why cant we get righteousness from the law

Why can’t we get righteousness by the law???

10th June 2016 – Pentecost

The SIN came from Adam. And the law was given to condemn that sin. So when the law was given, all humans WERE SINNERS already. And that is the sin which we need justification from! Sinning against the GOD who is the SPIRIT, is the unpardonable sin. And then the law is given to prove one’s unpardonable sin and to condemn to death! So could the law, coming after two thousand years ( at least) give righteousness to ALREADY SINNERS? Unless they are JUSTIFIED FROM THE SIN THEY ALREADY HAVE? That is the whole purpose of the law, to condemn the sinners! ALL ARE CONDEMNED TO DEATH! So can you get righteousness out of the law when you have Adam’s sin and death in you already? Law came to measure that sin, WHICH IS IN MAN, ALREADY! Adam’s SIN WAS UNBELIEF. He did not believe The LORD  who is the SPIRIT. That is HOLY SPIRIT! Sinning against HOLY SPIRIT is the unpardonable sin! Just imagine, Adam made THE HOLY SPIRIT, A LIAR!!!! AND WE ARE BORN WITH THAT SIN! Adam DID NOT BELIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT! That is why Israel is cut off as well. Rom. 11:20. We proved that is the unpardonable sin, Came FROM ADAM. That made him PROUD and EXALT AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD ! “God concluded all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all.The LORD has condemned all as UN– BELIEVERS!!! So the law is given to expose that UNBELIEF! Why did The LORD say ‘repent and believe”? Even the law keepers must BELIEVE to be justified. Acts. 13: 38-39. That proves they are NOT JUSTIFIED, because of the UNBELIEF!  Unbelief made GOD A LIAR! THAT IS THE OFFENSE MAN DID AGAINST GOD! Then GOD Had to prove it is HE IS NOT THE LIAR, BUT THE MAN! THEN, WHEN REVEALED, MAN MUST UNDERSTAND HIS ERROR AND THAT HE IS THE LIAR AND NOT GOD! THAT IS TO BELIEVE HIM! since you have NOT BELIEVED HIM ALREADY, REPENT AND BELIEVE! The LORD PROVES Adam did not believe, (ATE FROM THE FORBIDDEN TREE)neither did Israel. (BROKEN LAW AND Covenant AND NOT WORSHIPING THE TRUE GOD). Both rejected The CREATOR’s words! THEN, The LORD APPOINTED THE MAN TO GO ASTRAY TO PROVE HIM, (John 7:51)THAT HE IS THE LIAR, HE IS THE SINNER, HE IS THE MURDERER AND HE IS A BEAST WHICH WILL DIE, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. So THE SCRIPTURE PROVES, THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW , ARE THE BEASTS. ! GOD knows the man is a beast. But the man , in his pride did not know. So the law is given to make them understand, they are beasts, without understanding, when they PREACH THE LAW TO GET LIFE OR RIGHTEOUSNESS , when they are already have the unpardonable sin in them. ! “Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?”. So the law is given to HEAR what the man has to say when he is JUDGED and know what HE HAS DONE! “the matter of sons of men, that God might reveal them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts”…For that which happens to the sons of men also happens to beasts, even one thing happens to them. As this one dies, so that one dies; yea, they all have one breath; so that a man has no advantage over a beast; for all is vanity.”.  In order to prove that man is a beast, The LORD gave the law as you will see. because, THE MAN WAS A SINNER, A LIAR, A MURDERER ALREADY, WHEN THE LAW IS GIVEN TO PROVE SO. ! And as men are beasts, they looked for righteousness out of what The LORD gave to condemn them as beasts!!!! So now, The LORD, Has proved that man cannot live on HIS OWN. And that he is a beast and are condemned to death! But seek Him to live. Psa. 78:34-35.


Man, CANNOT LIVE BY HIS OWN AND THAT HE IS THE LIAR. THAT IS WHY The LORD GAVE THE LAW TO SHOW HIS WRATH FOR DISOBEDIENCE. AND THE MAN, IN HIS PRIDE, WANTED TO LIVE BY THE LAW WHICH IS GIVEN TO CONDEMN HIM TO DEATH!  We proved the unbelief came from Adam, and it is the sin which cut off all from GOD and that is the UNPARDONABLE SIN ! By not believing in The CREATOR, Adam MADE HIM A LIAR. And as the lies kill, The CREATOR WAS MADE A MURDERER as well.! So in truth, the curse of death came to Adam and all humans. When He gave the law, the sin of unbelief is already in the world, from Adam. ALL WERE ALREADY SINNERS. Then unless that sin is forgiven, and all would believe, no man would be accepted by GOD. Why did The LORD say ‘repent and believe”? Even the law keepers must BELIEVE to be justified. Acts. 13: 38-39. That proves they are NOT JUSTIFIED, because of the UNBELIEF! Therefore, We cannot get righteousness by the law, because we are BORN IN SIN. So even if one could keep the law, … it will not give righteousness, as we are already , sinners and  WERE BORN as sinners ! That MEANS WE ARE BORN AS UN- RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE!! So Israel were given the law to EXPOSE THAT SIN and not to get righteousness. Before we can choose good or evil, we WERE sinners as Adam’s sin came to us. So no matter how much we do good, having the sin in us, … our good works cannot give us righteousness, unless that sin is forgiven. !  Adam HAS SINNED AGAINST The LORD, AND that means WE too have SINNED AGAINST The LORD  AND HE ALONE CAN FORGIVE US to justify us. And the unbelief DEFILED Adam. THEN WE ARE ALL DEFILED as UNBELIEVERS! Then by keeping the law, can you get your defilement removed. When GOD says you cannot get righteousness by the law, and these high and lofty ones teach to get righteousness by the law; that proves how UNBELIEVING THEY STILL ARE! And The LORD cursed the man. So we are born with that curse, WHICH IS DEATH! But there was no measure to condemn one to death. So the law , accuses one to death ! and how about if we seek righteousness out of what was given one to be CONDEMNED?  That is against the scripture!  MAN IS BORN WITH DEATH. THAT IS BECAUSE, THE LAW WAS GIVEN TO An ALREADY UN-RIGHTEOUS , STIFF NECKED, high and lofty PEOPLE TO CONDEMN TO DEATH. BUT The LORD  HAS ALREADY SHED HIS BLOOD TO FORGIVE, AT THE APPOINTED TIME, WHICH IS AT THE END OF THE AGE. Heb.  9. 26. “but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself”. The righteousness comes from GOD and not by any man. Man’s mind was thwarted by the sin of Adam. Eve was cut off from knowing the truth about the Tree of Life. Then, unless The LORD opens the way to the Tree of Life, how can one eat? CAN THE SINFUL AND UN- RIGHTEOUS people DO GOOD AND BECOME RIGHTEOUS ? The law keepers are in for a big surprise! They sought life by the measure which is given to CONDEMN THEM TO DEATH. That means they seek life by death !


Adam’s UNBELIEF was the sin came from him to all humans. Then that is the unpardonable sin which cannot be forgiven, as the scripture proves below! So when we have the UNPARDONABLE SIN,  the UNBELIEF, … could we keep the law and seek righteousness out of it, when we are guilty already or The LORD  Has concluded all to be UNBELIEVERS? Could OUR WORKS erase the sin we ALREADY HAVE???


GOD cursed Adam to go to dust. Dust means lies. He did not believe the truth. So he became a liar. And all the evil character , he acquired and the rest of the humans also was cursed with the same!


Sin and death came from Adam. SO THE SIN was already in the world, when Israel was given the law. !


THEN, The LORD  GAVE THE LAW, TO CONDEMN THAT SIN. But HE DID NOT TELL THEM THAT THEY CAN NEVER KEEP IT! So the law was not given to cause anyone to live, but to condemn.  Then, unless one’s sin of UNBELIEF is forgiven, which CAME FROM Adam, no matter how much we try to keep the law, … our  SIN REMAINS !!!  That means we have DEATH and not life ! And they are given the law to condemn this sin, because Israel are the vessels of wrath. They are to demonstrate the wrath of GOD to the world. So the law was not given to give life, but death. And from the beginning, a work opposing GOD’s work was started, and all men began to ERR FROM THE TRUTH. After the church was called, all seven eras never worshiped the true GOD. So the spiritual work also The LORD  could not do because of men’s opposing hearts. !  Psa. 74 says Zion was a PERPETUAL desolation.


The LORD  tried so hard to get some to believe Him , ALL THESE YEARS. There are two works of The LORD  on this earth. 

1        to get all to believe in the The Sent ONE , who is  CHRIST the LORD.

2       to destroy the pride in man. !


1….. The work of The LORD  to get to BELIEVE…

Joh 6:29  Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. !!!


This is why, as John 3:16 says, The LORD  DIED to pay for the penalty for NOT BELIEVING HIM, which is the unpardonable sin, the unbelief and to save all . As you read on,  you will understand more from scripture.


Then, when we BELIEVE, … The LORD  finishes His works in us..

Heb 4:3  For we .. believed do enter into rest,…. the works were finished from the foundation of the world. “…}}}… when we BELIEVE, we enter in to the rest… The LORD  finishes His works as well as we finish our works !!!!


Now understand… when the BELIEVERS entered in to the rest, .. GOD cease His works and we cease our works.  THAT ALSO PROVES, The LORD  WAS TRYING TO GET US TO BELIEVE HIM, BECAUSE FROM Adam UNTIL NOW, NO ONE BELIEVED HIM. !!!  Israel is cut off for UNBELIEF. Rom.  11: 20. So that is why their harvest is finished, NOT SAVING THEM. Jer. 8: 19-20 !! But we who BELIEVED, entered in to the rest, and finished our works. !!!  The LORD  also finished His work in us.

Heb 4:10  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. }}}… so you see… he that entered by believing, … in to The LORD ’S REST, … has finished their works as GOD did from His !!!

Then, who has believed entered in to the rest… and those who DID NOT BELIEVE,… who still have the Adam’s sin of unbelief …, did not enter in to the rest. Their works are still not finished. !!!

Heb 4:11  Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.


Then, there is another rest for those who DID NOT BELIEVE. to them, The LORD  gave the chance to enter in first, … who are Israel. but as they did not believe, they were cut off… and the gentiles entered by believing. Rom.  11: 20 .

Heb 4:6  Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:

Heb 4:9  So then there remains a rest to the people of God….}}}… so for Israel, … there is another Sabbath or another rest, as they did not believe. 


And we who believed, entered… our works are finished.  But the vessels of wrath, .. who are Israel… did not enter !!!

Heb 4:3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

Therefore,, when believed, … we enter in to the rest.  The BELIEF, was counted as RIGHTEOUS , as Abraham did.  Belief and faith, causes one to enter in to this rest and NOT THE LAW. Because the law does not cause one to believe in The LORD , .. but in self. !!!  So that is one of the works of The LORD …


2… to destroy the unbelief, which was caused by pride which came from Adam.

Isa 14:25  That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

Isa 14:26  This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations. ..}}}…remember the pride began from Adam.  That is the pride of life. He sought to be wise by eating the forbidden fruit. So GOD cursed him, and as written below,… he became a proud man, exalted against the knowledge of GOD . !!!   THAT IS THE PRIDE and as we have proven in ‘GOD’S ENEMIES writings, … The LORD  calls the teachers of the law, … who are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, are HIGH AND LOFTY. Isa. 2.  (See below) . These are high and lofty, as they teach to get righteousness out of the law, which is impossible according to the Word of GOD  as it is not given to give righteousness, … but TO A PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY SINNERS, to judge and condemn that sin !!!  So when you BELIEVE, The LORD  blesses you with EXCEEDINGLY GREAT PROMISES !!!


So above, are the two works of The LORD … !!!  Because of pride, as proven, .. the man did not believe The LORD  , which came from Adam. And then The LORD  destroys that pride , so all can believe in Him.  And then… The LORD  must prove the pride of man and how the MERCY of The LORD  will cause one to believe.  so The LORD  called the vessels of wrath for pride,  and the vessels of mercy for belief !!!  And the vessels of wrath are given the law to judge them and condemn to pour His wrath, plagues etc… and they were cut off.  Then, the vessels of mercy obtained mercy through their UNBELIEF… and they were blessed to enter in to the rest, as they believed. Rom.  11: 30-32.


Therefore, in order to prove the character of Adam, …or the image of the beast, …  The LORD  called the vessels of wrath, who are Israel, … who are to be sons of disobedience, … to stumble on Him , as well as the Word of GOD , … Isa. 8: 14,  1  Pet. 2: 8, … and to reject  CHRIST the LORD, as the Chief Corner Stone, … hardened their hearts from HIS FEAR.. Isa. 63:17.


In His mercy, … The LORD  called gentiles, … to believe in Him, .. to receive the Spirit and Truth, 2 Thess. 2: 13, … and prepared them to enter in to the rest first and they are the vessels of mercy, … who are to show the character of their FATHER, .. The CREATOR, …  CHRIST the LORD , and to build the image of GOD, … which is really the image of THE SON !! Rom.  8: 29-30 . “ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son,”. By BELIEVING, THEY CAME TO THE END OF THE LAW, .. WHICH MEANS RECEIVED RIGHTEOUSNESS. !! prove all things below!  Remember these things are revealed, so you also may enter in to HIS REST… !!!



Rom_10:4  For Christ the end of Law for righteousness to everyone that believes.

Remember the law is a school master to bring to  CHRIST the LORD ?  The law was given to prove the UNBELIEF as you will see. so when you BELIEVE… you get righteousness, and  CHRIST the LORD !!!  You must be able to see Adam’s sin now.  As we believe… we enter in to the rest, … and finish the works of The LORD , … and we come to  CHRIST the LORD… the END OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. So the law is a school mater to bring us to  CHRIST the LORD means … if you had kept the law, … it would have caused you to believe in  CHRIST the LORD as well !!!! This is how we magnify the law !!!  That is by coming to  CHRIST the LORD, which means to believe in Him !!! If you had kept the law,.. you will NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS…. ,  you will not have made ANY GRAVEN IMAGES … you would not have taken HIS NAME IN VAIN…, and you would  have KEPT Sabbath, which means enter in to HIS REST.. THE Spiritually FULFILLED Sabbath, WHERE The LORD of Sabbath IS THE LORD AND WORSHIPED!!!


If the end of the law to receive righteousness, is the BELIEF… we know Adam was cut off as he did not believe… and The LORD  worked all these years to get some to believe in Him, … and that is why Adam became a sinner and Unrighteous, and those who believed in Him,… became righteous. !!!  And without the law. !!!  In fact,.. if they had the law, … they would have The LORD ’s wrath… and that is the blindness. And it is the BELIEVERS who would be JUSTIFIED… Acts. 13: 39.


Therefore, please read this to understand GOD’s wrath comes on those who are under the law, … and we inherited the sin of unbelief from Adam, … and when one believes,… they get the righteousness which proves the unbelief was the UNRIGHTEOUSNESS !!! Remember as Adam did not believe, .. he ate and sinned. Same is now.



Just think;… if you had kept the law, … you would have BELIEVED  CHRIST the LORD!!!  Because The LORD  must bring us to Him !!!  That is the end of righteousness !!!  You would be worshiping  CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of Sabbath !!! 


Scripture says no one can keep the law and get righteousness. Then, if you do not believe that, … and seek righteousness from it, … you are STILL NOT BELIEVING IN GOD’S WORDS and have the same unbelief as Adam !  Unless we believe every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD , … we still have the unbelief. ! So MORE YOU TRY TO SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS OUT OF THE LAW, … MORE IT PROVES YOU ARE AN UNBELIEVER, … because the scripture say you cannot get righteousness by the law! Do you get it ???


Gal 2:21  I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. }}}… if righteousness could come by the law, … then  CHRIST the LORD would not have died.  HE DIED, BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS TO US, BY HIS GRACE!!!  So each time when one judges another and condemn for law breakers and they deserve to die etc…, it proves YOUR OWN UNBELIEF !!!  The fact that  CHRIST the LORD died means, law can never make us righteous. Please read on ….


By keeping the law, … you could never live…

By BELIEVING in the LORD, .. you can !!!



All must understand… the sin of Adam which we inherited is the UNBELIEF. that means he did not believe the words of The CREATOR. His words are SPIRIT, and HE IS A SPIRIT. So Adam sinned against the SPIRIT… the HOLY SPIRIT. !!  THE UNPARDONABLE SIN ! That is why all are condemned to death. Heb.  9:27 !


When Adam sinned against GOD, by not believing Him,… he offended GOD, as he made GOD a liar. ! Ever since… the man was cursed, cut off from GOD, and the man started to wander in his ways , and had to live WITHOUT The CREATOR. ! His sin, which is against The CREATOR, … could never be forgiven!  THERE WAS NO PEACE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN ever since. Unless that sin is forgiven, …GOD would not live with man. And that sin caused The CREATOR’S LIFE and Blood !!! 

Therefore, EACH TIME YOU DO NOT BELIEVE HIS WORDS, …. You are accusing him the SAME WAY Adam DID. ! After all, we are Adam’s children and have the same nature as him. !  This is what The LORD  would change in us. So each time you start thinking against Him,… against the knowledge of GOD , … you are doing the same sin as Adam… and you are sons of Adam… the first devil, the adversary of The LORD  !!!! 


So when one does not believe GOD, … then The LORD  says such are high and lofty.!  Lifted up against The LORD , and against His knowledge. !  Such tempt The LORD !!! If YOU WANT TO ACCEPT HIS DEATH, … THE ONLY WAY TO DO SO, IS TO ACCEPT YOUR GUILT OF UNBELIEF WHICH YOU WERE BORN WITH !  And repent and believe !!!  The LORD  says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty. Isa. 2.  Do you believe Him ??? Or do you seek the law to justify you from your unbelief? It is not possible according to the Word of GOD  !! You accept His blood , after you accept your guilt of unbelief which caused The LORD ’s death and shed blood! Until then, there is no peace between GOD and you.  PROVE ALL THINGS. ! 


When Adam sinned, he became a devil. His mind which was after The CREATOR’s mind was removed. Life , knowledge of GOD  and all SPIRITUAL things were cut off. He became a sinner AGAINST GOD. He, by not believing in what The LORD  said, … made GOD A LIAR AND A MURDERER.  THAT IS THE SIN WE ALL INHERITED FROM Adam, AND THE CURSES CAME BY IT !  NO ONE CAN SAY THEY KNEW The CREATOR IS THE ONLY GOD, THE Holy ONE. !!!!  So he became a son of the devil, and could not be a son to GOD. UNTIL THE FIRST FRUITS ARE BORN BY THE Word of GOD , … jam 1: 18,  1 Pe 1: 23, … no one was a son to The CREATOR. !  So The CREATOR gave birth to His sons as Heb.  2: 10 says, so they can declare Him, as the Captain of Salvation . They will declare how Adam failed, … and how it could be corrected.  The fact that we are born again by the Word of GOD , proves, … lacking The Word of GOD , … we could not be born of Him. !!!!   Adam REJECTED THE Word of GOD, or the knowledge of GOD    !!!!  This is why The LORD  came to deliver the knowledge of GOD , TO REDEEM. Isa. 11: 9 – 11 !!!  Until then, no one was born as a son of GOD ! They were sanctified to believe in truth, to be SENT, so others also may believe in Him. John 17:17-20.! How many scripture says to BELIEVE to be saved??


Joh 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life….}}}…so you see… the everlasting life , or the Tree of Life was cut off from Adam, … as he did not believe!  When you BELIEVE, … you will have everlasting life. !!  That, itself should aught to tell us, that Adam did not believe and that is why he was cut off from everlasting life. !!!


Joh 3:17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Joh 3:18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. }}}… so when one BELIEVES ON  CHRIST the LORD, … THEY ARE NOT condemned.  So Adam WAS CONDEMNED, AS HE DID NOT BELIEVE The LORD  OR HIS WORDS… the SPIRIT !!! So when you believe… YOU ARE NOT CONDEMNED ANY MORE !!! That justifies you.  The law, could never make you BELIEVE IN The LORD  !!!  It causes you to believe in yourself as a good person.  It exalts you to believe that you have chosen good! IT COULD NEVER REMOVE YOUR UNBELIEF WHICH YOU INHERITED FROM Adam !!!  So any one has sought righteousness out of the law, … which all the law keepers do, … proves, THEY HAVE NOT BELIEVED The LORD . !!! SINCE WE ARE ALREADY SINNERS,  and as The LORD Has concluded all in UNBELIEF as written elsewhere, … no matter how much you keep the law, … you cannot be justified from the UNBELIEF which GOD ACCUSES YOU OF !!!  This is why, The LORD , HIMSELF CAME DOWN TO DELIVER THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  , THE SECOND TIME. !!! HE SENDS PROPHETS … AND YOU KILLED ALL !


Do you understand ????? GOD Has concluded Adam and all humans as UNBELIEVERS! “God concluded all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all.”… The UNBELIEF killed Adam and all humans!!!  And then, BELIEVE The LORD ’S MERCY will give your life back!  Is it that hard for you to believe ???  


Try to understand… that unbelief is the unpardonable sin !!! Unbelief cut Israel off. Rom.  11: 20. Unbelief caused all to NOT TO ENTER IN TO GOD’S Glorious Rest ! “So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.…Heb.  3: 19,  … “they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:”… Heb.  4:6… and then…. “ For we which have believed do enter into rest,. Heb.  4: 3 !!!


God concluded all in unbelief,”….

But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. “. Gal. 3:22.

Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: Rom.  3:22.


Therefore,… God concluded all in unbelief”… So the UNBELIEF was the SIN, … AND NOT THE BREAKING THE LAW…. The UNBELIEF caused you to NOT ENTER IN TO THE REST, .. which means you have NOT BELIEVED  CHRIST the LORD, … (as the believers entered as written above)  and.. GOD concluded all under sin… which means no one has believed Him, … and even the righteousness of GOD, which means justification, … comes by faith to those WHO BELIEVE !!!


And the righteousness of GOD comes by faith !!!  And faith is given to those who BELIEVE !!! All these prove, that Adam’s sin was the unbelief.  and GOD concluded all as sinners as they DID NOT BELIEVE!!!  That is the unpardonable sin !!!


2Co_4:13  We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak!!! ;



Therefore, those who mocked us for believing, … will be put to shame !!


How would GOD judge or condemn one as an UNBELIEVER???

The answer is… if they have broken the law !!!  That means they must have worshiped The ROCK, who is  CHRIST the LORD and not other gods.  And then must have not worshiped a graven image… which is the law.  If you have not worshiped The ROCK , then you would have used His name in vain, … because the wife of CHRIST The LORD  and all the churches are The ROCK’s or  CHRIST the LORD’s wife. So the wife has not believed that The Husband is also the FATHER. Jer. 3: 19 . BUT YOU WILL LEARN IT SOON.  So the 4th commandment, … Sabbath.  The LORD of the Sabbath must be The ROCK, who is  CHRIST the LORD. He said I am The LORD of Sabbath… and it is He who gave the law also.  So in these, .. since you have not done any of these and have failed, … GOD judges you as an UNBELIEVER !!  YOU still have the same sin as Adam !!! 


So do you understand why we any one COULD, or could NOT enter in to the rest?  Those who DID NOT BELIEVE have STILL NOT entered.  But those who BELIEVED, have entered !!!  When the knowledge of GOD  is given, it is the Glorious Rest, those who BELIEVED. !!!  Isa. 11: 9 – 11   !!!  That knowledge of GOD , REDEEMS us.  That proves, LACKING the knowledge of GOD , we could not be redeemed … or we need to be redeemed as we lacked the knowledge of GOD . !!!  And Isa. 5: 13 says… “Therefore My people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst”….


GOD says HIS PEOPLE are in captivity… under the devil, the evil heart, … because they do not have the knowledge.!!  From Adam, … the Tree of Life was cut off means … the knowledge of GOD  was cut off. !!!  That is why all are sons of the devil !!! Israel are called sons of the devil, because they are given to law to measure their devilish minds! (Heb.  2: 14)  So they are in captivity, having NO KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.  Then, when the true knowledge of GOD  is given, … they come out of captivity !!!  THE CAPTIVITY IS RESTORED !!!


And as you can understand, as The LORD  opens the minds, … the knowledge of GOD  is the words of GOD, which is SPIRIT.  And those who lack the knowledge of GOD , are the devils. right ??? When you do not have the knowledge of GOD, … you are in captivity.  Then,… the Word of GOD  is the SPIRIT. !!!  And it is the truth. That is why, the scripture says the TRUTH, THE Word of GOD  WILL SET YOU FREE !!!!!  So Adam became a devil and was in captivity, as he was CUT OFF FROM THE TRUTH AND THE Word of GOD , WHICH IS THE Tree of Life. !!!!  And this is why, the scripture says.. the devils are cast out by the SPIRIT of GOD !!!  ( Mat. 12: 27-28). The LORD  Does it, by His finger, the little children !!!  So the truth will set you free !!!  And The Son, will set you free… !!!  John 8:32, 36.  So The SON is  CHRIST the LORD, the LORD who is the SPIRIT. ( 2 cor 3: 17). And His words, ARE SPIRIT. John 6:63.  And the word is the truth.  John 8:32.  So….


So The LORD  who is the SPIRIT… will set you free by His words, which is the SPIRIT.  So Adam, by not believing in Him and His words, … lost life and became a son of the devil, and under bondage.  !!!  So we all were concluded as sinners as we too did not believe in Him. ! So The CREATOR, will set us free from Adam’s sin of unbelief, … WHEN WE BELIEVE !!!  The unpardonable sin is PARDONED !!! Therefore, no matter how much you keep the law, … it proves your spiritual ignorance and your UNBELIEF.  more you seek it’s righteousness…, more The LORD ’s wrath is in you  as it is against the Word of GOD  !!!


But The LORD ’s grace will give life to all, in the end. !  with the condemnation, The LORD  gives the knowledge how to get life back also. !

Rom 5:12  Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Rom 5:13  (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

Rom 5:14  Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come. }}… so the SIN came from Adam. That is NOT THE BREAKING OF THE LAW.  But the law was given to impute that sin of Adam.


For until the law sin was in the world… so sin was in the world, when the law was given. That is why the law is given, so the sin could be imputed. !!!  The law was NOT GIVEN TO MAKE ONE RIGHTEOUS, … but to condemn to death !!! So the law keepers seek LIFE OR RIGHTEOUSNESS out of the measure given to CONDEMN ONE TO DEATH. !!!  That means they seek life out of DEATH !!!!


This is what the little children are taught… who ever sins, … they TRANSGRESS THE LAW ALSO.  (ALSO).  So the sin came first.  And then, you break the law also. And the law is given to judge the sin of Adam. !  This is why, the law will not give you righteousness. !!! 

1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Understand…. Who ever sin, …. ALSO transgresses the law.

So THE SIN was already in us, when The LORD  gave us the law !!!  The LORD  condemned Adam, when he sinned. Passing his sin to us means we also are condemned as unbelievers or sinners.  Sin came from Adam as scripture proves below. And to prove that sin, the law came. !!!  So WHEN The LORD  GAVE THE LAW, … Israel ARE ALREADY CONDEMNED AND HAVE THE SIN IN THEM. !!!  So by keeping the law , could they erase the sin which they already have ???

So just as Adam’s unbelief caused him to transgress and eat from the forbidden tree, … all Israel also , because of UNBELIEF, could not enter in to the rest as written below, … proves, they too have not believed same way as Adam did not believe!  That means they have transgressed the law also.  The law proves, they never worshiped The CREATOR, The ROCK who gave the law and said you shall have no other gods !!!

So the law shows the transgression, or the sin WE ALREADY HAD !!!

So who ever sins, … also break the law. !!! That is why the scripture says law is given to reveal the sin already we have. !!!


So the UNRIGHTEOUSNESS CAME TO US FROM Adam. AND THAT IS WHY THE LAW IS GIVEN, TO THE UNRIGHTEOUS PEOPLE. But Israel is chosen to show GOD’s wrath. So their sins must be shown by the law.

1Ti 1:9  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, }}}.. The LORD gave the law, … to prove their UNRIGHTEOUSNESS !!!!  understand ???  The law is given to ALREADY UNRIGHTEOUS, SINNERS.  It is not only Israel, but the whole world who came from Adam.  But The LORD chose Israel as the vessels of wrath !  That sin came from Adam. And The LORD prophesied Israel will be stiff-necked. So He Chose the correct people to show the world, His wrath and the disobedience of the people. So The LORD PURPOSELY BLINDED THEM, … AND APPOINTED TO DISOBEDIENCE !!! 1  Pet. 1:8,  Isa. 6,  Acts. 28: 26-28,  Isa. 8: 14, Eze. 12:2,  John 12: 40, Isa. 29:10,  Eze. 14:9 (The LORD  says HE HAS DECEIVED THE PROPHET),  Rom.  9: 18,  Rom.  11: 7,  Deut.  29:4,  . So The LORD chose the correct people for the correct job.  And in the end, … the leaders, the high and lofty ones mentioned in Isa. 2, who are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish,… are the ones whom The LORD  chose to show the world their PRIDE , and the sin of Adam, … the unbelief and self -righteousness etc, … and how The LORD  would destroy their wickedness, … catching them by their own craftiness.  They preach righteousness out of the law… but The LORD has given the law, to condemn one to death, to show His wrath.  So they are caught in their own deceit ! They sought life, out of DEATH !!!


But, in JUDGMENT,… The LORD  opened the eyes of the blind, and blinded the wise men.

Joh 9:39  And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Joh 9:40  And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also?

Joh 9:41  Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth. }}}… when The LORD  came to judgment, every thing changed. The wisdom of the wise perished,  and the little children are taught all things. 1 John 2: 27.  And as these leaders say they know ….their sin remains. this is what happens to the law keepers.  Since they think they are righteous, … their sin remains in them. This is how The LORD  exalted the humbled and the humbled are exalted. !!!



Just think… when Adam sinned by not believing The LORD’s word,  (which is the Holy Spirit) he made GOD a liar. SINNING AGAINST HOLY SPIRIT IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN. Then, we also inherited the same unpardonable sin from him. then, if you keep the whole law, will it remove that guilt of committing the unpardonable sin which you are born with? That is why The LORD  died. THEN, UNDERSTANDING, … THAT, ONE MUST BE BAPTIZED IN TO The LORD ’S DEATH, YOU MUST PRAY TO HIM, … I BELIEVE THAT I AM THE SINNER, … I HAVE OFFENDED YOU…I COMMITTED THE UNPARDONABLE SIN.  I UNDERSTAND THAT I INHERITED Adam’S SIN, … AND THAT YOU DIED TO PAY THAT PENALTY OF SINNING AGAINST GOD, … AND I ACCEPT YOUR DEATH AS MY PENALTY. !!!  then each suffering The LORD  went through, one must understand that He paid for us.  For example:- … as our writings proves, … HE WAS PUT A SCARLET ROBE.  THAT MEANS THE WIFE’S SIN IS AS SCARLET. Isa. 1.  SO HE HAD TO PUT ON SCARLET CLOTHES TO PAY FOR HER SIN.  LIKE THAT, THERE ARE ABOUT 24 PENALTIES The LORD  WENT THROUGH, TO PAY FOR US.  Then, But, until the judgments are over, The LORD  will not remove the curses brought from Adam to all humans! So no matter how much you keep the law, … it will not make you free from the UNPARDONABLE SIN WHICH YOU INHERITED FROM Adam!!! COULD YOU GET JUSTIFICATION,  BY KEEPING THE LAW, WHEN YOU ARE A PART OF THAT ‘UNPARDONABLE SIN’???


Not forgetting as the  lies kills, we made GOD a murderer as well. Then, as a judgment, The LORD  took his understanding away,… understanding to the TRUTH away, … and The LORD  did not reveal about GODHEAD, Thereafter. His mind became thwarted, he was BLINDED, his understanding is taken away, … his wisdom to know about GOD or the Tree of Life was CUT OFF, … and Thereafter he could not make TRUE DECISIONS.  His HEART received the plague. HE BECAME A BEAST !  Remember a man WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, … IS A BEAST. Psa. 49:20.  Then, that is the CARNAL MIND, all inherited. And he became FLESH, OPPOSITE OF SPIRIT !!!


Then the law was given to EXPOSE THAT CARNAL MIND.  And not to get righteousness.  NO ONE COULD KEEP THE LAW, … WHICH IS SPIRITUAL, … BECAUSE, WE HAVE THE MIND OF THE BEAST, UNLESS The LORD  REMOVES THAT CURSE FROM US, … AND UNLESS THE MIND OF  CHRIST the LORD, IS GIVEN TO US, BY HIM !!!  He could not build the image of The CREATOR , Thereafter.   His  sin caused us to be beasts.  And in judgment, The LORD  caused the wisdom of the wise to be perished.  The whole world became dark Spiritually.  GOD withheld His Spirit… and did not give the understanding.


But, to those whom The LORD  prepared or sanctified to believe in Spirit and Truth, … believed and received the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13


As a result of Adam’s unbelief… all these came to the man. :-  AND REMEMBER ALL THESE CHARACTERS WILL COME ON THE CHURCH IN THE END, TO SAVE ALL BY The LORD ’S MERCY.

So Adam’s eyes were closed Spiritually …

His life was cut off Spiritually!

His mind  or heart was cut off from the spiritual knowledge , became a beast!

His eyes and ears were hardened from hearing the Word of GOD ,

He started to walk by sight, and loved to exalt self than others.

Death reigned in him…

He started to serve the devil., his own mind, without GOD’s mind.

He became a spiritual serpent. That is why there are vipers and creeping ministry.

His understanding was taken away, and he became a beast. That is why the ministry are like roaring lions, serpents, vipers, evening wolves, etc.  but the good ones whom The LORD  has made good , became donkey, ass, dove, ox etc to be harmless. And The LORD , Himself became a LAMB.!!! So in the end, the evil ministry, who are the high and lofty ones, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are to be serpents, and the little children are to be as doves , harmless among them. !

He loved darkness as The LORD chased him out of His sight. Darkness means WITHOUT REVELATION. Went to captivity taken by the serpent, the deceitful heart!

the knowledge of GOD  which is the knowledge of the true GOD was cut off from Him… !

the man became a LIAR, and a MURDERER and Cain killed the younger brother!

Adam offended The LORD . and that offense continues, until forgiven at the end of the age, after judgment,  Heb.  9:26 But The LORD  will forgive all when making the new Covenant . !!!

Adam  became high and lofty, and PROUD against GOD and His knowledge!

He became a man who loves SELF ! SELFISH !

He started to walk by SIGHT instead of faith.

The GODLY character was cut off…

He acquired the character of a beast, and the serpents.

He became like fish, and creepers who does not have the ruler. Hab 1;14 and in the end, it is Zion who does not have her King, or the ruler. Jer. 8: 19

And wanted to be wise as GOD. So he lost the true wisdom which comes from GOD!

He started to seek his own righteousness by his works as the true righteousness is hidden from him  !!!  SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS !!! 

His MIND was corrupted to not to know about  CHRIST the LORD. !

He started to live in lies. The LORD  hid the truth.

He lost faith in The LORD  and His words,

He started life away from GOD and he would not believe what The LORD  says.

Even the ground was cursed, and the ground is the church now.

He inherited the CARNAL mind, which is enmity against GOD and THE LAW !!!

So he lost EVERLASTING LIFE and lost the opportunity to build GOD’s character.

He lost the image of GOD, and have the image of the beast ..

He started to have his own lusts … and became a law breaker.

He started to worship other gods, idols, graven images, and not the true GOD.

He BECAME NAKED…without clothes from on high, … the white linen ,  and knew he has sinned and hid himself.


He lost the Spirit… and became FLESH !

He became Spiritually poor, wretched, miserable, blind and naked. !


He started to oppose the cause of GOD or the will of GOD. !

Adversary means the devil, the serpent and evil !!

So the NIGHT, DEATH, DEVIL, and the sea where the wicked are, … all came from Adam to us, UNTIL The LORD  REMOVES THEM. !


Now, this was the character of all the people on this earth, when The LORD  called out Israel, out of Egypt.  Now you can understand… why The LORD  delivered them from Egypt, the type of Adam’s world which has Adam’s character,  and make Himself a people to HIM !   You should be able to understand why GOD did that.  Even now, they are Spiritually in Egypt, and must be redeemed. Rev. 11: 8. Now we can understand why, The LORD  must Spiritually redeem us by giving the HOLY SPIRIT, … so we can be HIS PEOPLE for ever ! That is what the times of Refreshing is all about.  All FLESH ( who has Adam’s character) will be given HOLY SPIRIT.  Just and the unjust, dead and alive, will receive it. !!!!


So now too, this IS THE CHARACTER of all the PEOPLE IN THE CHURCHES OF GOD!  Have they not become roaring lions ,(Zep 3:3)  vipers, beasts as Rev. 17 etc says, and have gone after other gods ?? Are they not in Babylon, … and Egypt and assyria etc?



And all of the above , Adam came to be.  NOW, … DO YOU THINK, BY KEEPING THE LAW, YOU CAN UNDO any OF THE ABOVE character , OR EVEN ONE , which we have inherited as a curse ???

Do you think ???  Yes….               No …………


The man was the adversary of The LORD  !!!  That is why there are high and lofty ones, whom The LORD  wants to bring down low !!!

You see yourself as a son of Adam… son of the devil,… a beast and all of the above … we did not even have THE KING, our RULER… or our CREATOR!





The LORD  gave the law, … in order to bring out , or expose this beast in man!  The man became UNRIGHTEOUS. He was cut off from all things GOD Has to offer to man !!!  Then, by keeping the law, can you correct all of the above or even just one ???


This is why, the law is given to CONDEMN Adam’s sin. !!! So how could it give righteousness to anyone, when it is given to expose the UNRIGHTEOUSNESS??? 


In that, The LORD  exposes those who expect righteousness by the law as BEASTS and having committed the unpardonable sin, … and as UNBELIEVERS !!!!! GOD chose Israel as the vessels of wrath, and gave the law, … to an already unrighteous people , so their unrighteousness could be made manifest !!! And just as they are  beasts, … he want righteousness by the law which is intended to condemn to death !!! Israel are the unbelievers. They still have not believed  CHRIST the LORD.  They still have not understood the Old testament. 2 cor 3. ! They still have not turned to The LORD  to have their minds opened !


Israel thought GOD is giving them the blessing of Abraham… but, physically yes, as Abraham gave all to Isaac. But Spiritually, … it is gentiles who are the vessels of mercy, who would receive the HOLY SPIRIT, the promise Covenant by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, at His second coming. !!! So GOD knew all things, and He wrote the book of life, … before the beginning. So no one can force their way or claim their law keeping made them enter in to it, even as The LORD  said… “ Speak not thou in thine heart…. For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land!


So no one, as the high priest  and the ships of Tarshish had said; because of my righteousness, as I keep commandments, … I eat from the Tree of Life !!!  Those whom are to be in the book of Life, was written before the world began. !!


Those who are to be saved first, were prepared from the foundation of the world. And their works have nothing to do with being in the book of Life. !

Rev 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Rev 13:9  If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Rev 13:10  He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. ..}}}…whose names are NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE ??  Remember these are the first fruits .  these are the SAINTS.  And The LORD  keep the feet of the saints from falling. 1 sam 2: 8 -9.  And this scripture says PATIENCE AND FAITH…  that also The LORD  taught to the little children.

2Th_3:5  And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ. }}}… we believe it is The LORD  who directs our hearts AND NOT OURSELVES, in to HIS LOVE AND PATIENT TO WAIT FOR HIM. so they have the patience and faith also is a free gift, Eph.  2: 8 and those of the law cannot have faith. Rom.  11: 20.  And the ships of Tarshish lost that faith also, as THEY DO NOT TRUST IT IS The LORD  WHO GIVES US PATIENCE AND FAITH, but trust in their law keeping !


So whose names are written in heaven according to The LORD , ???

Luk 10:20  Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Luk 10:21  In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. }}}… these are the BABES, to whom the secrets are revealed, as John 9: 39 says, when the hour of judgment came, … as The LORD humbled the aged who does not know judgment.. job 32:9, and exalted the little children, and gave them the Spirit and Truth, to cast out the spirits of the devils , who are their fathers. Mat. 12: 27-28.  They are the JUDGES… and The LORD  says.. the spirits are subject unto you… and you have your names written in heaven.  !!!  THESE LITTLE CHILDREN DO NOT THINK, BY THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, THEY WILL ENTER IN TO THE Promised land as written elsewhere,  … but it is The LORD  who brought little children to it, to the kingdom.  BECAUSE Mat. 12: 27-28 SAYS, WHEN CASTING OUT THE DEVILS, IT IS THE KINGDOM !!!  if not they would not be called JUDGES. !!!  So the beasts still are saying by keeping commandments, we are eating from the Tree of Life !!!

We do not need to have our own interpretation of whose names are written in heaven, as The LORD  wrote the book of life before the world began, and then it must be fulfilled just as it is written, … and some where else, the scripture must tell us who they are.  They are the little children… the babes, as you can see… as Isa. 8: 18,, 29: 23-24, Heb.  2: 10. John 17: 17-20 ETC. 


So those who do not have their names written are ; any one under the law, …

 … except the men of Niniveh who REPENTED AND BELIEVED, … and the little children who are casting out the devils of their fathers, … And The LORD  says, the spirits WILL SUBJECT !!! “spirits are subject unto you;”.. That means The LORD  will cause these little children to bruise the head of the serpent, who are those who are under the law who still have the character of Adam. !   They are the high and lofty ones as The LORD  said. Isa. 2.  Besides, as John 17: 17-20, as The LORD  prayed, would not The LORD ’s prayer will be answered ???  So all those who have NOT BELIEVED The LORD , will believe through our word !!!  That is why these children who are with  CHRIST the LORD, are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!! They will see…


These children are the works of The LORD ’s own hands. So these spirits will see it…

Isa 26:11  LORD, when thy hand is lifted up, they will not see: but they shall see, and be ashamed for their envy at the people; yea, the fire of thine enemies shall devour them. }}}… so this is talking about the enemies.  And remember Psa. 8: 2-3, to still the enemy, The LORD  chose the babes … and gave them the truth to PRAISE HIM?  So they will not see, but they will see when The LORD  is giving them mercy.

Isa 26:10  Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the LORD. }}}… so this is the time when The LORD  pours mercy on the wicked, the law keepers as well.  The LORD  has promised to save all humans.  We are all fulfilling some office he has ordained.. either for mercy or for wrath.  But in the end, all will get the same wage… everlasting life. ! So we have nothing to boast about !!!



But in judgment, when The LORD  blinded the ones who saw, such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … ( John 9:39), started to show the character of Adam. The LORD  allowed all these characters to be in the high and lofty ones, the enemies of The LORD , to show His wrath and what the man has become, WITHOUT GOD !  That is why they seek righteousness and life out of what GOD gave to condemn them to death !!!


And as The LORD  said… HE OPENED THE EYES OF THE BLIND,.. the little ones and taught them all things, and gave them the Spirit and Truth, so they can cast out the devils of their fathers. !! GOD says they will be your JUDGES… Mat. 12; 27-28,  and also GOD says the AGED do not know judgment. Job 32:9 !!


And, Adam started to exalt himself against the knowledge of GOD . and all these enemies also started to exalt themselves against the knowledge of GOD . So such became enemies of The LORD . This is why Luk. 1: 68-71 says, The LORD  will deliver the people from the enemy.  False teachers of the law, the pharisees and sadducees  are the enemies of The LORD , as they cause the people to trust in the law, … and not in GOD. !!!   So as written elsewhere, … in John 12: 31-32,… these high and lofty ones started to exalt themselves, … and as a judgment to them, … the humble ones are chosen by GOD, and are using them to avenge these , after they FULFILLED THEIR OBEDIENCE. 2 cor 10: 5- 6.   That is why, in judgment, as John 9: 39 says, The LORD  opened the eyes of the ones who DID NOT SEE… and closed the eyes of those WHO DID SEE. !!! So now, the war is between The CREATOR’s children who obeyed grace and faith and believed Him, and those who did not believe Him, but their own righteousness through the law. !!! This is what The LORD  reveals the hidden counsels of the heart. 1 ccor 4; 5. !!!  This is why 1 cor 5;5 says, sinners will be saved, their spirits , … on the day of THE LORD !!!  That is how The LORD  delivers the people !!



Each time any one teaches to keep the law to get righteousness… or judge others for not keeping it, … they bring out their beastly character, which is from Adam !!!


He wanted the forbidden fruit to live to fill the belly…, he was caused to live by anything other than the true bread from heaven which gives everlasting life. !


He started to wander or going to and fro..!!! It is satan, or those who do not have the truth, who wander to and fro.  And that is why The LORD  said to Daniel, to seal up … and the knowledge will be increased… and all will run to and fro.

Pro 21:6  The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death. }}}.. what causes death ???  It is the law.  When you preach to get life out of the law, IT IS A LIE… a lying tongue… seen vanity… the high and lofty ones who preach the law to get life, and who turn the people away from the truth to seek GOD’s justification and righteousness, … are the high and lofty ones.  GOD’s anger is on them. ! They cause the people to run to and fro.  IN VANITY. !



Isa 24:20  The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

Isa 24:21  And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. }}}.. the earth is the HIGH AND LOFTY ONES who would shake lie the earth is quaking when The LORD  punishes them. !!! They did not believe The LORD , because of their pride.  Only those who are under the law, who could be the vessels of wrath.  There are millions of people who do not know The LORD , but they will perish without the law as Rom.  2 says, … but those who are under the law must be judged by it, and they have the wrath. !  They too will be saved by mercy !



All evils came on him as no truth, but lies and vanity. So all the humans acquired the same things from Adam. But this is to end in the church. In order to bring out the man’s heart’s intentions, GOD gave the law. But righteousness comes from GOD. Man , .. by keeping the law, can never get righteousness. But, man sought righteousness by the law, which means own righteousness. In order to judge the works, The LORD  gave the law. Then they forsook the GOD WHO GAVE THE LAW, and started to look to the law to serve it to get righteousness which is life. and those who are of the law, the death is certain and no one can get righteousness to live. So they died under the two witnesses, without mercy. But GOD did not create all to die for ever.  He decided to die for man. But until the end of the age, … after the judgments, … The LORD ’s death will not forgive all. At the making of the new Covenant, … The LORD  will forgive by accepting His own blood. Then, He opens the eyes of the man to know HE WAS A BEAST, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, HAVE INHERITED LIES, VANITY AND HAVE FORSAKEN THE GOD WHO GIVES RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HAS SERVED THE LAW IN VAIN.


We know The LORD  gives the righteousness. Rom.  5: 16-17, is a FREE GIFT. If it is a gift, then The LORD  must give it. but did the man believe that The LORD  must give it ? No.  He IS TRYING TO GET IT BY HIMSELF!!!  So that works wrath. Then, if it comes or must be given by GOD, … then looking for righteousness from the law; would it not be against GOD ??? In vain? So the works of the law, brings out GOD’s wrath. Rom.  4:15. This is why, The LORD  gave another way to live. By believing in Him, that HE WILL GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and all other gifts the man cannot get! When you believe that the righteousness comes from GOD, … then you believe that YOU CANNOT GET YOUR OWN !  That is the truth, and truth shall set you free!




Then, all HUMANS also inherited the SAME character from Adam , as above, and The LORD  calls it “the carnal mind”.  So could the CARNAL MIND be subjected to GOD and His law, as The LORD  is Spirit and His law is spiritual (Rom.  7:14) ???   If Adam became the adversary, … are we not also the adversaries of GOD, UNTIL WE TURN TO The LORD  ???  This is why in John 8, The LORD  said to Abraham’s seed, that they are sons of the devil !!!!  Adam, was the first devil who lied against GOD. !!!!  The serpent did not lie to GOD, if there was one.  HE DID NOT BELIEVE The LORD … and then when he BELIEVES The LORD , … HE JUSTIFIES US !!!  ( Acts. 13:38-39). THAT PROVES, NOT BELIEVING in HIM, is the unpardonable sin as we have proven before !!!  This is why, The LORD separated the believers and unbelievers now.  But no one can believe Him, on their own. !  No one is righteous, … no one seek GOD…. No one calls on Him… as the knowledge of GOD  was HIDDEN FROM Adam and us all !!!


But, during the times of Refreshing, … GOD overlooks the ignorance in man. That means UNTIL THE TIMES OF REFRESHING, THE MAN WAS IGNORANT OF SPIRITUAL THINGS. !!! The LORD  said how can we understand heavenly things, when we cannot understand earthly things.


So if Adam’s curses are to be removed, the knowledge about them , why The LORD  cursed him etc, must be revealed. Then, his blindness, nakedness, and death and serving the devil etc all must end in GOD’s church. So the Laodicea era, is the judgment of The LORD . This is why, in the letter to Laodicea , The LORD  takes her back to the beginning of the creation. !


Rev 3:14  And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the BEGINNING OF THE CREATION OF GOD; }}}…why Does The LORD  take them back to the BEGINNING OF THE CREATION ??? It is time to judge what happened in the beginning of creation. ! Adam became naked, … and Laodiceans became naked. She is to bear the fruits of her rebellion also, the same way as Adam! Adam lied, … so GOD wants her to know, that HE IS TRUE.  The true source the truth comes, is from The CREATOR. So The LORD  says, I AM THE TRUE WITNESS !!!  Then FAITHFUL ???  She was not faithful. Isa. 1 says, the city became a harlot. And many other scripture including Eze. 16 which talks about all the daughters of Jerusalem ! They forsook Him as Deut.  32 witnesses… so The LORD  reminds her that HE IS FAITHFUL.  Faith, also comes from Him, and is a GIFT. Eph.  2: 8. Then it must be given and   did not have it. at this time, The LORD  is prophesied to come again to judge the world. ( He does so by the ones whom He prepared). This is not the judgment under the two witnesses, … but the White Throne judgment, to give light or revelation, so they can have white linen, … the righteousness to BE ACCEPTED and to give life !!!


So The LORD  must take her back to the beginning and show that she inherited this character and curses from the man .. and lived man’s ways, and then she must die .. and then The LORD  will have mercy and make her live. !


How The LORD ’s judgements on Adam and the church is similar…:-

The LORD  struck him in the eyes, as he saw the fruit of rebellion was good, and the Laodiceans also are struck blind as they sought the law to rebel against Him and that is done to end the curse. ! He saw… she saw !!! That is the lust of the eyes which all humans got from Adam. ! The law will prove all have had these lusts. !!!


The LORD  struck his belly for thinking it is good for food to live, … and now The LORD  must show her that she COULD NOT LIVE by what she ate… the law to live ! The same food they chose to live, ACTUALLY KILLED Adam AND THE CHURCH as well! As you read along, you will see… what Adam saw and thought it was good for food is WHAT IT KILLED HIM.. and also the church. Adam ate the fruit and died, .. the church kept the law and died. We proved the law is the modern day Tree of good and evil. !


The LORD  struck his pride… ; by giving a carnal mind, he became proud , high and lofty as he searched wisdom out of the forbidden fruit !!! Now, the wife searched the law to live! That proves we still have Adam’s blindness. ! just think… Adam tried to live by the forbidden fruit, … the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is trying to live by the law !!! the fruit caused Adam to die, and the law caused the wife to die !!!  So Adam lost the SPIRITUAL WISDOM, and the wife also lost the spiritual wisdom. That is the NAKEDNESS. Adam was not clothed from on High, … and the wife also became naked, not having the clothes from on High !!!  And all of these are to end at Ezekiel’s wife stroke … Eze. 24: 21- 23. That is the time they all fell in all three lusts. !!!

Eze 24:21  Speak unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will profane MY SANCTUARY, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pitieth; and your sons and your daughters whom ye have left shall fall by the sword. …}}}… “excellency” means arrogance,  pride, pomp, majesty etc.  so The LORD ’s Sanctuary, was their STRENGTH AND PRIDE. THEY SAID THEY ARE KINGS AND PRIESTS.  But The LORD  would profane it.  then their pride,  excellency, all become PROFANED !!!  The sons and daughters  will fall by the sword… the Word of GOD .  They become like Adam, and BEASTS. !!! All the curses of Adam will come on them.  And finally, they are to Spiritually DIE… at the hand of the two witnesses, … WITHOUT MERCY… as the scripture says as written elsewhere, … and then the two witnesses also are to die… and one of them who goes to the law, … becomes profaned as well as it is not the law which gives righteousness, … but the law will condemn one to death as a son of the devil, or son of Adam !!!

Eze 24:23  And your tires shall be upon your heads, and your shoes upon your feet: ye shall not mourn nor weep; but ye shall pine away for your iniquities, and mourn one toward another. }}}… wait until The LORD  opens your mind to pine away and mourn towards one another.  YOU WILL FIND OUT…. INSTEAD OF THE TRUE GOD, … all you had was other gods.  The ROCK IS THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD WHO BEGAT YOU. Deut.  32: 18.  You did not worship Him,  The LORD of Sabbath and NEVER BELIEVED HIM TO ENTER IN TO HIS REST !!!! And you have sought righteousness out of the law, which was GRAVEN BY THE FINGER OF GOD, … BUT IT IS NOT THE GOD WHO BROUGHT YOU OUT, WHO IS The ROCK, … AND IT IS A GRAVEN IMAGE.  You looked for life out of the graven image. 


Now, once again, it is the finger of GOD, who are the little children, who are casting out your devils. !!!

Luk 11:19  And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your sons cast them out? therefore shall they be your judges.

Luk 11:20  But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you. }}}.. so these children are the finger of GOD, the judges.  The LORD  profaned the Sanctuary, … and their excellency of strength is cast down and given to others. Mat. 21: 43.  

In many other scripture, The LORD  confirmed the kingdom is little children’s. and then The LORD  says… become like little children.

Mat_19:14  But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. }}}.. as written above, it is their names which are written in heaven… in the book of Life. and their FATHER, gave the kingdom to them, by giving the Spirit and Truth, … and the truth is the strength, ( the Word of GOD , Joe 2:11) by taking it from Eze. 24 priesthood.

And the aged, the wise will not enter in… said The LORD .

Luk_18:17  Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

And said.. you also must be converted like little children, to enter !!!  So those who keep commandments of The LORD , … HERE IS ONE commandment FOR YOU, directly from The LORD   !!! Find the little children… and ask them how to enter. !!!  They will tell you how you can be converted as they !!!  Well, if you have not learned how to be converted as these little children, … you are not in the kingdom. BECAUSE The LORD  HAS APPOINTED THEM TO GIVE YOU THAT KNOWLEDGE !

Mat_18:3  And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. …}}}… these are the commandments from The LORD , to all those, except to the little children, who are already in the kingdom. !!!



All these happened, because of GOD’s curse, for NOT BELIEVING IN HIM, which was caused by man’s pride. And we still have the same curses, until The LORD  removes them. No matter how much we try to keep the law to live, .. unless The LORD  removes those curses, we still would have night, the sea, .. the death, the devil ! But The LORD  promises to remove them. Then, we must BELIEVE, at least now. ! WE PROVED, THE LAW IS A CURSE… as those who are under it MUST DIE as none can get righteousness. But no one believed it.


And unless The LORD  corrects all these, … the man would be a devil, beast and carnal.!



Just think… if the first man was given a mutated chromosome, … as a result of his sin and rebellion against GOD, … , would not the same mutation be passed in to his sons as well ??? That is what happened. GOD’s curse is passed on to all humans Thereafter. But GOD knew, HE WOULD DIE and shed blood to correct it. But until then, … until and unless The LORD  corrects that chromosome,… we cannot do it ourselves.  So what the law keepers are trying to do is, by keeping the law ,… they are trying to get the mutated chromosome corrected by themselves, WITHOUT The CREATOR!!! .  Could it be done ???  Adam’s eyes,  belly, .. and his wisdom is given mutated chromosomes. And the rest of his sons inherited the same. So by keeping the law, … you cannot get it corrected. !  The CREATOR must correct it and remove the mutated cells, …. And turn them to good, proper ones.  it is like that.


So is it possible for you to get good cells for bad ones you have ??? People physically do modify the genes etc, … but SPIRITUALLY, … no one can, as THE SPIRIT COMES FROM GOD, The CREATOR !!! So always the law works wrath, each time you seek the law to get righteousness (or your mutated genes corrected,) … as it is against GOD’s knowledge. SIMPLY… THE RIGHTEOUSNESS COMES FROM GOD! And you are trying to get the righteousness from the law !!! So would not GOD be angry, when you try to seek righteousness out of something which is impossible??  And not only that, if the righteousness comes from GOD, and it is according to His words, … when you seek righteousness by any other way, is PURE REBELLION and you reject THE VOICE OF The LORD  and HIS WORD !!!  


GOD cursed Adam to go on his own ways… have his own imaginations, … and own understanding  etc.  He must get his own food to live.  But only in the judgment, …. And the times of Refreshing, … on the Day of Visitation , when The LORD  visits the sin and iniquity, … The LORD  gives the true knowledge of GOD , .. which is the Tree of Life, .. and REMOVING THE CURSES from man. That is after the judgment, to give light. !!!  Until then, man ALWAYS was THE ENEMY OF The LORD . !!!  Our ways are not GOD’s ways. Man was always opposing the cause of GOD. !!! And The LORD  says it is the PRIDE in man , vanity is what makes him to oppose the cause of GOD! Since the man is Spiritually BLIND, .. HE IS TRYING TO DO SOMETHING AND GET THAT SPIRITUALITY on his own, when IT IS FREELY AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE. !!!


So Adam’s sin caused him to acquire, the nature of a beast, and the DEVIL.  Devils believe GOD… and even tremble.  But they cannot get rid of their devilish character, unless The LORD  CAST THEM OUT . !  And as the scripture says the devils are cast out BY THE SPIRIT OF The LORD , proves these devils do not have the SPIRIT of The LORD !  these things GOD reveals now, to give the truth, to give salvation and everlasting life. !  no one can change their mutated spiritual chromosomes to live for Ever, unless The CREATOR does it.  They may modify the genes, clone us… but not to live for ever !!!  every time the man teaches to keep the law to eat from the Tree of Life, … they are OPPOSING THE CAUSE OF GOD and further tries to deceive people.  There is no way one can build to the BEST OF THE HUMAN Spirit as the high priest, the cedar the enemy of The LORD  taught can earn the ‘Spiritual’ WISDOM !!! Not even close!


Therefore,, when The LORD  forgives the sin of disobedience, … unbelief, which was caused by man’s pride and wisdom, … HE WILL GIVE THE NEW spiritual CHROMOSOMES, … HIS OWN NATURE TO US. THEN, THE Spirit WILL REPLACE THE FLESH. ! Until then, we have the NATURE OF THE DEVIL, … THE GENES OF THE DEVIL, … THE MIND OF THE DEVIL. !!! That is why, the law keepers, just as Adam wanted to live by eating from the Tree of good and evil, … they seek life by keeping the law !!! Can we who are the devils, … subject to the law of SPIRITUAL GOD ???  Can the ‘flesh’ become SPIRIT any time it wants to??? No one could worship GOD in Spirit and Truth until now. !! GOD wants you to see and understand, you are a beast. ( we all were).


But, the LORD HAS PROMISED to give us HIS NATURE by faith !  Believe that  CHRIST the LORD’s faith will do it !!!  And He gives first to those whom He prepared as the vessels of mercy, … and all things will be done to them, by The LORD , Himself, … who are caused to escape the corruption in the world, … who is caused to overcome, by The LORD,   BEING present IN THEM,.. the little children. That is done by grace and faith.  Both must be GIVEN BY The LORD . !!


The righteousness of  CHRIST the LORD, gives us faith !!! That means first be justified from Adam’s sin !!!

2Pe 1:1  Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of our God and our Savior Jesus Christ, }}}… Apostle Peter is addressing to those who OBTAINED FAITH… FROM The LORD . So this is after the ships of Tarshish left faith , to the law. !!!  AND IT COMES THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD, The Saviour, JESUS CHRIST the LORD!!! That means faith, cannot come from Adam to us.  The LORD  must give it.  we must obtain it from The CREATOR. !!!  So you see… by GOD’S OR  CHRIST the LORD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS… YOU OBTAIN FAITH and not by the law, or by your faith. Remember righteousness and faith are FREE GIFTS, that MUST BE GIVEN BY The LORD  !!! Proven elsewhere with scripture !


through the righteousness of our God and our Savior Jesus Christ,… obtain precious faith “ !!! Remember as written above, the end of the law gives righteousness as we come to  CHRIST the LORD??? So we must get the righteousness from  CHRIST the LORD, first, to receive FAITH !!!! 

So with the RIGHTEOUSNESS COMES FROM GOD, … we must obtain faith. This faith, is not our faith. But The LORD ’s faith, the free gift as Eph.  2: 8 says.  That too comes when sin is forgiven and righteousness is given. !!! AND THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH ARE KEEPING THE LAW AND ARE EATING FROM THE Tree of Life, … BUT BY KEEPING THE LAW, … NO ONE CAN GET JUSTIFIED, TO RECEIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS OR FAITH !!!  This is why The LORD  says they are high and lofty. !!!  FAITH IS GIVEN TO THOSE WHO ARE JUSTIFIED.  THAT MEANS THOSE WHO BELIEVED HIM… “Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe:”


through the righteousness of our God and our Savior Jesus Christ,… obtain precious faith “ !!!

righteousness of God  by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe:”

So the righteousness of GOD, comes by Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, … to those who BELIEVE!!!  Remember the unbelief is the unpardonable sin.  When one believes, they are justified!!!  So righteousness comes from BELIEVING AND BEING JUSTIFIED … !!!



Therefore,, we have not inherited this faith from Adam or NO ONE HAD THIS, unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD GIVES IT, TO SAVE US and it is a free gift, when The LORD ’S RIGHTEOUSNESS IS TO BE GIVEN TO ALL BY MERCY AND BY HIS FAITH !!! . (Eph.  2:8). . !

This is why the scripture says as written elsewhere, … law is not of faith. If you seek the law to obtain faith or righteousness, … YOU WILL NOT GET IT.  AS LONG AS YOU PREACH THAT, … YOU STILL HAVE THE SAME NATURE AS Adam !! and how do you get righteousness or faith ???  By GRACE !!!  It is available to all the devils. ! All sons of Adam!  The Heavenly vision (see glossary 2) is to turn the hearts of the gentiles, from the power of the devil, to GOD !!!! “ To open their eyes, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are SANCTIFIED BY FAITH THAT IS IN ME.”…}}}…SO YOU UNDERSTAND, … THAT UNLESS The LORD  DOES ALL THESE, … NO ONE CAN HAVE THEIR EYES OPENED, ….  NO ONE CAN COME OUT OF DARKNESS  TO GOD’S LIGHT, …AND NO ONE CAN RECEIVE FORGIVENESS FOR THE SIN, … AND NO ONE CAN BE TURNED FROM THE POWER OF SATAN TO GOD…. AND NO ONE CAN HAVE The LORD ’S FAITH !!!  So all these are done by The LORD  !!!  These are the things, WE MUST BELIEVE.  when the scripture calls to believe, … that is to believe every word which The LORD  says !!!!  


Open eyes…

Turn from darkness to light…

From the power of satan unto GOD,

Receive forgiveness …

To receive  CHRIST the LORD’s faith. !!!  All these , Adam lost when he sinned.  That is why the forgiveness is needed to give faith or to bring to light and all these to be fulfilled.  WE CANNOT DO IT OURSELVES.  The LORD  must do it for us. That is why he appointed Apostle Paul , to be sent to gentiles, giving all the necessary knowledge, and when this is to be fulfilled, … The LORD , Himself  CAME TO FULFILL the Times of Gentiles. (All proven below with scripture). This is why, the day of THE LORD, or the Day of Visitation, or the day of judgment, … when The LORD  comes, the gentiles are working for Him, .. who held fast to the faith and who did not seek the law to get righteousness, … but sought righteousness from The CREATOR !!! And as written below, … when The LORD  comes, HE TAKES GENTILES TO HIS NAME,.. by HIS MERCY, .. and then turn to deliver Israel !!!


So as these children are a sign and a wonder in Israel, … Israel will see how The LORD  did all these to these children, and will come to know all these truths and will believe The LORD , through their word !!!


And ….. this is spoken about gentiles. This is to be fulfilled, now, … as, the faith is given, … after Israel or the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is CUT OFF…, (Rom.  11:20) So the Heavenly vision The LORD  gave to Apostle Paul is to open the eyes of the gentiles…. From darkness to light… from devil to GOD… and receive forgiveness of sin. (offence). And to be sanctified by FAITH THAT IS IN   CHRIST the LORD !!! Do you see anywhere The LORD  says to Apostle Paul to tell the gentiles to keep the law and get righteousness or forgiveness of sin, … or to get faith by the law ????  Truthfully answer.  YOU WILL UNDERSTAND that you have never become righteous… nor your sins are forgiven, UNLESS YOU BELIEVE THAT YOUR LAW KEEPING WAS IN VAIN. !


So when The LORD  opens the eyes,  which He blinded, …. His grace is given. With it comes PEACE. Because having PEACE means, our sins are forgiven, and we can WALK WITH GOD. !! He is the Prince of peace ! The forgiveness gives us peace so we can obey His voice, as proven. It is not the man’s peace. Or between man and man.  This peace is between GOD and man , which Adam lost. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amo 3:3.  So when The LORD  forgives, … it means we can agree with HIS WORD, AND CAN WALK TOGETHER. So HE CAN LIVE IN US, AND WE CAN LIVE IN HIS WAYS !!! That means the carnal mind is taken away.


WE BELIEVE HIM MEANS, WE CAN WALK WITH HIM, WITHOUT ACCUSING GOD AS A LIAR OR BEING ACCUSED AS LIARS. !!!  All are one !!! The FATHER and His children, who have the same nature !!!


When Adam did not believe what The LORD  said, … Adam made GOD a liar. And since lies kills, … he made GOD a murderer as well. ! So how would GOD like to be made a liar?  This is why the scripture says… if you think you have no sin, .. you make GOD a liar. ! 


GOD says the law is given , as written elsewhere, …. To make all GUILTY BEFORE HIM!

But the law keepers say we keep the law to get righteousness.., means to live. So who are liars here ?


THAT OFFENDED HIM !!! There is no forgiveness for that, as GOD IS A SPIRIT AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT.  SO YOU SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT! This is what, killed The LORD .  This is why The LORD , Himself had to die to save us from that penalty OF MAKING A GOD BEING A LIAR !!!  So as long as that penalty is not forgiven, … we are still sinners.  AND THE SCRIPTURE SAYS, ONLY THE LITTLE CHILDREN ARE FORGIVEN. 1 John 2: 12. !!!  Because , only at the END OF THE AGE, The LORD  forgives, just before entering in to the new Covenant. and not before. Heb.  9: 26.  All must DIE FIRST, … to be JUDGED. v 27. That is why the DEAD are called to the White Throne. Rev. 20:12. !  The LORD  died two thousand years ago. But He did not offer His blood, till the end of the age came, until all died. Remember even the two witnesses died. Rev. 11.  That means they were not forgiven at that time, … but The LORD  gave HIS OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS AS THEY WORK. Isa. 547: 17 . LORD used PCG to judge others. Eze. 16:52. And at that time, The LORD  gave His righteousness to them. But when their work ended, The LORD  saw they also would do worse than others.  So The LORD  HAD TO LET IT HAPPEN. !!!


There are appointed times to give life to all.  First, to the first fruits … and then to all. So as you will see… no matter how much you keep the law to get righteousness, … unless The LORD ’s appointed time comes, … you will not get righteousness by your own. !


We all…. ALL HUMANS ARE GUILTY OF THE UNPARDONABLE SIN !!!  We are born with it !!! Judgments are to give light. Hos. 6:5.  That means GOD judge all, in order to correct the error and give the truth to the lies they had, … so all could understand their sin, … the unpardonable sin…, and repent and believe The LORD  and receive forgiveness unto everlasting life. !


So what did really happen in the beginning and how it would end in the church ? Remember Adam was given the tree… and the church is given the law. !

Death as a curse

Gen 3:3  But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

Gen 3:4  And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: }}}… we know GOD could not judge them at this time, and that is why the law is given, … and as written below, …. Those who broke the law, must die without mercy, under the two witnesses. So two witnesses are called in Rev. 11 proves that is to condemn to death, … those who could not get righteousness out of the law !!! So what really happened here ???  The woman OBEYED THE SERPENT, instead of obeying GOD’s voice !!!! Ever since , all were serving the serpent, the devil !!! Could any one in between get their devils removed ?  When The LORD  lived, He cast them out physically.  But now, it is by the SPIRIT OF The LORD , THE DEVILS MUST BE CAST OUT.  That is because these devils do not have the SPIRIT of The LORD !  That is why they are devils and are under bondage, … and they are the seed of Abraham. ! John 8. If one has not served ‘ CHRIST the LORD’, The CREATOR, … then they are under bondage… and are devils… and do not have the SPIRIT of The LORD . ! So The LORD  expose the wife of CHRIST The LORD  as the devils. or any one has not worshiped The CREATOR. !!! The law, proves they are UNRIGHTEOUS!!!  As you will see.. the same law, they sought righteousness, … will prove them that they are unrighteous. !  So DEATH CAME TO Adam,… DEATH CAME TO ALL THE LAW KEEPERS. !!


Blindness and wisdom taken away…

Gen 3:5  For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Gen 3:6  And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. }}}… they want to be AS GODS !!!  That is what the law keepers are trying to keep the law to get.  Seeking righteousness means seeking to be as GOD, as GOD is the righteous.  1 John 2: 1. That is  CHRIST the LORD. !!! So how can dust become GOD, by eating a fruit , which GOD said not to ???  If they had obeyed, The LORD  would have given HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS !! So in the end, the wise lost their wisdom !!!


Then, she saw it is good for food.  But did anyone live for ever eating anything, or keeping the law. ?? No they lost the HEAVENLY MANNA to live !!! And they do not serve  CHRIST the LORD, but their own bellies. Rom.  16: 18 !  So the true bread cut off, which is the Word of GOD , … the HOLY SPIRIT. And the eyes are struck, … blinded…


So Adam was blinded, .. as the serpent’s curses fell on him, to eat dust etc, … and the law keepers also were blinded and they also eat dust, the lies, the serpent’s food !!!


Serving bellies, and eating dust…

Gen 3:14  And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: }}}.. GOD, cursed the serpent saying that it will do down on it’s belly… and eat dust.  But this curse came on the man, as there is no devil, as proven, but it is the man’s evil heart.  The word ‘serpent’ is an allegory to the evil heart which lies. Remember what comes out of the mouth, comes from the heart and defiles a man ? So going down on belly means SERVING ONE’S SELF and doing CONTRARY TO THE TRUE DOCTRINE. So the evil ministry, always had teachings contrary to the doctrine of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR..  That is why Adam became the ADVERSARY and always the man was opposing the cause of GOD.  And, in the end, what is contrary to the true doctrine ???  IT IS THE LAW… but first…

Rom 16:17  Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.

Rom 16:18  For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

Understand this scripture… those who do not serve The CREATOR, … serves their own bellies,… their own doctrines. And they cause divisions, … and that is poison of the vipers, the evil ministry.  So as the serpent, … it is the ministry who became serpents. And as a curse, The LORD  sent serpents , the evil ministry in the end.


So Adam served his own belly, the law keepers also served their own bellies and not JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


And eating DUST means, … no truth.

Psa_30:9  What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? }}}… so DUST, cannot declare GOD’s truth. Neither they can praise GOD, as they do not have the truth, and that is why they did not praise the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but went after other gods, such as GOD the Father, … and seeking life out of the law etc.  such serves NOT JESUS CHRIST the LORD…. but their own belly… and eating the serpents food, the dust .  so they do not have the truth… and they have LIES.  Lies are contrary to the true doctrine !!! and they “by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple”. .. This is what happened to the true church.  They DECEIVED all the people and turned them AWAY from fearing The CREATOR !

The law, is contrary to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD. when Apostle Paul was preaching JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ( Gal. 1:16), men thought he is teaching contrary to the law. Acts. 18:12-13. So the churches of GOD never preached to worship The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … but went after GOD the Father, whom they have never seen or heard, and the word ‘FATHER’, is an allegory. John 16: 25 ! So such doctrines are lies… and the curse is fulfilled and all ate dust !!


Gen 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. }}}… always, the flesh, persecuted the SPIRIT. The LORD  was killed, and The LORD  said no prophet is accepted and all were killed.  The LORD  prepared the little children, and they too were persecuted and are being accused as law breakers, murderers, adulterers etc.  But on the day of judgment, the second judgement, it is these children who are casting out the devils of their fathers by the SPIRIT. Mat. 12; 27-28.  So they also were rejected by their own.!  In the end, it is the two witnesses who would end this bruising as proven. The law is the serpent’s food, as it lies, one to think they get righteousness and life by it, … but by grace of GOD, He brought forth His sons, … and this war will end in bruising the serpent’s head, or when the truth about the law is revealed. ! ( it brought death, as it is given to kill ). Remember in Rev. 1: 18, The LORD  has the keys to death and hell.  He came to kill all Spiritually, … but to give life again, after redeeming. !


Gen 3:16  Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. }}}…we know the church is to go through birth pangs to be born, … and her desire is to her husband.  But the church did not desire for The Husband, but went after other gods. And there was no fruits born to her. And the curse is for The Husband to rule over her.  This is why, the marriage is allegorized in Rom.  7, and the law served as the husband, having dominion over those who are under it. !

Rom 7:1  Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? ..}}}… so the law keepers are addressed here… and said… the law has dominion over, as LONG AS ONE LIVES. Then other verses shows how the married woman is bound by the law to live with the husband… and then she must die to marry again.  So those who are under The law, are married to the law.  The law has dominion over them as long as they live !  This is why The LORD  had to kill them, so they can marry The LORD  again. So as long as they live, … they serve the law, as to a husband.  That is why the law has DOMINION over them or as The LORD  cursed… ‘he shall rule over thee”.  So she never worshiped or allowed The Husband to rule over her , but the law. !!!  So the law acted like the husband and ruled over her. !  As long as she lives, … she could not worship the true GOD. !  Just think… it is The Husband who gives righteousness. But they looked for righteousness out of the law.  So did not the law ruled her as The LORD  cursed ???


Thorns and briers… the evil ministry as a curse.

And the woman was in pain to give birth and now Zion is in pain to give birth. ! Pangs of sorrows come on them. Isa. 13:8, 

Mic 4:9  Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

Mic 4:10  Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies. }}}… remember 70 years in Babylon, … and that is why HWA turned all away from The CREATOR, The ROCK and took them after other gods. Just think… Rev. 14: 6-7 says an Everlasting gospel is preached to worship ‘The CREATOR’.  So did any of the leaders preach to fear and worship ‘The CREATOR’, who is  CHRIST the LORD ? so Adam went to confusion… and the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is now in Babylon as Rev. 17- 18 says… to be delivered. ! GOD PURPOSELY SENT HWA AS AN EVIL LEADER !!!  you will understand !



Gen 3:17  And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

Gen 3:18  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; }}}… thorns and briers are the ministry. We proved this is why a crown of thorns were put in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s head, before He died. See glossary part 1.  So as a curse, the ground, which is the church is to bear evil ministry!


So Adam was cursed with thorns and briers, .. and the ground cursed… and the church has the evil ministry, who are briers and thorns.  So all of Adam’s sin and curses came to the church in the end. !


Gen 3:24  So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. …}}}… the cherubim were placed to stop all from coming to eat from the Tree of Life. and we have proven, in the end, … the cherubs must open the way to the Tree of Life once again , removing the flaming sword, which is the Word of GOD . !!!

2Th_1:8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: }}}… remember judgments are to give light to accept, … and vengeance also is to accept. Isa. 61: 2-3. So the cherub must take vengeance from those who DO NOT KNOW GOD… by giving the truth so they can KNOW HIM! That is how The LORD  takes vengeance. And then, they will be ashamed. And it is those who FULFILLED THEIR OBEDIENCE TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. who take vengeance. 2 cor 10: 5- 6 !!!  So this is how some of the curses of Adam is fulfilled in the church of GOD. !!  And from such enemies , the evil leaders who speak on their own, … who are the blind guides … and the high and lofty ones , The LORD  must deliver the people.  !

So cherubs were kept and Adam was chased from the garden of GOD, not giving the Tree of Life, and the church is sent to Babylon, Egypt, and wilderness , and the cherubs are the two witnesses, and one fell as proven. The other one, as The LORD  says the little one, the The Righteous Branch, CHRIST AND CHILDREN will open the way to Tree of Life.  they are the sons … who declares The CREATOR as the Captain of Salvation. Heb.  2: 10 !!! and the accuser is accusing them, .. trying to bite their feet !!  and 1 John 2: 26-27 says, if anyone tries to seduce us, … not to allow.  So we will never be seduced, as no one can steal us from our FATHER’s hands. John 10.


What does ‘righteousness’ mean?  Strong’s.;-

From G1342; equity (of character or act); specifically (Christian) justification: – righteousness.

G1342 means “equitable (in character or act); by implication innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively): just, meet, right (-eous).

Thayer Definition: G 1343

1) in a broad sense: state of him who is as he ought to be, righteousness, the condition acceptable to God

1a) the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God

1b) integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting

2) in a narrower sense, justice or the virtue which gives each his due

So righteousness means all of the above. Specially, … one’s condition acceptable to GOD,  innocence, … purity of life,  rightness, … HOLY, … justification etc.  Adam lost all these. Then inheriting his sin means we too lost all these.

Then, can we be justified, by keeping the law. ???  Can we get rid of Adam’s sin which we inherited by keeping the law ??? Can we keep the law to be acceptable to GOD ???  (The LORD  has appointed a year to accept all. Isa. 61. Until then only the first fruits are accepted for the special service to serve Him ).


HOLY SPIRIT says, the offerings of the gentiles WHO ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW , to be accepted and they are sanctified to be accepted.

Rom 15:16  That I should be the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost. }}}…Apostle Paul ministered the gospel of GOD.  He preached the gospel of Grace….  Acts. 20: 24,  Gal. 1: 6,  and about  CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 1: 16.  That is the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6- 7, we also preach !!!  if the gentiles are to keep the law to be righteous, why does the HOLY SPIRIT sanctifies them to be accepted ??? This was the Heavenly vision GOD gave to Apostle Paul. !!! So it is The LORD  who preplanned all these and we have nothing to do with our SANCTIFICATION… to be accepted !!!


By GRACE of The LORD , … the gentiles are to offer SPIRITUAL sacrifices to be accepted.  AND WHEN The LORD  COMES AGAIN and through Him . !!! That too was prophesied by The LORD , and is to come by GRACE! So the gentiles who went to the law, will not get that also. And understand… when one is given the Spirit and Truth, the sincere milk of the word, … they are NEW BORNS. !!! That is why the BABES,… the little children !!!!

1Pe 2:2  As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

1Pe 2:3  If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. }}}… we have TASTED THE GRACE OF GOD.!!!  That is why Apostle Peter talks about a LAST TIME SALVATION. 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20. ! And they are the Royal Priesthood…

1Pe 2:4  To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

1Pe 2:5  Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. }}}… so by our law keeping we will not be able to be accepted unless The LORD  does it for us. !


Can any one, by keeping the law receive the following :-

a state approved of GOD…, integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking feeling, and acting

our righteousness is like filthy rags to GOD.  We are already born with UNRIGHTEOUSNESS !!! So no matter how much you keep the law, … you cannot get your sin which you already have in you, … or you are born with !!!


So there is no way a man can set HIS OWN CHARACTER , right with GOD by their works, because we already have Adam’s sin, which cannot be forgiven ! If could, … all of the names in the Heb.  11, … those who died in faith must receive righteousness. !!! Last two verses of this chapter says, they died in faith, but were not made perfect !!!


Peace comes by the true knowledge of GOD …given by grace.  so Adam lost that peace. And that peace comes when grace comes. And one must be forgiven first to walk with GOD.

2Pe 1:2  Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, }}}… remember, the knowledge of GOD , which is the Tree of Life, who is  CHRIST the LORD, was cut off from Adam ??  Then how could he have peace ???  So peace comes by grace and not by keeping the law.  Because you have sinned and do not have the knowledge of GOD , … you rebel further.  Then, there is no peace to the wicked says The LORD . Isa. 48:22.  By grace, The LORD  forgives and gives the knowledge of GOD, and then we can have peace!   He did so in His second coming. Isa. 11: 9 – 11. Until such time, there was no peace between GOD and man. !!! Therefore,, it is by GRACE, and not by our law keeping, … peace is given, and peace comes by the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD .  If not, there will be lies.


Those who are not forgiven, who failed to receive grace, .. who keep the law to get righteousness,  have not received grace, … and no knowledge of GOD  in them. Demons believe scripture and tremble.  The devils are the law keepers who think against The LORD ’s word. So those who preach the law, are high and lofty, as they are against The LORD ’s grace, which gives righteousness. !!!  And Adam became wicked, has iniquity, falsehood, NO FEAR OF GOD, bitterness, evil, devil, envy, unbelief,  lustful, jealousies, falsely accuse others, …self righteousness ,  bears false witness against others, ..  and all the fruits of the flesh, he acquired.  Remember one cherub also lusted for power and wanted to sit on GOD’s throne !!!  Adam EVEN BLAMED Eve FOR GIVING HIM THE FRUIT, instead of admitting his sin!!!  And he cannot be subjected to the law of GOD, to love GOD and the neighbor. !!!  He became SELFISH,  SELF RIGHTEOUS, SELF CENTERED, AND LIFTED UP IN PRIDE.  He became an abomination to GOD. !  Tree of Life, and the knowledge of GOD  was cut off means,  The LORD  left man kind, even though He was revealing things to prophets etc to write down things for us. He was in the midst of the church, but never PERFECTED ONE, … not even Abraham, or those who died in faith as Heb.  11: last two verses says. !!!!   Zion, is a PERPETUAL DESOLATION. Psa. 74 ! No one could worship GOD in Spirit and Truth either ! And there was no peace between GOD and him, after his rebellion.  And the law was given to MEASURE that rebellion, and the people started to live by it, and get righteousness by it, and sought justification by it, BECAUSE THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  WAS CUT OFF !!! Adam received everlasting punishment, but The LORD ’s mercy will turn it off. Mat. 25: 41… everlasting fire.

So The LORD  knowing, … kept the gentiles away from the law, so He could have mercy on them and save them, to bring Israel to Him. Isa. 14: 1-3,  49:22-23,  Isa. 60, 55:5,  61: 5,  66:12, 


Therefore, all the law keepers who preach peace, … have evil hearts.

Psa 28:3  Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. }}}… these pharisees and sadduccees teach to keep the law, but they never keep it, as they cannot, according to The LORD . in John 8,   7:19, The LORD  said… you do not have MY WORD in you… neither you can keep the law !!! And when the scripture says no one can keep it, and some to say they can keep it,… and they eat from the Tree of Life, and to teach others to do so proves their CARNAL NATURE, which wants to go against The LORD ’s word. !!! Such teachings bring out their own foolishness and devilish mind and pride against the knowledge of GOD .  IF THE SCRIPTURE DOES NOT SAY SOMETHING, .. THEN WE SHOULD NOT BELIEVE IT.. ! it is not the law which defiles a person if they cannot keep it as the scripture says no one, but it is the evil heart, the carnal mind, which seek own righteousness  which defiles one… the most deceitful heart and what comes out of it !!! GOD gave the measure of the law to measure that evil heart. And these seek righteousness out of it !!!!


If we are not sons to The CREATOR, … The ROCK, .. or  CHRIST the LORD,… we are sons of the devil.  Adam failed to be a son to The CREATOR. And we all failed in that.

Adam was cut off from the Tree of Life, … so are we. !!!  when we were born, we are born as sons of the devil !!!  Adam was a devil.  So acquiring Adam’s sin means we acquired the son ship of the devil. !  THAT IS WHY The LORD  TALKS ABOUT ADOPTION and REDEMPTION !!!


The LORD  talks about the Covenant with death. That is the Covenant of the law.  As law cannot justify anyone, they made a Covenant with death. But The LORD  will annul it. so we have either the Covenant with death, or the Covenant with  CHRIST the LORD !!!



That means devil is the death. Heb.  2: 14.  The law is the serpent which deceived all and KILLED.  That is how The LORD  sent serpents to bite the people , as a judgment.  Deut.  32: 24,  Jer. 8: 17, Amo 9:3. Or brought death.  So by looking life from it, … is looking life from death, the devil, the serpent !!!  Remember the law is given to stumble !!!  And only in Rev. 20, The LORD removes the curse of the death , and the devil.  This is why, The LORD  is revealing these things, so we can get rid of the devil in us, by receiving the Spirit and Truth, …  and worship Him in Spirit and Truth. !!!  This is why The LORD  prepared the little children by giving them these truths, and being in them, causing them to over come the wicked one and using them to cast out the devils of their fathers as judges. Mat. 12: 27-28. And the law was given for one to come to  CHRIST the LORD. But the schoolmaster failed. !!

1Jn_2:13  … I write unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father.

1Jn_2:14  I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.}}}… The LORD  SAYS, THESE LITTLE CHILDREN ABIDE IN THE Word of GOD .  as written above, The LORD  said the people do not have HIS WORD IN THEM. !!!  the fathers knew Him from the beginning, .. but then they forsook Him.  and the young men the little children, abide in the word of GOD,  and have overcome the wicked one.  !!!  This is a last time ministry , as the children are a gift of GOD and the ministry is a gift of GOD as proven !!! This is why, The LORD  says be converted as little children. !!!


GOD says the little children are OF GOD !!!!  Then you must believe His word!!! Then, as The LORD  is in them, … these little children WILL BRUISE THE SERPENTS!

1Jn_4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. }}}… scripture says the little children have overcome them, … at this time,… as The LORD , who is greater than the devil is IN THEM. !!! The LORD  keeps the feet from falling. 1 sam 2: 8 – 9. So we believe and trust in Him to do that for us. !!!  So we never preach the law to get righteousness, which means to live, or to be justified .   Any one who seek justification, seeks life. so if one thinks ; by our own if we can keep the law and get life, that one is AGAINST GOD’S WORDS !!!   Such are sons of the devil !!! … So GOD gave the law and wanted the man or the devils to see if they can keep it and be righteous. ( that means be justified).  How could the law justify us , for our unpardonable sin ??  BESIDES, THE LAW IS TO BRING US TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  DID ANYONE KNOW UNTIL THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  IS GIVEN, THAT JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS ‘THE’ ONLY GOD AND ONE SHOULD FEAR AND WORSHIP HIM ???


Such workers will be rewarded for the works of their hands. They do not regard the works of The LORD … or the work of His hands.  Isa. 29:23 says, the work of The LORD ’s hands are these little children. And Apostle John’s letters prove that work.

Psa 28:4  Give them according to their deeds, and according to the wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert.

Psa 28:5  Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. }}}… so a work of The LORD , and of His hands are prophesied. If you do not regard this work, … The LORD  will destroy you and will not build up.  YOU CANNOT BEAR FRUITS TO The LORD  !!! So the harlots and tax collectors will go ahead of you… if they regard the work of The LORD’s hands !!!


So what is the work of The LORD ’s hands that one should regard ??? It is HIS OWN CHILDREN, whom HE BROUGHT FORTH, by HIMSELF ! They will sanctify Him and you will see that these children have sanctified Him and FEAR HIM !!!

Isa 29:23  But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify My name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. }}}… the work of The LORD ’s hands are these children to get them to FEAR Him, …. And SANCTIFY HIM.  That means before these children, .. NO ONE FEARED HIM, NOR SANCTIFIED HIM. !! Not even Moses sanctified Him. Num. 20:12.  And the whole Levitical ministry , did not fear Him.  Mal. 1: 6.  So The LORD  , Himself had to do it for these children. !!  After all, … children are brought forth by the FATHER… and the FATHER gives drink and meat , so they can grow and be like the FATHER !!!! 


And they are in the midst of him”.  So these enemies of The LORD , does not regard the work of The LORD ’s hands, BECAUSE OF THE CURSE OF THE BLINDNESS! .  It is done now. “they shall sanctify My name”… and The LORD  gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , to gentiles. Zep 3: 9 -10.  AND OUR WRITINGS GLORIFIED THE FATHER !!!!  THEY PROVED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR , The ROCK IS THE FATHER WHO BEGETS.  Deut.  32: 18 He did not perfect the ones who died in faith in Heb.  11. Last two verses. And The LORD  did not give the knowledge of His name even to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Exo 6:3.  That is because, they too were born in sins, even though Abraham’s belief and faith is counted as righteous. But it was not the time to forgive the sin we were born with.  The LORD ’s blood must be offered, by HIMSELF.  ( Heb.  9:26). So,  They were not perfected.

Heb 11:39  And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: }}}… receiving the promise means receiving the FATHER who is the SPIRIT , and His words which is HOLY SPIRIT !

Heb 11:40  God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. }}}… so all in this chapter, died in faith. But they did not receive the PROMISE. That means JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the FATHER and His words. Abraham, looked for  CHRIST the LORD’s day… and also the city where The MAKER is.  So GOD did not make them perfect, … did not give the promise.  This proves, receiving the PROMISE, makes one perfect, AND NOT THE LAW KEEPING!!!


Another one of The LORD ’s hands works are the RIGHTEOUS BRANCH… one LITTLE one becomes a thousand, as they GLORIFY The LORD . !!! So it is done by The LORD  and not by ourselves. So we do not seek our glory ! The LORD  gives them righteousness, when THEY GLORIFY HIM. !!!

Isa 60:21  Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.

Isa 60:22  A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time….}}}… So the little children who glorifies CHRIST the LORD, … are the The Righteous Branch, CHRIST AND CHILDREN !   Therefore, it is the little children who glorifies The LORD . that is why Psa. 8 and The LORD  said, out of the mouth of the babes, the praise is perfected !!! Remember praising The LORD  means TRUTH as written above and not dust or lies ! So this little one and the little children in Heb.  2: 10, are glorifying The LORD , … as they are HIS OWN WORKS, … and they will EXALT HIM, and not the devil, so all could be gathered to Him.  John 12: 31-32.  If these little children are the ones who cast out devils of their fathers, … then they are the ones who are exposing the devil also to be cast out, so The LORD  could be exalted. !!!  Devil’s angels or sons are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who teach the law to get life. !!! THEY ARE AGAINST The LORD  AND HIS WORDS… the unpardonable sin.  The LORD  is the SPIRIT and His words are SPIRIT. !


There is no peace unto the wicked. Because they are blind to the truth and are busy keeping the law and deceiving others. They want all to keep the law and if one does not keep it the way they want, .. they ACCUSE, throw out of church, … condemn as sinners and defiled and cast them out. ! in truth, The LORD  has cast them out, as long as they seek the righteousness out of the law as it works wrath. Rom.  4. So there is no peace to the wicked.

Isa 48:22  There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked., Isa. 57:21, … so there was NO PEACE IN THE WORLD , because of Adam’s sin. And now, there is no peace to these law keepers as they cannot be justified by it !!! They still cannot walk with GOD !


The following scripture proves all to be true now.

Rom 3:10  As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: }}}… did we not keep the law ? Sabbaths ??? Did it give you righteousness ? GOD says NO! But, those who TRUSTED IN THE FREE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, as Rom.  5: 16-17 says, received righteousness, with the forgiveness as 1 John 2:12 says, they are the little children whom The LORD  adopted for His glory. !!! BECAUSE, .. THEY ARE ANOINTED BY HIM. v 20, 27 .

Rom 3:11  There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. }}}… no one seek GOD. This happened from Adam.  CHRIST the LORD said ‘you did not choose Me, I called you”, to apostles. NO ONE UNDERSTOOD THAT The ROCK IS THE FATHER! That is until the true knowledge of GOD  is given to these little children. !!! They know the truth, says The LORD . !!! 

Rom 3:12  They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. }}}… no one can chose good on their own. That is why The LORD  Is in the little children, CAUSING THEM TO DO GOOD,  AS HIS OWN HANDS’ WORK AND doing all these for them. !

These are the qualities we inherited from Adam.

Rom 3:13  Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips:

Rom 3:14  Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness:

Rom 3:15  Their feet are swift to shed blood:

Rom 3:16  Destruction and misery are in their ways:

Rom 3:17  And the way of peace have they not known:

Rom 3:18  There is no fear of God before their eyes. }}}… “No fear of GOD’… if they feared GOD, they would not have sought the law, and have understood that no one can get righteousness by it.  if they feared GOD, He would have given them the WISDOM to understand the word.  But, The LORD  says His children will FEAR HIM !!!  Until then, we will not seek Him. So there is no peace. Remember peace comes by believing and getting forgiveness. “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing”. Rom.  15: 13 . And it says ‘GOD’ will fill peace in us.  No one feared Him. Mal. 1: 6. That is why The LORD  prepared His own hand’s works, the little children to fear Him as written elsewhere.  And believing means if the scripture says no one can get righteousness by the law, … then believe that you cannot get it by keeping it !!!  Now, believe these children will fear GOD. !


Therefore,, peace, joy, faith, grace, righteousness of GOD, and all things come by BELIEVING. !! And it is AFTER BELIEVED, the HOLY SPIRIT of promise also is given. !!!


Eph 1:12  That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.

Eph 1:13  In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that YE BELIEVED, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

Eph 1:14  Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. }}}… those who trusted in The LORD  first, are His son whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY. Heb.  2: 10. And AFTER THEY BELIEVED, .. the HOLY SPIRIT is given.  So the promise is given to those who BELIEVED !!!  They are purified from Adam’s sin. !!! They are given the truth !!! So try to understand what Adam’s sin is !



Can you see the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are cursing others ? They want all , except themselves to be destroyed. ! In this night, the creepers are most active.


Then, your law which you seek righteousness out of, … will SHUT YOUR MOUTHS. ! So GOD GAVE THE LAW TO SHUT YOUR MOUTHS AND MAKE YOU GUILTY!!! And when The LORD  gave it to shut mouths and make them guilty, … they seek righteousness out of it !!!   if they had GOD’s mind, they would not do this!!!  The carnal mind is exposed !!!  When GOD is trying to kill,  by the same thing, they seek life !!!  And boast too !!!

Rom 3:19  Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. }}}… the law, says to those who are under it, … that they are GUILTY before GOD.  So you seek the law to get righteousness, which is given to make you guilty !!!!!   … it proves your UNRIGHTEOUSNESS and spiritual ignorance. !!! And same way Adam disobeyed, … you who seek righteousness by the law which is given to shut your mouths, and make you guilty, … are opposing GOD and His word !!!  AND YOU ARE HELD GUILTY BY THE LAW, ITSELF. ! REMEMBER the law was given to condemn. AND WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND THESE, … IT WILL SHUT YOUR MOUTH , by the law which you are trying to keep to get life !!! And it is those who are under the law, is the world.


“the law saith…them who are under … every mouth may be stopped… and become guilty before GOD !!!

Therefore,, as written above, … you seek righteousness by the law means you seek justification and life by it and to be acceptable before GOD !!!!  The thing that GOD gave you to shut your mouths, you seek life, justification and righteousness !!!  Now is not that AGAINST The LORD ’S WORDS ??? 


The LORD  says… the law is given to MAKE YOU GUILTY.

Then you seek justification, righteousness and life and to eat from the Tree of Life by it, .. by the thing that GOD is given you KILL you. !!!   COULD LIFE COME OUT OF DEATH ???  Could life come out of DEVIL, as the devil is the death ?? “that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;” Heb.  2: 14. 


power of death, that is, the devil;”

the law saith… become guilty before GOD!!!

GUILTY means, they are of the DEVIL, and condemned to DEATH !!!

So what condemned them to death ???  It is the law !!!  So from the law, .. which condemns one to death, … THESE HIGH AND LOFTY ONES SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS AND LIFE !!!

So they seek life, from death !!!


So those who are under the law, seek life from THE DEVIL !!!

Are they not the sons of the devil, and why The LORD  said so in John 8: 44 ???


Because, making guilty means TO KILL , to destroy !!!  SO HOW COULD ONE SEEK TO LIVE BY, … BY THE THING WHICH GOD GAVE TO ‘KILL’ one ???? TOTALLY OPPOSITE OF THE PURPOSE OF WHAT The LORD  INTENDED !!!! Such demonstrate the same sin of unbelief, the unpardonable sin , as they HAVE NOT BELIEVED GOD’S WORDS !!!


Joh 8:43  Why do ye not understand My speech? even because YE CANNOT HEAR MY WORD.

Joh 8:44  Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Joh 8:45  And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. }}}.. has any one, other than the men of Niniveh who repented and believed , … have believed  CHRIST the LORD ???  He came to witness to the truth. John 18: 37. And your fathers killed Him, thinking He is a LIAR. Is not that the same sin which Adam committed ??? Not believing His word means the unpardonable sin !!!! If not you were sons of the devil, you would have understood the Word of GOD . Because of your law, .. GOD’s wrath came… and it blinded you !!!Rom 4, Isa. 9: 19. Zep 1: 17.


Your law, … is contrary to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! When Apostle Paul was preaching JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ( Gal. 1: 16 and more), … he was condemned as preaching CONTRARY TO THE LAW. Acts. 6: 13,  21: 28, 

Act 18:13  Saying, This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law. }}}…we will be JUDGED, and ESTABLISHED, by the gospel which Apostle Paul preached. Rom.  2: 16,  16: 20.  Then, … can it be CONTRARY TO THE LAW ???  Yet it is.  Because  the law is given to JUDGE AND CONDEMN  a people who are CONTRARY and opposing GOD and HIS WORDS !!!  So they are liars and the truth seems to be lies to them,… and the lies seems to be the truth !!! Adam’s unbelief has come to his sons !!! SO THE LAW, WHICH IS GIVEN TO KILL the liars ,  MUST BE CONTRARY TO THE TRUTH WHICH GIVES LIFE !!!!


So all those who preach the law,  … the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, became high and lofty, as they PREACH THE LAW… and are contrary to teach the truth, ABOUT THE TRUE GOD !!!  There is no life in them.!!! Nothing good in them.!! So The LORD  must deliver the people from such enemies !!! Luk. 1: 68-71 !!!


Just think:… if JESUS CHRIST the LORD could be seen now, … HE WILL FIND THE SAME SITUATION AMONG US AND THE LAW KEEPERS.   We preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD… and the teachers of the law preaches the law.  So The LORD  will find them as liars, … and they will accuse JESUS CHRIST the LORD as a liar, .. even to this day !!!  Did not the high priest taught to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD and get revelation ?? He does not want to preach the truth.  If The LORD  comes to the temple right now, … these leaders are taking the people to other gods!  THAT IS WHAT HE FOUND ALREADY. !!!  THAT IS WHY HE PREPARED US TO BE SENT TO TELL THEY HAVE INHERITED LIES, AND THE HARVEST IS PAST, THEY ARE NOT SAVED. Jer. 16: 19,   8: 19-20 !!!




Flesh is against the SPIRIT.  And the HOLY SPIRIT, as written above, … would not be given to those who do not BELIEVE !!!  One must believe LIFE, RIGHTEOUSNESS , FAITH COMES BY GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND FROM HIM and not in their law keeping. !!! So it is the law keepers who are flesh. 1 cor 10: 18. 

Gal 5:17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. …}}}… If the flesh is contrary to SPIRIT, … then THE MAN , Adam AND ALL MEN WHO CAME FROM HIM, WHO ARE FLESH, … IS CONTRARY TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, WHO IS THE SPIRIT, … AND HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT, … AND THOSE WHO HAVE BELIEVED AND RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT , WHO ARE THE LITTLE CHILDREN !!!  This is why the high and lofty ships of Tarshish , accuse us for ever, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. !!!  We proved they are beasts. !!  And the only difference between the ships of Tarshish and us, is the law.  We look for The LORD ’s grace to get righteousness … and they look for the law to get righteousness. But, looking for grace of  CHRIST the LORD, AGREES WITH THE SCRIPTURE.  So they are the beasts. NO WONDER WHY The LORD  SAYS THEY ARE HIGH AND LOFTY.  If they are so, … they are sons of the devil… and are teaching to get life out of death !!!!  The poison of the tongues of the serpents !!!  We do not worry about saying these things, as the FATHER promised TO SPEAK IN US!

Gal 5:18  But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. }}}… if you are SPIRIT, …. You are not under the law.  !!! Or it should be, … if you are not under the law, … then you can receive SPIRIT, as they believe The LORD  and not the law to give life , righteousness and justification !!!


1Th 2:14  For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

1Th 2:15  Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

1Th 2:16  Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. }}}… We, suffered from our OWN PEOPLE.!!!  The ships of Tarshish are gentiles.  But going to the law, and saying we are now Israel, … they called us ‘these gentiles’.  They wrote, “ these gentiles only learned to believe in the Name of THE LORD”.  !!!! Now in this, they tell the truth.  We learned ONLY TO BELIEVE IN THE Name of THE LORD!!!   See by believing in His name, … we received righteousness, justification,.. life,  grace,, faith , and HOLY SPIRIT the promise !!!  Even though the flesh persecuted us, … being our own countrymen, … they sided with those who killed The LORD …  and they do not please GOD…, and are contrary to ALL MEN !!!  May The LORD  rebuke such and deliver the people from such enemies of The LORD  and ALL MEN !!!


They seek life,  FROM DEATH, THE DEVIL !!!  Sons of devils as The LORD  said!


Luckily for us, … The LORD  Has shown in time, that we are not bound by the law, as we have come to Him and we are saved by grace.  So as we are not given the law,…. The LORD will NOT MAKE US GUILTY BEFORE HIM, … NOR HE WANTS TO SHUT OUR MOUTHS !!!!!  And The LORD  brought us to Him.  So we received forgiveness and that is why, The LORD  said to be converted as little children. !!!!  There is no condemnation to those who are in  CHRIST the LORD. Rom.  8.  And the law condemns those who did not come to Him !  (that does not mean we can be wicked, evil, forsake GOD and not love Him and others. All of  CHRIST the LORD’s commandments are on us . and The LORD  will do it, by being in us, AS HE SAYS. AND WE BELIEVE HIM !!! ) What the law is supposed to do… which is to bring us to  CHRIST the LORD, … we did and came to Him, without the law !!! All wickedness comes, when you forsake Him. so Adam forsook The LORD , for his lusts. And the whole world became full of lusts. And the law keepers are lusting life from the weapon GOD gave to kill them !!! HOW FOOLISH SUCH ONES ARE ???  they are high and lofty, and this is how The LORD  brings them down. !  Those who said ‘ I keep commandments, … I eat from the Tree of Life, … I am intimate with GOD ‘ etc… are the ones who seek the law to live !!!



Rom 3:20  Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. }}}… We proved, the deeds of the law, which is to seek righteousness out of it,  makes one ‘FLESH’.   Israel are flesh. 1 cor 10: 18 !!  That is because of the law… which makes one guilty before GOD and such will never be turned in to SPIRIT, unless they BELIEVE IN HIM TO BE JUSTIFIED. ( Acts. 13: 38-39).  Rom.  2 says, those who are under The law, should by JUDGED by it. but others perish without the law. Either way, we all perish, if it weren’t for The LORD ’s grace  !!!!  So the deeds of the law, no “FLESH”… would be justified. Adam became FLESH, as he rejected the Spirit. So we all became flesh. Israel is still flesh as they could not receive the Spirit.. So are all the law keepers. They are still flesh , being unable to be justified. All they do is JUDGE AND ACCUSE OTHERS and exalt themselves saying ‘we eat from the Tree of Life’, as we keep commandments… and we are intimate with GOD etc. !!!  BY SAYING THESE THINGS, …. They, themselves have MADE THEM FOOLS !!!!


So the law keepers must know,  they are flesh, … and will not be justified, unless they too believe. Acts. 13: 38-39 !!!  By the law they worship, … their sin is exposed. ! 


Rom 3:21  But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; }}}…. Knowing that none is able to be justified, The LORD  prepared another way to give righteousness. That is by faith, .. of  CHRIST the LORD, and not our faith… and belief…by grace  !!!  In the end, the law keepers also must believe to be justified. Acts. 13: 38-39. !!!  So when we stopped preaching the law, … it was GOD who stopped us !!! Because we are LORD’s hands works, … The LORD  will stop it for us ! You see the differenc between the sons of GOD and sons of the devil ???  This is why The LORD  says the law keepers are LIARS !!!  They believe in a lie !!! 


Rom 3:22  Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: …}}}… Righteousness of GOD….!!!!   It is GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS WE NEED AND NOT OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!!! And it is given to those who BELIEVE.  That means believe every word of GOD. !!!   And it is given by Faith of CHRIST THE LORD , and not by our faith !!!   This is why, the gentiles who received faith and righteousness also left faith, as they desired to come under the law.  They are the ships of Tarshish.  These things are written in the scripture.  So they must be fulfilled, …. And as ia 8: 16-18 says, it is these children, … who will seal up the law.  So we have to write how all things are fulfilled , and we have been doing that.   So, as the ships of Tarshish went to the law, …. They fell from grace and faith also as proven.   That is how The LORD  counts them to be high and lofty, with the oaks and cedars who have THE SAME BELIEFS and SAME IGNORANCE TO LOOK TO THE LAW TO GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS, … INSTEAD OF GETTING IT BY BELIEF , … WHICH LEADS FOR GOD TO GIVE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS TO US !!!!!  Unless you believe, …. You cannot be justified in the first place to receive anything from GOD !!!  Even the law keepers must BELIEVE,  to be justified. !!!  ( Acts. 13: 38-39). either Israel , or gentiles…, if they believe,  CHRIST the LORD gives righteousness by HIS FAITH. ! SO THE GENTILES DO NOT NEED TO JUMP TO Israel TO RECEIVE ANYTHING.  IN FACT, IF YOU JOIN Israel, … YOU ARE ASKING FOR GOD’S WRATH AND DEATH !!!!  remember  the Heavenly vision, is for the gentiles to have faith in  CHRIST the LORD. !!!   So they received the righteousness.  And the Heavenly vision cannot fail. !!! IT IS ALREADY WRITTEN AND NOW FULFILLED.



Rom 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Rom 3:24  Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: }}}… JUSTIFICATION,  IS GIVEN FREELY.  SO The LORD  PROVED, BY KEEPING THE LAW AND DEMANDING TO EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, … WILL NOT WORK.  JUSTIFICATION AND ALL THINGS GOD HAS TO OFFER TO US, … IS GIVEN FREELY.  BUT, …. AFTER THE DEATH OF ALL. !!!   We had to prove and tried, under the law, as John 7:51 says, what we must do, .. and how GOD’s words regarding all becoming guilty  would be fulfilled.  so all those written word of GOD regarding Israel and gentiles, must be fulfilled FIRST, for GOD to bless us with free gifts. !!!!  without the law, .. we are justified by faith, grace, and belief. ! Well then, those who want to keep the law, … can do so, until they are given this understanding… to know to seek grace ! Psa. 78: 34-35 says  The LORD  KILLED them… then they will seek Him. !!!!  That is what we are waiting for, … as we preach the gospel to THE DEAD…1  Pet. 4:6,  and the DEAD are called to the White Throne, ( white means light or revelation ), to have their eyes opened to the scripture which is already fulfilled… to the OPENED BOOKS. !!!! Remember as The LORD  said, during the days of vengeance,… ALL THINGS WRITTEN must be fulfilled.  that includes the so called thousand years or millennium as these oaks were preaching, which actually is a one night watch. Psa. 90: 1-4 . if ALL THINGS WRITTEN, are to be fulfilled during the days of vengeance, … could there be a thousand years ?


Are we not all sinners, if The LORD  says so ???

Then, COME UNDER HIS GRACE and acknowledge  your sinfulness, remembering the sin which you inherited from Adam,… which made you dust, to lie, … and ask for forgiveness from GOD and believe in His name ‘The Saviour’, So HE WILL SAVE YOU… by HIS GRACE !!! Have you not kept the law all these years ???  BUT THE GIFTS ARE GIVEN FREELY.  YOU HAVE PROVEN, YOU ARE GUILTY BEFORE GOD.  SO DO NOT LOOK FOR THE LAW WHICH IS GIVEN TO MAKE YOU GUILTY, TO GET RIGHTEOUSNESS…. THAT IS EXACTLY OPPOSITE OF THE PURPOSE GOD GAVE THE LAW TO… to kill !!!  And you seek life from it !  How foolish are you ???  That proves, you still are not forgiven and have the same character of Adam…. Lusts for life… by eating the law… and you see that is good , and make one wise… or give righteousness… BY YOUR OWN SELF. !!!  Do not eat the law any more… seek The LORD ’s grace.  HE HAS MADE YOU GUILTY BEFORE HIM !!!  The purpose of the law is now served !!!


Rom 3:25  Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; }}}… “sins” could be SIN.  From one sin, … we need to be justified to get righteousness.  That is Adam’s sin.  Translators do not understand and think it is our sins for breaking the law.   GOD knew that the law is given to kill, … and knew all would break them, …and this is talking about the sin of Adam.    CHRIST the LORD’s blood was shed, as Adam brought the unpardonable sin to all . that is when the death came. That is when The LORD  prophesied that The Son will die. His blood is needed for the unpardonable sin, which we committed against a GOD BEING. THAT WAS YOUR PAST SIN.  If you sin against another, … the other person can forgive. But if you sin against GOD, … only GOD can forgive. But the penalty must be paid. Our penalty for sinning against GOD is … SPIRITUAL DEATH. But The LORD  cannot allow us to die for ever !!!  His grace is much more abounds. So HE DIED TO SAVE US ALL FROM THE DEATH CAME BY THE UNPARDONABLE SIN which Adam committed. !!! Broken law proves that we have not obeyed the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which is Spirit . John 6:63. !!! Sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT !


Law keepers could never boast saying they can keep it.  the law was never meant to be kept wholly. !!  That is why The LORD  has PREPARED US ANOTHER WAY TO BE SAVED, … AND BE JUSTIFIED,… BY BELIEVING AND BY HIS FAITH. !!!  Abraham BELIEVED even though his body was dead, but The LORD  can give him a child.  So now, our bodies also are dead.  The LORD  can give life. !!!  The LORD  Has made all guilty before Him. !!!  DO YOU STILL NOT BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE GUILTY AND WAS NOT ABLE TO KEEP IT ???  DO YOU STILL NOT BELIEVE HIS WORD ????  IT IS GIVEN TO SHOW ONE’S FAILURE TO KEEP IT, AND TO KILL !!!!!  but if you have this law of faith, you can boast, as it gives glory to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as it is HIS FAITH !!!


Because, HE HAS FAITH IN HIS SPOKEN WORDS THAT IT WILL BE FULFILLED. Then, by grace, HE GIVES THE SAME FAITH TO US, (HIS OWN FAITH) SO WE CAN BELIEVE HIS WORDS.  Then, that means we believe the HOLY SPIRIT , BECAUSE HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT !!!  Then, our unpardonable sin, which sinned against by not believing in The LORD ’s words, are FORGIVEN. !!!!! That was the Heavenly vision regarding the gentiles … !!! (Please read Faith of CHRIST THE LORD)


“what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. “.


Those who BOAST in the law, … who are the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … who are high and lofty enemies of The LORD , … ARE CONDEMNED BY THE SAME LAW WHICH THEY SEEK LIFE , … UNTO DEATH !!! You stop the people from learning the truth about grace, faith and belief !!!


Rom 3:26  To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. }}}… Believe it is not the law which justify you,   but The LORD . But believe that HE IS THE JUSTIFIER !!! and you cannot get justification by yourself. !!!



But, we , who are given the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, according to the Heavenly vision, … can boast on The LORD ’s faith. Because that exalts Him. !

Rom 3:27  Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

Rom 3:28  Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. }}}… scripture says… we can be justified by FAITH, … WITHOUT THE LAW !!!! Those who are under the law, .. are under bondage of the law, and they need to be redeemed. !


Act_13:39  And BY HIM ALL THAT BELIEVE are justified from all things,

By believing in Him, … we were justified from all things !!!

It will be the same to you as well…

all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”


When The LORD delivered the knowledge of GOD , the second time, … HE GAVE ALL THINGS TO SHOW HOW TO GET LIFE, godliness etc. and Apostle Peter wrote these to gentiles and not to Israel, even though he was the apostle for Israel. He had a tough time to accept the gentiles. The LORD  had to give him a vision … and still again in Gal. 2, he withdrew from gentiles. But later, he wrote both and only two letters of his, to gentiles with deep things of GOD .

2Pe 1:3  according as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue, }}}… according to His power…. He Has given us all things pertain to life… and godliness, when the knowledge of GOD  … the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given, and not before, … and HE MUST CALL US TO GLORY AND VIRTUE.  So The LORD  must call first fruits to receive these as they are a sign and a wonder to others of what The LORD  would do to all. !!!! 


So all this calling came, when the knowledge of GOD  is delivered, at HIS SECOND COMING. !!! Heb.  9:26-28… He came WITHOUT SIN. And The LORD  called us to be partakers of HIS OWN NATURE !!!  But, He must also causes us to escape the corruption of the world through lust.  Lust means those who seek the righteousness and justification through the law, LUSTS for life, on their OWN. !!! Law, was a trap …

2Pe 1:4  through which He has given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, so that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. }}}…So you see… unless GOD calls us to have His own nature, … we cannot have His nature built in us. That is when Adam’s nature will be removed from us.  !! This is an exceedingly great promise from the FATHER. !!!  And it is first given to the first fruits , with the knowledge of GOD  !! But the law keepers cannot believe GOD and would not wait till GOD gives it, but they think they eat from the Tree of Life , as they keep the law !!! Such mouths may be stopped  !!! So they lust for life, and nature of GOD, and all knowledge, by their law keeping !!! So The LORD  says, as written elsewhere, the little children have OVERCOME THE WORLD, AS HE IS IN THEM, WHO IS GREATER !!!!  So they are called to be partakers of divine nature, … the nature of their  FATHER, …  CHRIST the LORD.  And that is a PROMISE !!! So we look up to the FATHER’s calling and promises to give us divine nature,  AND NOT THE LAW, THE SERPENT AND BE KILLED. !!!


so with the knowledge of GOD , to whom it is given, … The LORD  has PROMISED His nature, instead of the carnal nature. !!! GOD called only the first fruits. On the last great day, HE WILL CALL ALL !!!


“through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue”,…as with all other promises,  … those whom He called at this moment, to give all these, are the ones whom The LORD  brought to glory, HIS SONS. Heb.  2: 10-13… they are the Isa. 8: 18,  and Isa. 29: 23 sons who will sanctify , fear Him and are to be a sign and a wonder.  So The LORD  brought these sons.. the little children as they are anointed to learn from Him. 1 John 2: 20, 27 !  THEY WERE CHOSEN, BECAUSE THEY ARE TO SHOW OTHERS, HOW TO BELIEVE IN HIM. John 17; 17-20 !  First, they were sanctified by this truth, and then they are to be sent, causing others to believe IN HIM, through our word. So The LORD  had to prepare them by giving all things to be sent. !


2Pe 1:5  But also in this very thing, bringing in all diligence, filling out your faith with virtue, and with virtue, knowledge; }}}… to fill out faith with these, … one must receive faith first. So FAITH, leads us to all others. Remember according to the Heavenly vision ,  this faith is given to gentiles. !!!  That is why they are chosen to be in the kingdom as Jma 2:5,  1 sam 2: 8 -9.  And The LORD  says, He WILL KEEP OUR FEET FROM FALLING.  That means the serpent cannot bite our feet!!! So it is we, who will bruise the head of the serpent !!!!

2Pe 1:6  and with knowledge self-control, and with self-control, patience, and with patience, godliness,

2Pe 1:7  and with godliness, brotherly kindness, and with brotherly kindness, love. }}}… all these are included in the divine nature,  is given to these children. These are PROMISES. Remember love of GOD  must be taught. 1 Thess. 4:9. So The LORD  will give all these. So The LORD  will not teach the brotherly love to those who leave faith. ! So we are given faith to believe in The LORD  , that HE WILL GIVE US ALL THESE PRECIOUS PROMISES !!! If The LORD  calls us to have the divine nature, … can the LAW CALL us to partake the divine nature ???


2Pe 1:8  For if these things are in you and abound, they make you to be neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… after giving the knowledge of GOD , … and saving apart from the law, … if these children once again go back to the law, … such will once again have the carnal nature. BECAUSE THEY LEAVE THE KNOWLEDGE GOD GAVE THEM ABOUT HIS GRACE SAVING THEM. AND THEN, THEY DESPISE THE GRACE OF GOD WHICH SAVES ALL HUMANS, INCLUDING THE LAW KEEPERS. !!!  WHAT The CREATOR HAS NOT SPOKEN, .. WE MUST NOT GO AFTER.  The LORD  HAS CLEARLY SPOKEN THAT THE LAW WILL NOT GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS.  IS NOT THAT THE TRUTH? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Spiritually DEAD !!!   IT IS NOT THE WILL, THE PURPOSE, NOR The LORD  HAS SPOKEN THAT ANY ONE CAN KEEP THE LAW AND BE SAVED OR BE JUSTIFIED.  AND TO SAY WE KEEP THE LAW… AND WE EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, PROVES THEIR CARNALITY.  HAS NOT The LORD  PROPHESIED ABOUT SUCH PEOPLE, THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH, TO LEAVE FAITH AND FALL FROM GRACE. !!!!  THEY DESPISE THE CROSS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD , WHICH HE DIED TO SAVE BY GRACE, … !!!  UNTIL OUR BODIES ARE REDEEMED, … WE ARE NOT MADE PERFECT,  BUT The LORD  SEES WE ARE MADE PERFECT, BECAUSE HE HAS ALREADY PAID FOR OUR PENALTY. SO IT IS AS GOOD AS WE ARE SAVED ALREADY.  So they will do opposite of all these good character. “but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”   Rom.  8:23.  So even the first fruits must wait FOR OUR BODIES TO BE REDEEMED.  THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET.  ! We have death in us still.  A cherub also fell.  


Angels, after taking to heaven fell..  Zion, was in heaven, but still fell. Lam 2: 1.  Some fell from faith… and grace also. !!!  So anyone can fall any time, unless they trust The LORD totally, continually to FINISH OUR FAITH, as HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION AND FAITH !!!  then HE WILL BEGIN AND ALSO ENDS. !!!  We cannot do anything ourselves, except for believing each name of GOD to fulfill in us.  That gives the due glory to The LORD . !!! All these are given apart from the law, FREELY, as The LORD predestinated some at the moment. But on the last great day, … all will be called to drink the Spirit.   So no one can boast. !  If The LORD  gives any of these to the law keepers, … they will boast ! So it is no wonder why in Isa. 2, The LORD  says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty.  They still have their carnal minds, and are trying to live by the law, to boast and prove to others, that they HAVE THEIR OWN POWER TO KEEP THE LAW. ! So they prove their carnal nature in them, as they go against what The LORD  Has spoken and willed. !!


They still do not know, the sin they inherited from Adam was the unpardonable sin.  The LORD , JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the Spirit. 2 cor 3: 17.  And His words are Spirit and life. John 6:63. So sinning against the Holy Spirit, as The LORD  said, is to sin against ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, and His words !!!  The LAW MEASURES THAT SIN !!!  The sin of not believing. And as proven,  why do not any one believe The LORD  and His words ???  They have the CARNAL NATURE. So they want to eat their own food and live by sight. That was the curse of Adam which now The LORD  wants to remove. So ALL HAVE SINNED AGAINST JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR !!!  this is why, The LORD  calls some and give HIS NATURE AS WRITTEN ABOVE. !!!


The ships of Tarshish say they believe every Word of GOD and  they have not committed the unpardonable sin.  All the leaders must be thinking the same.  BUT REMEMBER… YOU ARE BORN WITH IT.!!!  SO UNLESS The LORD  REMOVES AND FORGIVES, … YOU CANNOT FORGIVE YOURSELVES, … NOR BY KEEPING THE LAW, ONE CAN EARN FORGIVENESS… AND THE LAW IS NOT GIVEN TO MAKE ONE FORGIVEN, IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!  As Rom.  4 says, the law works wrath, .. and more and more you seek righteousness or justification out of the law, which kills you… YOU CAUSE GOD’S WRATH TO BE STIRRED.


Therefore, except those who are called at the moment to receive GOD’s nature, … all others are still blind. They still have the nature of Adam. And Apostle Peter wrote this to the gentiles, who are ALREADY FORGIVEN by grace. They are none other than the ships of Tarshish. They have forgotten they were forgiven of their unpardonable sin. They do not even know that Adam committed the unpardonable sin. None in Israel also know yet. !  

2Pe 1:9  For he in whom these things are not present is blind and cannot see afar off and has forgotten that he was purged from his sins in the past. }}}…again, the SINS should be the sin.  Why does the scripture talks about PAST SIN, and why not the present sin ???  The LORD  forgives the unpardonable sin only once, at the end of the age. Heb.  9: 26. !!!!  Then, AS V 26-28 SAYS, … HE COMES, WITHOUT SIN !!!  Already forgiven the unpardonable sin. !!!   when The LORD  gives all these promises, … He should have already forgiven.  Unless The LORD  would not give HIS NATURE. !  And the little children are forgiven. 1 John 2: 12, and they are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel. they are the works of The LORD ’s hands. So The LORD  will give all the promises to them first. !  But the ships of Tarshish who are high and lofty,  left faith, grace and no promises to them until all the law keepers are forgiven. !


When The LORD  was asked about pharisees that they were offended by what The LORD  said, … HE said ;-

 Mat 15:13  But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.

Mat 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. }}}… who are the blind NOW ??? It is the Laodiceans, … the last church. So the Heavenly FATHER has not planted them. They are not from The CREATOR. They never worshiped The CREATOR ! Remember then, if the Heavenly FATHER plants, like the The Righteous Branch, in Isa. 60:21-22, the little one, … was planted by The LORD . !!!  He says ‘The Branch of MY PLANTING”.  So those who are the little children, …. ARE PLANTED BY The LORD!  The blind leading blind means they teach the law and blind the people in to believing in the law … instead of the Heavenly FATHER !!!



Who are the blind, according to king David ?? It is his own. !

Rom 11:7  What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded }}}… who are the elect, finally ??  DO YOU UNDERSTAND… Israel ARE NOT THE ELECT. !!!  Israel did not obtain…. But the elect have obtained. !!! It is those who have  CHRIST the LORD in them, the little children, according to the scripture. And all the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty , says GOD, at the same time , The LORD  works with these children. Both happens in the last hour. The babes are called to still the enemy. Psa. 8: 2-3. So the rest were blinded means that is why they do not know the truth, and TRYING TO SEEK THE LAW TO GIVE THEM RIGHTEOUS.. !!! “Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for”….and the ones who are ELECTED, … The LORD  elected them by GRACE.  So Israel sought the law to obtain righteousness, … but the elect obtained it without being Israel. !!!! The ships of Tarshish say they are Israel.  so they are not the elect, but seeking righteousness which they cannot obtain !!!!




Rom 11:5  Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the ELECTION OF GRACE. …}}}… the elect are called by grace.  So these high and lofty ones do not believe in grace !!!

Rom 11:6  And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. }}}… It is by GRACE ALONE, these were elected by The LORD . Israel did not obtain the election, but are blinded, as they sought the law to give them righteousness.  All things are given by GRACE. So NO MORE WORKS OF THE LAW WOULD CAUSE ANYONE TO BE ELECTED.  This is clearly seen in the ships of Tarshish, who were the gentiles, who were saved by GRACE alone, … apart from the law Rom.  3: 21,…. Who wished to keep the law to get righteousness, AFTER THEY WERE SAVED BY GRACE.  So they fell from grace also. !!! By grace, the faith is given, so they fell from faith also, which were given them to live. !  This is why they boast saying I keep commandments, … I am eating from the Tree of Life’ etc, just as the high priest said. !!!


Here is what the high priest wrote about eating from the Tree of Life…

“I don’t care what you think or what you believe – I’m eating from the tree of life. I’m going to rule with Jesus Christ, and it doesn’t make one whit of difference to me what you believe, or what you think of me.”

“I don’t care…. What others think or believe “???? A high priest, or a prophet, or a leader of GOD is chosen, TO NOT TO CARE ABOUT ‘SELF’, but others. Lead them to GOD, teach the truth, and stand as a gap between GOD , and the congregation as Moses did  . !!!  The priesthood is to plead for the lives of the people !!!!  And keeping charge of the Sanctuary etc.  how can a man who obeys The LORD  say such a thing?  THEIR LOVE IS PRETENDED LOVE. !! The LORD  said lay down your life for the sheep !!!  For friends and for others. We can write A WHOLE LOT MORE TO COMMENT ON THIS,  but The LORD  says HE IS A FOOL, when The LORD  comes !!! ( Hos. 9:7… The days of visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquity, and the great hatred. “Great HATRED”. !!! This man hates  CHRIST the LORD, as well as THE REST OF THE HUMANS, if he wants to live ALL ALONE and would not care for what others believe !!! OUT OF THE MOUTH COMES, WHAT THE HEART THINKS !!


A high priest is responsible to bring out the people to GOD. !!!  This man does not care about anyone else, but himself. This is the character of the devil, as written above, … all the high and lofty ones have.  ME… MINE, … MY , .. I AM… !!!


No wonder why The LORD  says that.  HE WILL NEVER RULE WITH  CHRIST the LORD. !!!  He will never serve  CHRIST the LORD !!!  HE NEVER ACCEPTED  CHRIST the LORD, BUT HATED HIM SAYING ‘YOU MUST NOT FOCUS TOO MUCH ON HIM’…. AND GO PASS HIM TO GOD the Father, AS GOD the Father is the head !!!  Totally opposite of what The LORD  taught.  Besides, he is the man who should have kept the charge of the Sanctuary…. As Eze. 44: 7-8 says, but failed to keep it, and brought strangers, unbaptized in to the MINISTRY, the Sanctuary !!! So HE FAILED TO BE A SON OF ZADOK !!!  Even as eliakim, he was cut off. Isa. 22: 25 !!  if he does not care what others believe,…and eat from the Tree of Life, ALONE BY HIMSELF,… do you think The LORD  will offer him the Tree of Life ?  He will see he is thrust out of the kingdom, because The LORD  chose the poor to be rich in faith, and to be in the kingdom. Jam 2: 5,  1 sam 2: 8 !!! This is a last hour event. GOD said the exalted will be humbled, and the humble will be exalted in the last hour.


The LORD  said this after saying ‘ONE IS YOUR FATHER, IN HEAVEN”. But GF had two other fathers.  GOD the Father, John 8:54, and HWA as his ‘spiritual’ father. he knows what I am writing about. This is why, Judah, who is PCG, … lost the Covenant as Mal. 2: 10-11 says, as he preached TWO GODS !!!

Mat 23:9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

Mat 23:10  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Mat 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Mat 23:12  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

Mat 23:13  But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. …}}}… so The LORD  said, who ever is greatest among the people, will be the SERVANT !!!  But this servant DOES NOT CARE ABOUT OTHERS, BUT WANT TO GO AHEAD OF ALL… AND ALONE, … TO LIVE! The LORD  sees the hearts !!!


A similar statement was written by the ships of Tarshish, as The LORD  says they are high and lofty and have included them with the oaks and cedars. . Isa. 2.They all have the same BELIEF !!!  To get righteousness from the law !  As they also wanted to get righteousness out of the law, they too failed to keep their ELECTION by GRACE, as they wanted to have works !

{{{{since I keep commandments and was baptized unto His death in 2011 Passover, I am eating from tree of life,}}}}


This is very similar to high priest’s statement.  Since ‘I’ keep commandments… I EAT !!! The sons of the devil !!!!


But there is a way for those who failed to obtain what they sought, the righteousness, by BELIEVING. They must repent as they did not believe, first. !

Acts. 13: 38- 39 :—

“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: .. And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”

all that believe are justified”

not be justified by the law of Moses”..

Speak not thou in thine heart…. For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land! .  Deut.  9:4. Such high and lofty ones will not be allowed to eat from the Tree of Life , by The LORD  who offers it. !  He says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , who are the leaders are high and lofty and they are abominable !!!  Adam, himself became an abomination to GOD. That is why he received all the curses. So how can a man’s filthy rags can get him to eat from the Tree of Life ???  They think, just as The LORD  says ‘ for MY RIGHTEOUSNESS, The LORD  HAS BROUGHT ME TO POSSESS THE LAND !!!!

We have proven, the sin of Adam also was the UNBELIEF, which was caused by pride.! So the same sin caused Israel to be cut off. Rom.  11: 20. And that is the same reason why the ships of Tarshish also are cut off.  They believed, and once again entangled in the same sin of unbelief and sought righteousness out of the law, when The LORD  has FREELY GIVEN RIGHTEOUSNESS OR JUSTIFICATION. Rom.  5:16-17, righteousness is a FREE GIFT !  That is why The LORD  died. Co-incidentally, the ships of Tarshish writes, they received baptism unto His death in 2011. That is the time, the two witnesses DIED also, as their work is 1260 days and 42 months, which comes to 7 years !  If they received baptism unto death, … they should know, the death of  CHRIST the LORD happened because of HIS MERCY, AND NOT BECAUSE OF THEIR LAW KEEPING.  NO ONE WILL BE JUSTIFIED BY LAW KEEPING AS THE ABOVE SCRIPTURE SAYS.  THEN,  WHEN ONE RECEIVES THE BAPTISM UNTO DEATH, … THEY SHOULD KNOW IT IS NOT BY THEIR LAW KEEPING THEY SHOULD RECEIVE IT, … BUT THE SIN WHICH WE ARE BORN WITH, CAME FROM Adam !!! And The LORD  tasted the death BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE. Heb.  2:9, AND NOT TO CAUSE THOSE WHO SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS BY THE LAW TO ENTER. !!! Grace is unconditional. It was a PROMISE that none had to do any works to qualify to get it.  if one has to qualify by works, NO ONE WILL.  So this is the time, as we have been witnessing since 2003 Dec., that the two witnesses died. So if one is not lead by GOD, … they seek their own righteousness to live.  And she too started to seek the law and started to condemn everyone else. ! They even said they are spiritual, … they cannot be judged by anyone! So those who know their GOD, … tell them, … ok… The LORD  will rebuke!


“Speak not thou in thine heart…. For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land! “.

Any one can say they are keeping commandments, … and eating from the Tree of Life etc.  But, it must be according to scripture. GOD only knows the hearts. ! This is why The LORD  brought little ones to the Promised land first. !


Deu 1:39  Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it. }}}… it is not the ones who say they eat from the Tree of Life, … it is whom The LORD  brings. He says, the little ones had no knowledge of good and evil, … and I will bring them and they WILL POSSESS IT. !  So this is why, even now, there are little children, and The LORD  gave the knowledge to them and anointed them to learn from Him. !! 1 John 2: 20, 27. He freely forgave them all the way in the end, just before The LORD  CAUSED THEM TO ENTER IN TO THE Promised land.! V12.  They cast out the devils of their fathers, with the Spirit of The LORD . Mat. 12: 27-28.  They will be as The LORD  Is, in the day of judgment, … 1 John 4:17.


them will I give it, and they shall possess it. }}}…no one can enter in to the Promised land,  UNLESS The LORD  BRINGS ONE IN TO IT. !!  He brought the little children then, and now also.  No man can say they, by themselves came to it.  even the first time, GOD killed and destroyed the enemies and brought the people doing wonders and signs.  So both these false prophets will see whom The LORD  brings !!! Then, The LORD  requires the elders to be converted as the little children. !!! They have no knowledge of good or evil !!!!  That means they are NOT UNDER THE LAW !!! So as written above, … it is these little ones who are PLANTED BY The LORD …. !!


Back to Rom.  11….. as Israel did not receive what it seeks,… they received the spirit of lumber… eyes that would not see.. and ears as well, and king David, himself prophesied that.

Rom 11:8  (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.

Rom 11:9  And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them: }}}…. What is their table ???  The only think they look for life is by the law. The law is the snare and the trap and the stumbling block as proven before.  So king David said… their work will become a snare… a trap and will recommence to them. !!!  By the same law they seek to live, … IT KILLED THEM. !!! if it weren’t for The LORD ’s mercy, .. they will all be dead for ever. ! But The LORD ’s mercy endures for ever !

Rom 11:10  Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway. }}}… are they not blind ?? Isa. 6. John 12:40. Eze. 12:2, Acts. 28:26-28,  13:  etc, all say they are blind. And they turn their back to the true GOD, who is the HEAD of the church,  CHRIST the LORD !!!! They drank from all source where the water comes, but not from The ROCK ! But in Psa. 18:43-44, 49, King David  said gentiles will submit to him !  If these can see… they will see how the poor, the gentiles inherited all things as their election is not by works, but by grace !!! 

Rom 11:11  I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. …}}}… did not The LORD  prophesied, that He will raise up a foolish nation to provoke them to jealousy?  If this high priest can see Spiritually, … he would have seen how The LORD  raised them up! But soon, he will.

So the ‘SALVATION’, came to gentiles. 


So as these law keepers are blinded, … all what they would do is, EXALT THEMSELVES !  That is a part of GOD’s wrath. Dan 11: 36, and Isa. 9:19.

Much is given, much is expected… if not, that much also will be taken !



THE SIN BY Adam WAS INHERITED WHEN WE ARE BORN. AS KING DAVID SAID, “in sin, my mother conceived me”… Psa. 51:5 IN THIS SIN, WE WERE BORN. !  So that sin HAS DEFILED US ALREADY.  AND NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE KEEP THE LAW AND BE RIGHTEOUS, … WE CANNOT GET THAT SIN REMOVED, UNLESS FORGIVEN BY The LORD , HIMSELF !!!! Now only, The LORD  gives this understanding, because the times of Refreshing has come. So we are BORN in CARNALITY, … WHICH THERE IS NO WAY WE CAN GET RID OF IT, by OURSELVES. ! SO THE CARNAL MIND CANNOT SUBMIT TO GOD’S LAW.  THAT IS WHY,  CHRIST the LORD MUST BRING PEACE,…. REMOVING THAT CARNAL MIND FROM US, AND HE IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE !!!Unless that SIN IS REMOVED BY The LORD , HIMSELF, there is no JUSTIFICATION to get righteousness. !! Adam sinned against The CREATOR. That is  CHRIST the LORD. Then, we all acquired his nature, which the scripture calls the ‘CARNAL’ nature.  And those who broke the law, … sinned against Him also, as HE IS The ROCK also who gave the law but they worshiped GOD the Father .  HE DID NOT GIVE THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, NOR THE TRUTH ABOUT HIM, … UNTIL THAT OFFENCE IS REMOVED. He knew, HE WOULD FORGIVE DURING THE TIMES OF REFRESHING, … AND DAYS OF VENGEANCE, WHICH IS TO ACCEPT ALL!


And He is The Husband, and the wife of CHRIST The LORD  sinned against The Husband means she sinned against  CHRIST the LORD. All humans sinned against HIM.  HIM ONLY.  So He alone can forgive us.  If you sin against your father, .. can your  mother forgive you? .  If you sin against your friend, … can another friend forgive you ????  Scripture says, if you sinned against your brother, … GO TO HIM AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS.  Or if your brother sin against you,… can your sister forgive him???   Or can he forgive HIMSELF  ???  How about doing good afterwards ?  Can the sin ALREADY COMMITTED be forgotten by good works ???  If we commit a crime against a person, … that person only can  forgive that crime.  


Luk 17:3  Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. }}}… if your brother sin against ‘YOU’,… and REPENTS,… forgive.  So if one sins against another, … REPENTANCE IS NEEDED TOWARDS THAT PERSON. !!!!  So since we have  sinned against GOD, … UNLESS WE REPENT,… HOW CAN HE FORGIVE ???  And the sin, WAS IN US, WHEN WE WERE BORN. Thereafter, … NO MATTER HOW GOOD YOU DO, … OR HOW WELL YOU KEEP THE LAW, … BUT YOUR SIN REMAINS, …. UNLESS YOU REPENT BEFORE GOD !!!!  Suppose a woman is infected with a deadly disease.  And would she not pass it to her son also ???   It is not her son’s fault.  But mother’s.  and then, could the son eat healthy and get rid of that deadly disease by eating healthy ??  Same way, what we inherited from Adam,… we cannot get rid of,…. Unless we repent before GOD !!!!!  And that sin was the unbelief, explained else where.  This is why, The LORD  says REPENT and believe. If Israel is cut off for unbelief, Rom.  11: 20,  and the un-believers could not enter in to the rest, … then if they keep the whole law, … would their unbelief be taken away ???   Or be forgiven ???  because, OUR SIN AGAINST HIM, IS NOT BELIEVING IN HIM AND HIS WORDS!  We did not even know, … our sin in the first place, to repent.  !!!  And no body else can repent for you… as it is in your HEART !!!  When a sinner tries to keep the law, … and be good,… he or she is trying to bribe The LORD . and to cover up the sin in them, by doing good. It just would not work with The LORD .  !!!  So when the knowledge about the sin is revealed, … ALL MUST REPENT !!!  But, The LORD  did not give this knowledge of sin, before, until the times of Refreshing comes…


Our fathers have sinned.  The first father, himself ( Adam) sinned. He became a devil. If you do not have the mind of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are a devil. And we are guilty of EVEN KILLING JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Remember unless the sin is forgiven, … and Holy Spirit is given,… we are devils. We kill ourselves !!! And others too by teaching lies coming from the deceitful hearts. !!!

Act 3:14  But you denied the Holy and Just One and desired a murderer to be given to you. }}}… Adam too denied the Holy ONE, and the JUST ONE !!

Act 3:15  And you killed the Prince of Life, whom God has raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.

Act 3:16  And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, this one whom you see and know, His name made firm. And the faith which came through Him has given him this perfect soundness before you. }}}…”the perfect SOUNDNESS comes through FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD “ !!!!!! IF YOU DENY HIM,… THERE IS NO SOUNDNESS TO YOU !!!  SAME WAY, IF YOU ARE NOT FORGIVEN, … NO SOUNDNESS EITHER… !!!   You might be keeping the law perfectly, but still, unless you have the FAITH WHICH COMES THROUGH  CHRIST the LORD, … YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS SOUNDNESS. !!!!  By your law keeping, … this soundness does not come !!!! 


“Soundness” means From G3648; integrity, that is, physical wholeness: – perfect soundness. , complete in every part, that is, perfectly sound (in body): – entire, whole. G3648 in Thayer means “complete in all its parts, in no part wanting or unsound, complete, entire, whole…, of a body without blemish or defect, whether of a priest or of a victim…,free from sin, faultless…,complete in all respects, consummate”. …  Therefore, perfect wholeness comes from  CHRIST the LORD.  HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  AND FAITH. “looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith,” Heb.  12:2. By believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to BEGIN and FINISH YOUR FAITH IN HIM,… YOU FULFILL HIS , THIS NAME, the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH in you. Same way, when you drink and eat from The ROCK, … you fulfill that name ‘The ROCK’ in you. We have proven these before. !


If you believe this scripture… which says JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF OUR FAITH, … then WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO ??? Can your law keeping give you faith ???  Does the faith originate in your law keeping or in any other works which you are doing ??? please read ‘Faith of CHRIST THE LORD’ in our web site to understand what this faith is about !  IT MUST ALSO BE GIVEN FREELY. Eph.  2:8. !!!  Just as righteousness is given freely ,Rom.  5: 16-17, … faith too must be given freely,  … but both comes by GRACE !!!  Both PCG leaders ( S Flurry) and the ships of Tarshish mocked the grace. S F said grace is CONDITIONAL.  And the ships of Tarshish said ‘GRACE ALONE CANNOT SAVE ANYONE” and mocked us for BELIEVING in the Name of THE LORD !  The only good thing comes out of these false lies is, GOD is giving the truth as they say these things to correct the error !!!


“faith which came through Him has given him this perfect soundness before you. }}}…so do you still think FAITH WILL ORIGINATE IN YOUR HEART ??? As written elsewhere,… faith is a free gift, and MUST BE GIVEN !!! the faith is given to the JUST, causing them to LIVE. !! That is why the scripture says ‘just shall live by faith’. !!!!  So what does it mean ???  It means, one must be JUSTIFIED, .. even to receive faith. !!!  This is why, some gentiles left faith, .. to the law, … and lost that faith given to them.! The LORD  forgave the gentiles , during the Times of Gentiles, when The LORD  was taking gentiles to His name. Acts. 15.  And according to the Heavenly vision which we have proven. Heavenly vision says, the gentiles are to have faith IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ( Acts. 26: 17-19). So what happens when the gentiles who are justified and given faith to live wishes to keep the law and be righteous ???  Faith will never come by the law.  So they lost faith also. IN other words, they lost the PERFECT SOUNDNESS which came from  CHRIST the LORD. !!!  JESUS CHRIST the LORD, many times said ‘And seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, Child, your sins are forgiven to you.” Mar 2:9,  Mat. 9:2. Luk. 5:20 At one time, because of lack of faith of the people,  CHRIST the LORD could not do much.

Luk. 7:50 says ‘thy faith saved thee”…the woman mentioned here, BELIEVED HIM AND WASHED HIS FEET … WITH OIL, V 46 ETC.  THAT PROVES SHE BELIEVED HIM. SO HER FAITH SAVED HER !!!  What did she believe ????  She believed The LORD  can forgive her sins !!!!   And she was a sinner says in v 37, and must be a harlot. !!!   So The LORD  also said harlots will go to the kingdom. That is if they have faith and come before Him, repenting in THE HEART. !!!  AND NO ONE KNOWS IF ANYONE HAS FAITH, AS IN THIS CASE ALSO WITH THIS WOMAN, … and all thought she is a sinner.  But The LORD  KNEW HER HEART AND INTENTION. !!!!  The PHARISEE ( v 39) , THOUGHT in his heart, … that  CHRIST the LORD would know what kind of a woman this is.  But The LORD  saved this sinner, but condemned the pharisees !!! So The LORD  saw the HEART of the HARLOT and also the Pharisee. !!!! Who repented?  Who accused the sinner in the heart ???  v 47 says , her sins which are many, … are forgiven. !!!  so when you have more sin, according to this story here, … you love The LORD  MUCH. !!! Pharisees who keep the law and preach it, think they are righteous, and have no sin.  But The LORD  knows the hearts !!!! In the parable The LORD  used, He says BOTH WILL BE FORGIVEN. Law keepers do not keep the law to love others, but to get something from The LORD  !!!  Their intention is to enter in to the kingdom, … eat from the Tree of Life, … by keeping it. If they truly understand the scripture, … they would not do that !!! White washed TOMBS!!!!


But this faith, is a free GIFT. Eph.  2:8 ! That too comes by GRACE !!!  What the law could not do, ..  CHRIST the LORD did, by condemning the sin.. Rom.  8:3. So if we believe through His overcoming, we could also, … He will forgive and fulfill His name and finish our faith. !!!  He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH.  Then He will begin it in us, and also FINISH it in us. ! That is to believe and have faith in Him. That brings us the perfect soundness. !  Can your law keeping give you faith, if it comes from  CHRIST the LORD ??? Can your law keeping begin the faith and finish it ???  Leave your law preaching and preach REPENTANCE for not believing the Word of GOD  !!! Such are BLIND TO THEIR OWN SIN which they committed against Him. That is why, The LORD  called a ministry and gave them the free gift of faith and appointed them to pray over the sick, who COULD NOT RAISE THEMSELVES UP !!!


Jas_5:15  And the prayer of faith will cure the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. And if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. }}}… this scripture talks about a sin which could not RAISE THEMSELVES UP !!! So they would not have believed that it is The LORD  who raise one!!!  And they do NOT HAVE FAITH. !!!  They must be UNBELIEVERS and who rely on their own faith and own righteousness !!! 

Jas 5:14  Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

Jas 5:16  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. }}}… at this time , those who are rich in faith, are the poor as jam 2: 5 says, whom The LORD  chose to be in the kingdom. They are the saints, who are raised up by The LORD . 1 sam 2: 8-9.  The LORD  gave faith, and righteousness as they believed in the Name of THE LORD. !!!  V 14 says, anoint with oil, .. IN THE Name of THE LORD”.!!!  So who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , … and they BELIEVE IT, even though some ridiculed us for believing in the Name of THE LORD, … but we are to pray for such enemies as The LORD  said. !!! So the righteousness and faith are free gifts, given to the believers, as proven elsewhere. !


we all have denied the Holy ONE. The LORD  did not make us known that FAITH COMES THROUGH HIS NAME. (remember His name means much more ). So the PERFECT SOUNDNESS comes, by the FAITH, THROUGH HIS NAME !!!!  THAT MEANS BELIEVING IN HIS NAME. (in this case, .. believe HE IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF FAITH, AND I AM NOT). This is why, The LORD  is now making us to know these things, so we can understand our SIN and repent.  No one ever preached faith must come from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  As written elsewhere, faith is not the law, … and the law is not of faith.  And the law accuses one as a sinner. Where there is no law, .. no accusing or judging. Rom.  2. So, specially the law keepers, … if they say they keep the law, .. they are trying to bribe their way in to everlasting life, by their own righteousness !!!!  But faith, trusts and believes The LORD and also His words !!! Faith sees things Spiritually and not by sight. !!!  So those who do not have this faith, … are SICK !!!  And we pray for The LORD  to forgive them and The LORD  will hear us. !!!


So, ..as The LORD  Has come… as the times of Refreshing has come, … The LORD  knows all sins you committed is by IGNORANCE, and as your rulers. So this prophecy is for now, AFTER The LORD  COMES to RE-BREATHE. At that time, .. one must repent before the presence of The LORD . !!!

Act 3:17  And now, brothers, I know that you did it through ignorance, as also your rulers did.

Act 3:18  But those things which God before had shown by the mouth of all His prophets, that Christ should suffer, He fulfilled in this manner.

Act 3:19  Therefore repent and convert so that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

Act 3:20  And He shall send Jesus Christ, who before was proclaimed to you,

Act 3:21  whom Heaven truly needs to receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets since the world began. }}}… one must REPENT , and be converted… ( remember as little children) so that YOUR SIN MAY BE BLOTTED OUT. !!  This , The LORD  requires from all humans except those who came to meet Him, the little children, whom He justified , the men of Niniveh and queen of South !  And this v 21 says, heaven must receive Him,…. UNTIL… the times of Refreshing.  So now the times of Refreshing have come, .. The LORD  HAS COME DOWN AGAIN FROM HEAVEN to FORGIVE !!!


GOD overlooks the times of IGNORANCE.  But HE STRICTLY COMMANDS… ALL TO REPENT.  And it is the APPOINTED DAY to judge those who are in the world… those who were not taken to heaven. remember , the little children who cast out devils of their fathers, have their names written in heaven , and Col. 3: 1- 4 , the gentiles . Also the ones who are cast down from heaven is Zion, lam 2: 1,  satan or those who have the devil, John 12: 31-, who did not exalt The LORD , but themselves, who are the law keepers as written elsewhere…,  and the accuser , Rev. 12:10, the prince of this world, … and the fallen angels , who fell from grace !

Act 17:30  Truly, then, God overlooking the times of ignorance, now HE STRICTLY COMMANDS ALL MEN EVERYWHERE TO REPENT,

Act 17:31  because He has appointed a day in which He is going to judge the world in righteousness by a Man whom He appointed, having given proof to all by raising Him from the dead. …}}}… The LORD  has appointed the day of judgment. Remember it is the little children who are judges as written above? And they are to be as The LORD  Is.. 1 John 4: 17… and the men of Niniveh, and the queen of South. So they will condemn those who failed to be the sons of GOD… Read previous verse… v 28-29…


Act 17:28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also HIS OFFSPRING.

Act 17:29  Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. }}}… so the offspring of GOD… and these verses talks about The CREATOR, as written below.  And those who failed to be the sons to The CREATOR, who is  CHRIST the LORD, … must repent. If your name is not among the little children, … then you must repent.  THAT IS A DIRECT COMMANDMENT OF GOD !!! HE STRICTLY COMMANDS ALL MEN EVERYWHERE TO REPENT, !!!


So now, The LORD  DOES NOT COMMAND TO KEEP THE LAW OF Moses, … BUT TO REPENT , IF THEY HAVE FAILED TO KEEP IT… AS IT PROVES THEY HAVE NOT OBEYED, NOR BELIEVED The LORD ,.. AND ARE Spiritually DEAD !  That is what the times of “Refreshing” means. The fathers who did not have the Spirit , must receive the Spirit. Then, they must repent. That includes the AGED who do not know the judgment, and those who had the commandments of men,  Jewish fables, and those who sought righteousness out of the law and could not receive the true righteousness from The LORD   and who fell from faith and grace and the high and lofty ones mentioned in Isa. 2… the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish !!! Prove from the scripture… it is the little children who are to be AS The LORD  IS, ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. !!!  They cast out the devils by the Spirit of The LORD , .. and their names are written in heaven… as the LORD brought them to the Promised land. They know the secrets !!


The gentiles were forgiven Adam’s sin (unpardonable sin) by the blood of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Eph.  2: 12…then, if they were forgiven, … then they do NOT NEED TO BE JUDGED BY THE LAW AGAIN. !!  and as written above,… those who are of SPIRIT, are not under the law, … as they are ALREADY SAVED and do not need be judged.  That is why The LORD  used the gentiles to judge Israel, who are under the law. !  If we BELIEVED THAT The LORD  FORGAVE THE Adam’S SIN, … THEN WE DO NOT NEED TO BE JUDGED BY THE LAW AGAIN.  Because as written above,… the law is given to judge THE UNPARDONABLE SIN WHICH WAS BROUGHT BY Adam.  Remember as written above,   the sin was in the world,… the death reigned from Adam to Moses…. But there was no measure to measure the sin, which is to CONDEMN ONE TO DEATH. !!!  So if the gentiles believed, their unpardonable sin, or the sin of Adam is what The LORD  paid for by His own blood, … then they would not go back to the law once again. !!!  So one must not be confused with what is the sin which The LORD  forgave the gentiles by HIS BLOOD.  And then, when forgiven, … there is no need to come under the law, … because The LORD  has already forgiven !!!  They are justified, … given the promise… !!  That is why The LORD  revealed Himself to gentiles, mainly the little children who are forgiven as 1 John 2: 12 says.


Eph 2:12  That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: }}}… the gentiles WERE aliens from Israel… and the Covenants of promise…. But now , not any more. And they do not HAVE THE Covenants , WHICH IS THE Covenant OF THE LAW !!!  That is why they are called ‘gentiles’!!!  We proved, the gentiles are NOT GIVEN THE LAW.  Then, what did The LORD  forgive by HIS BLOOD , if they were not under Covenants ??? It is the sin of Adam. Remember the sin was in the world before the law Covenant came !!!  The gentiles were to be saved by PROMISE.  Their Covenant was ratified, 430 years before the Covenant of the law.  Gal. 3:17. That means 430 years before Israel were called, GOD Had promised to Abraham, … that his seed through Ishmael will be saved .  so The LORD  has now kept His promise and saved the gentiles according to their Covenant.  THIS IS THE Covenant WE GOT HOLD ON TO AS Isa. 56, SAYS, WHEN THE SALVATION IS ABOUT TO COME.  AND WE GOT HOLD ON TO THE Sabbath MEANS WE WERE BROUGHT TO THE REST.  WE WORSHIP The LORD of Sabbath… !!! 

Eph 2:13  But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. }}}… so when The LORD  forgave, … they are justified, made righteous…. And The LORD came in to them. THAT IS THE PROMISE…. THE Promised land, AND THE Promise of the FATHER , THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. !!!!  Then, should we go back to the Covenant of the law again, … when we were strangers to the Covenants in the first place and were NOT UNDER THEM. ???


Understand… The LORD  forgave the unpardonable sin, which came from Adam, and not the breaking the law. Because, the gentiles are called strangers to the ‘CovenantS”… that means they were not under the law, even at this time. Adam did not break the law… he had no law.  But the sin and death came from Adam as written above. So when The LORD  forgave by HIS BLOOD, … He forgave their past sin, which ALL HUMANS had, the sin of Adam .


Rom.  2 says, gentiles who do not have the law, are a law to themselves, … and will perish without the law. But those who are under the law, .. must be judged by the law.  So those who were under the law, who are Israel, … were judged by the two witnesses, without mercy as written elsewhere.


Col. 1: says;- when by His blood forgives, … we are RECONCILED TO HIMSELF.  If the other sins can be forgiven as The LORD  said, and only the sin against the HOLY SPIRIT cannot be forgiven, … then that is the sin which Adam committed which needed The LORD ’s blood. If all humans broke the law, … still it would be forgiven.  But breaking the law proves they committed the unpardonable sin, as they did not believe The LORD  who is the SPIRIT and His words which is HOLY SPIRIT. As written above, … breaking the law proves, you have sin in you already, and that is WHY THE LAW IS GIVEN TO BRING THE DISOBEDIENCE OUT. 

Col 1:20  And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

Col 1:21  And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

Col 1:22  In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: }}}.. The LORD  will RECONCILE…. The LORD WILL PRESENT US HOLY… THE LORD WILL PRESENT US UNBLAMEABLE….. The LORD  WILL PRESENT US UNREPROVEABLE IN HIS SIGHT. !!!! So can any one see The LORD  has done or doing that ???? Scripture proves, it is the little children who are forgiven, and have HIM IN THEM, CAUSING THEM TO OVERCOME THE WORLD and evil, the wicked one. !!!!  This means ,  those whom The LORD  called, … HE WILL KEEP THEM BLAMELESS AND PRESENT THEM TO HIMSELF. !!! So IT IS The LORD ’S DOING.  And as written elsewhere, … it is the little children, who are the works of The LORD ’s own hands, who are forgiven, and brought to glory !!!! Isa. 29:23, 8:18, Heb.  2: 10 !!!



Eph 2:14  For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; }}}.. when The LORD  forgives, … the enmity is broken down.  This carnal mind,  the enmity began in Adam.  That is why there was no peace between GOD and man !!! 

Eph 2:15  Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

Eph 2:16  And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: }}}… why did The LORD  have to die ???  Is it because Israel broke the law ???  Yes, they need to be redeemed by the death of the law, … but The LORD  had to die, … to save us from Adam’s sin. !!!  So Adam was cast out… Zion was cast out… lam 2: 1, … finally even the two witnesses died… but The LORD  raised up the little children, … brought them to the Promised land… as they did not seek the law to get righteousness, but believed it comes from The LORD . !!!  So The LORD’s blood cleansed us from the sin of Adam, we were born with. !!!


Rom 2:12  For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;

Rom 2:14  For when the Gentiles, which have not the law,…}}}… so the gentiles, who are WITHOUT THE LAW, will peirsh without it.  but those who are under it, MUST BE JUDGED by it. !!!  That is why The LORD  could not choose any in Israel, as they need to be judged and killed Spiritually. Wrath is wrath, … mercy is mercy. You cannot have both, but all will have mercy . So in Eph.  2: 12,… The LORD  forgave the unpardonable sin which we all humans inherited from Adam.  And if the gentiles also had the law, .. then there is no one to judge anyone. !!  


Joh_16:33  These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace.}}}… in  CHRIST the LORD, …. We have peace. !!!


Why does the scripture say PEACE COMES BY BELIEVING??? Because Adam lost peace , when he DID NOT BELIEVE !!!  Then the law keepers also do not believe The LORD , and that is why Acts. 13: 38-39 says, the must BELIEVE TO BE JUSTIFIED. And also need forgiveness of sin as they did not believe !!!  The LORD  said REPENT AND BELIEVE!!!

Rom 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. }}}…So AS THE GENTILES BELIEVED, .. THEY RECEIVED PEACE AND JOY… AND THAT PROVES WE NEED FORGIVENESS BY HIS BLOOD AS WE DID NOT BELIEVE,… THE SIN OF Adam. !!!!


Rom 5:1  Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: }}}… BEING JUSTIFIED, … WE HAVE PEACE… so  this is spoken about the unpardonable sin, … that we need to be justified, … so we can walk in His laws, … as then we receive the SPIRIT, … so we can keep the law, which is spiritual … Rom.  7: 14 !!! HOW CAN WE, THE CARNAL MINDS WHICH WE GOT FROM Adam BE SUBJECTED TO THE SPIRITUAL LAW OF GOD ???


We know as 1 John 2: 27 says, The LORD  will teach little children.  And this was said in John 6:45 also.  And prophesied in Isa. 54.  After The LORD  teaches them, .. there will be great peace in these children. !

Isa 54:13  And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children….}}}… so when The LORD  forgave the little children, … there is peace in them, and GOD, as the sin of Adam is forgiven.  And when The LORD  forgave the little children, He taught them as they have the anointing.  Then, the knowledge of GOD  gives peace… :-

2Pe 1:2  Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, }}}… so the knowledge of GOD , brings peace. And the knowledge of GOD  is given to gentiles the second time when The LORD  came. Isa. 11: 9 – 11.


Remember, as a plague, The LORD  caused peace to be taken from earth. Rev. 6: 4.  Then, all started to kill others, accusing. Why would anyone kill another ?  This is spiritual. That is because they lack the knowledge of GOD  !!!

So the gentiles, who did not have the law, .. are forgiven Adam’s sin. !!!

Following scripture proves, we must seek the LORD, … and be His offspring, and that is The CREATOR’s, as we must seek the GOD who MADE all things. !

Act 17:24  God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

Act 17:25  Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

Act 17:26  And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

Act 17:27  That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us: }}}… So we are to be the temple of The LORD  who MADE heaven and earth… That is why, HE WANTS A PEOPLE WHO HAVE REPENTED FOR THEIR UNBELIEF, … AND BELIEVE HIM THAT HE GIVES LIFE, AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, FAITH, GRACE, MERCY, EVERLASTING LIFE, SALVATION AND ALL THINGS.  Then, all things will be made new!!!  Revelation promises after the judgments, The LORD  will make all things new. And are made NEW IN  CHRIST the LORD. !!!  Those who are in Him, are already made in to a new creation as written above. !!!  The little children are the JUDGES, … who are being used to STILL THE ENEMY, … who are casting out the devils of their fathers, by the Spirit of The LORD , … and they are to be as He Is, in the day of judgment.  And The LORD  brought them to glory as SONS.  So they are a new creation already. That is why, The LORD  said to be converted as a little one.  They already know The LORD  and HE IS IN THEM. If you can deny these scripture … then you still need to repent. So all those who failed to be the sons of  CHRIST the LORD, … must repent !



So since Adam and all humans committed the crime against The CREATOR, The ROCK, The Husband, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … HE ALONE CAN FORGIVE that sin. And to show that sin, The LORD  gave the law later as written above.    And THAT IS WHY HE HAD TO DIE. He Had to die, to forgive the sin (unbelief by pride and lusts ) which we committed against Him. unless that is done, … there is no gift from GOD. He is a GOD , of vengeance. He said ‘vengeance is Mine’.  The righteous judgment must be executed. !  But in His mercy, HE DIED FOR US, instead of us.  And then, when that forgiveness is given, … GOD who is the righteous, … from whom the righteousness comes, .. will give  it freely. So that is why the law CANNOT FORGIVE US FOR OUR SIN , COMMITTED BEFORE WE WERE BORN.  NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE KEEP THE LAW, …it will not cleanse us from the guilt of Adam. !!!  WE DID NOT KNOW THAT WE SHOULD WORSHIP  CHRIST the LORD AND HE IS THE ONLY GOD. WE HAD TWO GODS. The very first commandment, itself was broken by all. !!! All those who do not accept John 17: 17-20 children, … must repent as they are sent by The LORD , causing others to believe in Him, through their word.  !


He has not revealed Himself, nor about the FATHER until He came the second time. And the little children were forgiven for His name’s sake, BEFORE THEY WERE TAUGHT AND GIVEN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OR BEFORE The LORD  CAME TO THEM. !!!! Understand ????  That justification, could come only by  CHRIST the LORD, as we committed the sin against Him, by not believing in Him, .. which made Him a liar.  He Is The LORD  who is the Spirit. His words are Spirit. Then that is the Holy Spirit. The LORD  said if you commit sin against the Holy Spirit, .. it cannot be forgiven !!!! That is why Adam had to die and DEATH CAME TO ALL HUMANS. The carnal minds. !!!  The law, is spiritual. Rom.  7:14.  So how could the CARNAL mind keep the law which is ‘SPIRITUAL”???


So the law,    CANNOT SIMPLY JUSTIFY US. We did NOT SIN AGAINST THE LAW.!  BROKEN LAW PROVES WE HAVE NOT OBEYED, NOR BELIEVED The LORD . It is given to a people WHO ARE ALREADY Un-RIGHTEOUS.  And to measure their Unrighteousness.  And those who received it, … wanted to keep it to be FORGIVEN the sin which we are born with ?  Would the law then remove our sin and make us ‘RIGHTEOUS’? The ONLY WAY TO BE ACQUITTED FROM THE SIN WHICH WE ARE BORN WITH, IS TO ADMIT AND REPENT !!!  This is why, THE LAW WORKS WRATH. !!! This is why the times of Refreshing. At that time, The LORD  will overlook the ignorance in man and pour His SPIRIT on ALL FLESH. That means giving the SPIRIT to all sinners !!!


Holy Spirit, comes from The CREATOR, … and if we seek it from GOD the Father, or in any other way, … would we find it ? Can we find it our own ? This is why, The LORD ’s wrath comes on those who teach others to keep the law to be righteous . they actually teach against The LORD  and His words !!!! SO SINCE THE Holy Spirit IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … IN ORDER TO SEEK IT FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE, IS AGAINST HIM. !!!  we have OFFENDED Him !!! THAT IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN !!  We are born with the unpardonable sin !


Did not The LORD  BREATHE ON Adam ??? “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Gen. 2:7.  That is the Holy Spirit , The LORD  breathed on him.  If you cant understand that, here is another scripture which says,  the Holy Spirit is given by  CHRIST the LORD’s breath. “And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:. John 20:22.  So it is  CHRIST the LORD who breathes the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, now which gives life. John 6:63 “The words that I SPEAK, to you are Spirit and life”. That is the Holy Spirit which we sinned against. !!! So that sin, … cannot be pardoned without a penalty.  We made Him a liar.


The high and lofty ones are still making Him a liar, when each time they say they eat from the Tree of Life, … we keep commandments… seek righteousness by the law, … build the holy righteous character by keeping the law “  etc.  Therefore, sinning against the Holy Spirit, … is the unpardonable sin . so NONE IS WITHOUT SIN. THAT GUILT IS PAID BY The LORD , HIMSELF , IN HIS MERCY AND GRACE, HE TASTED DEATH FOR ALL.   The aged,   high and lofty ones still do not believe GOD. 


Do you believe that The LORD  Is IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN, AS THE SCRIPTURE OR THE Holy Spirit SAYS ???  1 John 4: 17 ?  They are  your judges and are casting out your devils? Mat. 12: 27-28 ??? Do you accept the fact that The LORD  taught them and had anointed them to learn from Him ????   Do you accept that the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given to them ???  and as John 17: 17-20 says, they are to be SENT also , causing you to believe in Him ???  Have you given a cup of cold water to a little one who comes in His name, .. or have you separated yourself from them saying they are defiled ???  None of the enemies who are high and lofty, have accepted that  CHRIST the LORD brought these sons to glory, they are the first fruits etc.  so they still are making GOD a liar ! This is why the righteousness cannot come in any other way, but The LORD  must first forgive to justify us.  And that is why, when we BELIEVE, we are justified, even the law keepers must believe in Him. ! Acts. 13; 38-39 ! 


So we must be justified from the unbelief which was brought by Adam. Remember Israel also was cut off for unbelief. Rom.  11: 20.  And after judgments are over, … The LORD  will reveal these things. And understand… as Israel is cut off for UNBELIEF, .. the gentiles obtained MERCY.  Then would not the gentiles are called for HIS MERCY ALONE???   Did any gentiles QUALIFIED TO EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, BY ANY WORKS THEY DID ???  IT IS ONLY BY MERCY…

Rom 11:30  For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief: }}}… So you see… Israel is cut off for UNBELIEF, JUST AS Adam WAS CUT OFF.  !!!  That is because, the unbelief is the unpardonable sin, that cannot be forgiven !!!!!!  so the gentiles, who DID NOT ALSO BELIEVE The LORD , … obtained MERCY, through Israel’s UNBELIEF !!!  MERCY, MERCY, MERCY AND MERCY !!! So when The LORD ’s mercy is given, what did the gentiles were caused to do ??? BELIEVE !!!! The LORD ’s mercy caused the gentiles to BELIEVE HIM.!!!  Believing Him means to believe each of His names will be fulfilled in the relevant character.  For example:- … if The LORD  is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH, .. then you must believe The LORD  WILL BEGIN THAT FAITH IN US AND ALSO WILL FINISH IT IN US, UNTIL WE ENTER IN TO BE WITH HIM, IN THE Promised land. 

Rom 11:31  Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. }}}… understand this ???  Israel, are the ones who HAVE NOT BELIEVED.  Then the gentiles believe. 2 Thess. 2: 13 says they are SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE!  So it is The LORD ’s doing. and not the gentiles, who did not believe as v 30 says, all of a sudden start to believe The LORD , … but The LORD  preplanned all these and sanctified some to believe, so HIM, BEING THE GOD OF SALVATION, CAN BRING SALVATION, BY HIS MERCY AND GRACE! So THROUGH THE MERCY GIVEN TO GENTILES, … THEY BELIEVED.  WHAT DID THEY BELIEVE ??? They believed  CHRIST the LORD will do all things for them as they are the vessels of mercy. !!! Then, how about these gentiles who were saved by MERCY, starts to keep the law and condemn and accuse all the rest ??? Could GOD have mercy on such ???  This is why, they fell from grace also. !! “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. “ Gal. 5: 4.  Therefore,, when the gentiles are saved by MERCY, … and if they go to the law to be justified, … would they not fall from grace also. ???


And how could such gentiles preach Israel to look for grace, and not to look to the law to give righteousness ??? “now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy”… through our MERCY,… shown to gentiles, … all Israel also will obtain MERCY… and not to go to the law !!!  So what the ships of Tarshish are doing is, they teach against the Word of GOD , … and against the MERCY of The LORD  !!! Through the mercy shown to gentiles, .. Israel also will be given mercy !!!!  So who are the gentiles who teach to get righteousness by HIS MERCY ???  Are the ships of Tarshish doing that ?  THIS IS WHY, The LORD  SAYS THEY ARE HIGH AND LOFTY, AS THE OAKS AND THE CEDARS ARE.  The have one thing in common…, their belief on their own righteousness by the law !  The LORD  is THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  , AND THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH !

Heb_5:9  And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Heb_12:2  Looking unto Jesus the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH;…}}}… if The LORD  is THE BEGINNER OF OUR SALVATION,  AND THE END OF IT, … AND IF HE IS THE BEGINNER OF FAITH AND THE END OF IT, … THEN BELIEVE The LORD  WILL DO IT FOR US !!! HE WILL BEGIN AND HE WILL END. !!!!   Do not try to keep the law to get faith , or salvation !!!  The LORD  will do it !

GOD says THE UNBELIEF was the sin…

Then,… ALL HUMANS WILL BE SAVED BY MERCY !!! And The LORD  says all did not believe Him !!!  Why so ??? Because, the UNBELIEF is what Adam had and we all inherited from him !!! But until the judgment came, … The LORD  did not reveal it. but now, the times of Refreshing has come, GOD overlooks the ignorance in man!

Rom 11:32  For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all. }}}…  So you see… this scripture clearly says GOD concluded all in UNBELIEF. !!!!  So unbelief,  was the sin. !!  That is why Israel is cut off… Rom.  11: 20.  The broken laws shows they did NOT BELIEVE WHAT The LORD  SAID, just as Adam !!!!  So The LORD , has concluded all in UNBELIEF !!! So no matter how much one keeps the law, … their UNBELIEF was the sin which The LORD  cut them off !!!  That is why The LORD  says repent and believe !!!!


God concluded all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all.”…  So it is by HIS MERCY… ALL WILL BE SAVED, .. in order to save all, …. The LORD  has condemned all as UN- BELIEVERS !!!


So the UNBELIEF is the sin. !!!  That is why, The LORD  sanctified some to BELIEVE. 2 Thess. 2;13.


when the two witnesses died, … all died in unbelief ! From that point, .. The LORD  Has planned to work with His own children. Isa. 8: 18,  29:23,  Heb.  2: 10-13, John 17. So both Israel and gentiles failed. Thereafter GOD came and FORGAVE the little children, whom He Has anointed, and came in to them to teach them all things. !

Rom 11:33  O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! }}}… The LORD ’s judgements are unsearchable to the AGED.

Job_32:9  Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment. }}}… then, The LORD  chose the children to be AS JUDGES … by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. :’. And that is how the BABES are revealed secrets, ( Luk. 10:21,  Psa. 8:2-3). That is to still the enemy !!


if you seek any other way to live other than by the grace of GOD, .. then you will not have life.  IF ALL COULD HAVE LIVED IN ANY OTHER WAY, … THEN The LORD  DID NOT HAVE TO DIE, …. NOR The LORD  WOULD HAVE NOT SPOKEN ABOUT  GRACE !!!!  GRACE JUSTIFIES ONE FROM THE SIN OF Adam. !!! If you do not seek His grace, … GOD cannot save you.  HE TASTED DEATH, BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE. So if you seek the law to justify you, … you reject the GREATEST SACRIFICE OF OUR Heavenly FATHER, … HIS DEATH BY GRACE. !!!  But The LORD  will bring each one to repentance as the scripture promises to annul the death Covenant .  He alone can kill anyone. But it is not His will to kill anyone, as HE DIED BY GRACE ! So if you seek the law or any other way to get righteousness, … you will not get it , because you have already sinned against Him, … by not believing in Him … just as Adam. And The LORD  only can forgive you. !

And the gentiles are told, … to not to be ignorant about the mystery of Israel’s BLINDNESS.  So it is they who are given the understanding of Israel’s blindness. Then, it is they who can declare it to you, as they are the workers of the day of THE LORD.

Rom 11:25  For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.

Rom 11:26  And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:

Rom 11:27  For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. }}}… Israel’s blindness is a mystery, now made known to gentiles, as the Times of Gentiles have come.  And Apostle Peter also wrote about this in Acts. 15.  By the mercy which is shown to gentiles, … all Israel also will be saved by mercy of The LORD .  SO WHEN The LORD  TAKES GENTILES TO HIS NAME , as Apostle Peter wrote , … Israel IS BLINDED.  THAT IS THE Laodicea ERA. And now the fulness of the gentiles have come in. the gentiles are given faith, and some even left faith. And the two witnesses’ work is over and they died also. Then, the DELIVERER , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , will come to Zion to save her.  That is why in Zech. 9: 9, it says “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. “…when The LORD  comes on the foolish nation which He prophesied, … you REJOICE… The LORD  comes to give SALVATION. !!!  HE IS The Saviour …. THEN HE WILL SAVE ! You cannot save your self. Therefore, submit to GOD! 

After The LORD  redeems all from death, … all belongs to Him. all becomes His servants. So all will be HIS possession. So He can create HIS CHARACTER Thereafter. Do you understand this ?? From death, The LORD  redeems all and give life.  then can we live the way we want to Thereafter ?  No. GOD will save,  redeem, and fulfill all His names as we belong to Him. So He will write His laws as He says,  give New hearts, .. put His fear in you, … will not harden any one,  all will know Him… there is no need for anyone to teach about The LORD  to another… ( all scripture proves)  and we will worship Him ONLY !!!  No other gods, no graven images to seek righteousness, which is the law.  The law, is a graven image, YOU SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM !  How do you like , if you were GOD, .. and you create some people to be your people and give them a set of rules.  And how would you like to see if they seek to live by the rules ?  This is what you are doing.  Instead of looking for GOD who gave it, .. you look for the law to get life ! if you were GOD, … for such people, .. only thing you can do is to say… ok… you live by the rules and get life !  That is what The LORD  did. And did any one get life by keeping the law ??? No one is righteous, says the scripture. Rom.  3: 10. Then all died. Heb.  9:27 ! Redeeming means after that, one belongs to Him !!!

Rom_4:16  Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,..}}}… faith, and grace will give you the promise.  And when you receive the promise by faith and grace, … you become a son to Abraham !!  Not only to those who are of the law, … but to all, gentiles also.  But… the promise comes by grace and faith. This faith, which is a free gift to live, also comes from The LORD , and given freely by grace. The law keepers cannot believe that faith is a gift. They think their faith will save them.  But it is  CHRIST the LORD’s faith which gives us faith to have faith in Him to save us. ! I do not know how to explain this any more. Faith causes one to believe The LORD , that it is HE WHO DOES ALL THINGS FOR US, to bring us to salvation, everlasting life !!  That faith must be given by grace, causing us to live.  When you believe The LORD , you are justified!  So that proves the UNBELIEF is what caused us to sin against The LORD . and that is the offence which we committed against Him. ! if not, how could The LORD  cause the little children to enter in to the Promised land, who do not know good or evil? It is the ones whom The LORD  would have mercy first, … enters first in to the Promised land. !!!  So the rest also will be the same.! The difference is The LORD  did not give the understanding to these mysteries to the law keepers as GOD’s wrath must be given, as they are the vessels of wrath. !


The LORD  removes the curses came from the law of Moses, … as no one could keep it, … there will be no more death, sea, night, or devil.  PEOPLE WILL BE RIGHTEOUS. AND IT COULD BE DONE ONLY BY The LORD .  THE CARNAL MIND WILL BE REMOVED WITH IT’S ENMITY AGAINST GOD AND THEN ALL COULD KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD AND THEY ALL WILL KNOW HIM. But first, the enemies lies must be exposed, so the truth could be given to enter in to the new Covenant. First time when The LORD  brought Israel out of Egypt, He killed and destroyed the enemy who is pharaoh. It is same as now. The spirit of pharaohs is once again has come to Israel, who are Spiritually in Egypt now. Rev. 11: 8.  Their leader is like pharaoh, wont allow the people to worship the true GOD, but false gods, false fathers, and idols, graven images to seek righteousness. HE TURNED AWAY THE PEOPLE BY SAYING DO NOT FOCUS ON  CHRIST the LORD TOO MUCH , BUT GO PASS HIM TO GOD the Father, WHERE THERE IS NO SUCH ONE, BUT  CHRIST the LORD IS , WAS AND IS TO COME AS THE Heavenly FATHER ! Is he not an enemy of The LORD  ??  Always, it is the ones who eat bread with The LORD , who turned as His enemy in the end. !  Eze. 16:52 says, the sister who judged others, DID WORSE !  Same is with the ships of Tarshish. They were saved by grace and faith, and still became an enemy of The LORD  and turned around to cause the people to not to seek righteousness by The LORD , but their own! Unless they are high and lofty, .. The LORD  would not say they are in Isa. 2.!


All those who exalt Israel, are the enemies of The LORD. Israel is exalted because of the law. They thought gentiles are sinners and dogs. But The LORD  wants to show it is Israel’s ministry who are sinners and dogs. Isa. 56: 10 says, when the salvation is about to come, how The LORD  brought the gentiles to His mountain,  altar and House of Prayer . they have DONE BETTER THAN SONS AND DAUGHTERS  !  And GOD condemned Israel as sinners and to have forsaken Him.  And to judge them, The LORD  used gentiles. In the last time, as The LORD  said, the humbled will be exalted and the exalted will be humbled, ALL BECAUSE OF LIES AND THE TRUTH.  The lies have divided the church in to many groups and there is no peace. The sheep goes wandering from mountain to mountain, seeking the Word of GOD . Ezekiel 34: . and v 12 says, The LORD, HIMSELF WILL SEARCH THE SHEEP. So lies brings war. But the truth will NEVER BE DIVIDED, AND WILL BRING PEACE TO ALL. Therefore, the high and lofty ones must be humbled with their lies to save the people.  In Isa. 2, GOD talks about the high and lofty ones. the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish. So The LORD  will humble them.


And as John 7;51 says,  one must be tested by the law. So while she was in the wilderness,  the two witnesses testified that they have not kept the law and are dead. Rev. 11 says it is time to judge the DEAD. Zion died under the two witnesses, as the scripture requires. And The LORD  says the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is in Babylon, JUST BEFORE DELIVERED. Micah 4: 10.   And now, the church is in Egypt ( Rev. 11: 8), and in Babylon. Rev. 17 – 18, Micah 4: 10 and more. Then, the leader act like pharaoh , ( Rom.  9) and also Nebuchadnezzar. So their teachings must be destroyed. They are building empires for themselves and do not care what others believe !  THEY WANT TO SIT WITH JESUS CHRIST the LORD and reign with Him.  They want  CHRIST the LORD also to come to their level !


Psa 64:10  The righteous shall be glad in the LORD, and shall TRUST IN HIM; and all the upright in heart shall glory. …}}}… RIGHTEOUS shall trust in The LORD . And that means RIGHTEOUSNESS COMES FROM The LORD , BY TRUSTING IN HIM. !!!  He gives the righteousness!!!  And freely. Rom.  5; 16-17!

So righteous, are the ones who trust in The LORD ’s righteousness and not their own. ! We are all sinners says GOD.  Then accept you are a sinner.  Then, understand… as we are sinners, … we must die.  ONLY The LORD CAN GIVE US LIFE!  When we have sinned, … how can by keeping the law, take that guilt away, unless The LORD  forgives?

Those who do not trust in the LORD, but their own righteousness, .. will fall by their own counsels.

Psa 5:10  Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee…. }}}… this is what The LORD  does. When The LORD  saves others by mercy and grace, … the law keepers will be still keeping the law and preaching about it. so their own evil counsels will cause them to fall !!! 


Pro 20:5  Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. }}}…thoughts of the heart, is like deep water.  This is how the dragon sends a flood. And the wicked are the sea. But, both are sent by GOD, as a curse.  And The LORD  will remove these curses. And He will reveal their evilness, using the little children who are given the understanding.  That is why when they sanctify and fear The LORD , .. those who erred comes to understanding. Isa. 20: 23- 24 !!!  They are the works of The LORD ’s hands.  That means The LORD ‘s hand was on Israel, when they came out of Egypt first time, and even now !!! The LORD  prepared the little children. 1 John 2.  He forgave, and they are the judges, … who judge by the Spirit and Truth to cast out devils of their fathers. !  So who can be against The LORD ’s hand?

Pro 20:6  Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?

Pro 20:7  The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

Pro 20:8  A king that sitteth in the throne of judgment scattereth away all evil with his eyes.

Pro 20:9  Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?

Pro 20:10  Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.

Pro 20:11  Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Pro 20:12  The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them. }}}… can any one say I have MADE MY HEART CLEAN????  We, the little children do not say that. We cannot by any means become pure or keep commandments , or eat from the  Tree of Life, or keep us from evil, unless our FATHER,  JESUS CHRIST the LORD DOES IT FOR US. If you read our writings, they will prove.  We pray The LORD ’s prayer to keep us from evil. He sends evil. So when we pray for Him to not to send, … HE WILL NOT and will keep us from evil.  This is why, The LORD  separated the ships of Tarshish and the queen of South…the men of Niniveh and little children and even use them to judge and condemn as The LORD  said in judgment.  So EVEN A CHILD WILL BE KNOWN BY HIS DOINGS… if it is PURE OR RIGHT. !!! The ships of Tarshish was among us as John 17 says, but went to perdition as she started to accuse us for not keeping the law.  One’s HEART, ONLY The LORD  WILL SEE.  Could her law keeping give her the understanding and salvation or RIGHTEOUSNESS and Justification by it ?  Scripture says no. ! Col. 2: 16-17 clearly tells us not to let anyone judge us about Sabbaths and the new moons, which she does !!!


Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness”… and the cedar and the ships of Tarshish proclaimed to be eating from the Tree of Life, and they can keep commandments. !!! So they proclaim their own goodness. ! They want to be ABOVE ALL ELSE…, ones to be the FIRST… and condemns the rest!  That is not how The LORD  works. This is why, those whom do not know good or evil is brought to The Promised land, by The LORD . !!!


The fact that, The LORD  Has appointed another way for the law keepers to be justified, .. by believing in His name, proves none could be justified by keeping it, NOR THEY HAVE BELIEVED The LORD  !!!Act 13: 38-39


Apostle Paul said, if you seek the law, to get righteousness, you seek YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS. :- These are the words of GOD which one must live by. So believe what Apostle Paul says.

Php 3:9  And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:


mine own righteousness, which is of the law”…

Do you still think you can get righteousness out of the law ??

Apostle Paul does not look for his own righteousness as a law keeper !! 


he says “my own righteousness of the law”…. Therefore,, IF YOU SEEK THE LAW TO GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS, … YOU SEEK YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS.!!!  This is why the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are the enemies of The LORD . and they are high and lofty as they try to justify themselves, where as, no one could be justified by the law, but by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name , believing only. Acts. 13: 38-39. Therefore,, those who BELIEVED HIM, .. are already justified, without the law !!! Remember The LORD  Has appointed another way to be justified, is done by grace and faith of The LORD . !  He HAS ALREADY SPOKEN…, HE HAS PROMISED… so believe Him, or would you still believe that you can have righteousness by the law ???  Apostle Paul, condemns such ! So do we !!!


That IF YOU SEEK THE LAW TO GIVE YOU RIGHTEOUSNESS, … AND THINK THAT YOU CAN EAT FROM THE Tree of Life , … YOU ARE SEEKING YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS. !!!!  that is SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS !!! You are eating from YOUR OWN TREE !!! The law shows one’s good or evil’. So you who seek righteousness out of the law, which is YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, … ARE EATING FROM THE Tree of good and evil !!!!


So such who keep the law to get righteousness,… seek SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS and would NOT GET THE RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM GOD. !!!  If you were made free by The LORD , and again if you entangle in the law, … like the ships of Tarshish did, … you fall from faith… and grace, , and you SEEK YOUR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS… SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND THAT IS HIGH AND LOFTY !!!  THE PRIDE OF LIFE !!!  Only GOD CAN BRING SUCH DOWN!!!  Such have departed from faith. ! So these teachings come from one’s own heart which is deep !!!  But The LORD  will reveal them. 1 cor 4: 5. !  This is why, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are the enemies of The LORD .  They teach the people to seek their own righteousness, and DECEIVE the people and stop them from going to The LORD  to get it who gives it freely. !!! From such enemies, The LORD  must deliver the people. So all these are sending their foul waters in to the sea !!!  So GOD gives the true knowledge of GOD  as the sea. Do you see the two seas ???


No one should teach to keep the law to get righteousness, but out of love to GOD and love to the neighbor. !!!  From serving one’s self … to serve others, it should be! This is why The LORD  said who ever wants to be the greatest, must become a servant !


When one claims they are eating from the Tree of Life, … and can keep commandments, … they exalt themselves above The LORD , … His words and all others.  It causes one to lose faith as they are sinners.  It discourages others.  No one would say such things, if they love others.  They preach themselves !!!


Isa. 57:17.. says to The LORD ’s servants, HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS GIVEN. So no one should judge The LORD ’s other servants, because The LORD  only sees the hearts !!!  unless the scripture proves , no one should exalt themselves. !  As written above, The LORD  says all Israel WILL BE SAVED… not all Israel will save themselves!  The LORD  will save them.  Unless, HE IS NOT The Saviour !!!


If you are not high and lofty, … The LORD  will give you righteousness, .. that is the GOD of salvation, The Saviour. !

Psa 24:3  Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?

Psa 24:4  He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. ..}}}… when you are high and lofty, …. GOD sees as you have lifted yourselves up instead of lifting Him, to be gathered. John 12: 32.  So such cannot have pure heart, or clean hands. They are abominable to GOD as pride is an abomination.


Psa 24:5  He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. }}}… if you are NOT HIGH AND LOFTY, … you would receive the blessing of The LORD , AND RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM THE GOD OF SALVATION. !!!  that means if you believe… that righteousness comes by The LORD , and not your own, … He will justify you first, and that means you receive righteousness from Him.  That is a blessing of The LORD , and no man can get it on own self.  We proved sworn deceitfully means not physical swearing but, when you enter in to the law, you swear or take an oath to keep it wholly.  That is where the snare is !  So you swear against The LORD  ! And because you cannot keep the law wholly, … you are swearing or entering in to the oath FALSELY. !  So The LORD  finds the following ones to be high and lofty…

So the righteousness COMES FROM THE GOD OF SALVATION…. !!  And The LORD  brought sons to glory, to declare THAT HE IS THE Captain of Salvation. Heb.  2: 10-13.  Then, it is they who are given righteousness, and have pure hearts, and clean hands. ! They are the works of The LORD ’s hands, and not man’s works. !!! Isa. 29:23, Heb.  2: 10-13 !!! And The LORD ’s words say who is high and lofty…:-

Isa 2:11  The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

Isa 2:12  For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Isa 2:13  And upon all the cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up, and upon all the oaks of Bashan, 

Isa 2:16  And upon all the ships of Tarshish, and upon all pleasant pictures. }}}… So ‘ACCORDING TO THE GOD OF SALVATION”,…. It is the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish who are high and lofty, lifted up in pride… !!!  THEY EXALT THEMSELVES, AS THEY SEEK THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, INSTEAD GETTING RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM THE GOD OF SALVATION !!!  So it is they who are the enemies who still preach vanity…  and that is one of the characters which we inherited from Adam. ! The pride of life !!!  Such high and lofty ones have NOT BELIEVED The LORD . !

Inheriting Adam’s sin, and punishment of death proves, we all … all humans also have partaken his evil , wicked mind which has all three lusts.  No one can say they do not have lusts.  Failing from the same sin means, … and inheriting his character, the carnality means, all humans have the same failure in them. They may not see it that way, but inheriting the sin of Adam proves all have had all these lusts.  As written above, … in Rom.  11, the scripture says gentiles also not believed.  That proves they had the same lusts also. Who does not like to see things and desire for them ?  Who does not want to eat nice foods to live ??  Who wants to admit they are sinners?  Look what the high priest said … ‘I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU THINK OR BELIEVE…, BUT I AM EATING FROM THE Tree of Life “!!!   Does he think of others ?  He lusts the Tree of Life, in a WRONG WAY AGAINST GOD.  !!! GOD does not say He offers the Tree of Life to a prophet, … high priest, … or the ships of Tarshish , even they claim so. 


If GOD says they are high and lofty, … then they are !

Who are they to ask GOD and say we are not?

It is The LORD , who Is high and lofty.


Isa 57:15  For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. }}}…  so the HIGH AND LOFTY GOD says… “

I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.”. The LORD  dwells with the HUMBLE ONES !!!  The HIGH AND LOFTY GOD also dwells in the heart of the humble ones.  this is why Zech. 9:9 says, when the salvation is to come Zion, … He comes LOWLY , riding on a ass and the foal!!!! These ass and the foal, ARE NOT HORSES !!! And according to the Word of GOD ,…. They are the little children…. As The LORD  IS IN THEM. 1 John 1: 2,  1 John 4: 17 …


Mat_18:4  Then whoever will humble himself as this little child, this one is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven!

The little children do not know good or evil as The LORD  says above.  They do not exalt themselves, nor SEEK OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS !!! They believe The LORD  would do all things for them. ! 

Adam’s sin caused all to die.  The law is given to condemn to death. And from death, The LORD  will redeem all. “I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death,” Hos. 13: 14.  Then, .. when the life is given by The LORD , … redeeming means HE OWNS US Thereafter. And He will not do like these high and lofty ones, … and condemn every one else but them, … but will lead all the sheep, .. by HIMSELF and He will do no harm to any one ! He will begin their salvation… and faith.. and will bring them to the Promised land… and will finish His works in them. ! He will be in our heart, … He will write His law in our hearts, … THEN ALL CAN KEEP THE LAW AND COMMANDMENTS , willingly and to serve and love GOD and others, and not to EAT FROM THE Tree of Life, BY SELF !!! How could such ones be TRUE PASTORS ???

Those who do not believe GOD, are then, the law keepers.  Because, if they had believed, .. then  The LORD  would have justified them.  And because they did not believe, … they could not enter in to the rest.

Heb 4:3  For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

Heb 4:10  For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. }}}.. Rest means The LORD  , and those who BELIEVED have finished their works and are resting. Because, the works of The LORD  is to get all to believe in The The Sent ONE  , who is  CHRIST the LORD. so to believe  CHRIST the LORD, is the works of The LORD .  John 6: 29-30 !  When one believes, .. their works are finished.  The LORD  tried all these thousands of years to get all to believe in Him.  So He sanctified the children to believe in Him. 2 Thess. 2: 13 !

And The LORD ’s BELOVED, are the ones who are SANCTIFIED TO BELIEVE.!!   They are the little children, who cast out the devils, who did not believe The LORD  , and failed to receive the Spirit . !! Mat. 12: 27-28

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brothers beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth,

2Th 2:14  to which He called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}.. those who are CALLED… to obtain HIS Glory… THAT MEANS NO ONE IN Israel IS SANCTIFIED FOR  CHRIST the LORD’S GLORY,  EXCEPT THOSE WHO REPENTED AND BELIEVED, WHO ARE THE MEN OF NINIVEH, WHOM The LORD  SAID WOULD COME IN JUDGMENT.


God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth… He called you… beloved of the Lord,… to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.!!!!

So The LORD  Has sanctified these who are to obtain the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  they are the sons whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY as Heb.  2: 10 says…” For it became Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory, to perfect the Captain of their salvation”. So it is The LORD  who brought these sons to glory. They DO NOT GLORY THEMSELVES !!!  So their hands are clean, and hearts are pure and not high and lofty. !!!


 and the little one, who beautifies Him.  Isa. 60:21-22. So no one can claim they are the prophets, high priests or anyone, other than these little children, whom The LORD  has sanctified and brought for His glory, and the work of The LORD ’s own hands. !  Such are exalting themselves AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF GOD as well. Zep 2: 10. 

Zep 2:10  This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the LORD of hosts.

Zep 2:11  The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen. ..}}}}…the people of The LORD , are the ones who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD in zep 3:9-10. All the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish magnified themselves against us who received the Name of THE LORD. ! They called us Eve, … evil,… and the ships of Tarshish continually accuses us , and we proved they are the accuser of the brethren. Because, the brethren are The LORD ’s sons whom He brought to glory in Heb.  2: 10-13,  He calls them the brethren. So these high and lofty’s pride is seen as they hate the people of The LORD of HOSTS , who is  CHRIST the LORD, and whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY. !!! They do not know it is The LORD ’s own hands!!! So The LORD  will be terrible unto them and will destroy them as they are their gods. 


And “isles of the heathen”… when the Zephaniah’s prophecy is to be fulfilled, it is the day of THE LORD, which is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30:3. And the gentiles also divided as the ships of Tarshish, the ISLES went to the law to be with oaks and cedars, exalting all of them. So they are like heathen to GOD, as the sons whom The LORD  brought to glory, are the NEW HEBREWS, the sons of  CHRIST the LORD as well as Abraham’ seed. ! And at this time, by replenishing from the east, … Israel is like Ethiopians to GOD. Amo 9: 7, Isa. 2: 6.  And the sign that ships of Tarshish, the isles also sided with the oaks and the cedars , the high and lofty ones, are seen in keeping the law. !!!  They have the law as a common belief to get righteousness ! If GOD hates Israel as the vessels of wrath , and that is because the law works wrath, Rom.  4: 15, “Law works wrath”, would not the same wrath comes on the isles, or ships of Tarshish also inherits the law ???  They are to be judged by the law ! And The LORD  says, they DIE WITHOUT MERCY, under two witnesses. “He that despised Moses’ law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:”… so NO MERCY TO SUCH. ( but The LORD  will have mercy afterwards, when Israel is accepted through the mercy given to gentiles. Rom.  11: 30 -32).  And Gal. 5: 4 “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. “. So The LORD  prophesied through Apostle Paul, that some will fall even from grace.  They despised The LORD ’s death given by grace !!!   CHRIST the LORD’s death has no effect on them !!!  They must thoroughly repent !


So who are the ETHIOPIANS, during the day of THE LORD ??? It is Israel, who are like them. Amo 9: 7.

Zep 2:12  Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by my sword. }}}.. the Word of GOD  proves why they are like ethiopians to GOD, as they came to east to sin. The sin of the east gate, the Bamah matter in our web site gives all the details. So the gentiles, who are not given the law, became Israel of GOD by coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD,  and Israel, who did not come to Him, … who sought the law , became ethiopians. !!  This is how the ships of Tarshish who wished to be Israel, failed to be Israel of GOD, and became ethiopians to GOD. !!!

Zep 2:13  And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wilderness. }}}… who are in the NORTH who are like Nineveh ???  The high and lofty ones. so The LORD ’s hands, or the little children are against them. ! Remember the high and lofty ones are stilled by the babes. Psa. 8: 2- 3 !  But The LORD  said, the men of Niniveh who REPENTED AND BELIEVED, who are from north will arise in judgment, WITH THE QUEEN OF SOUTH, who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD, to condemn such. ! But those men of Niniveh, who repented, comes to condemn those who did not come to The LORD . !!

Zep 2:14  And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work. }}}…

Zep 2:15  This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, that said in her heart, I am, and there is none beside me: how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand. }}}.. this is Rev. 18.  And those who sang with her, the ships of Tarshish, also will be counted as harlots as proven in Promised land writing. ( Tyre sing as a harlot,  and singing means turning away from GOD. So the ships of Tarshish also sang with her. Isa. 23,  and Ezekiel 27 ).


The sons of  CHRIST the LORD, are  the new Hebrews. That is why the book of Hebrews is written to them.  It is they who are the work of The LORD ’s hands and who work for Him. remember Israel of GOD, are when one is made new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16. So they are now Israel,…. And Israel have become like heathen, Ethiopians.  These Israel of GOD are The sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD and sons of Abraham. The blessing of Abraham is to come to gentiles, through JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

There was a time to keep the law, .. that is before The LORD  came to gentiles, and Israel is cut off. Rom.  11: 20.  But now, … we must understand that no one could have been made righteous by it. THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR THE LAW KEEPERS TO REMEMBER , SO THEY CAN LOOK FOR The LORD’S GRACE. !

Rom 5:20  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound: }}}… LAW, IS GIVEN TO SHOW THE OFFENSE WHICH Adam AND ALL COMMITTED AGAINST HIM. remember for breaking the law, one dies under two witnesses.  But the second death which is a curse came from Adam, is removed in Rev. 20, when all the curses are removed. And unkept law proves one has NOT BELIEVED The LORD . !!!



Therefore, EITHER YOU SEEK THE LAW,…. OR GRACE. BUT GRACE WILL GIVE YOU LIFE,  AND THE LAW WILL GIVE YOU DEATH. ! This is why The LORD  says His family has chosen death … and the Covenant with death etc. !~

if the law is given to CONDEMN one, … then it must condemn them as UNBELIEVERS, AND LIARS and have lifted themselves up against The LORD , against the knowledge of GOD  !!!


How from the beginning the sin of Adam and Eve came to us…:-

Eve is not to know the simplicity in  CHRIST the LORD. That means to know Him. so when she sinned,  she was blinded to NOT TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT  CHRIST the LORD. that is why it was a mystery, now revealed that HE IS THE ONLY GOD. Until then, all had many other gods.  So why did not The CREATOR reveal the truth about Himself ?  Because when Eve sinned, she sinned against Him , She REJECTED THE Tree of Life… SHE REJECTED THE LIFE GIVING GOD…,  SHE REJECTED HIS WORDS… AND SHE DID NOT BELIEVE HIM.  THAT IS WHY SHE ATE WHAT SHE WAS NOT SAID TO NOT TO.  SO THAT UNBELIEF, CAME IN THE HEART AND NOT IN THE ACT OF EATING.  IT ORIGINATED IN THE HEART.  SO THE HEART OR THE MIND WAS BLINDED EVER SINCE TO NOT TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GOD WHO GIVES LIFE. THAT ALLOWED ALL TO BE EXALT THEMSELVES, HAVE THEIR OWN GODS.  SOME HAD GOD the Father, .. SOME HAD THEIR LEADERS AS FATHERS, AS HWA, … AND SOME WORSHIPED THEMSELVES, EXALTED THEMSELVES AS THESE HIGH AND LOFTY ARE DOING, AS A RESULT .  AND Israel IS CUT OFF FOR UNBELIEF. Rom.  11: 20.  THAT PROVES GOD CUTS OFF WHEN ONE DOES NOT BELIEVE HIM. !!!  AND THAT  MADE HIM A LIAR by not believing in Him.  That is the offense which needs to be forgiven.  !!!  so He was offended,  and until some believed, … He was not willing to reveal this truth, so all could be saved. ! so all humans are Spiritually fools, and are beasts. So HE, HIMSELF SANCTIFIED SOME TO BELIEVE HIM. 2 Thess. 2: 13. They are the sons in Heb.  2: 10-13 !!

2Co_11:3  But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. }}}… so Eve, was beguiled in to not to know  CHRIST the LORD.  we proved the word SERPENT is an allegory just as the ‘FATHER’ is an allegory. It is one’s own mind which sins against the Spirit as the flesh is weak.


Gen 3:13  And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat….}}}… so the serpent beguiled Eve to not to know the SIMPLICITY THAT IS IN  CHRIST the LORD.. !!!


And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me”…

the serpent beguiled Eve minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST!!!

So Eve’s mind was deceived to not to know the truth in  CHRIST the LORD. !!! 


Thayer Definition:

1) singleness, simplicity, sincerity, mental honesty

1a) the virtue of one who is free from pretence and hypocrisy

2) not self seeking, openness of heart manifesting itself by generousity


From G573; singleness, that is, (subjectively) sincerity (without dissimulation or self seeking),


Therefore, she was beguiled in to… or deceived herself, and lost the sincerity, … and started the SEEK SELF… that is why all are seeking self righteousness through the law, ..  and openness of the hearts was lost,  and that is why all have plagues in their hearts, … she is NOT HONEST… the mental honesty is lost… and she became a hypocrite. !!!  These qualities are seen in the high and lofty ones. the whole book of Malachi alone proves all the Levitical ministry have these qualities. !  So such character, the man inherited and are born with. !  It should be replaced by The LORD ’s mind. But since we have offended Him, … He did not give the mental honesty to us until He brought forth His sons to glory , and to preach the truth about Him. !!  WE NEED SALVATION FROM THIS NATURE !!!!  and by keeping the whole law even, could have not given us this nature, as the good nature or the divine nature comes ONLY FROM  CHRIST the LORD! And that was cut off !!!


“minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST”…so every human mind was corrupted, as none knew the TRUTH, ABOUT  CHRIST the LORD !

So all had their own gods… their ownselves… own righteousness … and wanted to live by the law, as that is the best the man can try to live by, as The LORD  has cut off the true life as a judgment, until it is revealed !! So no man born by Eve, can say we can keep commandments… we eat from the Tree of Life !!!  They are insincere, … hypocrites, .. self seeking, …pretending,  and deceitful in the heart. !!!  This is why The LORD  said the pharisees and sadducees  , who are the high and lofty ones, are filled with these qualities.  So these evil nature, DID NOT COME FROM A DEVIL, BUT CAME FROM Adam and  Eve !!! But by the Spirit of the LORD, the children, the humble little ones , are casting out such hypocrites by the Spirit of The LORD . Mat. 12: 27-28. !!!

And GOD says, His people are a HYPOCRITICAL NATION…. And what would The LORD  do ?? He will send the  rod of His anger, … the Assyrian. That is the pride. GOD says whole purpose is to destroy the pride. Isa. 14. So we can understand that from Adam, to our times, all have been not believing in His words, and that is considered as pride. !  That is the unpardonable sin.

Isa 10:3  And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?

Isa 10:5  O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.

Isa 10:6  I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of MY WRATH will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the streets. }}}… so The LORD  , in His wrath, … sent the evil leader and leaders , so they will exalt themselves. Dan 11: 36. This is how all the leaders became high and lofty as Isa. 2 says. They all preach to keep the law to be righteous. That is TOTALLY AGAINST The LORD  AND HIS WORDS. They have the same mind as Eve did.  They cannot know the truth about  CHRIST the LORD. and the ships of Tarshish who are the gentiles, who are the vessels of mercy also wished to be under the law and came under GOD’s wrath and exalted themselves. ! it is GOD who cursed evilness upon man, .. who creates evil as Isa. 45 says, and sends evil task masters . he hardened the heart of pharoah, and even the vipers, the creeping ministers in the end. So just as Eve was hypocritical, all those who are under the law are so.  And then, The LORD  will break that pride. That is why Isa. 2 says the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are high and lofty. ( read GOD’s enemies).


Then, The LORD  will break the PRIDE in man, which began in the garden of Eden !

Isa 14:25  That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon My mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders.

Isa 14:26  This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.

Isa 14:27  For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and His hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back? }}}… My mountains???  Where is GOD’s Holy Mountain ???  The Holy Mountain is placed as Isa. 2 says, in the last days. That is where the Glorious Rest is , or where the knowledge of GOD  is given,  the Spirit and Truth to cast out devils. Isa. 11: 9-11 and Zep 3 , Isa. 56 talks about this mountain. And it is where The LORD  Is, and His HAND or His own hand’s work is. They are the little children. Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23,  Heb.  2: 10-13,  John 17: 17-20.  They are the ones who are doing exploits,  as Dan 11: 32- 36 says, those who KNOW THEIR GOD is at war with those who DO NOT know GOD. ! And GOD is The ROCK, or  CHRIST the LORD. !


What are our past SINS, or SIN ??? Remember, Adam did not have the law. But he died. So did all humans. Heb.  9:27.  Then, one must understand, that we are born in sin. And that sin is the unbelief. the law came later to condemn one to death.  But The LORD  died in order to save all beginning from Adam. So he brought death, and we must be redeemed from that sin. This is why there are two deaths in the scripture.  One under the law, to die under two witnesses… and the other one came from Adam. We have explained these before. So in the following scripture, v 25 , when it says SINS ARE PAST,… it is the SIN which is the unbelief. it should be SIN, as the same word is used for sin and sins.  And v 26 will make it more clear.

Rom 3:24  Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

Rom 3:25  Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

Rom 3:26  To declare, I say, at this time His righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. }}}…. V 26 says… HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND JUSTIFICATION comes on who BELIEVES. !!!  So the unbelief is the SIN WHICH WE NEED TO BE JUSTIFIED FROM. Acts. 13: 38-39 also says the same.


Act 13:38  Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins:

Act 13:39  And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. }}}… we have proven, the unbelief was the unpardonable sin that Adam committed and all are guilty of.  The LORD  said if you sin against the Holy Spirit, … you cannot be forgiven.  And that is why The LORD , Himself Had to die. The law proves Israel also did not believe The LORD . so when you BELIEVE… ARE JUSTIFIED FROM ALL THINGS.  So if you are justified when you BELIEVE, that means you are NOT JUSTIFIED as you DID NOT BELIEVE !!!  This is how the little children were justified. !!!  They are freely forgiven as they BELIEVED HIM. !!!  So their past SIN, which they inhertied from Adam, .. is forgiven. 1 John 2. And as they are a sign and a wonder, … now you can see The LORD  IS IN THEM. !


So the fact that when one BELIEVES , they are justified means as they DID NOT BELIEVE, they are not justified. And they are Israel, who are cut off for unbelief. “Well; because of unbelief they were broken off,”. Rom.  11: 20. Then, this unbelief, is the unpardonable sin that one would be cut off !!!  and then when they BELIEVE, they are accepted also.

Rom 11:30  For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:

Rom 11:31  Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy. }}}… the gentiles have NOT BELIEVED GOD, in the times past. And now they have believed as Israel failed to believe.  and The LORD  had mercy on the gentiles, and they believed by mercy, we all are saved from our death, and the sin of unbelief is forgiven and we are justified and given righteousness.  So Israel too will obtain MERCY TO BELIEVE The LORD . !!  Read vs 25-26…



Forgiving past sins… it should be sin.  But all ask for forgiveness for breaking the law. But that is not the sin. For UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off. That is the sin. Broken law proves one has not believed The LORD . to Adam, He said if you eat … you will die. But Adam did not believe.  And to Israel , The LORD  said.. if you break,… you die.  But none  believed that they would really die. That was THE SIN which The LORD  wants us to know which we committed against Him.  so no matter if you are a baptized member, if you did not accept your sin as the unbelief, … LORD’s sacrifice or blood has no effect, as you are asking for forgiveness for the wrong sin and in order to be justified for your LAW BREAKING. ! You must read the scripture and ask for GOD’s understanding!

GOD says… law brings wrath. Where there is NO LAW, .. no transgression. That means where there is law, … wrath comes,  and transgression is revealed. So when there is no law, … there is no sin. This is what happened in Adam’s time.

Rom_4:15  Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression}}}.. Rom.  5: 14 says, Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come”….. you see… death came from Adam to Moses… even those who HAVE NOT SINNED like Adam. Because Abraham believed GOD. But it was not the time to judge the sin of Adam. So we all had Adam’s sin which brought death, which is the unbelief, caused by pride in man. !!!

Even though we have written the following scripture many times, here we write again so you can understand… that because of the SIN, .. you transgress the law ALSO. That means before the law came, we were transgressors already. We had sin already.

1Jn 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

Understand…. Who ever sin, …. ALSO transgress the law. So the law shows the transgression, or the sin WE ALREADY HAD !!!

So who ever sins, … also break the law. !!! That is why the scripture says law is given to reveal the sin already we have. !!! And the gentiles are saved APART FROM THE LAW. Rom.  3: 21. So if the gentiles also wishes to come under the law, calling them we are Israel, … and we keep the law and we eat from the Tree of Life, … they have not understood the scripture. !!! They HAVE NOT BELIEVED The LORD . this is why the ships of Tarshish are included with the high and lofty ones !!!

So the LORD, knowing that no one could keep the law, … gave it to prove they will break it !!!  NOW, The LORD  HAS PROVEN IT !!!  He saved us by HIS MERCY !  Same mercy, you also must obtain as written above. And that comes by believing. So The LORD  is now revealing all things so you may believe. that is why, The LORD  sanctified us by the truth, to be sent to those who have NOT BELIEVED HIM, so they may, through our word, BELIEVE IN HIM. !!

Joh 17:17  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Joh 17:18  As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

Joh 17:19  And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

Joh 17:20  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also WHICH SHALL BELIEVE ON ME through their word; }}}…  CHRIST the LORD prayed, BEFORE HE DIED about the believers, and the UN- BELIEVERS. He prayed for both. He prayed that He will sanctify some, by giving them His word, … the TRUTH, and to be sent to others who have not believed, SO THEY WILL BELIEVE ON HIM, through our word !!!!  Now, this prophecy is being fulfilled. !!! You have not believed  CHRIST the LORD. !!!  His PRAYER WILL NOT GO UN- answered.  IT WILL BE ANSWERED BY HIM. !


Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

As thou hast sent Me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

for them also WHICH SHALL BELIEVE ON ME through their word!

So The LORD  prayed and PROPHESIED, that one day… HE WILL SANCTIFY them by the TRUTH, THE Word of GOD ,… and they will be SENT, JUST AS  CHRIST the LORD WAS SENT, … so others who have NOT BELIEVED IN HIM… and not GOD the Father , but  CHRIST the LORD, …, will believe on Him, .. through our word. !!!

There are many clues to understand who these are who are BEING SENT with the Word of GOD .

Joh 17:16  They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. …}}}… who have overcome the world ??? It is the little children, as The LORD  IS IN THEM. !


1Jn 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

1Jn 4:5  They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

1Jn 4:6  We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. }}}… these little children, have overcome them… who are in the world.  The little children are OF GOD.  Others who are not with the little children… are in the world. They have not believed The LORD . so The LORD  IS SENDING THESE LITTLE CHILDREN, WITH HIS WORD,… SO YOU MAY BELIEVE IN HIM.  but, we know the Spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. If you are with the little children, … you have the Spirit of truth.  But if not,… you have the spirit of error !  Is not that what The LORD  says here ? This is why, when these children works, who are the works of The LORD ’s hands, .. as Isa. 29: 23-24 says, those who erred in Spirit, will come to understanding. So The LORD  will send them to those who have not believed Him in the world.


So these little children have the Spirit of truth. They are born of the Spirit, which are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words John 6: 63. And because of that .. , the world hated them also. !  Because of the truth, the world hates us. !~

Joh 17:14  I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. }}}…  CHRIST the LORD gave the word… the truth.  And all hates us. That includes our own who were with us.  But they went out of us, so they may be manifest …

So because of the word, … the world hates us. The ships of Tarshish also hates us because of the word and truth. !

Little children are warned of last time anti-christs, who were with them, but went from them. John 17 also talks about the children, but one goes in to perdition.

1Jn 2:18  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1Jn 2:19  They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. }}}… so these antichrists were with the little children, … who knew JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but went to the world once again. They are the ships of Tarshish. It is sad, but as The LORD  says, we must reveal these.  None else were with us. And the little children have the unction from  CHRIST the LORD, the Holy ONE, to know all things. And that is the truth.

1Jn 2:20  But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.

1Jn 2:21  I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. }}}… if GOD says the little children knows the truth, and those who went out of them do not know the truth, then they do not know. And the little children know. V 27 also. That is how to believe the Word of GOD  !


In truth, … all Israel are anti-christs.  All those who seek righteousness and justification on their own, … are against the Word of GOD . so they are anti- christs. !  There is no truth in them.  So are they not anti-christs ?


This is why, the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, was kept a mystery until the gentiles obeyed faith.

Rom 16:25  Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,

Rom 16:26  But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith:

Rom 16:27  To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen….}}}… PREACHING OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD… , WAS  A MYSTERY… AND IT MUST COME FROM REVELATION, AND NO ONE CAN KNOW HIM.  Unless one BELIEVES Him, … the LORD will not reveal Himself. !

As you can see… the UN- BELIEVERS are Israel. and because of that, they are defiled, and all things they teach came from their own imaginations, and not from The LORD.  The LORD  Has not taught them to teach to get righteousness out of the law !!!   Then why do they teach it?  It came from their defiled hearts, because of unbelief. !. .


Tit 1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. }}}…. The traditions of men, are the leaven of Pharisees as proven. JEWISH FABLES, AND COMMANDMENTS OF MEN turn one away from truth and makes them defiled. No gentile could turn one away from the truth.  The scripture says the Jewish fables… and that is the law.  The law is contrary to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven. !

Tit 1:15 Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled…}}}… They are the UNBELIEVING ones ,  and to them, nothing is pure.  The commandments of men and jewish fables which turns one away from truth , or from the true GOD, who is  CHRIST the LORD who is the TRUTH AND HIS WORDS ARE THE TRUTH, … is to keep the law to be justified. So it is the unbelieving people, who are not pure… defiled, … and their mind also is defiled. !  So Adam’s mind also became defiled. That is how the carnal nature came to the man. !  THAT IS AGAINST The LORD , as the scripture says. That means beginning from Adam, … all became ANTI- CHRISTS !!! Until you believe, you are an anti CHRIST !!!!

If anyone say they keep the law of Moses  to eat from the Tree of Life, … and get righteousness or build righteous character by the law of Moses, they ARE TOTALLY AGAINST THE CAUSE OF GOD.  Such are the exalted ones. they do not obey The LORD ’s words in truth. They are defiled, as The LORD  cannot live in their hearts. The LORD  looks for the contrite Spirit.  The LORD  knew king David would sin. But He also saw his heart, that he would humble to accept the sin.  And The LORD  WILL BRING DOWN THE HIGH AND LOFTY ONES as they exalt not The LORD , but themselves by saying they can keep it, when THE SCRIPTURE SAYS NO ONE CAN !!!  They must see they are NOT PURE,  UNBELIEVING, .. THEIR MINDS ARE DEFILED, AND THEY HAVE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN. !!!  THAT TURNS ONE AWAY FROM TRUTH, as The LORD ’s CURSE OF BLINDNESS IS IN THEM. !!! They do not know what they are saying or teaching… the blind leading blind. If anything is NOT WRITTEN IN THE SCRIPTURE, … THEN DO NOT BELIEVE IT. !!  now , The LORD  Has come… and HIS HANDS ARE WORKING TO BRING DOWN THE HIGH AND LOFTY !!!


The LORD  says, HE HARDENED Israel from HIS FEAR. Then how could they fear Him ?? Mal. 1: 6 says they did not fear Him. Then how could they receive wisdom ? BUT DO THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY DO NOT FEAR GOD ???  no.

Isa 63:17  O LORD, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and hardened our heart from thy fear? Return for thy servants’ sake, the tribes of thine inheritance. }}}…so The LORD ’s tribes of inheritance is hardened by The LORD , Himself !!!  1  Pet. 2: 6-10 says, they are appointed to stumble,  on the Word of GOD . then how could they understand the Word of GOD  ??  The Word of GOD  is the Holy Spirit. John 6: 63.  And they , then stumbled at the Holy Spirit !!!!  Can they live ??? Then Isa. 8: 14 says, both houses are to stumble on  CHRIST the LORD.  and as builders, they reject the Chief Corner Stone.  HAVE NOT ALL THESE FULFILLED ???  even on the day of tribulation, or affliction, it is those who are far off, are appointed to tell them that they have inherited lies…

Jer 16:19  O LORD, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. ..}}}.. it is your tribulation, … to find out that you have inherited lies and vanity. And The LORD  showed it to gentiles, and that is what our web site is all about. And Israel could not exalt The LORD , but the gentiles would according to scripture.


Therefore,, Israel are fitted for destruction. (But GOD’s mercy will save them. So they must believe that The LORD  will save them, and they cannot save themselves).

Rom 9:22  What if God, willing to shew HIS WRATH, and to make his power known, endured witho much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:

If The LORD  Has purposed Israel to be destroyed, .. how can anyone in Israel say, they eat from the Tree of Life, and they keep the law etc ???  This means Israel do not believe GOD. !!! Would they believe they are fitted for ‘DESTRUCTION”???

So The LORD  Had prophesied, even though none could understand that, … the gentiles who are NOT OF HIS people, will be called the CHILDREN OF THE Living GOD!!!

Rom 9:24  Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

Rom 9:25  As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

Rom 9:26  And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. }}}…Hos. 2, Deut.  32: 43 , Gen. 49:10-12  also prophesied this.  While Israel is fitted for destruction, … the gentiles are to become the sons of the Living GOD, who is  CHRIST the LORD. ! Apostle Peter wrote in 1  Pet. 2: 1-10, that while Israel is APPOINTED TO STUMBLE, AND BECOME SONS OF DISOBEDIENCE , AND WHO ARE NOT OF THIS PEOPLE WILL BECOME THE Royal Priesthood !!! Isa. 8: 14,  Heb.  2:14.  But Isa. 8: 18 and Heb.  2: 10-13 TALKS ABOUT GENTILES. !!!  All these are done by the MERCY OF  CHRIST the LORD.  HE MUST DEMONSTRATE THE WRATH, AND MERCY AT ONE TIME, … SO ALL CAN UNDERSTAND IF YOU DO NOT OBEY WHAT HAPPENS AND THEN The LORD’S MERCY WILL SAVE THEM AS WELL, JUST AS HE HAS SAVED GENTILES, WITHOUT THE LAW. !!!!

Rom 9:29  And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed}}}… if The LORD of Sabbath, who is  CHRIST the LORD has left a seed, … then they will serve ‘The LORD of Sabbath’, who is  CHRIST the LORD !!! That also proves they have entered in to the Sabbath, even not having the law of Sabbath !!!! GOD’s gifts are freely given !!! So whom The LORD of Sabbath left, became His children, … and others died !

Rom 9:30  What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. }}}.. remember righteousness comes by faith ? And the law is not of faith ??? And Israel is cut off from faith ??? They could not even enter in to the Glorious Rest as they did not have faith ???

All because, Israel sought righteousness out of the law, .. and The LORD’s wrath comes for the workers of the law, Rom.  4, .. Therefore, they could not have faith also. Remember faith must be given as it is a FREE gift also. So the gentiles received all the free gifts , freely by mercy.  And The LORD  did so, … to show Israel, that it is not their own they get righteousness, salvation, faith , everlasting life etc, but The LORD  will give freely.  So gentiles must declare to Israel, … not to look to the law, to get any of these things, but to look for the mercy of GOD, … and the gentiles who received them are a sign and a wonder… so all others can believe The LORD , as HE HAS ALREADY DONE THESE THINGS TO GENTILES, … and they too can get all these freely from The LORD !!! .

Rom 9:31  But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.


If you seek righteousness by the works of the law, … you will stumble. This is what happened to the ships of Tarshish, the gentiles who were given faith, but sought righteousness by the law… and stumbled ! GOD SAYS THEY ARE HIGH AND LOFTY WITH OTHER OAKS AND CEDARS. !!!  So The LORD  counts them high and lofty, as they have sought righteousness by the law, which is against the LORD and scripture. !!  That proves they still have not believed The LORD , and are not forgiven their unpardonable sin !!

Rom 9:32  Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; }}}…”they did not seek righteousness by FAITH”… This means, … we must understand that this faith is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD , ( please read) and not our faith, and The LORD  will give them faith to get righteousness,  and NOT THE LAW which gives righteousness.  See your baptismal oath.  You are repenting for breaking the law and seek righteous character by it. that means you are seeking justification,  from breaking the law, ..so you will be forgiven and now you will keep it, … and then you will get  righteousness. !! That means when you are baptized, you say to GOD, forgive me for past sins of breaking the law, … hereafter, I will not break, I will keep all and then you must give me righteousness !  But, they must now know, they are born with another sin, .. the unbelief, the unpardonable sin as proven !!! From that, no man can get justification, … but The LORD  must forgive !!! We BELIEVED WE CANNOT BE RIGHTEOUS , JUSTIFIED OR GET ANYTHING BY KEEPING THE LAW, .. BUT IT WILL BRING DEATH.  But the gentiles were not judged by the law.  NO MAN IN THIS EARTH CAN JUDGE THE GENTILES, BY THE LAW, … AS THEY ARE NOT GIVEN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.  SO THEY DID NOT SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS BY THE LAW, AS THEY NEVER WERE UNDER IT. !!!  Rom.  2, says

Rom 2:12  For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; }}}…. So you see… gentiles are to perish, WITHOUT THE LAW.  But if you are under it, YOU MUST BE JUDGED !!!!  So anyone who is judging the gentiles by the law, .. they are SPIRITUAL FOOLS.  ! This is what the ships of Tarshish are doing.  Israel are vessels of wrath, and gentiles are vessels of mercy.  So the vessels of mercy, will receive mercy and get righteousness and all things first.  As written above, by the mercy shown to gentiles, .. Israel too will receive mercy. !


Rom 2:13  (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. }}}… so the DOERS of the law are justified.  BUT CAN ANYONE BE A DOER OF THE LAW ???  Law was a schoolmaster to bring to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  so did any, including the wife of CHRIST The LORD  came to Him?  No. all failed to come to Him. !!! That is the part of GOD’s wrath which came from Adam and Eve … and Israel inherited the law, so they can be judged. So  DOER OF THE LAW, IS ONE WHO CAME TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!


Rom 2:14  For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: }}}… gentiles, by nature, … did things contained in the law, …THAT IS A DOER OF THE LAW !!!!!  that means they came to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, WITHOUT THE LAW.  Either way, our reward is to be with The LORD . !!!  they trusted in Him to give righteousness, and salvation and life and did not trust in the law of Moses, which was not given to them. !


If any gentiles, as the ships of Tarshish are doing, .. wishes to come under the law, … and ACCUSE others, … they are Spiritually IGNORANT.  The LORD  HAS NOT REVEALED HIS WORD TO THEM. NEITHER HE CANNOT SAVE THEM. IF THEY WERE SAVED, .. THEN THEY FELL FROM GRACE AS THE SCRIPTURE SAYS ABOVE. !  That truly happened. That is why the ships of Tarshish are included with the high and lofty ones in Isa. 2 to be destroyed !  Rom.  3; 21 says, the gentiles are saved APART FROM THE LAW.  And The LORD  gave that understanding to us !  WE UNDERSTOOD THAT NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE TRY TO KEEP THE LAW, WE CANNOT AS WE ARE CARNAL, AS The LORD  GAVE THE UNDERSTANDING…,  AND THAT MIND MUST BE REPLACED WITH The LORD ’S MIND AND The LORD  MUST SAVE US AND GIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS, SALVATION , FAITH ETC, AND WE ARE NOT CREATED WITH ANY OF THESE GIFTS AND The LORD  ALONE CAN GIVE THEM AND SAVE THEM.  WE ONLY HAVE TO TRUST AND BELIEVE AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM, so HE COULD FULFILL all in us . !  Even then, it is The LORD  who sanctified the first fruits  to believe.  The LORD  has already predestinated who would be with Him and who would be the first fruits etc. ! What is written, we are fulfilling. Our works will earn nothing from The LORD . ! when you trust in GOD to give us all things, and we understand that we cannot, .. it exalts and gives the due glory to The LORD , and we are THANKFUL to Him. ! 



Rom 2:15  Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) }}}…. So the HEARTS OF THE GENTILES, … will either ACCUSE or EXCUSE. !!!  This is what the two witnesses have done so far.  ONE ACCUSES… and the other EXCUSES. !!!! Remember one can accuse, only by the law. And the law keepers have the wrath of GOD and are blind. So they are sons of the devil and have death… they are accused by the same law they sought righteousness to death !!!  So they want others also to die… come to deceive and seduce. 1 John 2: 26-27 The LORD  says not be learn from anyone else as these little children have the anointing to learn from The LORD  !!!  And we have not being seduced.  As written above, as the law is contrary to teach about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … this fallen witness also is trying to preach contrary to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … which is the law. And we are glad that they have been accusing us, as that proves, we have NOT SOUGHT RIGHTEOUSNESS BY THE LAW, WHICH IS OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS AS Apostle Paul WROTE ABOVE,   and we seek the righteousness of The LORD , which is the true righteousness !!! “work of the law written in their hearts” means, coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


Accuse means From G2725; to be a plaintiff, that is, to charge with some offence: – accuse, object.

Thayer “1) to accuse..1a) before a judge: to make an accusation..1b) of an extra-judicial accusation. So this accuser, accuses  CHRIST the LORD’s brethren, before Him, day and night. This truly happened between gentiles.  Just as Israel were divided in to two, Israel and Judah, the gentiles two witnesses also were divided. The ships of Tarshish wants righteousness out of the law and started to ACCUSE others.  And the other witness was given the knowledge that gentiles are saved APART FROM THE LAW,  and where there is no law, no transgression.  But evil hearts are more powerful than the SCRIPTURE WHICH IS NOT UNDERSTOOD. But that is only until the accuser fulfills the job of accusing. ! As long as The LORD ’s words are fulfilled, … these ships of Tarshish will accuse others.


So one witness started to ACCUSE ALL OTHERS… INCLUDING GENTILES, FOR NOT KEEPING THE LAW. !!!  We have proven , how that one became THE ACCUSER in Rev. 12. !!!  Rev. 12 talks about the ones who have the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … who keep the commandments of  CHRIST the LORD, … and the evil devil , the dragon, … the accuser , accuses the brethren.  Heb.  2: 10-13 clearly says, these sons whom The LORD  brought to glory,  are the brethren of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  NOT BECAUSE OF OUR WORKS, The LORD  HAS APPOINTED ALL THESE. So His words are being fulfilled. !


So the gentile witness 2 fulfills the work of the ACCUSER, because Apostle Paul said the aged women, which she accept she is, is a false accuser. “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers,” Titus 2:3. Besides GOD separated her as the ships of Tarshish, … who are high and lofty as Isa. 2 says, … and we became the little children, … who have  CHRIST the LORD in us, on the day of judgment, … and as prophesied as written above.  IF AND WHEN The LORD  GIVES THE UNDERSTANDING, … THAT WE WILL NEVER BE SAVED BY ANY MEANS, OTHER THAN BELIEVING IN HIM AND GETTING FAITH OF  CHRIST the LORD, TO LIVE, … THEN WE DO NOT SEEK ANY OTHER MEANS( LAW OF MOSES) TO GET RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTIFICATION AND SALVATION. IF WE COULD, WE MAKE GOD A LIAR, BECAUSE The LORD  HAS ALREADY SPOKEN THAT NO ONE WILL BE RIGHTEOUS, BY KEEPING IT, AND EVEN THE LAW KEEPERS FINALLY MUST BELIEVE IN HIM. Acts. 13: 38-39.  Therefore, we understand that The LORD  has not given this understanding to this witness and that is why she ACCUSES us for not keeping the law, … when The scripture says, we, BY NATURE, .. IN OUR HEARTS, WE HAVE DONE WHAT THE LAW IS TO DO,… THAT IS TO COME TO  CHRIST the LORD, BELIEVING IN HIM. !!!  That justifies one !!!! Then, as The LORD  is THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  , AND THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of FAITH, … HE WILL BEGIN AND FINISH IT !!! 


For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law…. Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts”.  IF The LORD  SAYS, THE GENTILES, DO NOT HAVE THE LAW, … HOW COULD WE COME UNDER THE LAW, AND SPEAK AGAINST The LORD ’S WORDS ???   We have proven many times, one is a gentile, means they are not under the law. When The LORD ’s mercy came, He gave this understanding,  as the two witnesses also died.  Then one , not receiving the understanding, … sought righteousness by own!  Then became THE ACCUSER !!! Her heart cannot excuse her, as she has proclaimed to be under the law.  The LORD  only can rebuke such.  The scripture does not tell us to rebuke such, … but expose the evil lies, because The LORD  HAS ANOINTED US TO LEARN FROM HIM DIRECTLY, AND TO EXPOSE THE LIES. 1 John 2. Says it all, and 1 John 4: 17 also.  Besides it is these children, who will SEAL UP THE LAW, as Isa. 8: 16-18 says. ! if The LORD  Has Spoken these, .. and given us understanding, to whom shall we fear , other than The LORD  !!! Therefore, when the two witnesses died, The LORD  separated us as :-

the AGED WOMEN,… FALSE ACCUSER :  the little children… being accused, hated.

the ships of Tarshish, …to become high and lofty, and  the queen of South , to receive the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD … and the aged women mocked the little children for believing in the Name of THE LORD. !!!

vessel of wrath , to come under the law : vessel of mercy to preach the mercy, after receiving mercy.

Aged do not know judgment :   little children would be the judges.

Queen of South comes in judgment, …


So when one ACCUSES those who are already in  CHRIST the LORD, and The LORD  IS IN THEM…, such do not understand the Word of GOD , which save the gentiles by faith and not by the law.  Jam 2: 5 says, the gentiles are rich in faith and in the kingdom.  But it is the little children, who are the judges in the kingdom,  Mat. 12: 27-28,  and the poor are raised up by GOD, to sit on thrones, while pulling down the rich from thrones. 1 sam 2: 8.  So it is clear, that the little children are in the kingdom and the accusers will not be in the kingdom.  False accusers means they accuse the TRUE PEOPLE OF GOD, WHOM The LORD  HAS NOT ACCUSED AND FORGIVEN!! And Rev. 12 says, the kingdom came AFTER THE ACCUSER IS CAST DOWN. That means this accuser was working for GOD, … because to cast down,  that one must be up.  So Zion was cast down, lam 2: 1,  the same way, it was only the two witnesses who were taken up to work in heaven, … and then when one turns to be the accuser, it was cast down.  And then the kingdom and SALVATION came. So casting down the accuser means, The LORD  stopped giving revelation. !!! 

Rev 12:10  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. …}}}… Salvation comes by giving the truth.  When the trust is given, the lies are cast out. Salvation is given from the enemies. Luk. 1: 68-71. That is because enemies teaches lies. That is the devil. So when the Spirit and Truth is given, … the kingdom came, as the little children cast out the devils by the Spirit of GOD, … and that proves the power of  CHRIST the LORD. so naturally, … when the Spirit and Truth is given, THE LIARS ARE CAST DOWN.  But this accuser is accusing the brethren. Heb.  2: 10-13 proves, the sons whom The LORD  brought to glory, who DECLARES THE Captain of Salvation, … ARE THE BRETHREN OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  So who ever accuses these little children, … whom The LORD  brought to glory, who are  CHRIST the LORD’s brethren, such accuses them falsely, as they see… and not by faith. Because if one has faith, they will be given the understanding to know who are the brethren, and one is not appointed to accuse another at this time. !!!  the two witnesses died means their work is over. After that , GOD must still the enemy,… glorify Him, .. ( the Spirit and Truth does that as proven) and to still the enemy, The LORD  chose the babes and gave them the truth. So that is how the little children became the  judges in the kingdom, receiving the Spirit and Truth. !



Thayer Definition:

1) to defend one’s self, make one’s defence

2) to defend a person or a thing

3) to give a full account of

3a) to calculate or consider well


to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, that is, exculpate (self): – answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self.

So if you read both witnesses’ writings,  you will see, in ALL OF SHIPS OF TARSHIS’S WRITINGS, SHE ACCUSES US.  But IF SHE KNEW THE SCRIPTURE, .. WHICH SAYS The LORD  CAN HAVE MERCY ON WHO EVER HE WISHES, … AND ALSO OUR PHYSICAL SINS OF MARRYING AND DIVORCING WHICH SHE SAYS WE CANNOT BEAR FRUIT TO GOD, … CAN BE FORGIVEN.  BUT WHAT SHE DOES, IS PREACHING AGAINST CHRIST the LORD,  AND HIS GRACE AND MERCY, AND THE Name of THE LORD, AS PROVEN , … ARE ALL AGAINST THE Holy Spirit.  If The LORD  has kept the gentiles apart from the law, and had mercy and were willing to spare them from the curse of the law, … who is she to accuse whom The LORD  HAS NOT MADE GUILTY ??? the little children, are forgiven for HIS NAME’S SAKE. 1 John 2: 12.  But devils cannot see that, as it is spiritual.


And the devils wants to kill all others. And exalt self, and seek OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS. So against such devils … the SELF DEFENSE by the Word of GOD  must be done. We are on GOD’s side and The LORD  gave the Spirit and Truth to the little children. So they must cast out such devils, by the Spirit and Truth as the scripture says. Mat. 12: 27-28. So the aged who do not know judgment as Job said, … are accusing the innocent whom The LORD  Has forgiven. She wrote 30 letters separately against the Gentile Assembly, … accusing by using the Word of GOD .  and the Word of GOD  is like silver.  So she used 30 silver pieces to betray  CHRIST the LORD once again, as The LORD  IS IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN. ! He said who ever receives one little one in MY NAME,  … you receive Me. then if you reject the little one whom The LORD  sends, … you reject JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so she accused the little ones by sending 30 pieces of silver. ! And John 17:12 says, among these little children, there was one who went to perdition. And she is the one who went to perdition, … called for death by going to the law, and seeking own righteousness, … by the law which she has noting to do with as a gentile, … she rejected and betrayed The LORD .  The LORD DID NOT APPOINT HER AS A WITNESS TO TEACH THE LAW, BUT TREAD DOWN THOSE WHO BROKE THE LAW, … OR DESPISED THE LAW OF MOSES… TO DEATH Heb.  10:28. So she was appointed to condemn the law breakers and started to accuse whom The LORD  has not given the law, but grace and faith. ! As The LORD Has Spoken, one must go in to perdition, and become the accuser of the brethren.  And the brethren of The LORD  is the little children. Heb.  2: 10-13 !




Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us;


“bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost”…



When the scripture says HOLY SPIRIT, .. it includes The LORD  who is the Spirit and His words which is Spirit and life !!!!




The LORD  promised to speak IN US… He also said , He will come to us, and will not leave us alone, unto the end of the age !!!!

Luk 12:10  And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

Luk 12:11  And when they bring you unto the synagogues, and unto magistrates, and powers, take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer, or what ye shall say:

Luk 12:12  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.


So it is this fallen witness who speak against the HOLY SPIRIT, when she accuses us!  And, the HOLY SPIRIT IS TEACHING US IN THE SAME HOUR, WE ARE BEING ACCUSED,  SO WE WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEND OURSELVES AND BE EXCUSED !




Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost!!!




bare them witness”… giving them the Holy Ghost”…

HOLY SPIRIT, is a witness that our hearts are purified by The LORD !  It Is written IN THE SCRIPTURE. !!!

God, which knoweth the hearts”…this is spoken about the gentiles who do not believe in the law keeping. This whole chapter is about that. !!!


GOD knew the hearts of the ships of Tarshish that they would be high and lofty. !!!


Can devils see the hearts of those whom The LORD  knows ??? They are not Spiritually led by GOD !!!  So that is why they accuse FALSELY !!!



Understand ???  The LORD  gave HOLY SPIRIT , knowing the hearts !!!

And The LORD  DID NOT give the HOLY SPIRIT , knowing the hearts !!!


So she tempts The LORD  when she forces us to keep the law, … and even when she accuses us of breaking the law !!!  Because the HOLY SPIRIT is OUR WITNESS !


So they accuse others… in bitterness and envy, and in their hearts they know they do not have mercy of The LORD , as they wished to come under the law,… to die , so they want others also to die, whom The LORD  knows the hearts and given faith as the Holy Spirit WITNESSES !!



So It IS THE HOLY SPIRIT which witnesses that gentiles are not under the law, … The LORD  Has purposed to keep the gentiles and save them by His mercy and grace and to give them salvation, as HE HAS APPOINTED THEM TO RECEIVE AND BELIEVE THE Spirit and Truth, … AND SALVATION. 2 Thess. 2: 13, Acts. 13: 46,  28:26-28 and many more.


The LORD  did not put any difference between Israel and gentiles, … but purified the hearts of the gentiles, by FAITH. !!! AND NOT BY THE LAW.!!!

Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. }}}…So the Holy Spirit wanted to purify the HEARTS OF THE GENTILES, BY FAITH. !!!  That is according to the Heavenly vision. Remember the Heavenly vision , is to give faith in  CHRIST the LORD, to gentiles? (see below)…

Act 15:24  Because we have heard that certain ones who went out from us have troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, Be circumcised and keep the law! (to whom we gave no such command); }}}… when the scripture says to gentiles, … they do not NEED TO BE CIRCUMCISED, … NOR KEEP THE LAW, … ARE WE SUPPOSED TO HEAR THE SCRIPTURE, OR THIS EVIL HUMAN MIND ???? Any one can see that we obey the HOLY SPIRIT !!!  and our obedience to faith is now seen.  The LORD  purified our hearts by faith !!!  Therefore, when a gentile wish to keep the law, … IT IS AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THEIR HEARTS WILL NOT BE PURIFIED ANY MORE BY FAITH!!!This is why the scripture says in 1 Tim. 4, in the latter times, some depart from faith !!!  Their hearts are not pure !!! They want their own righteousness !!! To such one, … I quote the same words of Apostle Peter :-…

troubled you with words, unsettling your souls, saying, Be circumcised and keep the law! (to whom we gave no such command);”.

This fallen witness is trying to UNSETTLE OUR SOULS… TROUBLE us with words of the devil !!!


Therefore,, her HEART WILL NOT BE PURIFIED ANY LONGER, BY FAITH, when she rejects the HOLY SPIRIT, the words of GOD !!! We inherit the promises, including the apostleship, … to the obedience to faith. Rom.  1: 5. !  The HOLY SPIRIT sanctified us so that our offerings be acceptable before GOD. Rom.  15: 16 ! The Everlasting gospel also is preached to obedience to faith. Rom.  16: 25-26 ! So she would not know any of these.  She will not be a chosen apostle for The LORD . ! She fell from faith, grace !!! Be circumcised and keep the law! (to whom we gave no such command” !!!  scripture, OR THE HOLY SPIRIT, DOES NOT COMMAND US TO KEEP THE LAW OR BE CIRCUMCISED !!!!


Act 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these necessary things: }}}…  so to the HOLY SPIRIT, … it is good to NOT TO LAY THE BURDEN OF KEEPING THE LAW TO GENTILES !!! ONLY A PERSON WHO IS FALLEN FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT, COULD COMPEL THE GENTILES TO KEEP THE LAW !!!  WE HOPE THESE DEVILS WILL UNDERSTAND THE MIND OF The LORD  ONE DAY AND REPENT !


And the HOLY SPIRIT wants us to speak in defense when the hour comes. So just as Apostle Paul defended The LORD , and himself, we also must do the same. The law is for Jews… as The LORD  knew their hearts needs to be judged. The LORD  has said they have stiff necked hearts, plague in the heart etc .  but The LORD  knew the hearts of the gentiles as well, that they will believe Him. !  Should not these devils fear even the Heavenly vision ??? Don’t you think the Heavenly vision will be fulfilled ???


When The LORD  called Apostle Paul, .. He gave the Heavenly vision to him to do. WOULD IT NOT BE FULFILLED ???


Act 26:17  Delivering thee from the people, and .. the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee,

Act 26:18  To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by FAITH THAT IS IN ME.

Act 26:19  Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision  }}}… so the Heavenly vision which JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave to Apostle Paul is to : HE WOULD GO TO GENTILES… AND OPEN THEIR EYES, … TURN FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT…. AND FROM THE POWER OF SATAN TO GOD… AND TO RECEIVE FORGIVENESS OF SIN, … AND TO BE SANCTIFIED BY FAITH…. IN  CHRIST the LORD !!! Should not this fallen witness even FEAR THIS Heavenly vision OF The LORD  ???? Did The LORD  send Apostle Paul to teach the law of Moses ???  As written elsewhere, … Apostle Paul wrote, if you seek the law, .. you seek your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS.  And that he does not want to do that !!!  He condemned the Jewish fables which turns one away from truth.  But these gentiles inherited the law and condemns the ones whom The LORD  HAS NOT BURDENED WITH THE LAW BUT TURNING FROM THE POWER OF SATAN TO GOD… AND HAS FORGIVEN, … AND BROUGHT TO LIGHT … BY FAITH IN HIM. !!! 


So we have faith in The LORD  to do all these things. !!!  When you do not have this faith, … you try to do things that good in your sight to EARN things from GOD ! So the evil hearts are made known by the law. !!!




Rom 2:14  For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:

Rom 2:15  Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) }}}… the ACCUSING ONES are made known by their words now, … as spiritual fools.  The excused ones are quoting the scripture just as JESUS CHRIST the LORD did to cast out the devil, … excusing them to prove they have done the deeds of having the law written in their heart… which is to come to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!


Rom 2:16  In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.

Rom 2:17  Behold, thou art called a Jew, and restest in the law, and makest thy boast of God,

Rom 2:18  And knowest his will, and approvest the things that are more excellent, being instructed out of the law;

Rom 2:19  And art confident that thou thyself art a guide of the blind, a light of them which are in darkness,

Rom 2:20  An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form of knowledge and of the truth in the law.

Rom 2:21  Thou therefore which teachest another, teachest thou not thyself? thou that preachest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?

Rom 2:22  Thou that sayest a man should not commit adultery, dost thou commit adultery? thou that abhorrest idols, dost thou commit sacrilege?

Rom 2:23  Thou that makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God? }}}…this witness should know, she is guilty of BREAKING THE LAW, … AND HAS DISHONORED GOD by not OBEYING THE Heavenly vision , which is to give salvation by faith in JESUS CHRIST the LORD to gentiles FREELY as HE WISHES and not by their works.  AND SHE IS WITNESSING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT as Apostle Peter wrote above !!!

According to the Heavenly vision,  The LORD  has forgiven these gentiles whom He chose.  And she is still accusing them falsely…. Thus breaking the law… :—


Exo 20:16  Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.!!! 


Exo 20:4  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,

Exo 20:7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.


And the graven image is the law which she has CHOSEN, than TO BELIEVE IN THE Name of THE LORD as she mocked us for believing !!!!

So the graven image is an idol. GOD did not seek LIFE OR RIGHTEOUSNESS OUT OF THE GRAVEN IMAGE , The LAW.  But life is given by The LORD  WHO GAVE THE LAW !!!


Rom 2:24  For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

Rom 2:25  For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

Rom 2:26  Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

Rom 2:27  And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?

Rom 2:28  For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

Rom 2:29  But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. …}}}… so the law keepers cannot fulfill the law, as their hearts are not pure.  But The LORD  gives pure hearts.. and HE SAW THE HEARTS OF THE GENTILES WHO DO NOT KEEP THE LAW ARE PURE AND THEY HAVE COME TO HIM, BY FAITH IN HIM, ACCORDING TO THE Heavenly vision, … AND The LORD  FULFILLED THAT Heavenly vision IN THEM. SO ONE IS A Jew, IF THEIR HEARTS ARE PURE. SO WE ARE MADE PURE BY The LORD , … AS WE BELIEVE HIM. !!!  Therefore,, the HOLY SPIRIT and The LORD  excuses us !!!



Rom 4:5  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

Rom 4:6  Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, }}}…So our faith in  CHRIST the LORD, according to the Heavenly vision, … is counted as righteousness !!!  Wishing to keep the law, when the gentiles are not given it, … this fallen witness is in darkness and sin and blaspheming the HOLY SPIRIT. !


“David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,”..!!!


Rom 4:7  Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.

Rom 4:8  Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. }}}… and Apostle Peter said… The LORD  knows the hearts of the gentiles, and THE HOLY SPIRIT WITNESSES… THEY ARE GIVEN FAITH in JESUS CHRIST the LORD ,  TO PURIFY THEIR HEARTS !


So she is ACCUSING WHOM The LORD  HAS forgiven !!! 1 John 2: 12 . 



Rom 4:15  Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. }}}… The LORD , the HOLY SPIRIT says… when no law, .. no transgression !!! So as Apostle Peter said, … the gentiles did not need the law, as GOD saw their HEARTS ARE PURE AND FAITH IN HIM WILL MAKE THEM PURE!


Rom 4:16  Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

Rom 4:20  He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; …}}… by faith, and grace, even as Apostle Peter wrote… The LORD  purified the hearts of the gentiles by faith, and the witness IS THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!


Rom 4:23  Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;

Rom 4:24  But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him


“not written for his sake alone”

“But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe”

So it is WRITTEN, FOR US ALSO, …that, if we BELIEVE


So this means through the law, NO ONE WILL BE JUSTIFIED,



It is GOD who will make us PERFECT, and not the law or our works. Then, what must we do ??? BELIEVE that HE WILL DO IT and not take the law or our own righteousness to get it !!!

Heb 13:20  Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

Heb 13:21  Make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. …}}}…And we are made perfect to DO GOD’S WILL… “Make you perfect in every good work to do His will,”…


Now the God of peace…

Make you perfect in every good work to do His will

working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight

Not the works of the law is wellpleasing in His sight, … but those who BELIEVE The LORD  TO MAKE YOU PERFECT,  will please Him. !!!


so you understand ??  The LORD  will ,  the Prince of peace who is  CHRIST the LORD, will make us PERFECT TO DO GOOD WORKS, ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.  So when the scripture says we must do the will of GOD, … we must allow The LORD  to do His works in us, to do HIS WILL and by ourselves, we cannot.  So where is the law ???  Does the scripture say that The LORD  will cause you to keep the law perfectly to get your OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS ???  no… to DO THE WILL OF GOD… GOD’s will is done by us, if The LORD ’s presence is in us !!!  This is why the scripture says, the little children are made perfect in all things.


GOD of PEACE,  and now GOD of GRACE, CALLED us… and HE WILL MAKE US PERFECT, ESTABLISH, … STRENGTHEN, AND SETTLE US.  We cannot do it ourselves. You only have to BELIEVE HIM, that HE WILL DO and do not take matters in to your hand to become PERFECT BY YOUR OWN. !!! If you trust and believe the GOD of peace and grace to do all these for you, … HE WILL DO.  So who are EXCUSED and who ACCUSES ???

1Pe 5:10  But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

1Pe 5:11  To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

So The LORD  , by GRACE, HAS CALLED us… and HE WILL MAKE US PERFECT, ESTABLISH AND SETTLE !!!  That is the calling of the first fruits !!!  The LORD  WILL DO ALL THINGS. !!!  This way, The LORD  is exalted for bringing us to salvation. ! And He is exalted as the Captain of Salvation, by the sons whom The LORD  brought to glory. Heb.  2: 10-13. !!!


So it is The LORD  who will make you perfect, … establish, … strenghten, … and settle !! 

We only have the trust and believe. !!!  If The LORD  will makes us perfect, .. The LORD  knew His plan and will for gentiles, … that The LORD  will make them perfect . that is why, THEY ARE NOT GIVEN THE LAW, SO THEY WILL ALSO BE CURSED TO DEATH .  The LORD  DID NOT CALL US FOR WRATH, 

1Th 5:9  For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus CHRIST…}}}… GOD HAS NOT APPOINTED THE GENTILES TO WRATH.  And the wrath comes on those who are of the law. Rom.  4.  The law works wrath.  So The LORD  kept the gentiles away from the law. So those whom The LORD  called,  HE WILL MAKE THEM PERFECT AND CAUSE THEM TO DO HIS WILL… AND WILL SETTLE THEM… THAT IS LIKE Abraham, … IF THEY BELIEVE HIM TO DO.  So the ships of Tarshish, … believing in their own righteousness, … went to the law, when all this knowledge was given. !!  That is why The LORD  says they went to perdition !!!


“God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation”… So those who are appointed to salvation, … are not given the law which works wrath!

So the sons received salvation, … and glorify the Captain of Salvation !!!


Jas 1:18  Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.

Jas 1:19  Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:

Jas 1:20  For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. }}}… so The LORD ’s OWN WILL… HE BEGAT us by the word of TRUTH. !!!  They are the first fruits.  And… the wrath works NOT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD !!!  So all can see… who is accusing , and who is excusing !!!  The LORD  accuses the ships of Tarshish being high and lofty. And The LORD  excused us !!!  Then who can be against us ???





Job 33:27-28  He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;   He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light.}}}…These accusers are now given a chance to repent and understand… that they have PERVERTED the right ways !!!  Then, The LORD  will deliver.  NO ONE CAN BE DELIVERED BY THEIR OWN LAW KEEPING !!!



Joh 14:17  Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. }}}…col 1:27 says Gentiles have The LORD  in them, and 1 John 2, 4, says little children have Him in them. So the world is those who did not receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  Those who RECEIVED HIM, and BELIEVED IN TO HIS NAME,.. were given authority from The LORD , to become HIS CHILDREN. !!!  So if The LORD  is in the little children, ( 1 John 4:17), … and it is they who believed in to His name, .. who received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD, … are the children. They are the Heb.  2: 10-13 brethren of The LORD . !

Joh_1:12  But as many as received Him, to them He gave authority to become children of God, to the ones believing into His name, }}}… So who received Him and became the sons of GOD ???  Heb.  2: 10-13, … the little children. !!!  and they have the anointing to learn from Him.  1 John 2: 27.  Can you change the scripture ??? So naturally, those who did not believe The LORD , but believed their own righteousness by the law, … cannot understand that the LORD is in these children and they are GOD’s children because of the Spirit and Truth. And they are liars. Does The LORD  say He IS IN ANY OF THE PROPHETS?????  ANY OF THE OAKS, CEDARS AND THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH ????  NO.  Scripture proves only the gentiles, Col. 1: 27 and the little children have Him in them. !!!! and that is in the day of judgment. 1 John 4: 17. That means in the book of revelation, it is they who are the brethren of The LORD .  they know all things as The LORD  anointed them. 1 John 2: 26-28. But those who are in the world, who are not of little children, … accuse them of being liars, as they lie and do not know the truth. !  So as Isa. 2 says, no oaks, … no cedar, … no ships of Tarshish can say they are sons of GOD, and have believed in to His name ( ships of Tarshish even mocked us for believing in His name saying ‘these gentiles learned only to believe in His name’, as proven. So that proves they have not believed the Name of THE LORD. !!!


So by this scripture , we can prove who ACCUSED and who EXCUSED…

as many as received Him, to them He gave authority to become children of God, to the ones believing into His name”. … we believed in to His name, which we received, ( clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD) and the ships of Tarshish ACCUSED US SAYING ‘THESE GENTILES ONLY LEARNED TO BELIEVE IN THE Name of THE LORD” !!!!  So the accuser and the excuser … or the accuser and the defender is revealed !

So the law keepers seek righteousness by the works of the law…

Rom 9:32  Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; }}}… they did not seek righteousness BY FAITH, but by the law. !!! These are said by GOD !!!  Gentiles are not given the law to seek righteousness out of it.  they are given the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, to believe Him …

Rom 9:33  As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. }}}…so The LORD  talks about the law keepers and those who BELIEVED on Him, who looked for Him in faith!  Two characters of Abraham …. Belief and faith !!! 

So Abraham BELIEVED GOD, and that made him RIGHTEOUS. So if the gentiles also believed in Him, .. would they not be righteous , and must get the blessing of Abraham?

Rom 4:3  For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness….}}}…. So the gentiles also BELIEVED and are made righteous by The LORD …  So who fulfilled the character of Abraham ? Isaac’s or Ishmael’s ?? How many scripture says to believe in the Name of THE LORD ? In the end, … the law Covenant people also have to believe in Him,… to be justified and made righteous. Acts. 13: 38-39 !!!  So they all will join this Covenant !!!


Law is not kept by any, according to The LORD . and who have done the will of GOD, will be made known, the doctrine of The LORD . !

Joh 7:16  Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me.

Joh 7:17  If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

Joh 7:18  He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.

Joh 7:19  Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none of you keepeth the law? Why go ye about to kill me? …}}}… those who are under the law, .. if not kept, it proves they have not done the will of the FATHER. So those who know the doctrine knows it is GOD’s and it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s .  And The LORD  spoke all that is WRITTEN. So should the true ministry. ! Without knowing the doctrine of GOD, no one can enter in to the Promised land. So that is the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD !!!


He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory”… THOSE WHO PREACH RIGHTEOUSNESS OUT OF THE LAW ALSO SEEK THEIR OWN GLORY !!!

So the ships of Tarshish speak on their own.  They seek their own glory. 

We know we are not given the law, but The LORD  will do all things for us, and that exalts and give glory to GOD and not on ourselves.  Because we do not say we have the works of The law to get righteousness NEITHER WE ACCUSE OTHERS !  When one accuses others for NOT KEEPING THE LAW, … IT SHOWS THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS AS Apostle Paul SAID. SO THEY SEEK THEIR OWN GLORY. That is why The LORD  says they are high and lofty. ! The LORD  SAYS NO ONE KEEP THE LAW !!!   So they speak themselves !


The LORD  will work in us… to do HIS WILL… and WILL CAUSE US TO BE HARMLESS, and BLAMELESS sons of GOD !!! and WITHOUT REBUKE !!!

Php 2:13  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure….}}}… so it is GOD who works in us to cause us to do HIS WILL. And The LORD  does it, to keep us blameless and harmless sons of GOD, in the crooked generation. So now is the crooked generation.  

Php 2:15  That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; }}}… so who are the lights of the world ???  IT IS THOSE WHO ARE KEPT BY The LORD , … and The LORD  works in them… to do HIS WILL !!! The LORD  WILL KEEP THEM BLAMELESS AND HARMLESS sons of GOD !!!  IF WE FAIL, … THAT IS BECAUSE WE ARE NOT CALLED to have HIM IN US. !  So only the little children who are called at this time to be sons of GOD , and they are WITHOUT REBUKE by others.  So this accuser is accusing The LORD ’s own works .  !!!


without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation

God which worketh in you”””

So it is GOD who work in us and says WE ARE WITHOUT REBUKE.  And the Laodiceans are rebuked and the fallen angel also must be rebuked by GOD.

Therefore, we are the works of The LORD ’s own hands as Isa. 29: 23 -24 says,… and this accuser is accusing THOSE WHOM The LORD  SAYS THEY ARE WITHOUT REBUKE !!! In that, such accusers do not understand the scripture.  Therefore, as our FATHER said to love the enemy and pray for them, we also pray that their eyes may be opened to the truth and believe The LORD  !!


Speak not thou in thine heart

For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land

And as you can see… we do not say our righteousness brought in to the Promised land, but it is The LORD  who does all things for us !!! So if we are WITHOUT REBUKE, … we cannot BE ACCUSED BY ANYONE. !  So we are the excusers. We are being excused by The LORD  !!!  Who can be against us ??   Only the ACCUSERS !

So in the midst of the crooked and perverse generation,… The LORD  works ini His children to do all things according to HIS WILL.  And The LORD  will not rebuke them, as HIS MERCY IS DEMONSTRATED IN THEM. !

So The LORD  WILL NOT CHOOSE ANY GOOD PERSONS TO DO HIS WILL, BUT SINNERS.  They are adulterers and murderers like king David… but The LORD  knows their hearts… and made pure by faith as written above, … and they are after GOD’s own heart. !!!  That is why they are a Royal Priesthood, … the shepherds after GOD’s own heart. The LORD  knows the hearts !!!


Who are the shepherds who are after GOD’s own heart, other than the ones whom The LORD  will bring to do His will and good works??? They are the little children… and in their time, those who erred in Spirit, will come to understand.  That means The LORD ’s hand is these shepherds.

Jer 3:15  And I will give YOU PASTORS ACCORDING TO MINE HEART, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Isa 29:23  But when HE SEETH HIS CHILDREN, THE WORK OF MINE HANDS, in the midst of him, they shall SANCTIFY MY NAME, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.

Isa 29:24  They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine. }}}…



shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.



They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding”.


So The LORD  excuses these children, … as they are The LORD ’s own hands works.  And we sanctify His NAME… and The LORD  gave the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , SO ALL CAN WORSHIP HIM IN ONE CONSENT. This is the time, those who erred in Spirit… also will come to understanding. !  So The LORD ’s mind is given to them to sanctify HIM AND HIS NAME, which these ships of Tarshish, accused.  In that, THEY ACCUSE The LORD ’S HANDS WORKS.  OR GOD’S OWN WORKS. !!!


So this is why I wrote as the ships of Tarshish complained….  we do not want to be teachers of commandments, but teachers of the truth, the Gospel of Grace which is to believe in His name to be justified as Acts 13: 38-39”…. And I am being accused of speaking the truth about commandments, and the gospel of Grace !!!  The gospel of Grace exalts The LORD .  but teachers of commandments, exalt themselves , THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS as Apostle Paul wrote.  So who is the accuser… who accuses those who believe The LORD ’s grace, .. and THE NAME OF The LORD  , and seek justification through the truth??? When you believe the gospel of Grace, … and the Name of THE LORD, … it justifies one and excuses one.  And others accuses them , those who are against exalting The LORD , but their own righteousness !


And here is what the accuser , the ships of Tarshish wrote

{{{{since I keep commandments and was baptized unto His death in 2011 Passover, I am eating from tree of life,}}}}

She wrote.. since she KEEP COMMANDMENTS…. THAT IS THE LAW OF MOSES , …, … SHE EAT FROM THE Tree of Life !!!

So according to her:-…

SINCE ‘ I keep the law”…. I am eligible to eat from the Tree of Life !!!

So what happened to the truth, which The LORD  says :-???

God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure!


So according to her, The LORD  must do what she tells ???


She does not agree with the Word of GOD …  The LORD  says it is GOD, who works in us, to do HIS WILL and HIS Pleasure. !!!  And who exalts The LORD , and who exalts SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS ??  


The ACCUSER… and the EXCUSED !!!


So what happened to GOD’s words ???  It is twisted according to their own ! IT IS The LORD  WHO SAYS, WE ARE SONS OF GOD, … AND ARE WITHOUT REBUKE… AND HE WILL WORK IN US… TO KEEP US BLAMELESS… !!! So it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOOSIBLE FOR THE LAW KEEPERS TO PLEASE GOD AND NOW YOU CAN UNDERSTAND WHY.  THEY ARE HIGH AND LOFTY !!! The LORD  says… by your own words,…. You will be judged !!! So understand.. it is The LORD  who does all things to us, … by being in us.  And no wonder why The LORD  came in to the little children, as they believe The LORD  !

“without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation

God which worketh in you”””

ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke,

He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory”…

Speak not thou in thine heart

For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land

So who has spoken OWN GLORY ???

And when The LORD  does not rebuke HIS SONS,  how can the devil do ??  This is why, the ships of Tarshish are FALSE ACCUSERS. !!!


{{{{“since I keep commandments …. I am eating from tree of life,}}}}

The high priest also said he is eating from the Tree of Life, while Spiritually murdered GOD’s sons !!! . !!!

 CAN ANY ONE KEEP THE LAW AND EAT FROM THE Tree of Life?  The LORD  HAS TO GIVE IT !!!  The LORD  must bring us to it. !!!


So such accusers THE SONS OF GOD !!!


Therefore, they are FALSE  accusers !!!


And are against The LORD , and the knowledge of GOD  and His people!

These things The LORD  reveals, so all can repent and believe and be forgiven!


And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.”


when one is trying to get righteousness out of the law, .. they reject the righteousness of The LORD . so He cannot give it to such.

“for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law.”…

Rom 10:3  For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of GOD!!

Php 3:9. “and be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law,

Would not The LORD  find this accuser to have her own righteousness ???


This accuser is ignorant of GOD’s righteousness. !! Therefore, she accuses the Spirit and Truth… who is in these little children. !!!  And The LORD ’s own hand’s works !!!


the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.”.



We have proven, it is the UNBELIEF which is the sin of Adam.  And it is the unbelief which caused Israel also to be cut off. Rom.  11: 20. Unbelief caused one to depart from the Living GOD. So that was the sin of Adam which he was cut off from knowing the Tree of Life, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !

Heb 3:12  Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God….}}}… Adam’s sin caused him to be cut off form  CHRIST the LORD.  as written above, Eve also was to not to know JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so all those law keepers believed they can get the righteousness out of the law, and departed from the Living GOD, if they stumbled on Him as written above.

Remember believing in the LORD means believing that He would do all things HE HAS SPOKEN. ! That means if He is the Captain of Salvation, … then believe HE SAVES US AND NOT OURSELVES.  So the law keepers believe in their own law keeping. That causes them to NOT BELIEVE The LORD ’S SALVATION.  So wrath of The LORD  comes as that is a LIE !!! So the liars are the teachers of the law. They are the blind.

Peter wrote, … the hearts of the gentiles are purified by faith.

Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.

So it is by FAITH they were purified, and not by the law !!! 


Then,  Apostle Peter said, he BELIEVE that by GRACE of  CHRIST the LORD, that all will be SAVED.  Then could the works of the law save anyone ??? If you do not believe that ,you tempt The LORD .  we have proven this in detail before.  And Apostle Peter says… not the apostles, nor their fathers were able to bear,  which is about the law.  So no one can be able to keep the law.

Act 15:10  Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?

Act 15:11  But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they…}}}… so neither the fathers, nor the sons can bear the law, … and be saved, but by GRACE !!!! If you compel gentiles to KEEP THE LAW, … you are TEMPTING The LORD !!!!  Because The LORD  says NO LAW TO GENTILES, BUT MERCY.  So this is what the ships of Tarshish are doing.  THEY TEMPT The LORD !!!  They cant understand anything but what they want to understand. And will condemn their own mothers and brethren , if they have to exalt themselves. ! SO Apostle Peter KNEW THE FATHERS NOR THEY COULD BE ABLE TO BEAR OR KEEP THE LAW.  The LORD  knew no one could keep it.  that is why, The LORD PLANNED TO SAVE THE GENTILES BY MERCY, so Israel too could be saved as Rom.  11: 30-32 says, as written elsewhere.  That means, as Rom.  2 says… no law, NO TRANSGRESSION.  Then, if The LORD  says that about gentiles, … and these ships of Tarshish accuses them for not keeping the law, … how would GOD feel ???  They tempt GOD !!!  Are there better devils than these , to tempt The LORD  ???

believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved”.

So Apostle Peter who were under the law, … also believed BY GRACE they will be SAVED.  Then when that knowledge is given by The LORD , … one should submit to it and believe The LORD . that exalts The LORD . so SALVATION, IS BY GRACE !!!

So not understanding that, because of the hardness of their hearts, … their hearts were darkened. And the darkness we know is the Laodicea era, the spiritual blindness. And darkness means APART FROM DIVINING.  NO REVELATION. SO THEY HAD THEIR OWN WORKS.  All the workers of darkness such as the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish, … are in darkness and they speak their own visions. If they understood GOD’s plan of salvation, is by grace, … they would not ACCUSE THE INNOCENT.  They are guilty of innocent blood. !

Mic 3:6  So a night shall be for you apart from vision; and darkness apart from divining… }}… The LORD says NIGHT WILL BE NO MORE.  The night, sea, death, devil, all became of rebellion of Adam. And it came to the sons of disobedience who are Israel , as they are appointed to. 1  Pet. 2: 8. So the NIGHT, is the darkness APART FROM REVELATION.  That revelation came to gentiles, as they are the judges, and the little children, as they are to condemn those who did not come to  CHRIST the LORD. ! That is why, 1  Pet. 2: 1-10 says, those who are not of GOD’s people, were called by GOD, ‘OUT OF DARKNESS’, to be His Royal Priesthood. !!! These children were brought to the Promised land, before they knew good or evil, as written above. !!!

Joh 12:46  I am come a light into the world, that whosoever BELIEVETH ON ME should not abide in darkness….}}}…so the little children who believed in Him, … are in the light… as they receive divining from Him. !!! And they became the sons of GOD as they believed IN HIS NAME, which this accuser mocked us !!!

Joh 1:12  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:!!!

Rom 8:2  For the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus set me free from the law of sin and of death…}}}… it is not your own righteousness out of the law, whichi gives you life, but the life in  CHRIST the LORD, … will set you free from the law of sin and death. !!! So those who believed that, … are excused.  The rest who do not believe that, are accused. !


So the Spirit and Truth, is The Comforter, … and that is  CHRIST the LORD as proven. And HE WILL COME TO US. AND THE LITTLE CHILDREN HAVE HIM IN THEM. And then, they are the prophets,  as they will be given the knowledge of THINGS TO COME!!!   Things to ‘COME’, means prophecy.  That is the Spirit of prophecy !

Joh 14:18  I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you

Joh 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come!!

So the Spirit and Truth, will show the truth to these little children.  And they are shown things to COME… that is the prophecy.  So they are prophets of GOD. !  They are sent by Him. !

I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. “ Rev. 19: 10.  So these brethren, and the sons of GOD who have the Spirit and Truth , The Comforter in them, are the little children. The babes who are to still the enemy. So their Spirit of prophecy is the Testimony of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!  THEY DECLARE THE Captain of Salvation,… THEY SANCTIFY HIM… THEY BELIEVE HIS NAME… AND THEY KNOW THAT ALL THINGS ARE DONE IN ORDER TO BRING US TO SALVATION, IS DONE BY The LORD , and we cannot do anything ourselves.  So as they trust and believe The LORD  to do all things, .. The LORD  has promised to not to rebuke them. !!!


Then, THEY ARE CALLED THE SONS OF GOD… and the rest is the world. They are caused to do good works… and the world is wicked. !

1Jn 5:19  And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

1Jn 5:20  And we know that the Son of God is come, and HATH GIVEN US AN UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, AND WE ARE IN HIM THAT IS TRUE, EVEN IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. This is the true God, and eternal life.

1Jn 5:21  Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen….


we are of GOD”…

whole world lieth in wickedness.

This means, unless you know this truth, .. you are wicked… and in the world. !!!






This is the true God, and eternal life. !!!


Joh 16:14  He shall glorify Me: for HE SHALL RECEIVE OF MINE, and shall shew it unto you. }}}…who receives what is  CHRIST the LORD’s, other than HIS OWN SONS WHOM HE, HIMSELF BROUGHT TO GLORY ???  THEY GLORIFY The LORD , THEIR HOLY FATHER.

And such accusers are glorifying themselves !!!  They will be rebuked !!

So the sons who glorifies the FATHER, … are the works of His hands, … and His planting.  No one can destroy such. !

Isa 60:21  Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.

Isa 60:22  A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time….}}}… So the little children who glorifies  CHRIST the LORD, … are the The Righteous Branch, CHRIST AND CHILDREN !   CHRIST the LORD, is the only FATHER. His words are Spirit and Truth.  And “He shall glorify Me’…. and “branch of my planting, the WORK OF MY HANDS, that I may be glorified. “…people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever”…. DO YOU BELIEVE THESE WORDS OF GOD AND FIND THIS LITTLE ONE WHO GLORIFIES  CHRIST the LORD ??? IF NOT, YOU ARE REJECTING THE WORKS OF The LORD ’S HANDS !!!!! 

So who are glorifying the true FATHER and who glories in themselves ?


Rom 8:3  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Rom 8:4  That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit….}}}…what the law could not do… as GOD came, … we are made righteous.  So the righteousness of the law, … is fulfilled in us. !!  And we walk after the Spirit !!! Then, The LORD  offers the Tree of Life to such. !!  That is why The LORD  IS IN THEM. !!!  So understand… it is The LORD  who would do what the law could not do.  And not by your own selves can eat from the Tree of Life. !!!

Joh 16:11  Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. }}}.. who is the prince who is judged ??  Is GOD judging a devil ???  He came to judge evil hearts. 1 cor 4: 5 !!! He is not trying to save a devil, if there was one, or give the Spirit and Truth to a devil, … but The LORD  is using us to cast out devils, who did NOT HAVE THE Spirit . Mat. 12: 27-28 !! The Spirit of The LORD  is needed by those who did not have it !! The little children are casting out their ‘FATHER’S devils by the Spirit.  The fathers who did not have it !!!

So it is the law keepers who are the enemies of The LORD , the high and lofty ones who would be destroyed by using the little children. !

Rom 8:32  He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? }}}… all things GOD Has, are given freely.  If not,  the little children could not receive them. No man’s works will earn anything from The LORD . no one think they deserve anything from The LORD  either. Jam 1: 7

Therefore, the little children received all things FREELY GIVEN but as they believed IN HIS NAME… the GOD of salvation. !!!  HE DOES ALL THINGS TO SAVE US and not ourselves !  This is how The LORD  is exalted or lifted up and the devils who did not believe in His salvation, are cast down. !!!  John 12: 31-32.  And these little children gathers all to  CHRIST the LORD.  But these enemies takes them back to captivity and bondage. !!!

GOD can justify anyone at any time.  He asked the thief on the cross to come to paradise at once, as he believed Him. He FEARED GOD. And the two witnesses are like the two thieves who were crucified with The LORD as proven.  One FEARS GOD,  and GOD says the little children fears Him. Isa. 29: 23. And that is the little one, … who fears GOD, … who says to the other thief… DOST NOT THOU FEAR GOD???

Luk 23:40  But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? …}}}… and the little children are also sinners.  But The LORD  says, they FEAR HIM AND WILL SANCTIFY HIM. Isa. 29:23-24.  And we prove, the two witnesses are like the two thieves.  But, one witness FEARS GOD,.. that is the little one who became a thousand, WHO GLORIFIES The LORD , … . And that is according to the Word of GOD . ! And the other wants to keep commandments and get righteousness…, and condemn those whom The LORD Has chosen and forgiven according to the Word of GOD  ! So little one received all knowledge to beautify and glorify The LORD , … and the other became the accuser. So the little one REBUKES the aged false accuser of NOT FEARING GOD !!! The little one received all the revelation in the paradise. !!!


Isa 11:2  And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

Isa 11:3  And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:…}}}… GOD will not judge by sight,  but by the hearts. !!! 

Who will be the accuser… and who is excused. ???

Rom 3:10  according as it has been written, “There is not a righteous one, not even one!”

Rom 3:11  There is not one understanding; there is not one seeking God.”

Rom 3:12  All turned away, they became worthless together, not one is doing goodness, not so much as one!”

Rom 3:13  “Their throat is a tomb being opened;” “they used deceit with their tongues; the poison of asps is under their lips;

Rom 3:14  whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.

Rom 3:15  Their feet are swift to shed blood;

Rom 3:16  ruin and misery are in their way;

Rom 3:17  and they did not know a way of peace;

Rom 3:18  there is no fear of God before their eyes.”

According to GOD, who fears Him ??? It is the work of The LORD ’s own hands, the little children.  Isa. 29: 23.  And The LORD  Has hardened others hearts from His fear. Isa. 63:16-17.  Then, it is these OTHERS, who has no fear of GOD in their eyes and are deceitful, and poisonous vipers whose feet are swift to shed blood … !!!  They are the high and lofty ones, the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish , the enemies of The LORD . !!!

The LORD , Therefore, wants to SHUT EACH MOUTH of the law keepers. !

Rom 3:19  Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.

Rom 3:20  Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.}}}… So all the law keepers are now ARE SHUT UP, AS The LORD  SAYS… THEY ARE HELD GUILTY.  UNDERSTAND… ONLY THOSE WHO ARE UNDER THE LAW, … WHO ARE GUILTY !!!  THE ACCUSED !!! Therefore, if they accuse others, … they are FALSE ACCUSERS !!!  Shed innocent blood!

The LORD  holds all under the law are as GUILTY before Him. !!!

May The LORD  will rebuke and shut their mouths !!!

If you do not preach that it is GOD who makes us perfect, … and to do all HIS WILL AND PLEASURE,… and we cannot keep the law and please The LORD , … you will be rebuked as a FALSE PROPHET , AN ENEMY OF The LORD  !!!

Any one glories SELF,… they are FLESH. If you know the Spirit, you would never exalt yourself, because The LORD  will not choose high and lofty. .

1Co 1:28  and God has chosen the base things of the world, and things which are despised, and things which are not, in order to bring to nothing things that are;

1Co 1:29  so that no flesh should glory in His presence.

1Co 1:30  But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who of God is made to us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption;

1Co 1:31  so that, according as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” }}}… Therefore, anyone glories, let them do so, as they know The LORD or HE IS IN THEM. !


Because, the word says, he who COMMENDS HIMSELF, The LORD  would not commend.  But what matters is whom The LORD  commends. !

2Co 10:17  But he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.

2Co 10:18  For not he who commends himself is approved, but he whom the Lord commends.



When The LORD  gives revelations, … HE SENDS THE DEVIL ALSO. But The LORD  says HIS GRACE is sufficient. So when we are accused , we also can say the same just as Apostle Paul did… The LORD ’S GRACE WILL SAVE ME !!!

2Co 12:7  and by the surpassing revelations, lest I be made haughty, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be made haughty.

2Co 12:8  For this thing I besought the Lord three times, that it might depart from me.

2Co 12:9  And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore I will rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may overshadow me.

So these high and lofty ones also is sent satan… and they BECAME HAUGHTY !!!


All glory should be to The LORD  who DOES ALL THINGS FOR US !!! From Adam came the death. By The LORD , life will be given. Do not try to seek life by death !

The offence came from ONE MAN… and that is Adam. And this is not Moses who gave the law, much later to measure the sin of Adam. !!!

Rom 5:15  But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

Rom 5:16  And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

Rom 5:17  For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.) …}}}… Adam’s sin brought death.  But grace will give you righteousness by JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!

Rom 5:18  Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

Rom 5:19  For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Rom 5:20  Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

Rom 5:21  That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. }}}… this ONE MAN is Adam… brought sin and death. !!! Understanding all these, one must repent !!! “one man’s disobedience”… and The LORD  says Israel are the sons of disobedience…  they even stumbled at the Word of GOD . 1  Pet. 2:8.  That means HAVE COMMITTED THE UNPARDONABLE SIN !!! so The LORD  now Has demonstrated the WRATH FOR DISOBEDIENCE,  and MERCY TO MAKE OBEDIENT !!!


Just as Apostle Paul, a blasphemer,  and a persecutor received mercy, as he did it in UNBELIEF….!!!  So all the blasphemers, and accusers also did these in UNBELIEF.  the ships of Tarshish directly mocked us for grace and believing in His name.  and The LORD  knows they did so in unbelief.  now The LORD  will open their eyes, to save others from them. Then they can direct all to repentance. !!!

1Ti 1:13  Who was before a blasphemer, and a persecutor, and injurious: but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.

1Ti 1:14  And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

1Ti 1:15  This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. }}}… you see… if you think you are already eating from Tree of Life, .. that means you do not need  CHRIST the LORD to save you, and you are already saved.  That is your ignorance and unbelief. if you believed The LORD , … you would have known not to seek life through the law !!! So as long as you believe what you preach, …  CHRIST the LORD cannot save you, because you think you already have life !!!  The cross of  CHRIST the LORD, has no effect in you… if you seek righteousness out of the law !!!!


Therefore, when the times of Refreshing has come… and it is done by the mercy of The LORD  , saving us. !!!

Tit_3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;



1Ti 1:5  Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

1Ti 1:6  From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;

1Ti 1:7  Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.

Remember the FINAL BATTLE is between the ships of Tarshish, the fallen witness and the accuser , who IS A TEACHER OF THE LAW and I, the excuser … who said WE DO NOT NEED TO BE TEACHERS OF THE LAW, … BUT TEACHERS OF GRACE AND belief ! …  So ALL CAN SEE WHO IS THE TEACHER OF THE LAW, AND WHO IS NOT. !!!  The law kills… grace gives life !!!  Therefore, this commandment is for the ships of Tarshish… who do not know what they say… nor could they affirm, … neither any understanding in them !!!!  CAN YOU KEEP THE LAW TO GET RIGHTEOUSNESS, LIFE AND JUSTIFICATION ???? 


Here is a quote from the ships of Tarshish, my ACCUSER , written about me. !


In Section 38 “Fallen Cherub-atonement” articlein {gentileassembly.org}–Gentile Witness 1 wrote—— we do not want to be teachers of commandments, but teachers of the truth, the Gospel of Grace which is to believe in His name to be justified as Acts 13: 38-39 also said

Teachers of the law, are the BEASTS.  Psa. 49: 20 says, a man without UNDERSTANDING… is a beast !!!

Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm


So the TEACHERS OF THE LAW,   the pharisees and sadducees , … the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish are all BEASTS !!!  That is according to the Word of GOD .  We proved many years ago the beasts in revelation are the churches,  and now, The LORD  Has fully opened our minds to understand the beasts and false prophets … ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS !!! “teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say”… BEASTS !!!


Now all can see who is the false prophet,  WHO ARE SERVING THE DRAGON, … who is the beast, .. who has UNCLEAN lips. ( Eccl 3: 18-19 ) And who HAS LEFT FAITH !!!  If anyone has faith, .. they will not accuse another, as JESUS CHRIST the LORD will not accuse one , because HE HAS ACCUSED ALL AS SINNERS AND SPECIALLY HE WANTS TO SHUT THE MOUTHS OF THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW, … THE BLIND GUIDES OF THE BLIND, FALLING IN TO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT !  Leaving JESUS CHRIST the LORD means there is no rain, water, the HOLY SPIRIT. !


ONLY THE LAW CAN MAKE ONE A BEAST !!  The LORD  proved !!! That is because they look to their OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS.


Now, one can understand the fulfillment of the two thieves !!! One believed GOD right then and there.  The other mocked… and did not believe The LORD  CAN SAVE HIM… so that thief is likened to the ships of Tarshish, who also think “GRACE ALONE CANNOT SAVE” as she wrote , which we have written before in ‘fallen cherub’ writings.  The two cherubs were kept to guard the Tree of Life, … and one fell. The fulfillment is the two witnesses as proven.  So one fell… and went to perdition, BECAUSE OF PRIDE !!   If one serves The LORD , HE WILL GUIDE IN TO ALL TRUTH and will SPEAK IN US as the word promises.  AND THE LITTLE CHILDREN ARE THE WORK OF The LORD ’S OWN HANDS, which all will see!


So The LORD  will give the understanding as HE HAS PROMISED during the times of Refreshing, … and the day of Pentecost is to pour His SPIRIT.  And The LORD  does not accuse anyone for breaking of the law, ..  but THE UNBELIEF, WHICH WAS CAUSED BY MAN’S PRIDE, He hates.  All sins can be forgiven, … and if the whole purpose of the earth is to break down the PRIDE  as written above, …. Then THE PRIDE MUST BE THE MOST ABOMINABLE thing before GOD. !!!


SO SIN WAS IN THE WORLD, PRIOR TO THE Covenant OF THE LAW IS MADE. !!!  and to measure that sin, GOD chose Israel, … whose hearts are stiff-necked as The LORD  said, and they would be the ideal people to prove to the world, … the pride in man. !!!   And, we witnessed how the churches became divided and divided , NOT HAVING THE TRUTH of GOD. !!!  We must be thankful to GOD for giving all these truths, so we can serve HIM WITH ONE CONSENT !!! There will be ONE SHEPHERD ONE FLOCK !!!! 


As we wrote in the “Promised land”,.. a LITTLE CHILD will lead the lion, and the Lamb !!  How wonderful that world be.  ONLY GOD CAN DO SUCH WONDERS. ALL THANKS BE TO HIM. !!!






In all these, the man tried to live WITHOUT HIS MAKER !!!!   Can he do that ??? WE ARE TO BE HIS CHILDREN !!!!  So The CREATOR had to leave him to live or die as the man rebelled.  So same fate came to Israel as well.  The LORD  said, He set LIFE AND DEATH BEFORE THEM, just as He did to Adam.


Deu 30:15  See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;

Deu 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

Deu 30:20  That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey His voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for HE IS THY LIFE, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. }}}… Now all these are in the past.  GOD HAS CONCLUDED ALL AS SINNERS.  HIS MERCY SAVES ALL AND HAD GIVEN US HOPE.  YOU DID NOT CHOOSE LIFE, AS YOU HAD OTHER GODS.  YOU NEVER CLEAVED TO YOU’RE YOUR HUSBAND, OR THE FATHER !  SO DO YOU EXPECT LIFE FROM HIM ? GOD KNEW THERE IS NO LOVE IN MAN.  BEGINNING FROM Adam, .. THE MAN WANTED THINGS ONLY TO HIMSELF.  AND THIS IS WHY THE OAKS, CEDARS AND THE SHIPS OF TARSHISH SAYS, THEY EAT FROM Tree of Life, THEY KEEP COMMANDMENTS…. AND CONDEMN OTHERS. TO PUT SUCH WISE TO SHAME, The LORD  CHOSE THE LITTLE CHILDREN AND BROUGHT THEM TO THE Promised land FIRST, AS The LORD  SAID.




So all those who claim to be eating from the Tree of Life, and teaching to keep the law to get life, … are made fools, beasts, and to have served the devil.  He sinned from the beginning. So The LORD  proved such are LIARS !!!  Because Adam made GOD a liar, … and all have made Him a liar. SO HE HAS MADE US LIARS.  And HE IS JUSTIFIED, AS WE BELIEVED. !!!  DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR SIN ???  YOU MADE GOD A LIAR !!!  REPENT FOR THAT. !!!  THAT IS THE UNPARDONABLE SIN !!!


Each time you preach the law …. You show your ignorance , YOUR REBELLIOUSNESS now as the truth about the law is revealed. !!!   It rejects The CREATOR , OUR FATHER !!!  The LORD  will give you the understanding. Is it a small thing that we left our CREATOR, AND The ROCK , the ONLY GOD WHO GAVE THE LAW ?  Man’s knowledge defiled him. Not having the truth, ALWAYS LIED.  Since lies killed, … you teachers of the law, always preached DEATH, instead of life from The CREATOR !!!  You are murderers.  You are guilty of GOD’s death, … calling Him a liar and a murderer, … and then every one else who listened to your false lies, … and even you are guilty of your own life.  NOW, AFTER The LORD  REDEEMS IT, .. YOUR LIFE BELONGS TO HIM. !!!  HE WILL MAKE IT TO OBEY HIM !!!!



Hope fully, and prayerfully,

I ask from my accuser…. Do you still believe we should be teachers of commandments or teachers of the law ???  Or teachers of the truth… to believe in grace and to believe in HIS NAME TO BE JUSTIFIED ???  I STAND WHAT I WROTE EVEN TO THIS DAY IS THE UNDERSTANDING GIVEN BY The LORD !!!  Therefore, I EXCUSE MY SELF from your ACCUSATIONS,  as the LORD, and the HOLY SPIRIT witnesses to what I have written !!!!


GOD Has concluded the law keepers as UNRIGHTEOUS !!!  You belong in that group!  REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE Name of THE LORD… TO BE JUSTIFIED !!!


So the teacher of the law … know from the Word of GOD …. That you were given the law to expose your UNGODLINESS, … DISOBEDIENCE , … LAWLESSNESS AND UNRIGHTEOUSNESS !!! When you became self righteous, … by keeping the law and accusing us all these years, … The LORD  kept silent , but giving these truths to us and bringing us to glory … but you were given the law to show your sins which you inherited from Adam. !!!  THE UNBELIEF !!!

1Ti 1:8  But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully;

1Ti 1:9  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

1Ti 1:10  For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;


Understand who left the faith.  Is it you or is it me ???

1Ti 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1Ti 4:2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

1Ti 4:3  Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

1Ti 4:4  For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:

1Ti 4:5  For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. }}}…. First of all, … this is talking about our time, after some left faith.  Then, The LORD  must give faith first. And Rom.  11: 20 says Israel is cut off, and gentiles are given faith to live. 


Then, “lies in hypocrisy”…Who are the liars as written above ???  According to The LORD , … it is the teachers of the law. Then, it is they who are hypocrites, as proven in GOD’s enemies writings, the pharisees and sadducees, the high and lofty ones like you   !! Remember it is The LORD ’s words. I also learned it from Isa. 2. !!!


Forbidding to marry”…. If you read her writings, in EVERY ONE OF THEM, she  ACCUSES THE Gentile Assembly OF MARRYING AS WE ARE MARRIED TO The LORD . … But The LORD  gives it as a sign of those who LEFT FAITH !!!  And think… she is  already married… then by marrying the LORD, has she not committed adultery as her husband lives ???  I can say so many hilarious things, but we must be serious of our calling. And forbidding to marry , if one takes physically and Spiritually, it is she who accused others of marrying , forbidding to marry.  Spiritually, the law is contrary to preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Husband !! So as long as you teach it, it stops one from coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!

commanding to abstain from meats,”… the meat, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said is to FINISH the work of The LORD . John 4;34,  and that work is to get all to believe, as John 6;29 says above. So it is the teachers of the law is trying to stop all from believing in The LORD , but believe in the law.

received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth!Who thanked for the BABES to know the secrets and who prayed for the children to BELIEVE and who sanctified us to believe in the Spirit and Truth ?  IT IS  CHRIST the LORD. !!! He prayed for the babes… Luk. 10:21, “ I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes:So it is The LORD , Himself thanked to receive us…. And John 17: 17-20 also, to be sent , The LORD  sanctified us by the truth, … and 1 John 2: 27, … the anointing to learn all things, the truth FROM The LORD , also He planned .   Col. 2: 2- 3… Jam 1: 18 and even the book of Life, The LORD  wrote. So it is The LORD  who thanked for our work… !!!

if it be received with thanksgiving:

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: … Eph.  1: 15- 17, Col. 1:3,   CHRIST the LORD, did not say anything like this about the law keepers, as it brings wrath.  But they will have mercy as promised to Abraham.



sanctified by the word of God and prayer”..  CHRIST the LORD, Himself prayed and sanctified these children.  And Isa. 8: 18,   29: 23 , The LORD  prophesied and planned to bring the little children.  And He brought them to the Promised land first as proven.  So these children, who received the CLEAR LIP TO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD, as v 26 says below, … are the sons whom The LORD  brought to glory as Heb.  2: 10-13  says… who are given the truth. So The LORD  prayed for them and thanked for them.  So can any one stop it from being answered?

oh 17:16  They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. … 1 John 1, 2, etc says the little children are not of the world, as greater ONE Is in them.

Joh 17:17  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Joh 17:18  As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

Joh 17:19  And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

Joh 17:20  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

Joh 17:21  That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

Joh 17:22  And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

Joh 17:23  I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

Joh 17:24  Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

Joh 17:25  O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. }}}… when we came to know THE The Sent ONE , … we finished our works as written above. !!!

Joh 17:26  And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them. }}}… to whom did The LORD  declare the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD ???  It is to us. And that is why the ships of Tarshish who does not know anything, neither understand what they say, … mocked us for believing in the Name of THE LORD. !!!



We, the little children  did not fail in the law. We FULFILLED THE LAW BY COMING TO The LORD ! Scripture says love fulfills the whole law.  Then that love also is the love of GOD , which MUST BE GIVEN TO US, and The LORD  gave it to us as we have the anointing to learn from Him. 1 The 4: 9!   The LORD  brought us to Him, as HE PROPHESIED and we are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel. Isa. 8: 18.  When we work, those who ERRED will come to understanding. Isa. 29: 23-24.  THEN, ALL MUST ACCEPT GOD’S PURPOSE AND PLAN AND WHOM HE HAS PREDESTINATED TO BE WITH HIM, AT THIS SECOND COMING !!!!  We  believed Him… that it is HIS GRACE which saves us and not the law.  And also, we  have entered in to the Glorious Rest as I wrote four years ago.  But you did not believe any of them. !  and we fulfilled the law by coming to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to which end it was given. !!!  As none of the high and lofty ones could fulfill the law, … the little children have fulfilled as The LORD  IS IN THEM, OVERCOMING EVEN THE WICKED ONES BY THE Word of GOD  !  Therefore, she is  the accuser… and accept The LORD ’s accusation against her… with the oaks, cedars and the ships of tarshish…. To be high and lofty. !!! Then repent and believe every word of GOD !!!  Persecution is not new to us.  All of the little children have gone through persecution from many ministers.  WCG called me ‘Eve’.  PCG called me “evil’.  And the ships of Tarshish calls us as LAWLESS, and harlots, etc.  But what matters is to be accepted by The LORD .  HE SEES THE HEARTS.  He hates violence. HE HATES PRIDE AND HE HATES LIES !  So the WCG ministry,  and the PCG ministry, and the ships of Tarshish ,  are high and lofty , SAYS The LORD . !!! But He says the little children are already converted and all others also to be like them. ! 

From the beginning, men started to err in SPIRIT. Until the times of Refreshing, which now has come, … The LORD  was patiently waiting till the first fruits are born, so the whole creation could set free,  by the mercy shown to them, the whole world beginning from Israel, will have mercy !


Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. }}}… what is this hour of temptation ???  It is when they learn they have inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19  And The LORD  kept us from that, as we believed Him.

Rev 3:11  Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

Rev 3:12  Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name….}}}}…. These are the pillars, the saints, whose feet were kept by The LORD , Himself.  1 Sam 2: 8-9.  So it cannot fail.


When GOD called Israel, …. The LORD  said HE HAS NOT GIVEN A HEART TO PERCEIVE… OR EYES TO SEE AND EARS TO HEAR.  Then, if they believed Him, .. the would have known that they do not know the truth.  But The LORD  said.. it is sin, as you say you see…

Deu 29:4  Yet the LORD hath not given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to hear, unto this day….}}}… if they said they are blind, … The LORD  would not hold them guilty…  because The LORD  HAS NOT GIVEN THEM A HEART TO PERCEIVE…. EYES TO SEE .  But they did not believe The LORD , … but thought they know all things.  This and Isa. 63: 17 also says The LORD  has hardened their heart from His fear.  So how could they say they fear The LORD  ???  So :—-

Joh_9:41  Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, We see; therefore, your sin remains. …}}}… Since these teachers of the law say they are not blind, and we see… their sin REMAINS !!!  That proves they have NOT BELIEVED THE Word of GOD , WHICH IS THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!  the unpardonable sin !!!


As you can see… the law coming much later than Adam, … can never give righteousness to anyone from the sin they ALREADY ARE BORN WITH.!  The LORD  gave the law, to bring out that sin and to prove to the man, that he is the liar,  a beast, and always the adversary of The LORD.  this is why Israel killed GOD, killed all the prophets who were sent to them ,  and rejected the Word of GOD  totally.  And Zion is a perpetual desolation,  and The LORD  was NEVER WORSHIPED BY HER and she always had other gods.  As the law is a graven image, … they made the law an idol, to seek righteousness or life by it !!!  So it is Adam, who is the adversary. And the last ministry became the synagogue of satan !!! So this is why, The LORD  says the TEACHERS OF THE LAW ARE BEASTS, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. !!!


But GOD promises to RESTORE ALL HUMANS , taking back to the beginning, as the garden of Eden. SO BELIEVE HIM !!!


When they turn to The LORD , … their veil will be taken away and they will understand…

2Co 3:14  But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.

2Co 3:15  But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.

2Co 3:16  Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

2Co 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

2Co 3:18  But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.


So The LORD  blinded their HEARTS … in deut 29. That is when they were called to be His people.  So unless The LORD  removes that veil, when they turn to Him,  how could they see from their heart and perceive ???  BELIEVE The LORD  !!!  Accept your guilt !!!  The unbelief… because of your pride !!!  The unpardonable sin !!!

So the little children believed… and that is why The LORD  says to be converted as little ones !!!

Therefore, in the end, it is the teachers of the law, who are beasts, who do not understand what they preach… and they are the LAWLESS ONES. Because, those who seek righteousness out of it,  are WITHOUT THE UNDERSTANDING THAT IT IS GOD WHO GIVES RIGHTEOUSNESS.  By being ignorant of that, … they try to live by some other way. And the law seems good to them to live.  But The LORD  has made them fools and beasts and law less.  Beause the law is given to an UNRIGHTEOUS people! That means lawless.  So the ships of Tarshish always tried to condemn the little children as lawless and they desiring to be teachers of the law, … The LORD  has made them lawless! And Apostle Paul, wrote them to gentiles.  And only two gentiles worked for The LORD . and I do not believe we are to be TEACHERS OF THE LAW even as the ships of Tarshish has written. !!!

1Ti 1:7  Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. }}}… teachers of the law, …. This one is for you.  And this is NOT FOR ME… as I do not teach to keep the law. !!!  You UNDERSTAND NOTHING, WHAT YOU SAY.  SAYS THE HOLY SPIRIT , THE GOD WHO IS THE SPIRIT.  NOW DO YOU BELIEVE HIM AND ACCEPT YOUR IGNORANCE AND REPENT ???  OR WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO TEACH THE LAW ???  YOU DECIDE !!!


1Ti 1:9  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

1Ti 1:10  For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; }}}… by revealing this truth today, … The LORD  made all the teachers of the law to have these characters which came from Adam. !!! As written above, … there are two works of The LORD .  and they are against the first work of The LORD , which is to get all to believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  When you teach to trust in the law to get righteousness,… it is against the sound doctrine !!! That is why the little children were said not to allow to seduce them. And Apostle Paul said not even an angel come from heaven with another doctrine, not to believe. !!!  The LORD  keeps OUR FEET FROM FALLING ! 1 sam 2: 8 -9 ! We believe Him and now we bear the fruits of our belief… The LORD  is with us !

1Ti 1:11  According to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust. }}}… so the teachers of the law, are against the glorious gospel of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! The LORD  SAID ‘BELIEVE ME”. !!!


Remember the law could not make anyone perfect. Heb.  7. And that ministry is called the ministry of DEATH !

The ships of Tarshish not only did not understand the doctrines, but want to be in the little children. Here is one quotes. What is written in red, was written by me. then her comment. I wrote, that as little children, we are not to learn from anyone else other than from The LORD .  so that is a commandment of The LORD  to the little children.

{{{{Gw1 wrote replying my mail 9th  March 2015—

1Jn 2:27  But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

1Jn 2:28  And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. }}}}…So don’t try to teach the little children or others, as The LORD will teach them.  He will make HIMSELF KNOWN TO ALL.  And HE WILL PUT HIS FEAR IN THEM TO KEEP THE LAW


The Anointing, 1 Jo 2: 27, in last days, was done on witnesses, Zec 14: 4, they stand by the LORD of whole earth, Zec 4: 14, Rev. 11: 1-4, to serve JESUS CHRIST during His short work, trusting in Him, Rom. 15: 12.

BUT WORKERS COULD TURN DECEITFUL against God’s choosing Isaac,  AND BE CURSED, Jer. 48: 10. Some departed from faith, 1 Tim 4: 1-5, GW1 married as said in Rom. 7: 3, and she is unable to perform fruit unto God, Rom. 7; 4. THESE ARE WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS—-NOT ANYOTHER’S WORDS! }}}}

So she says the anointing is for the two witnesses, … which includes her.  But then, if the little children are two witnesses, …. They too DIED. !!!  because the two witnesses died. Rev. 11.  So the little children, cannot die, as they are FORGIVEN already 1 John 2: 12 and that is why they are given the truth. So neither she is a witness now, nor a little child, … nor doing the short work… nor she has trusted in The LORD  !!!  The LORD  says she is a beast without understanding !!! So these are what the Word of GOD  says… not another’s words !!!!  So according to The LORD ’s words, which witness TURNED TO BE A DECEITFUL SERVANT??? THEY ARE THE TEACHERS OF THE LAW! We do not need to worry about such deceitful workers , but The LORD  will deliver the people from them. !!! And NO BODY CAN SNEAK THEIR WAY IN TO BE AMONG THE LITTLE CHILDREN, .. AS THEY ARE ANOINTED AND FROM THE BEGINNING, THEIR NAMES WERE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE. !  And also one can see who has left faith to the law … A VAIN THING which could not give life, but to death.  And The LORD ’s purpose of giving the law is to condemn, and that purpose is now fulfilled !!!


But The LORD  has sworn to save you… and we all know He will redeem those who are of the law, from the curse of death also .

Deu 4:29  But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.

Deu 4:30  When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; }}}… in the latter days, when you are in TRIBULATION???  So your tribulation, is when we COME AND TELL THAT YOU HAVE INHERITED LIES, as that is what we have been doing. Jer. 16: 19… “ in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.” … Your law which you sought righteousness from ,  is a vain thing , if you believe the Word of GOD  !!!


Deu 4:31  (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them. ….  THAT IS A PROMISE FROM The LORD  !!!  HE HAS REMEMBERED HIS PROMISE.  That is why, He sanctified the little children by the truth, and prayed for them and now are sent, so you too may believe in Him, through our word!!! John 17: 17-20 !!!   That is why The LORD  said… “lo children are a gift of GOD “ !!!!


LORD catches the wicked by their own works.  !

All glory and honor and thanks be to our Heavenly FATHER !!!


CHRIST and HIS children  ,

Gentile Assembly
