OTHERS BESIDES THE WIFE. AND DID YOU NOT REPLACE THE SYMBOL OF JACOB’S COVENANT???  Does not that prove that you do not have the TESTIMONY OF THAT Covenant ANY MORE???  Both promises of the Covenant was broken. GOD could not bring you to the House of GOD , to Bethel ! Replacing the stone  is the outward testimony that YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FAITHFUL TO THE GOD OF JACOB , THE ALMIGHTY or The ROCK ! BUT The Husband MADE HIS OWN HOUSE TO BRING THE WIFE BACK. And then, from HIS OWN HOUSE, THOSE WHO ARE IN IT, BEING FAITHFUL TO HIM AS Moses, are sent to you , so you can hear HIS VOICE unlike your fathers.


Therefore,  as v 6 says, “whose house are we”,.. , we are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Eph. 1: 1 , Apostle Paul says, He is faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Eph 1:1  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus: }}}… Apostle Paul, was an apostle of ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ and he preached The SON. Gal. 1:16. He was converted from Judaism being a pharisee who even killed CHRIST THE LORD’s followers to serve Him. And he wrote to those who are in Ephesus, who are faithful in CHRIST THE LORD !!! Then, these Ephesians are ADOPTED to be sons of CHRIST THE LORD. You can read the whole chapter and understand everything. But they are faithful in CHRIST THE LORD, and they are the ones who have the HEAVENLY CALLING , and they are adopted as sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and then surely as The LORD said, sons will abide in the house of the FATHER, for ever. (“Joh_8:35  And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever”) they are in THE FATHER’S HOUSE, who is THE ALMIGHTY and the Living GOD. See who are faithful to CHRIST THE LORD… and are HIS SONS.


Eph 1:3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: }}}… as written above, remember the HEAVENLY CALLING to be IN HIS HOUSE.

Eph 1:5  Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ TO HIMSELF, according to the good pleasure of His will,”…}}}… CHRIST THE LORD adopted the gentiles as HIS OWN SONS. And given all SPIRITUAL blessings in HEAVENLY PLACES, IN HIM. And as written above, we came out of those who are not faithful to Him!  So He received us as sons and daughters . As they are predestinated to be HIS SONS, when Israel failed to be the first born of The ROCK , Exo  4: 22-23, Deut. 32: 5-6, knowing that, He chose gentiles instead to be IN HIS HOUSE, when IT IS BUILT. So they have the HEAVENLY CALLING to be in HIS HOUSE. AND AS MOSES WAS, THEY ARE FAITHFUL IN HIS HOUSE. And as JACOB was, they KEPT THE Covenant AND HAVE THE STONE OF DESTINY IN THEIR HEART! THEY SERVE THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  !!! That means they are RAISED UP as written above in Luke 20: 37!



Col_1:2  to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse….}}}… then to the Colossians , also he wrote, that they are faithful in CHRIST THE LORD ! He IS IN THEM. Col. 1: 27 ! There are many more Scripture, but this is enough to prove that we are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and so should you be also, as HE IS THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses showed. !


Apostle Peter too wrote both of his letters to gentiles. And as you can see.. ONE MUST BE FAITHFUL TO The CREATOR, that is CHRIST THE LORD.

1Pe 4:19  Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator. }}}…He will keep our souls in well doing, … to The FAITHFUL CREATOR. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Therefore, it is these sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD who are FAITHFUL TO HIM and who are in His house. and they call upon Him, THE ALMIGHTY, The ROCK the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses ! Therefore,, as Moses was faithful WITNESS in His house, … we are faithful witnesses also the same way. ! Don’t we glorify Him and preach Him, and are faithful to Him as MOSES DID ? Then, out of His house, His voice will go, … and says to the wife of CHRIST The LORD  and to Israel, the sons of THE ALMIGHTY, .. to hear HIS VOICE. (but they will hear out of their graves as The LORD said)


How could Israel be faithful to The CREATOR, or to The ROCK , when He, Himself said in Deut. 32, that they are a perverse, faithless generation ? If you have not worshiped The ROCK , you have newly come up gods, and not the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! So how could you be raised up?

Deu 32:17  They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.

Deu 32:18  Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.

Deu 32:20  And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.}}}… children in whom is NO FAITH. So they are a faithless generation.!


Heb 3:7  Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, "Today if you will hear His voice,

Heb 3:8  do not harden your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness, }}}… so it is the HOLY SPIRIT who speaks.  DO YOU HEAR THE VOICE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? This Scripture proves again, that the HOLY SPIRIT is not the power of GOD, as it cannot speak.  CHRIST THE LORD and His words are the HOLY SPIRIT.


And this Scripture says ‘today if you hear ‘HIS’ voice.  THEN, THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL SPEAK TO YOU, TO HEAR HIS VOICE!!!!  If it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house, .. then it is HE WHO SPEAKS AND PLEAD WITH HIS WIFE AND SONS TO RETURN TO HIM, BUT YOU MUST CALL HIM, MY ‘FATHER’, as Jer. 3:19-20 says, following these children, who are already in the goodly heritage, in GOD’s house!


So the HOLY SPIRIT, is the GOD, The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth as John 14- 16 says as proven in previous writings. We preach all things about The CREATOR to the whole world. That is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses, who will RAISE US UP, IF WE CALL ON HIM as written above !!! THEN, WHAT YOU WILL HEAR IS TO CALL ON THE ALMIGHTY’S NAME OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME AND BE FAITHFUL TO HIM AS Moses was!  This is after the HOLY SPIRIT was revealed. ! We all believed the HOLY SPIRIT is the power of GOD as HWA and GF taught as proven in previous writings. But the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. 2 Cor. 3: 17 ! from His mouth comes the HOLY SPIRIT. John 20;22. He is the GOD who is the SPIRIT who CREATED. He came as a body, and as He said, HE WENT BACK TO BEING THE FATHER, THE HOLY SPIRIT. If not it will not say ‘HIS’ voice. “as the HOLY SPIRIT says, today if you will hear ‘HIS’ voice”.  So JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is the HOLY SPIRIT because, this voice comes from HIS OWN HOUSE ! That is another proof that HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT ! His voice means His words, and the words HE SPEAKS ARE SPIRIT AND LIFE. John 6:63. These things are said by the FAITHFUL WITNESS, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His WITNESSES as Moses and HIS OWN SONS now !


But He will call all to come and drink from Him, ON THE LAST DAY. And through the bellies of the believers. That means those who are faithful to Him and in His house.

Therefore, when the HOLY SPIRIT sends His voice, as John 17: 17- 20 says through the believers, who glorified Him, ( John 7: 36-39) , do not harden your hearts but believe. The BELIEVERS HAVE THE WITNESS IN THEMSELVES.


GOD of truth and men who are liars. If you have the truth, then you can know. That is if The SON Is in you. if you do not have The SON or THE ALMIGHTY, or CHRIST THE LORD in you, …. You are liars.

“Everlasting life is to know and believe the One and ONLY TRUE GOD.(John 17: 3). When we BELIEVE, we have the witness! And in this, we can prove if GOD is a liar or we are liars.”

1Jn_5:10  He who believes on the Son of God has the witness in himself. He who does not believe God has made him a liar, because he does not believe the record that God gave of His Son”.. }}}… this look like two gods. But the GOD who gave the witness to believe in The SON, is CHRIST THE LORD, Himself. Because He is a SON to HIS OWN HOUSE means HE IS ALSO THE FATHER and we proved HE IS THE FATHER ! If you have not believed Him, … which means if you are NOT IN HIS HOUSE, you have not believed Him! and you make HIM A LIAR !That is the enmity which man has against GOD. man wants to believe that he is right, and GOD wants to show the man that man is not right. But now we can know, because GOD’s house is now is being built. So if you are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house, then you have BELIEVED HIM AND YOU HAVE NOT MADE HIM A LIAR, AND YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH.  IF YOU ARE NOT IN HIS HOUSE, YOU HAVE MADE HIM A LIAR, BUT YOU ARE THE LIAR.


As written above, one must call on THE ALMIGHTY’s name to be raised up. And the sign that you are raised up is if you have The SON IN YOU.

1Jn 5:11  And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.

1Jn 5:12  He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life…}}}… So you see ???  If you have CHRIST THE LORD in you, who IS THE ALMIGHTY, as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses worshiped, … you have everlasting life in you. if you do not have Him in you, … you have no life. You can judge yourselves to see if you are LIVING or DEAD. So if you have CHRIST THE LORD in you and have everlasting life, which means raised up, that is another proof that He Is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Because when you believe Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ’s GOD, you have everlasting life, or raised up. !



dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”

He that hath the Son hath life”…

Then this SON is the same GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , to be raised up! So everlasting life is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


if there was a god the father, he will say… ‘everlasting life is in THE SON”. John 6:44 also says the FATHER draws one to The SON. You believe in god the father, but you have not believed these Scripture which the FATHER directs one to The SON ! So if you have The SON, … you have everlasting life. This is why the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses gives everlasting life and raises us up, when we call on HIS NAME. !


Luk 20:36  Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection}}}…So those who have The SON in them, are the children of GOD, the children of the resurrection !!!  They are like angels, and they went up in heaven, while Zion is cast down. Lam 2: 1. So that is how the JACOB’s dream fulfilled as GOD showed him, the angels are going up and down !!! When JACOB wakes up, he will see what has happened ! All of his people have failed to believe and worship his GOD!


So these children, CALL UPON THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!

1Co_1:2  Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours: }}}… we call upon the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! The clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given on the day of THE LORD , to the gentiles. Zeph. 3: 9-10. So we are SANCTIFIED in Him, and we must call on Him, the same GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses !


Stephen gives the account of what happened then, he talks about Moses. And when he was killed, HE GAVE HIS SPIRIT TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And Eccl 12:7 says, the SPIRIT must go to the GOD who gave it. then, if Stephen gave his SPIRIT to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. then it is HE WHO GAVE IT ! Therefore, THERE ARE NO MISTAKES, IT IS The CREATOR OR CHRIST THE LORD WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND WHO GIVES THE SPIRIT TO US, AND WE MUST GIVE OUR SPIRITS BACK TO HIM. ! That is the right thing to do.

He too worshiped the GOD of Moses. He said;-

Act 7:22  And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. }}}… Moses learned all the wisdom of Egypt. He was mighty in words and deeds.

Act 7:23  And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel.

Act 7:24  And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian:

Act 7:25  For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not.

Act 7:26  And the next day he shewed himself unto them as they strove, and would have set them at one again, saying, Sirs, ye are brethren; why do ye wrong one to another?

Act 7:27  But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us?

Act 7:28  Wilt thou kill me, as thou diddest the Egyptian yesterday?

Act 7:29  Then fled Moses at this saying, and was a stranger in the land of Madian, where he begat two sons.

Act 7:30  And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush. }}}… remember fire comes to make HIMSELF KNOWN !

Act 7:31  When Moses saw it, he wondered at the sight: and as he drew near to behold it, the voice of the Lord came unto him,

Act 7:32  Saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moses trembled, and durst not behold.


Then, Stephen says Moses wrote about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and to hear Him. Because Stephen was a martyr for CHRIST THE LORD.

Act 7:37  This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.

Act 7:38  This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: …}}}… so Stephen was saying that Moses wrote about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and that is the GOD who was in the wilderness in the church. So there was no other gods spoken in the Scripture, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but in many names.

Act 7:39  To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, }}}… if you do not obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD , .. you turn back to Egypt in your heart!!! This is why the Laodicea era, in Egypt once again, Rev. 11: 8! GOD said, He will send you to Egypt again ! That is now fulfilled. JUST AS YOUR FATHERS, YOU TOO TRUST HIM OUT OF THE CHURCH. YOUR ABOMINATIONS, WHORING MADE HIM TO LEAVE THE SANCTUARY, WHERE HE DWELT. ! Call your god the father and see if he can save you from this affliction in Egypt which comes to the ministry who did this ! BUT WHEN YOU HEAR HIS VOICE FROM HIS HOUSE, … OBEY FROM THE HEART as we have done. 2 Cor. 10: 5- 6, Rom. 6:17. These are the Scripture ! When we were given this knowledge, … the knowledge of God as the sea, having come, The LORD , … as Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, the Word of TRUTH was given and we believed and we received HOLY SPIRIT of promise. Eph. 1:13 ! So you are in Egypt, not having the SPIRIT as Isa. 30: 1- 3 says. But we have come out of Egypt, having the SPIRIT or words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and having believed and receiving Him. !


Act 7:40  Saying unto Aaron, Make us gods to go before us: for as for this Moses, which brought us out of the land of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him.

Act 7:41  And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. }}}… there is no difference then and now. Still Israel worships the works of their own hands. ! Aaron made a calf, the last high priest brought a rock and replaced the symbol of the Covenant which JACOB MADE WITH HIS GOD ! So how could the people , BE RAISED UP, when they teach false gods and not the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses? It should be clear, that one should call upon the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to receive the everlasting life or to be raised up !!! So from the beginning, Israel sinned. That is why Psa. 74 says, Zion is a perpetual desolation !


So GOD gave them up to do their own things and even now, He sent the delusion to believe a lie and not the truth! So all fell away from the truth, .. the knowledge of the true GOD and had false gods !

Act 7:42  Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness?

Act 7:43  Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon….}}}… you sacrificed for devils, as Deut. 32 says and not to The ROCK ! So GOD said, He will carry you beyond Babylon! This is the 70 years in Babylon, to be delivered. Micah 4:10 SAYS YOU WILL BE IN Babylon, and Rev. 17-18 proves you are in Babylon. ! That is religious confusion. HWA claimed he came in the religious confusion and preached two gods, stopping all from calling upon the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and brought death on all , instead of being raised up !  


Answer yourself to this question and see if you are RAISED up!

Now that you understand that The ROCK or CHRIST THE LORD is the only GOD and the GOD of Israel, … did HWA or GF teach ONLY ABOUT HIM? The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , is the same GOD as Moses showed. Did HWA or GF preach to worship Him ???


The LORD says… (“Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” ) The DEAD will be RAISED WHEN YOU CALL ON THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  AND THE GOD WHOM Moses SHOWED, ….


He said many will come and say CHRIST is in the secret chambers ,(inner court) or in the desert, (wilderness) do not hear it. that is because at that time, HE , HIMSELF WAS PLANNING TO COME. BUT IN YOUR HEART, YOU HAVE TURNED TO Egypt now , not wanting to receive Him or HIS WORDS, THE HOLY SPIRIT ! ( but He came to the little children, the babes to teach when the wisdom of the wise to be perished. John 9: 39, Luke 10: 19-22, 1 John 2: 12- 27 , Psa. 8;2) So what could The LORD do?  He came to the OUTER COURT and gave the knowledge of God to gentiles, so they tread you down. We have glorified Him! Remember He comes to the saints WHO BELIEVED to be glorified . 2 Thess. 1: 10. And it is the gentiles who believed and received HOLY SPIRIT. Eph. 1: 3-13, HIS OWN SONS!


Mat 24:26  Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

Mat 24:27  For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be….}}}…Who are in the DESERT, where there are no Living Waters, and in the inner court, or in the ministry, who do not have the Living Waters?  That is the desert and also the inner court who did not believe Him to receive HOLY SPIRIT. (eph1:13 given only to believers ).  this ‘lightning’ means not real lightning, but the revelation of GOD’s words which gives light or to the wife, the white linen. The TRUTH is the LIGHT. And then, don’t look for Him in inner court, or desert (where the church now is, Rev. 12, Hos. 2: 3 “I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst”. ) But look to the EAST from where The LORD comes. Eze. 43 also says the same, that The LORD comes to build the temple from east. And so does Zech. 6: 12-15. And Mr Flurry, remember your first book of Isaiah book, which had the chapter about GOD’s STRANGE OR FOREIGN work in judgment? So this is it. GOD gave you the knowledge of everything, but YOU SUPPRESSED EVERYTHING to worship your father HWA and to get his PHYSICAL glory to yourself.


The dry land is where there is no SPIRIT. That is the wilderness. And the secret chamber is the inner court, where you are in the WEST. That is why The LORD comes from east and shines to west, TO DECLARE THAT HE IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD AND THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob AND Moses SHOWED, AND TO BELIEVE IN HIM TO BE RAISED UP. Don’t we say these ??? Does not our TRUTH which we believed and received are sent from east to west ?


The LORD Is prophesied to come with saints from Mountain Paran. That is not in the west.  And this light, flashes from EAST to west.

Isa 43:5  Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west; }}}…remember Abraham sent Ishmael to the EAST. They are Abraham’s seed as well. So The LORD will bring the seed of Abraham, from the EAST FIRST, and then to gather those who are in the west, who are DEAD, NOT KNOWING THE GOD OF Abraham ! So they need that knowledge to be raised up from death !

Isa 43:6  I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring My sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth; }}}…”bring MY Sons and daughters  from the ends of the earth from a far”???  They are THE ALMIGHTY’s sons and daughters  as written above in 2 Cor. 6: 16-19, who believed and accepted the FATHER THE ALMIGHTY !!!That is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of Moses ! So when we believed, we are RAISED UP ALREADY! And these are the saints to WHOM HE CAME TO BE GLORIFIED as written above, and who declares Him, and the knowledge about Him raises up one as written above !  Remember CHRIST THE LORD’s words are the SPIRIT and life. John 6: 63. So He gave it to those who are in the east and from their bellies it will be given, John 7: 36-39 … and from them, the Living Waters give everlasting life to others. John 4: 14 ! These are the waters in Eze. 47 which will heal the fish.  Who are the fish ? Those who do not have a ruler. Hab 1: 14. Who do not have the RULER ? Isa. 63: 16-19, you never allowed Him to rule you even HE IS THE KING OF Israel !!!  You killed THE KING of the JEWS !!

Isa 43:7  Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Isa 43:8  Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.}}}… Who are the deaf and blind unless the Laodiceans ??? These deaf and blind, ARE NOT THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS  IN THE EAST AS YOU CAN SEE. THEY ARE THOSE IN THE WEST WHO NEEDS THE LIGHT AS THEY ARE IN DARKNESS OF Laodicea ERA, NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE TRUE LIGHT IN THEM. This is the Royal Priesthood, who were taken out of that darkness in to HIS LIGHT. 1  Pet. 2: 8-10 !


called BY MY NAME: for I have created him for MY GLORY, I have formed him; yea, I have made him”???

Deu 32 says The ROCK created, formed, made, bought , begat, established Israel. but at the same time, He says in 5-6, that they will not have a spot or place as HIS SONS. Then v 43 says gentiles become HIS PEOPLE. The foolish nation which The LORD said, HE WOULD RAISE UP IN JEALOUSY. So He also made HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS  IN THE EAST, FOR HIS GLORY, as His glory will be taken away for ever by the wife of CHRIST The LORD  , when she turns as HIS ENEMY. Micah 2: 9 !  That is the time, we were cast out, separated from those who have idols as  2 Cor. 6: 16-19 says and THE ALMIGHTY received us as sons and daughters  to Him. He Had made us for HIS GLORY. Heb. 2: 10-13. So we declare Him as the Captain of Salvation, and the GOD who gives salvation and everlasting life. ! The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses !


So THE ALMIGHTY, created those in the east to be HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS, to bring those in the west. That is why we must give the milk the pure word to you and bring you in our arms Isa. 49: 22-23,  Isa. 14: 2-3,  60 etc. Even to give light to your RISING…

Isa 60:2  For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and HIS GLORY SHALL BE SEEN UPON THEE.

Isa 60:3  And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.

Isa 60:4  Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.

Isa 60:5  Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and THINE HEART SHALL FEAR, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.

Isa 60:6  The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD.

Isa 60:7  All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with ACCEPTANCE ON MINE ALTAR, AND I WILL GLORIFY THE HOUSE OF MY GLORY. }}}… it is the gentiles who bring the light, from the east, to you who arer in the west, being blinded, in darkness, to bring you the good news of your own GOD, the GOD THE ALMIGHTY, of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses! That will raise you up, when you believe. lift your eyes and see. The LORD’s glory will shine on you, causing you to rise, as NOW HE IS GLORIFIED! Your sons and daughters  will come from a far. They came to tell your lies. Jer. 16: 19. But these lies will vanish away by the truth, the light, causing you to rise up. Your hear shall fear. You never knew your Husband is also your FATHER !  And then, when all these are to happen,  the House of GOD, THE HOUSE OF HIS GLORY , will be served by SHEBA, in HIS ALTAR!! That is because, sheba received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD. Zeph. 3; 9-15 at that time no lies are spoken, it is the Holy Mountain of The LORD, and they will declare this truth. ! Remember the heavens will declare GOD’s glory? So who are in heaven as written above , DECLARING GOD’S GLORY, the GOD THE ALMIGHTY and the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , CAUSING YOU TO RISE !!! Therefore, when The LORD glorifies HIS HOUSE OF GLORY, … it is the gentiles, who are of Ishmael, who WERE SENT TO EAST BY Abraham, who will come to save the seed of Abraham who have not believed the GOD of Abraham !



This is why, The LORD said “Let no MAN take your crown”.. if you trust in a man, …. You lose your crown. One must trust only in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who alone has THE TRUTH TO SAVE ALL !


Now Stephen talks about the House of GOD. the Tabernacle of wilderness which is a pattern for the true House of GOD.

Act 7:44  Our fathers had the tabernacle of witness in the wilderness, as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses, that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen. }}}… the Tabernacle is called the ‘Tabernacle of WITNESS’. Even once again, the true WITNESS who is CHRIST THE LORD, and His witnesses who come from east as Isa. 43 says, who are created for His glory, witnesses to Him, that HE IS THE TRUE GOD. ! If Abraham’s seed had the focus on the Tabernacle of witness in the wilderness which MOSES erected, then they would not have lost their knowledge about their GOD. ( JOshu 22)

Act 7:45  Which also our fathers that came after brought in with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles, whom God drave out before the face of our fathers, unto the days of David;

Act 7:46  Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob. }}}… Tabernacle for the GOD of JACOB? It was for CHRIST THE LORD ! And king David too built the Tabernacle of David for this one GOD, but at that time, known as The LORD OF HOSTS. ! 2 sam 7:14. He Is to be a FATHER to king David. Then, Psa. 89:26 GOD says, king David will call The Saviour, my “FATHER”. So king David’s FATHER and GOD WAS CHRIST THE LORD.

Act 7:47  But Solomon built him an house.

Act 7:48  Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

Act 7:49  Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build Me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of My rest?

Act 7:50  Hath not my hand made all these things?

Act 7:51  Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. }}}… the stiff neckedness and the un- circumcised heart causes one to resist the HOLY SPIRIT.! But today, if you hear HIS VOICE as written above, from His own house, and not the Tabernacle of the wilderness or king Solomon’s house, but The LORD, Himself Has built a house, which is for ever. So when you hear His voice, hear Him !


the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands”…

The Most High, and the HOLY SPIRIT, does not dwell in man made temples. AS WRITTEN ABOVE, WE ARE THE TEMPLE OF The LORD, and our HEARTS are His resting place. this is why HE WANTS OUR HEARTS TO COME OUT OF Egypt! Remember in the heart, you went to Egypt, if you do not have the HOLY SPIRIT ? So as v 51 says, still you have the same stiff neckedness and uncircumcised hearts. And that causes one to RESIST the HOLY SPIRIT. by now, you must understand this is the unpardonable sin, to sin against JESUS CHRIST the LORD because HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT ! If you reject Him or His words, .. BOTH ARE CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT, … you sin the unpardonable sin ! and we are to be The Most High’s children. Psa. 82:6.


Act 7:59  And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. }}}… so he gave his spirit to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , because it is HE WHO GAVE IT as written above ! Then, we all must look for HIM to give us spiritual lives. And that is what Luke 20: 37 says.!


What does it mean to be in Egypt?

Isa 30:1  Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that TAKE COUNSEL, BUT NOT OF ME; and that cover with a covering, but NOT OF MY SPIRIT, that they may add sin to sin:

Isa 30:2  That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at My mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! }}}…To be in Egypt means, if you do not take counsel from THE ALMIGHTY, and you trust in your leaders, and NOT IN THE ALMIGHTY, CHRIST THE LORD. If you do not receive HIS SPIRIT as the covering, you go down to Egypt, SINNING and are naked. This is why the Laodicea era is blind and naked, as they closed the door to CHRIST THE LORD ! HE IS THE WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR !

Isa 30:3  Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion. }}}… Understand this? If you do not RECEIVE THE COUNSEL from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is the WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR, Isa. 9:6, … and trust in your own leader’s teachings, … you are naked as the covering comes from The LORD’s SPIRIT or words. This is why you are naked. And in Egypt in your hearts! Could you then serve The LORD and love Him with all your HEART ??? he tries the hearts. And reveals. 1 Cor. 4;5. Simply if you do not hear the word from CHRIST THE LORD, you are back in Egypt!


And now, from The LORD’s house, nothing but the truth will go out. Zeph. 3:10-12, Isa. 11 etc says, the gentiles will not lie. They are appointed to come and tell your lies. Jer. 16: 19 ! THEY ARE TO TRUST IN HIM FIRST. Eph. 1 ! That is Mt. Zion. Psa. 125!



“would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt”…

“rebellious children, saith the LORD, that TAKE COUNSEL, BUT NOT OF ME;

walk to go down into Egypt… strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt! trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.!

If you do not take counsel from THE ALMIGHTY, … you go to Egypt again in your HEART. You will not see this rebelliousness in your heart, but GOD sees. That means you have not taken white linen from CHRIST THE LORD, but trusted in your leader’s teachings. THAT BRING CONFUSION, because no man has the truth about GOD! did HWA and GF preach to go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the counsel ??? That caused you to be called sons of rebellion, and your hearts are not pure. Have no white linen either. !


Even the first time, it was The ROCK who came… and now also He Has come. And since you did not have the knowledge of Him, He Has come to give the understanding to deliver you from Egypt.

Act 7:38  This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: …}}}… so Stephen was saying that Moses wrote about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and that is the GOD who was in the wilderness in the church. So there was no other gods spoken in the Scripture, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but in many names. Even the first time, The LORD sent Moses to tell phaorah, that they need to come and worship Him.

Act 7:39  To whom our fathers would not obey, but thrust him from them, and in their hearts turned back again into Egypt, }}}…if you do not obey the GOD who brought you out of Egypt, who is The ROCK, … you are back in Egypt! This is why Rev. 11: 8 says, you are in Egypt Spiritually. That stopped you to call on THE ALMIGHTY ! How could you be raised up?



This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:”….


They are called LIVELY oracles. Or the Living Words, the Living Waters. They were given to the Jew first…

Rom 3:1  What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?

Rom 3:2  Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. }}}… so to the Jews, or to the sons of The ROCK, He gave the oracles of GOD to KNOW THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of Moses . But they rejected to know about The ROCK, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Therefore, now, the oracles of GOD is about JESUS CHRIST the LORD directly.


1Pe 4:11  If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. }}}… this Scripture looks like there are two gods, one could say. but to which GOD belongs the glory, dominion, praise ? Which GOD must have dominion over us ? The Husband ! please read “Why the Covenant; a ‘MARRIAGE” Covenant.?”. But, He Is also the FATHER as proven in this writing. GOD in this Scripture is CHRIST THE LORD’s SPIRIT. so HE CAME TO BE GLORIFIED as written above, … as the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses ! He said I AM before Abraham. But none believed. Then He came a second time to gentiles, .. they believed Him, because they are sanctified to believe in Him in the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2:13. That happens while there is a man of sin in the temple of GOD causing the FINAL FALLING AWAY , having the mystery of iniquity ! So in order to consume him by the BREATH of The LORD, which is the HOLY SPIRIT, … The Comforter or the Spirit and Truth, or the HOLY SPIRIT came ! So He glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Apostle Peter wrote his letters to gentiles, to be fulfilled in the last time when the salvation is to be given. 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20 ! Therefore, the oracles now are to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. the rest of the verses will explain more about that.

1Pe 4:12  Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

1Pe 4:13  But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when HIS GLORY SHALL BE REVEALED, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

1Pe 4:14  If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified. }}}…Be partakers of CHRIST THE LORD’s sufferings , be reproached for the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD… that is from the synagogue of satan who DENIED HIS NAME, in the Philadelphia  era. And if you are reproached for the NAME of ‘CHRIST THE LORD’, … THE SPIRIT OF GLORY OF GOD RESTS ON YOU!!!!  That is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the whole creation! So WE MUST SUFFER TO PREACH HIM. we were cast out by the synagogue of satan who worshiped god the father. and we had to go through many trials for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sake with the synagogue of satan or the ministry which you will come to know one day ! THEN, THE SPIRIT OF GLORY OF GOD rests in us, who MAGNIFIES AND GLORIFIES THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!





So Moses, king David, king Solomon, all made the Tabernacles for the same GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD . The Tabernacle of the wilderness WITNESSED TO THE SAME GOD. He will not dwell in man made temples. Acts. 17.  Therefore, HE, HIMSELF HAS NOW BUILT HIS OWN HOUSE, AND FROM IT, HE WILL CALL ALL TO COME TO LEARN ABOUT HIM , and HE WILL CALL OR SEND HIS VOICE THROUGH THOSE WHO ARE IN HIS HOUSE, WHO ARE FAITHFUL TO HIM AS Moses was!!!  And it to YOUR HEARTS !  Because the HOLY SPIRIT rests in our HEARTS. Gal. 4; 6 !  Therefore, once again the same Moses type of events are happening to bring the people out of Egypt Spiritually by giving HIS VOICE again! But this time, pharoah who has taken the people or the Body of CHRIST is the prophet. He is a fox. Eze. 13:4.  He caused Zion to be desolated. Lam 5: 18. This is why The LORD said ‘foxes have holes, but the Son of Man does not have a place to lay His ‘HEAD’. So His body was desolated and taken after other gods, and not to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , who is CHRIST THE LORD !


A high priest must examine and go to CHRIST THE LORD, to get revelation and not to any man.  HWA did not totally agree with A Dugger in the era before him. he brought many other teachings to the church in the Philadelphia  era, but most of them , if not all, are lies, because if he has the GODHEAD a false GODHEAD, then everything else is wrong. one could say HWA restored the Sabbath. BUT NO.  The LORD of Sabbath is CHRIST THE LORD. but he did not tell anyone to worship CHRIST THE LORD as the LORD of Sabbath, but taught about god the father. even if there was a god the father, nothing about worshiping him is written in the whole volume of the Book ! So the high priest must have looked in to what was taught by the previous leader. But he did the same! The ruins were ruined even further ! All the highly exalted men in the church of CHRIST THE LORD, will see what they have become of! NOTHING!!! Just cunning foxes, creeping serpents and destroying beasts!




Please read New stone of destiny;?

Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant!

“GOD’s own became strangers and strangers became His own!”


The Covenant with JACOB’s GOD is to bring JACOB to the House of GOD, and to the Gate of HEAVEN. THAT MEANS TO RAISE UP FROM DEATH TO RESURRECTION. But by calling on the GOD of JACOB. ! This is why it is important to hold on to the Covenant of JACOB between THE ALMIGHTY, and to be in HIS HOUSE, which is the House of GOD, which is the Gate of HEAVEN !


What he saw in the dream, is now fulfilled. that Covenant was between THE ALMIGHTY, who is CHRIST THE LORD and JACOB. So he worshiped CHRIST THE LORD as Abraham did. Abraham would have passed that knowledge to Isaac, and then Isaac would have passed it to JACOB. Because, when GOD talked with JACOB, and even Moses; said I AM THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and JACOB …


Also understand… the DEAD, are RAISED, or given life, the Spiritual life now, … when they CALL THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob !!!

the dead are raised”… when calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob Do you understand that? The DEAD ARE RAISED, WHEN THEY CALL ON THE GOD OF Abraham Isaac and JACOB. !  Then, one important thing to understand is, when JACOB was promised to bring to the House of GOD, that means to raise him up from death, because the House of GOD is the house of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses , and IT IS IN HEAVEVN. Remember the Heavenly Tabernacle which The LORD pitched. Heb. 8. At that time, all will be forgiven, and all will know The LORD, and no one need to teach others about GOD. Therefore, in order to raise from death, and to bring to the House of GOD which is in heaven, .. one must call on the GOD of JACOB and of others! And that Covenant is valid, till that happens. ! But JACOB’s seed could not be converted to THE ALMIGHTY, to CHRIST THE LORD, to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! That means DEATH. Then in order to be raised, THEY MUST CALL ON HIM , whom they did not call!


And then, … why are you DEAD, in the first place ????  BECAUSE YOU DID NOT CALL ON THE GOD OF Abraham ! John 8:56 clearly says Abraham called on JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !You judge yourselves, comparing the WORD of GOD as John 12: 48 says. We have CALLED UPON THE GOD OF JACOB already. That is why we are living and He is the GOD of the living. He could not be a GOD for you as you worshiped god the father. if you had called, you would be living, and then HE WILL BE YOUR GOD. So JACOB’s seed which failed to call on His name, … are dead. So compare the WORD of GOD , and your words and teachings, and judge yourselves to see if you are living or dead!


The LORD was not talking about a marriage here. He Is teaching a much more , or the most important lesson of HOW TO BE RAISED FROM DEATH. Everything is behind now even though you do not know it. Your judgments are over, because the penalty is already paid and these things are written over 2000 years ago, which cannot be changed but be fulfilled.

Luk 20:35  But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

Luk 20:36  Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

Luk 20:37  Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

Luk 20:38  For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto Him. }}}… This is about JACOB’s dream , the House of GOD in heaven. and those who are in it, … are like angels. So JACOB saw the angels coming and going up and down. These, CANNOT DIE ANY MORE.  When you come to the House of GOD, … that means you have WON THE VICTORY OVER DEATH ( The LORD did it ) and you will not die any more.  HOW COME ? Because they CALL ON THE GOD OF JACOB! This is the GOD who promised JACOB, to bring him to HIS OWN HOUSE! When we were in this world, … we could die. We had to die as once appointed to die. Heb. 9: 27.  This is why, until THE JUDGMENT, The LORD DID NOT GIVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, … BECAUSE THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM MAKES US TO KNOW THAT HE IS THE GOD OF JACOB AND WILL CALL ON HIM, before our death. that cannot happen. The DEAD KNOW NOTHING. So GOD was not ready to give the knowledge of Him, so all will call on Him. But after the man’s heart is judged and condemned to death, …. The Spirit and Truth , The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT came and gave this knowledge, … RAISING THEM UP WHO RECEIVED IT!


So those who come to the House of GOD, are already raised up as they called on the GOD of JACOB! THEY ARE THE LIVING. So THE GOD OF JACOB BECAME THE GOD OF THE LIVING! They are the children of resurrection, … they are raised up, and cannot die any more, and they are married to The LORD. That means they know HE IS THEIR GOD, The Husband AND ALSO THE FATHER ! Fully converted. ! They are the LIVING and the GOD of JACOB is their GOD. But JACOB’s seed failed to hold on to that Covenant and are dead now. Are you in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house?


HAVE YOU CALLED ON THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ??? A true answer will give you life. YOU WILL ! Because The LORD says, the wife is granted to wear white linen. That is to call on Him , The Husband ! You will say The Husband is also the FATHER as Jer. 3:19-20 says and will return to Him! The WORD of GOD  which The CREATOR Has spoken, will not return to Him UN- fulfilled.


Php_2:10  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; }}}…well then, the GOD WHO SAID the above , is JESUS CHRIST the LORD!  HAVE YOU BOW DOWN TO HIM? Have you worshiped Him ? If not, the Everlasting gospel which is preached in judgment, in Rev. 14: 6-7 is to you. so you can worship and fear Him ! THAT IS THE ALMIGHTY !!!  The GOD of the fathers!


Then, who in the end worshiped and feared THE ALMIGHTY who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??  it is the gentiles, the first born of Abraham, Ishmael’s people ! That is why they are in HIS HOUSE of glory. Isa. 69: 7 ! THEY ARE IN THE EAST as written above, the light goes from east to west. !


GOD of JACOB FULFILLED THE COVENANT PROMISE TO JACOB.! Or his dream is now fulfilled as we too called upon the GOD of JACOB. The House of GOD, the Gate of HEAVEN is now fulfilled. IF JACOB COMES ALIVE RIGHT NOW, … WHICH GOD WOULD HE BE WORSHIPING?  WHICH GOD’S HOUSE, HE WILL BE? Would it not THE ALMIGHTY’s house ???


But it is those whom JESUS CHRIST the LORD ADOPTED, the gentiles, who became His seed even have the works of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of Moses as they are faithful to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s or THE ALMIGHTY’s house as written elsewhere in this writing. Heb. 3.



Gen 48:3  And Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me,

Gen 48:4  And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a multitude of people; and will give this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession.

Gen 48:5  And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are MINE; AS REUBEN AND SIMEON, THEY SHALL BE MINE.!


So these two sons of half Egyptian boys, were ADOPTED BY JACOB, and to them, JACOB said, … GOD THE ALMIGHTY appeared to me and blessed me.

Gen 48:6  And thy issue, which thou begettest after them, shall be thine, and shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance. }}}… you see ??? JACOB adopted these two as HIS OWN and said, they are MINE, and the rest after joseph will have are to be like other brothers in THEIR INHERITANCE! This MEANS A DIFFERENT INHERITANCE IS GIVEN TO ALL THE REST, BUT TO THESE TWO SONS, WILL HAVE THE BLESSING OF JACOB ON THEM ! And they are HALF Jews. NOT PURELY Jews, such as HWA and GF who always talk about the pure race Jews. ! The physical Jews, who repented and believed only are with us as the remnant The LORD left always as He Does as proven.  GOD’s wrath is on the Jews as proven. They are the vessels of wrath. ! So they cannot inherit the promises of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! ( remember Gen. 28, even Isaac blessed JACOB, mentioning THE ALMIGHTY, about the blessings of Abraham ).


This is what dying JACOB taught his son and the adopted son from Egypt.

Jacob said unto Joseph, God Almighty”blessed me’. (so JACOB was teaching Joseph about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !


“appeared unto me at Luz …(remember JACOB names luz ‘BETHEL’, Gen. 28:19 or the House of GOD ), and blessed me,” ( JESUS CHRIST the LORD blessed him to bring him to BETHEL, or Luz , the House of GOD the Gate of HEAVEN!


‘said unto me, Behold, I will make thee fruitful”. ( JACOB was blessed to have many seed to be fruitful by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. No one can bears fruits, unless they abide in Him, the VINE. John 15. So in the House of GOD, JACOB was blessed to be fruitful )


‘will give this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession.” ( This land means NOT Egypt, but BETHEL, or the House of GOD as a possession. That is what THE ALMIGHTY blessed JACOB with. JACOB’s seed who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who are fruitful, are given the House of GOD as a an EVERLASTING POSSESSION. !) HWA wrote in pg 45, USBIP, that ‘BIRTHRIGHT’ to Joseph’s sons. But it is not the birthright or physical blessing, this is called ‘EVERLASTING POSSESSION’. Same as the stone of destiny, to bring them to the House of GOD, which is the EVERLASTING POSSESSION. Until then, all died not having called on THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of JACOB.


“now thy two sons.. which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt’…( now JACOB is talking about these two Egyptian sons of Joseph. He clearly says born in Egypt”).



(So JACOB said, these two are HIS OWN, but the rest of the sons who will be born to Joseph Thereafter, will be Joseph’s. That means JACOB adopted these two sons as his own, and to them he talked about THE ALMIGHTY and HIS blessing about BETHEL, the House of GOD)


thy issue, which thou begettest after them, shall be thine”. ( so the rest of Joseph’s sons will be his, but the first two are JACOB’s, right?).


“shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance.”.

( this means, JACOB’s blessings or Abraham’s blessings are to be inherited by these two boys.  The rest of Joseph’s children and other brethren have another inheritance.). You can see the EVERLASTING INHERITANCE and other blessings given to all in Gen. 49, are different.


The JACOB mentions Abraham and Isaac’s GOD. so it is the same GOD they all worshiped we know, it is THE ALMIGHTY, CHRIST THE LORD.

Gen 48:15  And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, }}}… it is CHRIST THE LORD who met them, and fed them as well.

Gen 48:16  The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. }}}… So JACOB’s, Abraham’s and Isaac’s names is to be on them. The Angel of The LORD IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF. And this is about EVERLASTING INHERITANCE which was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , he was giving to these two ADOPTED sons of JACOB. That is the House of GOD , the Gate of HEAVEN which alone stands for ever. In other words, the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  is to be on these two ADOPTED SONS! But they are like JACOB’s sons. This is the same thing JESUS CHRIST the LORD also did. Eph. 1 says, He adopted gentiles as HIS CHILDREN TO HIMSELF. !


And then, …

The blessings of Abraham is to come to any one, only THROUGH AND BY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! How it begins :-

Gen 28:3  And God Almighty bless thee, and make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, that thou mayest be a multitude of people;

Gen 28:4  And give thee the blessing of Abraham, to thee,…}}}… so this is Isaac, blessing JACOB with the blessing of Abraham. But, the EVERLASTING BLESSING OF Abraham, comes only by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. :-


Gal 3:14  That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles THROUGH JESUS CHRIST; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. !

Blessings of Abraham, … is to come on the ‘gentiles’…

What is this blessing? It is the PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT ! That is CHRIST THE LORD’s words and knowledge.

Then, how would it come ??? BY FAITH. !
If it is by faith, then Israel is totally out, because Israel is cut off from faith, Rom. 11: 20,  and according to the Heavenly vision, which CHRIST THE LORD taught Apostle Paul, the faith is to be IN HIM. In CHRIST THE LORD. Remember faith is a free gift, given by JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Eph. 2:8. And this faith is given after the law Covenant failed. Gal. 3. Faith was shut up until then. And WITHOUT FAITH, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD. That means Israel will never PLEASE GOD as they are cut off from faith and they did not go to CHRIST THE LORD to get it in the first place ! Therefore, in order to give the blessings of Abraham to gentiles, through JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they were given faith, even to PURIFY their HEARTS. Acts. 15:9 “And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.” . Then, faith is given to gentiles, to PURIFY THEIR HEARTS, so they can receive HOLY SPIRIT, which is given to hearts. Gal. 4:6 !


And the Heavenly vision is… Acts. 26: 17-18. GOD prepared Apostle Paul, giving mysteries, to be sent to gentiles. Even the other apostles did not know what THE ALMIGHTY taught him except for three. So GOD wanted to open the eyes of the gentiles and to give faith IN Him. All  these things which Apostle Paul write to gentiles about 14 books are filled with mysteries, including the mystery of GOD. and it is to be understood at The LORD’s second coming. Such as 2 Thess. 1:8-10, etc. Everything that happened to Israel, is written for those who are to learn from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, directly, who are the little children, 1 John 2: 12- 27, when THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME as now. “1Co 10:11  Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. “. Therefore, at the end of the world which is now, the understanding is given. 1Co_9:10; Rom_15:4.



Delivering thee from the people, and the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee.. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are SANCTIFIED BY FAITH THAT IS IN ME.”.  .. Read the next verse, Apostle Paul says this is the ‘Heavenly vision’. This Heavenly vision is about gentiles. So their eyes were opened, ( Eph. 1;18. But about Israel, 2 Cor. 4: 4 -6)  they were taken out of darkness in to His light, 1  Pet. 2: 8-10, and from the power of satan to GOD, ( that is they did not deny CHRIST THE LORD’S NAME like the synagogue of satan Rev. 3, so by calling in His name, means the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses, THE ALMIGHTY who gives the everlasting life and the blessings of Abraham ) and they received forgiveness Eph. 2:12-20 , and an INHERITANCE , sanctified by faith which is ‘IN’ CHRIST THE LORD or THE ALMIGHTY ! That is the EVERLASTING INHERITANCE, BECAUSE THIS IS CALLED THE ‘Heavenly vision’!!! THAT IS HOW ONE IS BROUGHT TO HEAVENS. All these must be done by THE ALMIGHTY, Himself ! please read ‘faith of CHRIST’



Eph 3:17  That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, }}}… By faith, we know HE DWELLS IN OUR HEARTS. And when the HOLY SPIRIT was given, it is given to our HEARTS. 2 Cor. 4: 6. Then this is the EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD AS WRITTEN ELSEWHERE IN THIS WRITING, which was promised to Abraham. “ROOTED and GROUNDED in LOVE”????

Eph 3:18  May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;

Eph 3:19  And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. }}}… the Heavenly vision is fulfilled in the little children whom HE PREPARED TO BE IN HIS MIDST as a sign and a wonder in Israel. Isa. 8: 18. They are FORGIVEN, before teaching all things. 1 John 2: 12-27. From John 13:33, The LORD was talking to them. He prayed for them in John 17 ! His glory is to be given to them. So THE ALMIGHTY, dwells in our hearts, by faith given, we know. THOSE WHO HAVE THE ALMIGHTY, THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , ARE GIVEN ALL THINGS INCLUDING EVERLASTING LIFE and are raised up. !


So it is the LOVE OF CHRIST THE LORD, WHICH GIVES THE KNOWLEDGE TO BE SAVED. THAT IS THE ALMIGHTY who raises us up! If you do not go to Him to get life, how could you get it ?



The PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT does all things to bring one to the House of GOD, IN THE HEAVENS, THE Gate of HEAVEN ! please read “Promise of the FATHER” and “Promised land”.


So the blessing of Abraham, CAME to the gentiles, THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, by FAITH! But, faith is cut off from Israel. Rom. 11: 20. He is THE ALMIGHTY, so HE BLESSED Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  with these blessings, which are EVERLASTING !


So the blessing of Abraham, might come on the gentiles, …. Through JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … HE ADOPTED THEM AS WELL.



And He purposed it BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD… , for the gentiles to be holy and without blame. That is the Heavenly vision to forgive the gentiles.

Eph 1:4  According as he hath chosen us IN HIM before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Eph 1:7  In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of HIS GRACE; }}}… no one in Israel believed we are saved by grace as proven in previous writings. One leader wrote grace is conditional, because they want the half of the glory to themselves instead of trusting grace of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. To Apostle Paul, CHRIST THE LORD said MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU. The ONLY WAY FOR REDEMPTION IS BY HIS BLOOD. If He did not shed it because of HIS LOVE AND GRACE, no man could be saved!


Eph 1:8  Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; }}}} .. so the wisdom comes from THE ALMIGHTY. when the wisdom of the wise perished in judgment, it is given to gentiles. John 9:39

Eph 1:9  Having made known unto us the MYSTERY OF HIS WILL, according to his good pleasure which HE HATH PURPOSED IN HIMSELF: }}}… one of the mysteries of His will is to save gentiles first as you can see.


And The LORD does ALL OF THESE THINGS, WHEN HE COMES TO GATHER ALL. THAT IS WHAT JACOB PROPHESIED IN Gen. 49! But before JACOB blessed all 12, … he blessed these two boys with Abraham’s blessings which is the PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words or the HOLY SPIRIT ! JACOB too adopted, is a type of JESUS CHRIST the LORD adopting The gentiles to give them the blessing of Abraham !

Eph 1:10  That in the dispensation of the FULNESS OF TIMES HE MIGHT GATHER TOGETHER IN ONE ALL THINGS IN CHRIST, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; EVEN IN HIM: }}}… the LORD does all these, WHEN HE COMES TO GATHER ALL, EVEN IN HEAVEN !  That is when the Heavenly vision AND THE Gate of HEAVEN IS OPENED! HE GATHERS ALL TO HIS OWN HOUSE AS HE SHOWED JACOB. So He gathers all to heavens, IN HIM !!!  that is the Gate of HEAVEN. That is THE ALMIGHTY , the GOD of the fathers. so would He gather JACOB’s seed who has TOTALLY REJECTED HIM BY REPLACING THE SYMBOL OF THE Covenant WITH JACOB ?  If that was a Marriage Covenant, … the stone is like a ring given by The Husband to the wife. Can she replace that ring the symbol of the Marriage Covenant to other ones? It is the same which the last high priest did. He took GOD’s glory for ever. Micah 2:9 when he cast out the women. And remember all things are gathered IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, OR THE ALMIGHTY. That is when one is raised!


Now, this inheritance to the gentiles, which is the Promise of the FATHER, the promise of the SPIRIT, … was PREDESTINATED by HIMSELF. That is THE ALMIGHTY. So then, if it is so, … when THE ALMIGHTY blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , promising to give the PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT, … ( which is Abraham’s blessing as written above) and it was purposed IN HIM, … and PREDESTINATED, … that means when He promised this to Abraham, … HE HAD THE GENTILES IN HIS MIND, and even to adopt them. Read this chapter carefully.  HE NEVER PLANNED TO GIVE THE FIRST FRUITS OF INHERITANCE TO Israel , WHEN HE CALLED AND BLESSED Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , BECAUSE HE KNEW THEIR SEED WILL NOT BELIEVE OR HAVE FAITH IN HIM, .. ( Det 32: 5-6 , even though Israel is the first born. Exo 4:22-23) They could not be gathered to Him, but scattered as the enemy. Mat. 12:30, jam 1:1. They are in Egypt and Babylon. BUT WILL FIND GOD THE FATHER AS THEIR GOD AS HE SAID IN John 8: 54- 56, EVEN THOUGH Abraham LOOKED FOR HIS DAY ! So Abraham’s seed totally failed to have the works of Abraham, which is belief and faith. Both, the gentiles have. 2 Thess. 2: 13 says, the Spirit and Truth is believed and they are SANCTIFIED just as this Eph. 1 says ! That is the belief, .. and faith is given to them, cutting off Israel Rom. 11:20 ! Any way faith and belief should be TO THE ALMIGHTY, WHO IS CHRIST THE LORD AS Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ALL HAD !!!





Eph 1:12  That we should be to the PRAISE OF HIS GLORY, who first trusted in CHRIST . }}}… Who is CHRIST ???  Is HE NOT THE ALMIGHTY , the GOD of the fathers ???  So to THE ALMIGHTY’s glory, … the gentiles are to trust in HIM FIRST! You too will trust afterwards. But these gentiles are to be the first fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as HE PREDESTINATED THEM to be adopted AS JACOB DID! So egyptians trusted in The LORD first. ( gentiles) who came forth from Abraham, and they are the first born anyway. Deut. 21 says, the son of the hated one, if he is the first born, … that one must be given the double portion. Then in order to do that, The LORD gave the truth to them. Isa. 42: 1- 3 ! Therefore,, IT IS THE GENTILES WHO WILL TRUST IN THE ALMIGHTY FIRST AND BE HIS FIRST FRUITS AND THEN, … THEY MUST BE GIVEN THE BLESSING OF Abraham, THE SPIRIT OF THE ALMIGHTY !!! remember the inspiration also come from THE ALMIGHTY. And as written above in 2 Cor. 6: 16-19, they became HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS  ! HE IS I AM, … CAN HAVE MERCY ON WHOMEVER HE WILL !!!


Eph 1:13  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, “. …}}}… THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION, WAS BELIEVED BY THE GENTILES NOW !!! Acts. 13: 46 says, because you did not believe, SALVATION IS SENT TO GENTILES.  Isa. 56 says, when the salvation is about to come, the gentiles have done better than sons and daughters  and they are in GOD’s house and altar!!!   That is the House of GOD … the Gate of HEAVEN!  That is to trust in THE ALMIGHTY !!  so gentiles trusted in THE ALMIGHTY, … and HEARD the Word of TRUTH. that is the Spirit and Truth which gives you salvation, (knowledge of the TRUE GOD or THE ALMIGHTY the GOD of the fathers, who raises us up as written above ) and THEY BELIEVED. Remember Abraham was counted as he believed. Rom. 4. Then if the gentiles also believed, don’t they have the works of Abraham and also be counted as righteous ??? Then the blessing of Abraham must be given to them. ! They trusted in THE ALMIGHTY, .. they heard the Word of TRUTH, … and believed, and then they are SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF THE PROMISE!!!


“ye believed, ye were SEALED WITH THAT HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, “… then what is the HOLY SPIRIT of promise???


The blessing of Abraham…

blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”



Blessing of Abraham is the ‘promise of the Spirit” !!


It was promised by THE ALMIGHTY,

And it is given to those who believed and had the works of Abraham !


Or to give the HOLY SPIRIT. !

But the HOLY SPIRIT is JESUS CHRIST the LORD 2 Cor. 3:17, and also HIS WORDS are the SPIRIT. John 6:63. Then, in order to give the HOLY SPIRIT of the promise, .. the gentiles must be given The LORD, Himself and also HIS WORDS !


This promise is also called the ‘Promise of the FATHER’.

Luk_24:49  And, behold,…” I”… send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. }}}.. so it is CHRIST THE LORD who sends the Promise of the FATHER. and they received the HOLY SPIRIT on the day of Pentecost. So the Promise of the FATHER is the HOLY SPIRIT. That is The Comforter, the HOLY SPIRIT, or the Spirit and Truth, or CHRIST THE LORD, Himself. John 14- 16 

Act_1:4  And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of Me…}}}…So the promise of the FATHER is the HOLY SPIRIT. Then, as CHRIST THE LORD is the HOLY SPIRIT and also His words, then both Himself and His words must be given to the gentiles to whom it is promised.

This is another Scripture to prove CHRIST THE LORD is the FATHER. He said I SEND THE Promise of the FATHER … But it is HE WHO PROMISED THIS. So HE IS THE FATHER.

Then, The LORD or THE ALMIGHTY, must be given HIMSELF to Abraham, if it was promised. Then it should be in the Scripture. So did The LORD promise Himself to him ???

Gen 15:1  After these things the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: “I AM”… THY SHIELD, THY EXCEEDING GREAT REWARD.!!!


‘ I AM YOUR GREAT REWARD” !!!  Said THE ALMIGHTY to Abram. !!!

That is the Promise of the FATHER. !


Then, .. if THE ALMIGHTY is the GREAT REWARD to Abraham,… if that promises is to be given to gentiles, ….The LORD must give Himself to gentiles also, as Abraham’s seed failed to have Him. Remember the Levitical ministry is to have Him, and not an inheritance. Num. 18: 20, Eze. 44:28.

Then, as the Levitical ministry did not fear Him or honor Him as the FATHER, Mal. 1: 6, … v 5 says, your eyes will see how The LORD will be magnified beyond the border of Israel. that is where the gentiles are. And we send pure incense to His name. v 11. Then, The LORD must be in the gentiles. And He Is. Also in heaven.

Col 1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY: }}}… to have THE ALMIGHTY, in us is the hope of glory. that is what THE ALMIGHTY promised Abraham ! IS THE ALMIGHTY NOT THE FATHER OF THE GENTILES as written above in 2 Cor. 6: 16-19.???  Did not HWA write THE ALMIGHTY is god the father ??? So Israel rejected THE ALMIGHTY as their FATHER and had other fathers. BUT NOW, AFTER HEARING THE Word of TRUTH, … the HOLY SPIRIT is given to us, .. and The LORD AND HIS WORDS came to us, the gentiles, the blessing and the exceeding GREAT REWARD of Abraham !!!

Col 1:28  Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: }}}…Then, having The LORD in us, … we preach and warn, and teach every man to give them the wisdom to present every one TO BE PERFECT IN CHRIST THE LORD, OR THE ALMIGHTY , the GOD of the fathers !!!  THAT IS TO RAISE UP FROM DEAD as written above !!!  That will cause you to call upon the name of THE ALMIGHTY! THAT IS PERFECTION!  The everlasting inheritance , which was promised to the adopted sons of JACOB. 1 Cor. 1:2, we call upon CHRIST THE LORD!


Then, the gentiles according to the Heavenly vision, have faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE ALMIGHTY. …

Eph 1:14  Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Eph 1:15  Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints,


Then the words of CHRIST THE LORD is also the HOLY SPIRIT. and that too is given to gentiles and THEY BELIEVED, and are raised up. Jam 1:18, 1Pet 1:23, Eph. 1:13!

The knowledge of God is given to gentiles, Isa. 11: 9 -11 WHICH IS ABOUT THE ALMIGHTY that one is raised when called upon Him.

Eph 1:17  That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and REVELATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM:


And their eyes are opened…that is to the revelation of the knowledge of THE ALMIGHTY … and to the inheritance of the saints.

Eph 1:18  The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Eph 1:19  And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, }}}… so great power comes to those who believe ! So our inheritance is to receive THE ALMIGHTY and His words! The EXCEEDINGLY GREAT REWARD which THE ALMIGHTY promised Abraham also came to the gentiles as you can see. THEY ARE IN HEAVENS, WITH CHRIST THE LORD, AND WHEN HE APPEARS, YOU WILL SEE WHO ARE WITH HIM. Col. 3: 1- 4. !



So GOD send others who have a COMMON inheritance to Egypt Spiritually, and gave the SPIRIT to the ADOPTED ones out of Egypt ( gentiles) and they are brought to the House of GOD, .. and are given the INHERITANCE , THE BLESSING OF JACOB BY THE ALMIGHTY , JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! They are in HIM, and HE IS IN THEM, as He prayed in John 17, and He came to the little children, who are the gentiles, … with few Israel who have repented and believed according to our word which was sent by GOD to them, … have The LORD in them. 1 John 2.12-27, 4:4


Read it again .. JACOB’s GOD fulfilled the dream which he gave to JACOB !!! The House of GOD is the Gate of HEAVEN. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house, where those who call on Him are raised up.. and they are as angels. So JACOB saw the angels going up and down. But it is his seed who came down. Lam 2:1, and those who called upon the name of the GOD of JACOB, … went up, being raised!!!

Luk 20:36  Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection. }}}… they cannot DIE.  Why do you die???  Because they did not call on the GOD of JACOB! Therefore, when you call on the GOD of JACOB, … you cannot die … you are equal to ANGELS. And sons of GOD, the sons who are of resurrection. So THEY ARE ANGELS. Did not JACOB saw the dream of ascending and descending angels in his dream , and the House of GOD and the Gate of HEAVEN ??? We have the stone of destiny in our web site even it is not the real stone, but in our HEARTS, THE TRUE STONE OF JACOB, THE ROCK OF Israel, The ROCK IS GLORIFIED AND WE HAVE HIM IN OUR HEARTS, AND BEING FAITHFUL TO HIM! Even the HOLY SPIRIT is given to our hearts. Gal. 4:6. He Is not a respecter of persons, anyone who fears Him is accepted by Him! Acts. 9.


And those who called on Him are called ‘CHILDREN OF THE RESURRECTION”… children of GOD! SO THE CHILDREN OF THE ALMIGHTY AND THE CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL ARE NOW MANIFESTED!  Totally, JACOB’s dream was fulfilled. those who called upon the name of THE ALMIGHTY, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are in THE House of GOD , the Gate of HEAVEN already!!!  They are the angels who ascended! But the high priest never called on Him and failed in all things and now are dead even as we declared. When GOD IS ABOUT TO FULFILL HIS HOUSE OR THE Gate of HEAVEN, … AND BRING IN THE SEED OF JACOB, … THE HIGH PRIEST REPLACED THE SYMBOL AND THE Covenant !


Well then, .. who are the fallen angels? Remember Zion was in heaven till she is cast out as she did not call on the GOD of JACOB. And they are the fallen angels as jude wrote…. They descended… and other angels, calling upon the name of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , went up ! the HEAVENLY CALLING is for the House of GOD of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as written above ! Gerald Flurry being the high priest, replaced THAT SYMBOL OF THE Covenant, DESPISING IT. They are the fallen angels as Apostle Jude said, who did not keep their FIRST ESTATE.



When GOD promised to give a son to Abraham, … it was THE ALMIGHTY who appeared. Gen. 17: 1. Therefore, as written elsewhere in this writing, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , it was THE ALMIGHTY who appeared.


When THE ALMIGHTY blessed Abraham with Isaac, the Covenant is to give The land of Canaan.

Gen 17:8  And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. }}}… Canaan means to be humiliated. Then, the last church in Ezekiel 16, her nativity and birth is from Cannan. This is why the PCG is to be humiliated.  Isaac also means to ‘laugh at”. “Ishmael’ means ‘GOD will hear’. “Abram’ means ‘high exalted father’. Abraham means FATHER of faithful or multitude. So Isaac’s seed received the land of Canaan , and as ‘Abram’, to be humiliated as they are the high exalted ones.


Gen_17:19  And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.

Gen_21:12  And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. }}}.. So THE ALMIGHTY promised to call A SEED from Isaac.


But just because all Israel are Abraham's seed, it doesn’t mean all of them be the seed, but they are to children of FLESH, and not to be children of GOD.

Rom 9:7  Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.

Rom 9:8  That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. }}}…this Scripture talks about  children of FLESH, … children of GOD, … children of PROMISE. 1 Cor. 10: 18, Heb. 2: 14 says Israel is flesh. They are fleshly children of Abraham. But not the spiritual children. ONLY ONE SEED, WHO IS CHRIST THE LORD IS PROMISED THROUGH Isaac.


Gal 3:16  Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. }}}… Do you understand that? To Abraham and his seed, the promises made. BUT NOT TO MANY SEED, but to ‘ONE’ seed, and that is ‘CHRIST THE LORD’ . So to give CHRIST THE LORD from Abraham, was promised. Others are children of flesh. They could not know The SON or the knowledge of CHRIST THE LORD !


Then, the Covenant of the law, came 430 years after THE ALMIGHTY promised this to Abraham. That means 430 years BEFORE the Covenant of the law is given, THE ALMIGHTY HAD PROMISED Abraham THIS ONE SEED.

Gal 3:17  And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed “before of God in CHRIST” , “the law” , which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.

Gal 3:18  For “if the inheritance be of the law”, it is no “more of promise”: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.

One Covenant was confirmed to be IN CHRIST THE LORD. That is the ONE SEED. So for CHRIST THE LORD to come from Abraham, and Isaac, was PROMISED.


And the Covenant by the law, … came after 430 years of that Covenant by promise. And it should not annul the Covenant by promise. So even after the Covenant of the law, which is the Marriage Covenant, … the PROMISE STILL STANDS. That means even if one would have kept the law, … still the promise must stand!


Now understand the two Covenants…

  1. Inheritance of the law. That was a Marriage Covenant.
  2. of promise”: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.”.

So the Covenant of the law, if one would have kept, THEY WILL BE MARRIED TO THE ALMIGHTY, FOR EVER. GOD knew no one can keep it . But man did not know. Knowing that no one will continue in the marriage, as all will break the law, GOD HAD MADE THE PREVIOUS Covenant BY PROMISE, AND IF NOT, NO ONE WILL LIVE! So ONE SEED CHRIST had no sin, and became a LIFE GIVING OR A QUICKENING SPIRIT.

1Co 15:45  And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a QUICKENING SPIRIT. }}}… then from ONE SEED CHRIST THE LORD, which was promised to Isaac, became SPIRIT. The rest of Israel, are not all Israel, but are fleshly Israel. And one becomes Israel of GOD, when they are IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. But the rest of the brethren of CHRIST THE LORD, failed to come to Him. So they did not receive the SPIRIT, but stayed flesh and blood !! Then, if the marriage is to be consummated, … the wife also must be turned to SPIRIT as proven in the above writing. ONE TURNS TO SPIRIT, IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! That was promised.


The true Abraham's seed :-Or the PROMISED SEED, CHILDREN OF GOD:-…  

So only ONE seed ( spiritual ) is promised to Isaac. That is CHRIST THE LORD. Then, if you have FAITH IN CHRIST THE LORD, … you become CHILDREN OF GOD. That is another promise. But through JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the SPIRIT, to become spiritual children of GOD. But in order to be so, …we need faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Gal 3:26  For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. }}}… now, when CHRIST THE LORD came the first time, … His own did not receive Him. But to those who received Him, … HE GAVE THE POWER TO BE SONS OF GOD. John 1; 11- 12. It is the same as now, when The LORD came the second time. THE DIFFERENCE IS, … The LORD GAVE FAITH TO THEM, FAITH IN HIM, AS WRITTEN ABOVE, ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision, … TO GENTILES, AND THEY HAVE FAITH IN HIM, … and became the seed of Abraham…

Gal 3:27  For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Gal 3:28  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for YE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. }}}.. no gentiles, no Jews, but ALL WILL BE ONE IN CHRIST THE LORD, … if you are baptised in to Him. Then as the next verse says, IF YOU ARE CHRIST’S, …. THEN YOU ARE Abraham's seed …, ACCORDING TO THE PROMISE.

Gal 3:29  And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.


Got it ???  If you have FAITH IN CHRIST THE LORD, … you become ONE IN HIM.

YE ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. ! Then, when you are in Him, have faith in Him, you are the … children of God by faith in Christ Jesus”. Then, … “if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed”.  So IN CHRIST THE LORD, … or THE ALMIGHTY, … you become ‘Abraham's seed’ !   Then, if you are Abraham's seed, … heirs according to the promise.”.  That means the children of promise!


Therefore, in order to receive and to be the children of the promise, … who do not need to keep the law to get righteousness , but The LORD Has elected them, to be Israel of GOD, in CHRIST THE LORD, and to receive the promise and will be Abraham's seed!  If you are Abraham's seed,… then what GOD promised to Abraham, … you will receive ! Then, because the gentiles ARE IN CHRIST THE LORD, having FAITH IN HIM, according to the Heavenly vision, … they are the TRUE SEED OF Abraham, even as proven above, … who are taken from the ends of the earth, IN CHRIST THE LORD!  They are the children of GOD, and not all of Isaac’s ones are the seed of Abraham, but they are fleshly Israel. ! They are unconverted JACOBITES!


Therefore, we know Isaac was a PROMISED seed. And CHRIST THE LORD was promised to Isaac. And in Him, who ever in Him, … also become the seed of promise. So the promise of the HOLY SPIRIT, is received by those who are in CHRIST THE LORD, … as HE IS THE SPIRIT GIVER as written above. And then, HE CHOSE THE GENTILES TO GIVE THE SPIRIT, FAITH AND TO BE ADOPTED AS HIS SONS as proven above. Then, IT IS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … ALL ARE BLESSED WITH THE BLESSING OF Abraham… ! Therefore, Isaac’s blessings also came to gentiles, through CHRIST THE LORD, the ONE SEED promised to Isaac. That is why the Scripture says,

Gal 4:28  Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.

“As Isaac was, … we are the children of the promise’, … wrote Apostle Paul to gentiles. How come that is possible ??? Because, it is The SON, OR THE ALMIGHTY, OR CHRIST THE LORD , makes one free. John 8: 32. , 36. If not one is under bondage. That means sons of the devil, AND NOT THE SONS OF GOD. One could become a son of GOD, only by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as you can see. So He sets us free as Isaac was. Remember, A SON remains in the FATHER’s house for ever.

Joh 8:35  And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: the Son abideth ever


Joh 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.}}}… so The SON, sets us free by the TRUTH. John 17: 17-19 also. The truth IS GOD’S WORDS. The words is SPIRIT. So giving His words means giving His SPIRIT, leading to LIFE. John 6: 63. So The SON or THE ALMIGHTY, sets us free by the truth. HE IS ALSO THE TRUTH. So to the PROMISED SEED, .. He gave the truth, .. faith in Him, … to make them the children of PROMISE. And they are children of GOD. so they abide in the FATHER’s house forever. And that is the New Jerusalem as Gal. 3 , 4 says. So such are the SEED OF Abraham, … children of the promise, … and the promised seed of Isaac. They are as Isaac, the children of promise. EVERY GOOD THING COMES FROM THE ALMIGHTY! The SON makes one free means He makes us free to be sons of GOD, right? Then would He not be our FATHER? So that is how THE ALMIGHTY is our FATHER !!! Giving SPIRIT and truth means giving His LIFE GIVING WORDS ! Then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER. ! THE ALMIGHTY is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ! And He said to Abraham's seed…

Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. …”… What does this means, that Abraham's seed has no place for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s word??? THE WORDS ARE THE SPIRIT AND LIFE. SO Abraham's seed HAS NO LIFE because they rejected His words also !!!  Do they have the works of Abraham ??? You did not give place to The LORD to give you LIFE GIVING WORDS, the Living Waters !!!

As written above, His HOLY SPIRIT is our covering. That will take us out of Egypt. THE ALMIGHTY’s words gives us life, and SPIRIT and take us out of Egypt Spiritually. So Abraham's seed received NOTHING AS THEY DID NOT GO TO THE ALMIGHTY ! His words or the SPIRIT gives us the covering , the white linen to be clothed to cover our spiritual nakedness! Not going to Him, you are back in Egypt, IN CONFUSION!

Then, there is an allegory written in this chapter which we have proven before.  Sarah becomes under bondage like Hagar, and Hagar’s children, as Isaac was, made free by The LORD, … and become the free , New Jerusalem. read the whole chapter and mind the allegory. Hagar was in bondage, but coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, she is made free. So The LORD cast out Sarah… or Abraham's seed, … Israel, … who thought they are Jews and Israel  and brought egyptians to HIS HOME, as that was promised blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob , which now given to gentiles! Remember Isa. 42: 1- 3 also.

Gal 4:30  Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.

Gal 4:31  So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. }}}… so we, who are as Isaac was, .. the children of the promise, are made free by THE ALMIGHTY, .. . and became the children of the free woman… so we can SERVE THE ALMIGHTY ! Others are still under bondage.


Any gift or a blessing comes from THE ALMIGHTY. There are no other gods to go around and receive blessings written in the Scripture, but one must receive all things from The CREATOR, THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Therefore, who ever is IN HIM, who have FAITH IN HIM, have pleased Him as faith pleases Him and the law bring wrath. Therefore, all rewards and blessings are turned to gentiles, THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or THE ALMIGHTY, the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and as we called on His name, … we are raised up in to HIS OWN HOUSE, .. as He showed to JACOB, … and became our EXCEEDINGLY GREAT REWARD which He promised to Abraham, …. And made us free , the children of the resurrection !!!


Gen 12:3  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. }}}…So all the families of the earth were blessed by Abraham, through this ONE SEED OF Isaac !  He became the FATHER of faithful, as the gentiles are faithful to THE ALMIGHTY, in HIS HOUSE, AS Moses WAS, as written above !!! They are the sons of GOD, who remains for ever in the House of GOD !


Then, HE BECAME THE GOD OF THE LIVING because we called on Him and are raised, which means we are LIVING ! Therefore, at this time, He Has refused to be your GOD, as you are dead in HIM !

Luk 20:37  Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

Luk 20:38  For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: FOR ALL LIVE UNTO HIM. }}}… so this parable also is now revealed. THE ALMIGHTY IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING !!! Are you living unto THE ALMIGHTY or CHRIST THE LORD?


Joh_11:25  Jesus said to her, I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. The one believing into Me, though he die, he shall live. }}}… CHRIST THE LORD IS THE RESURRECTION AND LIFE. DO YOU NOW BELIEVE?


dead are raised…. when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob ”, THE ALMIGHTY

I AM THE ALMIGHTY “ rev 1:8 





All the promises of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  is fulfilled. Abraham looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day, and we found His day.


Remember the Tabernacle of David is a type or pattern for the one in heaven. Now, GOD can GLORIFY HIMSELF AND HIS HOUSE AND COULD COME AND MEET ALL AND SPEAK TO ALL. Heb. 8 says, now, The LORD Has obtained a MORE EXCELLENT MINISTRY. ! That is the Royal Priesthood !

Exo 29:43  And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and THE TABERNACLE SHALL BE SANCTIFIED BY MY GLORY. …}}}.. in Ezekiel’s time, the glory of The LORD went from the temple to the east gate when they sinned. Eze. 11: 22-24. Because of the sin in the east gate Eze. 8 – 11, GOD’s glory went away and came to the east gate. So from east gate, He will come to build the New Temple. Eze. 43, Zech. 6: 12-15.  Then Eze. 11:24-25 says, the glory of GOD came to the captivity. So Ezekiel will know what to talk to the captivity. And now, THE House of GOD IS SANCTIFIED BY GOD’S GLORY. Remember Isa. 60:7, 21-22


So THE ALMIGHTY or The ROCK brought Israel out of Egypt , to dwell among them and to be their GOD. And now, HE WILL SANCTIFY ALL, including the altar.

Exo 29:44  And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar: I will sanctify also both Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest's office.

Exo 29:45  And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God.

Exo 29:46  And they shall know that I am the LORD their God, that brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I MAY DWELL AMONG THEM: I AM THE LORD THEIR GOD. }}}…You will know The LORD, as the TRUE TABERNACLE is now pitched by THE ALMIGHTY, Himself as Heb. 8 says.  He will forgive all sins. And then all will KNOW HIM ! Jerusalem will be a city of truth! THEN GOD WILL DWELL AMONG US ! All will be LIVING !


Lev 26:12  And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people. !

Now the time has come to rejoice, when you understand and call on the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses ! The LORD promises to dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Mat. 23 says, until He is Blessed, He will not be seen. But now, HIS OWN CHILDREN HAVE BLESSED HIM, so HE COULD BE SEEN IN Jerusalem.

Zec 2:10  Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.

Zec 2:11  And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be MY people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

Zec 2:12  And the LORD shall inherit Judah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem again.

Zec 2:13  Be silent, O all flesh, before the LORD: for he is raised up out of his holy habitation. }}}… there is no ‘OUR’, and ‘us’, NOW as all know there is only one GOD and that is the GOD of the fathers.


It is CHRIST THE LORD who will COME IN TO US. His FATHER is HIS OWN WORDS WHICH BEGAT HIM, and His words are the HOLY SPIRIT as proven. So we must abide in Him and His words. The LORD says ‘IN THAT DAY’, you will know that I AM IN My FATHER and you in Me, and I in you. and that day has come. HE IS IN HIS ADOPTED SONS AT THE MOMENT, BUT WHEN HE IS BELIEVED IN Jerusalem, He will come to Jerusalem AS PROMISED!

Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but YE KNOW HIM; FOR HE DWELLETH WITH YOU, AND SHALL BE IN YOU.

Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

Joh 14:19  Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

Joh 14:20  At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you. }}}… How could we know that HE IS IN THE FATHER AND HE IS IN US? It is by HIS WORDS. He Has already spoken everything until all are restored fully and even Jerusalem is made a city of truth and a faithful one. Isa. 1. So it is HE who comes as v 18 says.  He will not leave us comfortless which means fatherless. That too proves, HE IS OUR FATHER. Anyway, if you have read this far, be prepared to call CHRIST THE LORD, The Husband, my “FATHER”, when you would return to Him. Jer. 3:19-20. Good pastors spoken in v 15, will be teaching you that HE IS YOUR FATHER! They are the sent ones, after sanctifying this truth. It is then only, one can keep His commandments. Until then, we served god the father or two gods not knowing this truth about ONE GOD. so How could you have obeyed HIS COMMANDMENTS, when you did not know about Him?

Joh 14:21  He that hath MY COMMANDMENTS, AND KEEPETH THEM, HE IT IS THAT LOVETH ME: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of my Father, and I WILL LOVE HIM, AND WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM. }}}… As I wrote, … until we come to know THAT THE ALMIGHTY IS THE ONLY GOD, … AND SERVE HIM, AS HE IS THE GOD OF THE FATHERS, AND NOT god the father, YOU CANNOT KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, BECAUSE THE VERY FIRST COMMANDMENT ITSELF IS BROKEN, AND ALSO THE Sabbath. DID WE HONOR The LORD of Sabbath, WHO IS CHRIST THE LORD, ON Sabbaths? This is why, as Heb. 8 says, after GOD FORGIVES ALL, He , Himself will write the laws in our minds, and WE ALL WILL KNOW HIM. Till then, we never knew THAT HE IS THE FATHER, EVEN THOUGH FEW Scripture DIRECTLY SAYS SO. So how could we have loved Him?


“he that loveth Me shall be loved of my Father”,…Remember ‘FATHER’ means His words, the Scripture, which gives us birth, and directs even CHRIST THE LORD, to do all things, as HE ALWAYS SAID ‘AS IT IS WRITTEN’.  So who ever loves Him, must be written in the Scripture. Many Scripture says CHRIST THE LORD’s own did not love Him. But, THE ALMIGHTY inspired Apostle Peter to write, that the gentiles ,even though they have not seen Him, yet they love Him and BELIEVED HIM. 1  Pet. 1:8 ! So that is the FATHER who reveals who LOVES The SON !!!



The TRUTH is there is only ‘ONE’ GOD… That knowledge will be taught in the kingdom.

Mar 12:32  And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is ONE GOD; and there is none other but he:

Mar 12:33  And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Mar 12:34  And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question..}}}… when this scribe said, there is only ONE GOD, and to love Him etc… The LORD said, you are not far from the kingdom of GOD. In the kingdom, it will be preached only THE ALMIGHTY !


Mar 12:29  And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, HEAR, O ISRAEL; THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD:


Deu 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:


Deu 10:12  And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,

Therefore, we are required to love our ONE GOD with all our heart , soul etc. And no man can do it as the carnal mind is His enemy.


Therefore,, The LORD Himself will do it now for us, because that love will cause us to LIVE ! This is why it is important to KNOW, UNDERSTAND and FEAR this ONE GOD WHO ALONE CAN BRING US DEATH OR GIVE US LIFE, THAT IS THE ALMIGHTY , THE GOD OF Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  !!!

Deu 30:6  And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. }}}… Therefore,, GOD, Himself will circumcise our HEARTS so we could love Him and to give us life !


The LORD Has fulfilled HIS PROMISE and HAS COME TO BE IN US. If not, no one could know HIS MYSTERIES. ! Unless the House of GOD, OR THE TEMPLE FOR GOD TO LIVE IS READY, HE COULD NOT COME. But now, the House of GOD as He promised to JACOB, is now built as written above in Heb. 3: 6. !


GOD’s glory is declared from His house , THE Gate of HEAVEN !!!

As proven above, this house is in heaven. ( remember Zion was in heaven. lam 2:1. So you can understand how this house is in heaven as well ) and then from Heaven, … GOD’s glory is declared!

Psa 19:1  , A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.


And they are the BABES, or the little children of THE ALMIGHTY. He brought many SONS TO GLORY, so they can declare Him. Heb. 2: 10. They are the babes, to whom the revelation of the GODHEAD is given. Luke 10: 19-22. That is the way GOD prepare to still the enemy.

Psa 8:2  Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

Psa 8:3  When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; }}}… this is the heavens, the work of The LORD’s own hands work , and fingers. This is why, the babes who are casting out the devils in the kingdom, are called the finger of GOD. Luke 11: 19-20. They work in the kingdom. Mat. 12: 27-28. And in their times, those who erred in SPIRIT also will come to understanding. Isa. 29: 23-24. They are the works of The LORD’s own hands. And those who erred in SPIRIT must hear it from them. That is the way GOD Has ordained!




Act 3:25  Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.

Act 3:26  Unto you first God, having raised up his SON JESUS, SENT HIM TO BLESS YOU, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. !


Hear GOD’s voice. The LORD, Himself said I AM THE ALMIGHTY. Then believe Him. and then call upon the name of the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses showed to be raised up from your spiritual death !  The leaders who did not teach this truth are the pharaoh who have taken captive GOD’s people, and teaching them false gods which killed them. !

Call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to be RAISED UP  !!!




I” will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I” WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY” PEOPLE.”…

This is THE ALMIGHTY !!!  ONE GOD !!!


CHRIST and HIS children

Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23,  54: 13,  1 John 2: 12- 27,  4: 4, 17 etc.