The true Conversion

The true conversion


“Conversion’ means (Strong’s) “reversion, that is, moral revolution”. “Moral’ means “standards of behavior; principles of right and wrong”. When Adam chose wrong, he became mortal, a sinful state, opposite of GOD’s image  and he lost the spirit of GOD , and became the enemy, or the adversary of GOD! THEN, The CREATOR MUST, once again CONVERT HIM BACK TO HIS IMAGE, by giving HIS OWN SPIRIT and nature! That is conversion!  Adam, was a son to GOD. Then, GOD was a FATHER TO ADAM. So THE FATHER and SON relationship was lost as man now must die. This is why Malachi last verse says the HEARTS of the sons and fathers will be turned to each other once again ! Rev 21:7 says we are to be SONS to Him. Then the man must be begotten by THE EVERLASTING FATHER TO GIVE MAN THE EVERLASTING LIFE!  This time, THE CREATOR must create Adam to live for ever. That is when THE CREATOR become the EVERLASTING FATHER!


As a result of that disobedience, death and evil came to all humans as The CREATOR CUT HIMSELF OFF FROM ALL MANKIND. And all became GOD’s enemy as none believed Him and made Him a liar. If The CREATOR, created the man in His own image, then he was a SON to The CREATOR. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Adam, was a son to GOD. Luk. 3. Then, Adam’s FATHER is The CREATOR. That relationship between the FATHER and THE SON was lost. This is why Elijah is prophesied to come and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER. Cutting off the Tree of Life means the knowledge of GOD, the knowledge about The CREATOR and how to be a SON to The CREATOR , the image of GOD, the SPIRIT of GOD, the DIVINE NATURE of GOD was cut off. Therefore, the cause or the sin of man was he sinned against The CREATOR, by his disobedience. Then man cannot CONVERT himself back to being a son to The CREATOR. So The CREATOR, HIMSELF must once again convert the man to be a son to Him, so all can walk in peace, and not being enemies. As we have sinned against The CREATOR, which means HE IS THE GOD WHO IS THE SPIRIT, ( 2 cor 3: 17), he has sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT! That is why The LORD had to CURSE the man by DEATH, as sinning against the GOD who is the SPIRIT is the unpardonable sin. Then, The CREATOR wants all to worship Him in Spirit and Truth. That means HIS SPIRIT must be given to the man, by The CREATOR, Himself so man can worship Him in Spirit and Truth. But the Spirit and Truth is The Comforter, who is The CREATOR, Himself Is prophesied to come IN HIS SECOND coming. The Spirit and Truth was not given at His first coming and His own did not receive Him, which means they failed to be sons of GOD! (John 1:11-12). And, as no man can pay the penalty for the unpardonable sin, which is the SPIRITUAL DEATH, The CREATOR, Himself had to pay. So He came the first time to DIE and then the SECOND time, comes giving salvation(Heb.  9:26-28), but first to those whom HE PREPARED
to receive salvation first and making them HIS FIRST FRUITS, so they can declare the GOD of salvation and teach how to receive it. And then, they are made in The CREATOR’s image, and are given The CREATOR’s SPIRIT. Rom. 8:9, 29. So all these things, The CREATOR will do to convert the man to be a son to Him. And the wife of CHRIST The LORD  also did not know, The Husband is also the FATHER. Jer. 3: 19-20. But she will know, when she is converted. When Adam sinned he became flesh and blood. And flesh and blood cannot enter in to GOD’s kingdom, nor know the Spirit and Truth about The SON.

So The CREATOR must once again remove the flesh and blood in man and give His SPIRIT to man’s heart, so he can call HIM MY FATHER or ABBA. Gal. 4:6. So GOD’s SPIRIT is given to the hearts and the hearts must be purified to receive His SPIRIT. So the CONVERSION means TURNING ONE TO BE AS Adam was, to be SONS OF The CREATOR ! So as these sons are a sign and a wonder, all must know this sign, so they can become as these children and be converted as Adam was!
JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR takes the Laodiceans back to the beginning. They also are naked as Adam was. So when they are clothed, that means they will become as Adam, a son of GOD !


Adam was created in GOD’s image means he was a SON to The CREATOR and The CREATOR was Adam’s FATHER. But when he lost that image The CREATOR could no longer be his ‘FATHER’ and he could not be a son! So The CREATOR must once again give HIS IMAGE and create the man by HIS image, AND MUST BECOME THE FATHER AND MAN SHOULD BECOME SONS OF GOD! This is why, we are conformed in to the image of The SON, The CREATOR. Rom.8. Adam, became flesh and blood instead of SPIRIT as he lost the SPIRIT of The CREATOR. This is why the Scripture says, we need the SPIRIT of The CREATOR, or of The SON. Rom.8. But after judgments, the FATHER WILL REVEAL HIMSELF, and all FLESH will be turned to SPIRIT!


In order to do these, The CREATOR brings His first fruits as a sign and a wonder, so others can have hope to become His sons also. And The CREATOR, the FATHER withheld His SPIRIT as well, unto the Laodicea era as both Adam and the Laodiceans are naked. The covering should be from the SPIRIT of The CREATOR. Isa. 30:1. Thankfully to GOD, the Laodicea era is the last sinful generation and judgment of man. Then, The LORD is prophesied to come and REVERT ALL BACK TO THE BEGINNING as Adam, IN HIS IMAGE WITH HIS SPIRIT! All must be reverted back to the state where Adam was first created, as a SON to The CREATOR, and GOD as the FATHER! New garden of Eden, New hearts given, new Covenant made, and all things are made NEW, IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, and BY HIM.

Scripture says the whole creation is waiting till the first fruits are born. That means the first fruits will be CONVERTED first, BY THE FATHER! So the FATHER and sons, will be a sign and a wonder! THEY ARE CONFORMED IN TO THE IMAGE OF The CREATOR, The SON. Rom.  8:29. 8:9 says, if you DO NOT HAVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST the LORD, YOU ARE NOT GOD’S! John 1 says, those who did NOT receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are NOT MADE SONS OF GOD! Then, receiving Him; we become SONS of GOD! After all, HE IS The ROCK WHO BEGAT Israel (Deut. 32:18) and by HIS SPIRIT, the sons are begotten, Jam 1:18, ! THAT MEANS , if HE BEGETS US, WE BECOME The CREATOR’S OR The ROCK’S SONS! GOD will revert all back to Him. Jer. 3: 19-20 says, when that happens, the wife of CHRIST The LORD also will call The Husband, ‘MY FATHER”! That is the true conversion. FATHER and the sons, have THE same IMAGE OF GOD once again! So the first fruits who are begotten by the SPIRIT of GOD, will be a sign and a wonder to others, when they are with their FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD ,The  CREATOR !


When Adam lost all knowledge of GOD as he was chased out of GOD’s sight, men started to worship idols, and many other gods. WHEN EVER GOD IS NOT AMONG THEM, THEY ALWAYS HAD OTHER GODS OR IDOLS. From time to time, GOD called people such as Noah, Abraham, JACOB, Moses, king David and prophets etc.  but, GOD did not bring them as HIS SONS, till Heb.  2: 10 says, He brought sons and
Eph.  1 says, He adopted some as children to Him also. Until then, no one could be born of GOD. ! So this writing proves that if The CREATOR , created us, which means fathered us, and if it is The CREATOR’s SPIRIT and image which we need to be sons of GOD, … then The CREATOR SHOULD BE OUR FATHER. JESUS CHRIST the LORD
said, “MY FATHER is greater than I. Then again He said, I WILL REVEAL the FATHER, ( John 16: 25), because He also said ‘you do not know the FATHER’.”
of whom ye say, that he is your God: Joh 8:55  Yet ye have not known him; but I know him: and if I should say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like unto you: but I know him, and keep his saying. “. The LORD  is saying, “I know Him, and KEEP HIS SAYING”.
 Then again He said no one has seen or heard from a FATHER. He says “MY FATHER IS GREATER THAN I, … BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM, … I KEEP HIS SAYING, … And again He says ‘  These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.
”. This means unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD shows us plainly of the FATHER, … no  man can know who the FATHER is, as none has heard or seen such one. !


“Plainly’ means “openly, frankly, i.e without concealment, without the use of figures and comparisons etc. So when did He reveal the FATHER ??? He did not reveal it when HE CAME THE FIRST TIME.  But when The Comforter comes, … He will clearly reveal the FATHER, as He will guide us in to all truth! . This means, even though Jews were worshiping GOD the Father, … whom ‘THEY’ say is their GOD, … they have NOT KNOWN THE REAL FATHER !!! So what is the mystery about the FATHER which JESUS CHRIST the LORD would reveal or has revealed ???


Another thing to consider is, … The LORD  says, we have not known the FATHER. But we worshiped the FATHER, to be greater than JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and some still believe GOD the Father and worship Him. But The LORD  says, we do not know Him, only HE KNOWS ! So WHEN  WE WORSHIPED GOD the Father, … DID WE WORSHIP A GOD WHOM WE HAVE NOT KNOWN? When HWA and all the leaders in the churches of GOD, who are still worshiping GOD the Father, …,  then did and do they know Him as JESUS CHRIST the LORD says ???  One party has to be lying.  Think about this very well. !  JESUS CHRIST the LORD says, ‘whom YOU say is your GOD, … but YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM. … ! So DID WE WORSHIP A GOD WHOM WE NEVER KNEW ??? 


Then why did The LORD  says, I WILL REVEAL THE FATHER ???  That again proves, UNTIL HE REVEALS, … WE WOULD NOT KNOW THE FATHER , even though we say the FATHER is our GOD and worship Him !


Here it is again….“We” say, GOD the Father is our GOD. This means JESUS CHRIST the LORD does not say he is our FATHER, it is WE who say so. But JESUS CHRIST the
LORD says, YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM , but HE knows. !

Then could JESUS CHRIST the LORD be lying ???

Or did we really know GOD the Father, when we worshiped Him ?

One party has to be lying !!!! 

Don’t ever think JESUS CHRIST the LORD would lie. So there is something wrong in our belief in GOD the Father, when we worshiped him !!!


So what is the connection between worshiping the FATHER, and we do not know Him, and  CHRIST the LORD will reveal him ???


Then, there is another surprise in the Scripture to those who worship GOD the Father , as written below. That is, Scripture says, ONE DAY, the wife of CHRIST The LORD  , will call The Husband, ( that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ) , MY ‘FATHER’ !!! Would you ever call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, your FATHER ??? 


If The LORD has cursed Adam with death, and then HE, HIMSELF must remove it! Therefore, JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave a Heavenly vision to Apostle Paul to show HOW, ( we will write about the Heavenly vision in the 2nd part) HE WILL CONVERT ONE TO HIMSELF, and then, all will be made in THE IMAGE OF GOD, IN THE IMAGE OF The CREATOR, with and by HIS SPIRIT, AND THEY WILL BE BORN BY HIM AND HIS WORDS! That means The CREATOR is our FATHER, once again! That is the true CONVERSION! GOD will revert all back to Him. Jer. 3: 19-20 says, when that happens, the wife of CHRIST The LORD also will call The Husband whom she forsook, ‘MY FATHER”! All these years, GOD allowed the man to live WITHOUT HIM and see how well he would do. The LORD must forgive the sin, remove the curses also. For this reason, The LORD MUST CONVERT THE MAN back to the first creation! This is why, GOD sends the message to Laodicea, saying ‘The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Head of the creation of God, says these things: As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” Repenting means, to
understand the error and repent and ask for forgiveness and then, we will be reverted back to THE CREATION! Amen! That is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR takes the Laodiceans back to the beginning. They also are naked as Adam was. So when they are clothed, that means they will become as Adam, a son of GOD !


  The Laodiceans , who are GOD’s own LOVED people, who also became sinful, are separated from The CREATOR. All eras fell from this truth finally. Adam and Laodiceans are naked, not having the SPIRIT of GOD. the covering should be from His SPIRIT. Isa. 30:1. That is why when Adam sinned, he became naked, as GOD cut off the SPIRIT !  Remember GOD
clothed him with a skin, and not by HIS SPIRIT! Adam was a son to GOD. Luk. 3. It is the Spirit of GOD, which makes us SONS to GOD, AS WE ARE BEGOTTEN  BY HIS SPIRIT!  THAT SPIRIT NEVER CAME FROM GOD the Father WHOM YOU SAY IS YOUR GOD, … BUT FROM The ROCK, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!  At last, the Laodicea leader DRANK FROM A DUMB ROCK and took all the people away from The ROCK WHO GIVES THE SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK. The high priest preached to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD , not to focus on Him too much etc. Is it any wonder why JESUS CHRIST the LORD tells the Laodicea leader to buy clothes from Him ??? The LORD  Hid Himself from them. He spewed her out of His mouth!


All Israel drank from The ROCK . 1 cor 10: 3- 4. THEN, ALL WERE BEGOTTEN BY HIM. Deut.  32: 18. THAT MEANS, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, … IT IS The ROCK , JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO IS YOUR FATHER !!!!  DID YOU BELIEVE AND ACCEPT HIM AS YOUR FATHER????   He ALONE LED YOU, HE ALONE COMES TO SAVE YOU EVEN NOW!  !!   the high priest preached, that he drank ‘MUCH SPIRIT DRINK” from a dumb rock, … is worthy of HANGING to death, because if you are disobedient to your FATHER, the punishment is by hanging! But, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the FATHER, The CREATOR, was hanged to save the disobedient sons !   If Gerald Flurry  was the high priest in those days, … that is the punishment. !!!  (Eze. 16: 40) !  So his father should be this dumb rock


HOLY SPIRIT, or words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD begets us by HIS OWN WILL. Jam 1: 18, 1Pet 1: 23, Begetting means giving birth. If it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS OWN WILL which gives HIS OWN SPIRIT to bring us to birth, as Israel were Deut.  32: 18, HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER.  So when you are given that understanding, … you are a son to Him and are born of HIS SPIRIT once again! His SPIRIT, the words are like the sperm of the father, which gives birth to sons, PHYSICALLY! Even if there was another GOD called GOD the Father, … still, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who should be our FATHER, if HE BEGETS US !  And by HIS OWN WILL means no other FATHER is involved in giving birth to us. Understand this thoroughly and repent for not believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, that HE IS THE FATHER ! Just as Adam was cut off from HIS FATHER WHO CREATED AND GAVE BIRTH TO HIM, … UNTO THE Laodicea era, all failed to drink the SPIRIT from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and failed to be BORN AGAIN Spiritually. ! But now the time has come to REVERT ALL BACK TO THE CREATION , as the first fruits are already born by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT  and image ! Rom.  8 says, we need the SPIRIT of The SON, and the image of The SON. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Then, we are sons to The SON !


So Adam’s sin caused him to be separated from the FATHER who CREATED HIM! Ever since all humans are to be SEPARATED from their FATHER, The CREATOR, GOD! Apostle
Paul wrote a mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, but no one knew that HE IS OUR FATHER! If we need the image of The SON,  CHRIST the LORD, and His SPIRIT, then should He not be our FATHER, as HE CREATED us also? Deut.  32: 18 says, The ROCK who is The CREATOR ‘BEGAT’ Israel. if He BEGAT them, then HE SHOULD BE THEIR FATHER! Psa. 89:26, king David said, The ROCK or the GOD of ‘salvation’, is his FATHER!


 CHRIST the LORD, and His children will be a sign and a wonder … So the GOD of salvation, brought forth His own sons, so they can declare HIM, as the Captain of Salvation. ! No man could choose to be a son to GOD. GOD, or the FATHER must bring forth sons, giving birth!
Physically also that is the way sons are born. So, these sons have glorified Him as the Captain of Salvation. Then, as king David also said, … the Captain of Salvation, should be our FATHER. !!!

Psa 89:24  But My faithfulness and My mercy shall be
with him; and in My name his horn shall be lifted up.

Psa 89:26  He shall cry to Me, My Father, You are
my God, and the Rock of my salvation. }}}…

Psa 89:27  And I will make him My first-born, higher
than the kings
of the earth.

Psa 89:28  I will keep My mercy for him forever, and My
covenant shall stand fast with him
. }}}… the FAITHFUL GOD is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He said so to Laodiceans in Rev. 3:14. And this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, because HE IS
The ROCK OF SALVATION. So king David’s horn will be lifted up in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name !

And then, king David will call on Him, … MY FATHER !!!  You are my GOD !!! That is to The ROCK , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! So The ROCK, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD promised that He will make him His first born, to be HIGHER than the kings.  And His mercy… will be with him for ever. And that Covenant , will stand for ever. This is about king David’s throne. So who ever sits on king David’s throne, … also must
have The ROCK as the FATHER, and GOD. also will be made the FIRST BORN and higher than kings. So remember these facts.


And then, … The ROCK of salvation, … or the Captain of Salvation, brought forth HIS OWN SONS TO GLORY, so they can preach Him as the Captain of Salvation. And these sons, will be a sign and a wonder to Israel, … to prove the GOD and the FATHER of king
David and all humans. Also these sons must be the FIRST BORN of The ROCK … and must also be HIGHER than the kings of the earth !!!  So remember all these and prove.  But before that, here is the Scripture which says, the Captain of Salvation , brought forth HIS SONS.


Heb 2:9  But we SEE “JESUS”, “ so this Scripture talks about JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of
their salvation perfect
}}}…it was ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’… and from HIM, all things.  And JESUS The LORD , brought many SONS to glory. this is now, when the book of Hebrews is to be fulfilled, and at this time, HE HAS COME AS THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE APOSTLE, as no other could do those works, … and having come, HE CALLED these sons, or the new priesthood, as the priesthood and the law needs to be changed. Heb.  7.  So this is the Royal Priesthood, taken out of darkness as Apostle Peter wrote, giving them a LAST TIME salvation, as written elsewhere. So at JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s coming, the priesthood changes to Judah, (HWA and GF had), but at His coming, HE ADOPTS the gentiles Eph.  1, and calls the Royal Priesthood , who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE! These are given faith. As written elsewhere, … the apostles of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are called, by Himself, and after they OBEYED FAITH.  And Israel is cut off from faith.
Rom.  11: 20. So HE BROUGHT MANY SONS to glory, means to know and understand His mercy, by raising them up by His mercy, … in order to PERFECT the Captain of Salvation, who is HIMSELF !!!  THAT MEANS TO PREACH HIM AND HIS MERCY AND IT IS HE WHO GIVES SALVATION, because at this time, we NEED SALVATION.


If ALL THINGS are from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then, we are born of Him !!! If He gave us life, then HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER !


Which GOD is the Captain of Salvation , whom these children would be making perfect???  This means, until these sons are BROUGHT TO GLORY, BY THIS Captain of Salvation, … NO ONE HAS REALLY KNOWN HIM ! And the GOD who is spoken here, MUST BE THE FATHER OF US ALL. ! Because, ALL THINGS ARE FROM HIM, AND IF HE BROUGHT SONS, THEN HE MUST BE THEIR FATHER! “to make the captain
of their salvation perfect
G5048 :  Strong’s

G5048 G3588 G747 G846 G4991

From G5046; to complete, that is, (literally) accomplish, or (figuratively) consummate (in character): – consecrate, finish, fulfil, (make) perfect.

Thayer Definition:

1) to make perfect, complete

1a) to carry through completely, to accomplish, finish, bring to an end

2) to complete (perfect)

2a) add what is yet wanting in order to render a thing full

2b) to be found perfect

3) to bring to the end (goal) proposed

4) to accomplish 

4a) bring to a close or
fulfilment by event

4a1) of the
prophecies of the scriptures


G 747 : “From G746 and G71;
a chief leader: – author, captain, prince.

Thayer Definition:

1) the chief leader, prince 1a) of Christ

2) one that takes the lead in any thing and thus affords an example, a
predecessor in a matter, pioneer 
3) the author

And this word is used 4 times, and all of them to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


Act 3:14  But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;

Act 3:15  And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses….


Act 5:31  Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness
of sins.


Heb 12:2  Looking unto Jesus the AUTHOR and finisher of our
..}}}…  G4991 Strong’s rescue or safety (physically or morally): – deliver,
health, salvation, save, saving.

Thayer Definition:

1) deliverance, preservation, safety, salvation

1a) deliverance from the molestation
of enemies

1b) in an ethical sense, that which concludes to the souls safety or salvation

1b1) of Messianic salvation

2) salvation as the present possession of all true Christians

3) future salvation, the sum of benefits and blessings which the Christians, redeemed from all
earthly ills, will enjoy after the visible return of Christ from heaven in the
consummated and eternal kingdom of God.

There cant be any doubts, this is talking about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK of salvation, and not about any other gods. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, BROUGHT these
sons to GLORY, so they can make the Captain of Salvation, perfect.  So The CREATOR, or the Captain of Salvation, … IS THEIR FATHER, because these are SONS to Him, whom HE, HIMSELF brought to glory. This is CHRIST and HIS children , who are to be a sign and a wonder. THIS MEANS THERE ARE MANY SISTER CHURCHES, AND MANY LEADERS, PROPHETS, HIGH PRIESTS, BUT NO ONE WAS BROUGHT AS A SON TO THE Captain of Salvation OR TO The CREATOR , until this time!  The sign of who these children are , they will be CALLING THE Captain of Salvation, OR The CREATOR, THEIR ‘FATHER’. !!! Bringing to glory as SONS means, The CREATOR CONVERTED them as Adam was first made. !  So this is how, JESUS CHRIST the LORD ,REVEALED THE FATHER, as written above in John 16: 25 !!! Until The Comforter came, we were not guided in to all truth !!! If you do not call The CREATOR, your ‘FATHER’, … you still need salvation ! Those who received salvation, are calling the GOD who gave them salvation, ‘OUR FATHER’.!


“But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, ..And killed the Prince of life,

Without a doubt, we know, the Captain of Salvation is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR,  and the PRINCE OF LIFE ! HE IS THE HOLY ONE AND JUST He is. Deut.  32: 3. And v 18
says, HE BEGAT YOU, which means He Is your FATHER , and JUST AND RIGHT He Is. So Deut.  32 is to witness against Israel, who REJECTED THE JUST ONE, THE ROCK WHO BEGAT THEM, WHICH MEANS THEIR OWN FATHER, … and He is THE PRINCE OF LIFE ! If you denied the PRINCE of life, … would you get life ???  You never knew your GOD, or the FATHER who begat, created you!  But you denied. This is why, as written below, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, those who DENIED HIS NAME…. are a synagogue of satan !!!


God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. }}}… Who is the ‘GOD’, who exalted this PRINCE AND The Saviour ???  IT IS HIS OWN WORDS !!!  Have you heard from another GOD saying that he has exalted JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Saviour ???   It is HIS OWN WORDS which EXALTED HIM. And by declaring Him as the Captain of Salvation, … these children also are exalting Him. ! Remember unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD is exalted, HE WILL NOT GATHER ANYONE. John 12: 32. !  Therefore, if you are NOT AMONG THESE SONS OF The CREATOR, … YOU STILL ARE DENYING HIM ! You very well know HE IS The Saviour, and the GOD who gives life, but you do not go to Him to get life. “Search the scriptures; for in them
ye think ye have eternal life
: and they are they which TESTIFY OF ME… And ye
WILL NOT COME TO ME, THAT YE MIGHT HAVE LIFE. John 5: 39-40. Is HE LYING ???   Have you gone to The ROCK of salvation to get the Scripture , to receive everlasting life ???  You think you know the Scripture and you have life in your law keeping. This is why you rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS GRACE which alone gives life. man is condemned to death, from Adam’s time.  And unless JESUS CHRIST the LORD , our LIFE, ( John 1), … we have no life. so He brought many SONS to know Him, because ‘glory’ means to know and understand as written below, … so we can PREACH HIM TO OTHERS and others can see HIM AND HIS SONS as a sign and a wonder !!!
So you read the Scripture, the SPOKEN WORD OF THE SAME GOD, … and it is the Scripture, or HIS OWN WORDS which testify OF HIM, … THAT IT IS HE WHO GIVES
EVERLASTING LIFE…, but you do not go to Him to get it and went PASSING HIM, NOT FOCUSING HIM TOO MUCH ( as the high priest taught) and went to GOD the Father,
whom YOU say is your GOD, John 8:54 … and now you preach to drink the SPIRIT, or the words of The CREATOR, from a dumb rock ! SO REMEMBER GOD WILL NEVER
LIE.!  Has not all these fulfilled ??


Because His own did not receive Him, but closed the door to Him, unto the Laodicea era which is NOW, … He must bring some sons to Him, to PREACH HIM to all..  UNLESS, HOW COULD THE SALVATION COME???  In truth, you need salvation from these lies against Him, and must go to HIM TO GET IT.  and that is to turn your heart to the true FATHER . ! So if HIS OWN Sanctuary, MINISTRY, THE WIC DOES NOT PREACH HIM, … SOME OTHERS MUST. !  The wife too does not know, that The Husband is also the FATHER,  until she learns
from these children. Jer. 3: 19-20. (more below). Read this Scripture and see . there are some children who are already in the pleasant land, … but the wife has not returned to Him , calling Him, Mr FATHER !!!


 So these sons whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY, … have obeyed Him, after receiving the words of salvation. (They are prophesied to sanctify, and fear Him. Is 29:23). He gives the HOLY SPIRIT to those who OBEY Him. That is to obey JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR ! So as The LORD  promised, He gave the SPIRIT and made them perfect.

Act 5:31  Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. }}}… there is no other GOD, other than The CREATOR. It is He who have spoken all the words. Have you heard or seen any other, and as written above, no one knows the FATHER except JESUS CHRIST the LORD reveals. !

Act 5:32  And we are His witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him}}}… so GOD gives HOLY SPIRIT to those who obey
Him. ! Would He give the HOLY SPIRIT to Laodiceans ??  They are naked means no HOLY SPIRIT. because the covering should be by the HOLY SPIRIT. Isa. 30: 1 ! That is why Adam and Laodiceans became naked.
Besides no leader in Laodicea went to The ROCK to drink it, but went passing Him to GOD the Father!



So the GOD who exalted THE PRINCE AND The Saviour is HIS OWN WORDS, the Scripture. And He gives the Scripture, to those who OBEY HIM.  But first , He must give the inspiration as all Scripture is given for that purpose. Then, once we fulfilled our obedience to The CREATOR, … He uses to avenge those who did not, … so THEY TOO CAN OBEY, because these children are a sign and a wonder ! SO ONE MUST OBEY JESUS CHRIST
the LORD, The CREATOR! To get life, one must go to HIM !!!


Look at how evil the high priest and his den of thieves ??? The high priest, WROTE, “ I drank much SPIRITUAL drink from this prayer ‘rock” !!!  Drinking from a rock and not FROM The ROCK WHO BEGAT US, proves this man’s disobedience to his own, SPIRITUAL FATHER IN HEAVEN. and as The LORD  said in Hos. 9:7,  he exhibits his  SPIRITUAL foolishness. People worshiped stones and rocks anciently, when they were primitive, and WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD or the WRITTEN WORD of GOD . For a high priest, who claims to be a prophet of GOD, … and saying I am intimate with GOD etc, … and stopping the people from going to The ROCK to drink the spiritual drink, the only source it comes from, … shows he is a beast, without understanding. Psa. 49:20! Well GOD warned about that to us. Such behavior is unacceptable in this day and age, as he says he is a prophet of GOD.  so WHICH GOD IS HIS GOD???  The DUMB rock !!!


If he worshiped The ROCK , .. He would have given His image and the SPIRITUAL DRINK to him.  And The LORD  would have given His divine nature as well, as written elsewhere. So without GOD’s nature, in such acts, … we can see his STONY HEART.  Because if he drinks from a stone, … then he has a stony heart!  No wonder why and GOD says, they have stony hearts !!!  This is why, as written below … Elijah should come and turn the hearts to the FATHER and then, The LORD  says I WILL GIVE THEM NEW, FLESHLY HEARTS !!!   The HOLY SPIRIT, is given to our hearts as written elsewhere.  Could The ROCK give HIS SPIRIT TO such an evil man’s heart???
What does it mean ‘HOLY’  and ‘UN-holy”????  Did not GOD prophesy about such people?


Deu 4:27  And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead you.

Deu 4:28  And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. }}}… ‘WOOD AND STONES’… are worshiped when The LORD  has scattered all. Jam 1: 1 proves you are scattered as you did not gather to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is The ROCK. Mat. 12: 30 .  And The LORD caused us to watch your captivity. Eze. 39: 21- 23 .So The LORD ’s words have come true now !!! Such abominations are committed in GOD’s own Sanctuary !!! When you sin like this, you would not know what you are doing it.  Remember as Eze. 14 says, when a prophet has an idol in the heart, GOD deceives him to believe what he is doing is true.  So that is why GOD says the wife of CHRIST The LORD also has forsaken Him !   THAT IS THE DELUSION , spoken in 2 Thess. 2, where the temple high priest is doing. !!!  but GOD has prophesied and He says the gentiles will see. so we have seen. And GOD says, the last high priest will be put in the fire and taken out. So HE WILL purify him and the whole Levitical ministry who did not fear
The LORD of HOSTS  as the FATHER, … will learn it, when they are being purified, to convert them to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK , to live by Him once again !


How could The ROCK give His SPIRIT , to a such a man who thinks dumb rock fathered him ??? THIS IS DISGUSTING !!!  Unacceptable… for even a man to do so. !  SUCH ACTS PROVE, THAT HE does not have The ROCK as the FATHER, OR The ROCK who gives the spiritual drink in him. !!!  He is doing his best, WITHOUT GOD. so that proves, he has no GOD in him. ! So could this high priest be among these sons who were brought to glory, to PERFECT JESUS CHRIST the LORD AS THE Captain of Salvation , when he rejected Him totally ?? Besides, these sons declare JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE PRINCE OF LIFE as their FATHER and the Captain of Salvation !!!! No one calls Him my FATHER yet !


He never preached that one should worship and fear The CREATOR according to the Everlasting gospel in Rev. 14: 6- 7 . So how could Mat. 24: 14 be fulfilled, as HWA preached the kingdom of GOD and not this Everlasting gospel ! No one ever preached the Everlasting gospel to worship JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  How could the hearts of the children be turned to The CREATOR, when they do not preach that gospel?  This is the gospel which will
JUDGE one and also ESTABLISHES one as written elsewhere.


Heb 2:11  For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, }}}.. the GOD who sanctifies, and the children who are SANCTIFIED, are all ONE.  The LORD  prayed for these children in John 17.  And said ‘ I HAVE REVEALED GOD’s name to them. How could such a high priest who hates JESUS CHRIST the LORD,… be sanctified WITH HIM AND BECOME ONE WITH HIM ??  Could any one in any of the sister churches of GOD say, they are ONE WITH THE Captain of Salvation ???  Have they preached Him ???

Heb 2:12  Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. }}}… these children
also praise GOD, after receiving the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD on the day of THE LORD as Zeph. 3: 9 – 10 says ! IN John 17, where The LORD  prayed for these children who are GIVEN TO HIM, to make one with Him, .. said in v 6, “I have manifested
THY NAME unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world:”. So these children, cannot be HIS OWN, who did not receive Him as John 1: 11-12 says, nor the Laodiceans, as they totally cut Him off. Besides Isa. 8, as proven elsewhere in this writing proves Israel and Judah stumbled but these children are in the midst of The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And Levitical ministry did not honor Him as the FATHER. Mal. 1:6 ! So these children, are prophesied to be with The LORD of HOSTS , who is The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the Captain of Salvation ! Next verse will be more clearer.


And no one can claim to be these children who are given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD , because Isa. 8: 14, 18 explains all Judah and Israel have stumbled on Him, but these children are given to Him which means they are predestinated as written elsewhere. So
these children cannot be among Israel or Judah. And this is the SECOND TIME when The LORD  comes.

Heb 2:13  And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me. }}}…This Scripture, talks about ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’!
No one can make a mistake of the identity of this GOD, … as it says ‘
JESUS’. So it is not the GOD the Father whom you say is your GOD, and the FATHER. John 8:54.  King David called ‘The ROCK’, My FATHER and my GOD ! That is the Covenant between GOD, The ROCK and king David, about the throne of king David. !


Isaiah prophesied, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD prayed for them and in Hebrews it is fulfilled !!!

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which.


Heb.  2:13 Behold I and the children which God hath given me.


John 17:6…” I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou
gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.”


Heb 2:12  Saying, I will declare thy name

As you can see… we have nothing to do with any of the works of The LORD , and HE, HIMSELF MUST BRING US FORTH !  So He spoke through Isaiah and many other prophets, … and then in HIS FIRST coming, He prayed for them and then, He REVEALED THE Name of THE LORD to them. ! The name was said in Deut.  32: 2-3. So CHRIST and HIS children , are a sign and a wonder in Israel to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD and HIS SONS !!! THEY ARE CONVERTED by Himself , to HIMSELF!


Therefore,, as GOD prophesied by Isaiah, He came and prayed for these children who are given to Him, to be one with Him and they are to keep His word “kept thy word”…and to them, the Name of THE LORD is declared. But, this is to be fulfilled in Heb.  2, AFTER The LORD , THE Captain of Salvation BRINGS HIS SONS TO GLORY !!! If The LORD  revealed His name or the FATHER to apostles in the first century, …. Then John 16: 25 , He would not say, I WILL reveal the FATHER.  this was said to the apostles.  So at that time, He did not reveal, but also said The Comforter will come and will GUIDE US IN TO ALL TRUTH
! There should not be any confusion understanding about GOD or His children. It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His sons. ! AND THEY DECLARE HIM AS THE Captain of Salvation, … OR AS KING DAVID DID, The ROCK OF SALVATION TO BE THE FATHER !!!!



“But we SEE “JESUS, … For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect”.  So it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who brought SONS to glory ( TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND Jer. 9:24 ) AND HE IS THE Captain of Salvation , and THEY ARE HIS SONS, … AS THEY PERFECT or preach THE Captain of Salvation.  THAT IS The ROCK OF SALVATION , whom king David said was HIS FATHER as written elsewhere !!! And The Comforter also comes to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD.


Joh 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide
you into all truth
: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Joh 16:14  He shall GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

Joh 16:15  All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall TAKE
, and shall shew
it unto you
.}}}…So when The Comforter comes, He will tell us the TRUTH, … and He will take what is  CHRIST the LORD’s, … and will show, … and that is TO GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  It was not known till now. So it was a thing to COME. !  This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD is prophesied to come again and give the knowledge of GOD , Isa. 11: 9 – 11, … and the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD , turning the judgments offf. Zeph. 3: 9 – 15 ! So ‘He shall take of Mine’ means, what ever is WRITTEN , which are HIS WORDS !


guess who could be glorifying JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but the Scripture tells


Eph 1:5  Having predestinated us unto the
adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the
good pleasure of his will, 

Eph 1:6  To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he
hath made us accepted in the beloved.
}}}… gentiles, are not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sons, but Israel was. But since when He came the first time, they did not receive Him, so
He prophesied that He will come again a second time, but to gentiles to provoke
Israel to jealousy. That is how the day of THE LORD or the Times of Gentiles is
fulfilled.  The last work upon the earth is the Times of Gentiles, but The LORD
Has anointed some children to be with Him as you will see, and HE, HIMSELF IS TO COME AND GIVE THE UNDERSTANDING to the. 1  John is written to them. 1 John 2:
12-27,  4: 4, 17



And then, … we are to glory, in GOD, if we are IN JESUS

1Co 1:30  But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

1Co 1:31  That, according as it is written, HE THAT GLORIETH, LET HIM GLORY IN THE LORD. }}}… “WE SEE JESUS’,…. Bringing many sons to glory, … to make the Captain of Salvation perfect, … and they glory, IN HIM … “ he that glory, let him glory in The LORD , … IF, YOU ARE IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD”!!!! Col. 3: 16,


And the wisdom is to be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … is given after the
faith came. “holy scriptures, which are able to make thee
wise unto salvation
through faith which is in Christ Jesus
.”2 Ti 3:15 . Faith, is
. it is a gift. Eph.  2:8.
The wisdom needed for SALVATION, is given then by Faith of CHRIST THE LORD !!! So if the salvation comes by Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, … then, HE WOULD HAVE GIVEN FAITH TO THESE CHILDREN, as they had to be given salvation, in order to make the Captain of Salvation, perfect! If they did not
receive salvation first, … how could they perfect the Captain of Salvation or
the GOD who gives salvation ???  These are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own sons , whom HE,


There should not be any confusions about the GOD who brings these sons, … it is The ROCK the GOD of salvation, The Saviour, JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The LORD of HOSTS  !.



Then, it is from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … all things. And then, … it is
JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who brought many SONS to glory. ( that means, He converted them as Adam. ) Remember glory means to know and understand HIS LOVE AND KINDNESS which is mercy. so He has to give mercy and do what He says FIRST, to give glory to Him. As written above in Eph.  1 also says. that is why as a sign and a wonder, He brought them to glory and not because anything they had done, as it was prophesied even back in Gen. 49: 10-12, by JACOB  and Abraham .


And He brought them as sons, to MAKE THE Captain of Salvation, PERFECT. That means after JESUS CHRIST the LORD brought them forth, they will declare about Him, that HE IS THE GOD WHO GIVES US BIRTH and salvation,
He begets us by the word of truth, and then it is the gentiles who HEARD THE WORD OF TRUTH. Eph.  1: 13 !!!  So if they are sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK, the GOD of salvation, then they will preach Him! . They are all one. And who have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in them ???
1 John 4:4, Col. 1:27. It is the gentiles, the little children.  And 1 John 4:17 says, as HE IS, these little children are, on day of judgment . THAT IS DURING THE Laodicea ERA.  So what ever The LORD  does in judgment, it is through these children He does . The first fruits are only the beginning. (more below). See first fruits



And it is written who these children are, as they are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel… they are
Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23-24 and as proven above and below. So if the Captain of Salvation, who is
The ROCK of salvation, brought forth SONS, … then HE SHOULD BE THEIR FATHER !!!


And those who failed to drink from Him, … are not HIS SONS !!! But they will be too.

Then John 1: 11-13 says HE CAME TO HIS OWN, but they did not receive Him, but those who RECEIVED Him, are made SONS of GOD! Receiving JESUS CHRIST the LORD , made them ‘SONS’ of GOD !!! “But as many AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME:”. if receiving JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … made them SONS to GOD, … then whose sons should these receivers be ??? They should be SONS of the GOD whom they RECEIVED , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! Then read the next verse… ! When they receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they are BORN of GOD AND WILL NOT BE FLESH AND BLOOD ANY MORE !!!  These things are revealed, so all could be converted. !


Joh 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. }}}… “flesh, blood”??? “which were born, BUT OF GOD”!!!! See how they are REVERTED OR CONVERTED back to Adam, when he was first created, BORN OF GOD? Adam was NOT flesh and blood, but made in the image of GOD with the SPIRIT of GOD , The CREATOR’s.  Adam only saw The CREATOR. He has not seen any other GOD , called GOD the Father, … nor any dumb rocks as the Laodiceans have, to drink the SPIRIT! So read both verses together to understand…


He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. …But as many as received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: .. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”. who ever RECEIVED and BELIEVED in the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … He gave power to become SONS OF GOD ! So what is the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they believed and MADE THEM SONS OF GOD ???   If these believers became SONS to GOD, … that means the GOD whom they BELIEVED, should be THEIR FATHER !!!!!    HIS OWN DID NOT believe, … then it should be NOT HIS OWN who believed. ! And it is the gentiles who believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD as you will see if not already in our past writings.!  But, this is the second time HE CAME and gave the knowledge of GOD . Isa. 11: 9 – 11.  And that is the Glorious Rest ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD ADOPTED THEM AS HIS OWN SONS. And the gentiles believed the word of TRUTH. Eph.  1 , v 13, and as they believed, THEY ARE SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT ! That is the breath of The CREATOR, … the words of The CREATOR, … the SPIRIT of The CREATOR.  And they believe HE IS OUR FATHER ! So these who received JESUS CHRIST the LORD, became sons to Him, …. Sons to The CREATOR, with His SPIRIT and image, … and were CONVERTED, OR REVERTED as Adam !


That means they are CONVERTED as Adam was a son!  Therefore, RECEIVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, MAKES US SONS OF GOD as Adam was! So what is the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they believed? “THE EVERLASTING FATHER is also The SON , The LORD of HOSTS  is the FATHER, and any name of GOD, applies to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ” !!! Isa. 63: 16, 2 cor 6: 17-19 ! The REDEEMER, THE ALMIGHTY, is the FATHER !  We are The CREATOR’s offspring. Acts. 17 . But remember… Jer. 3: 19-20 says, YOU , THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD  ALSO WILL CALL HIM, The Husband; ‘MY FATHER’, when YOU RETURN TO HIM !

That is when YOU WILL BE CONVERTED !!!!


That means you will also believe in HIS NAME, ‘the Everlasting FATHER’ !!! “And I said, Thou shalt call ME, MY FATHER; and shalt not turn away from Me. Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.”. The Husband says, as a WIFE departs, you have departed from Me. So this is The Husband Speaking. And The Husband says, you, the wife, … will call ME, MY ‘FATHER’, and will NOT TURN away from Me”. !  That means the WIFE, DEPARTED FROM The Husband, … but when SHE RETURNS, … she will call HIM, MY ‘FATHER’ !  She will know, The Husband, who is The CREATOR is the FATHER !  That is the true conversion , the NEW SPIRITUAL CREATION ! By the SPIRIT of The CREATOR, The Husband, the Everlasting FATHER !!! Whether you like it or not, … you will call Him, my FATHER! The LORD Has Spoken!


But, before she calls ‘my FATHER’, .. there are some children, who ALREADY KNOW THEIR FATHER , AND THEY ARE IN THE PLEASANT LAND, HAVING A GOODLY HERITAGE AND THEY ARE THE HOSTS OF THE NATIONS. These nations, are HOSTED by these children, who already KNOW THEIR FATHER ! you will see…

Jer 3:19  But I said, How shall I put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? and I said, Thou shalt call me, My father; and shalt not turn away from Me. }}}…Because, you did not call The Husband, ‘MY FATHER”, … you have TURNED AWAY FROM HIM! But these children, know their true FATHER. They are yours, the WIFE’S hosts now. They have a goodly heritage. As it was in the creation, … GOD see them as good. That is because, they know their FATHER .  THEY HAVE RETURNED TO The CREATOR, THEIR FATHER ! The FATHER Has converted them according to the Heavenly vision , which we will write in the second part.


How would these children be the HOSTS of the nations? Understand… these nations, are not among these children or in the goodly heritage, the pleasant land. But, these children will teach the wife about the FATHER… see v 14-15 ,

Jer 3:14  Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion:

Jer 3:15  And I WILL GIVE YOU PASTORS ACCORDING TO MINE HEART, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. }}}… now there are two kinds of people here. Some are BACKSLIDDEN from The Husband, as IT IS The Husband who speaks here, … and the others are already in the pleasant land, … and are to be HOSTS of these backslidden children, who are the wife of CHRIST The LORD ! And these hosts , the goodly children MUST ALREADY HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE UNDERSTANDING !  The LORD  came the second time and gave the knowledge… Isa. 11: 9 – 11 and they understood. They are Isa. 29: 23- 24 children, who sanctified and feared The LORD …., and in their time, … those who ERRED IN SPIRIT… will come to understanding. So they have to be hosts of these nations who do not know The Husband is the FATHER also, … teaching the wife of CHRIST The LORD , .. as The LORD  sends them as pastors after GOD’s own heart ! So these children in the pleasant land is mentioned with the backslidden children. Heb.  2: 10- 13 talks about these GOODLY children who know their FATHER, … and v 14 talks about those who DO NOT KNOW HIM, AND ARE STILL FLESH AND BLOOD !!!  Read Heb.  2: 10-14 again. Those who glorifies the Captain of Salvation, … are not flesh and blood any more. But the children of v 14, are still flesh and blood !  THAT MEANS , RECEIVING AND BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, MADE THEM SPIRIT as they are not flesh and blood any more. !


And these goodly children are converted as they KNOW
THEIR FATHER ! They know The Husband is also the FATHER ! Since they are to be
the hosts, they have to be the pastors after GOD’s own HEART. Because the FATHER has given His SPIRIT to these sons. So they are being conformed in to the image of GOD ( image of The SON Rom.  8) and they will teach with understanding and knowledge to the wife ! So they are the Isa. 29: 23- 24 children, whose time, those who erred in SPIRIT also will come to understanding.! These children will not fail, as they are the works of The
LORD ’s own hands


Isa 29:23  But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall SANCTIFY MY NAME, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel}}}… see as written above, in Heb.  2: 10-13, they declare Him as the Captain of Salvation, and in this Scripture it says these children who are also in HIS MIDST, will sanctify HIS NAME! So remember John 17 :6 also and The Comforter , the Spirit and Truth also !

Isa 29:24  They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine. }}}… these children, will sanctify THE HOLY ‘ONE’ and fear the GOD of ‘ISRAEL’ !!!  And as they are the works of The LORD ’s hands, they will not fail. And this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  They believed HIS NAME, and were made sons as written above !!!  “Erred in SPIRIT’ means in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words the SPIRIT which gives spiritual life. John 6:63. That means those who did not drink the spiritual drink from The ROCK or Him.  That is how the nakedness of the wife of CHRIST The LORD  , will be covered by the SPIRIT .. and she will be granted to wear fine linen. !


murmured shall learn doctrine”…What is the doctrine which Israel did not remember nor learn?  It is the NAME OF The ROCK …or the Captain of Salvation’s name. if they learned His name, then it is they who would be sons to glorify Him. !

Deu 32:2  My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:

Deu 32:3  Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.

Deu 32:4  He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He. }}}… so GOD’s doctrine, is to PUBLISH THE NAME OF The LORD , … TO GIVE GREATNESS to our GOD, that is to The ROCK, … and He is THE TRUTH. !  So this has to be after The Comforter came and gave us this truth as written below … which is to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! V 2 says it will come on a tender herb… and that is a woman. And that is why, on the ‘DAY OF THE LORD’, during the Times of Gentiles, Eze. 30: 3, … the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD was given to the daughterof GOD. Zeph. 3: 9- “I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.” . This pure language is given , so that we can call upon the Name of THE LORD, with one consent. That means WITHOUT CONFUSION ! That is why The LORD  came the second time and gave the knowledge of GOD  !!! The gentiles are created for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s glory, Eph.  1, and they magnify His name, … and preach Him as written below. ! This is Micah 5: 5-9 .

So The ROCK is the Captain of Salvation … of The ROCK of salvation who brought these SONS. So we are The CREATOR’s sons, converted !!!

Mystery of GOD finishes in Rev. 10: 7, which is during the Times of Gentiles and Israel’s judgment.  And HWA even did not live to this period of time , even though he wrote the mystery of GOD. and that knowledge came from His own heart ! He never feared or sanctified the Holy ONE, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD or HIS NAME as he preached two gods and said GOD the Father is greater than JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! No leader in Israel could be a PASTOR AFTER GOD’S OWN HEART, as this GOD spoken in Jer. 3 is The Husband, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and to HIM, we must turn, by calling Him, ‘ MY FATHER’ !!!  No one called Him, MY FATHER, until we did as HE REVEALED THIS TO US, according to the Scripture!   CHRIST the LORD is to come to HIS OWN, the first time, but to gentiles, the second time !!!  All things written, must be fulfilled just as it is written. !


Then, Jer. 3 further says… THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR GOD!  So which GOD they forgot?  Not GOD the Father, whom they say is their GOD. John 8:54, but they forgot The Husband, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  But the wife will be CONVERTED !!!

Jer 3:21  A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the LORD their God.

Jer 3:22  Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God}}}…when these PASTORS or children the hosts teach that The Husband is also the FATHER, … The Husband wants the wife to RETURN to Him. !!!! He sends these pastors to teach her the way to The Husband. !

Jer 3:25  We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.}}}… “confusion”???  The LORD  said, you will be IN BABYLON, to be delivered. Micah 4:10. This is why, you are in Babylon as the book of revelation says. You have forgotten your GOD, and went after other gods and stones and wood and committed harlotry.  We proved it is the wife of CHRIST The LORD  who is the mysterious harlot who has daughters. See Eze. 16: 50- 63.  The sister who JUDGED others, have done WORSE than others. No other leader in any of the churches broke the Covenant of JACOB, by replacing the stone of destiny. And drink the spiritual drink from a rock of a man !!!  That is spiritual sodomy as proven in previous writings ! The high priest loves a man, more than his GOD !!!  So you have not obeyed the voice of your LORD GOD ! We are to be born of GOD means we become GOD’s children. ! Gerald Flurry said HWA is his ‘spiritual’ father. so his GOD is HWA and he is his father as well. Our GOD should be our FATHER ! Physically also HE CREATED US, and now Spiritually also He will  beget or create us! Then, HE IS OUR FATHER. !

 The HIGH places are the ALTAR, THE MINISTRY , THE Sanctuary of GOD.  the leaders who caused all to forget their GOD.  so they have to WEEP …. As they have PERVERTED THEIR WAY… because, they FORGOT THEIR LORD GOD , The ROCK as Deut.  32 says !!!  Your LORD, … GOD should be your ONLY FATHER! As written above, king David called The Saviour, MY FATHER, The ROCK OF SALVATION. Psa. 89: 26 ! The true GOD must be our FATHER, AS WE CAME FORTH FROM HIM !!!  You did not forget your GOD the Father, John 8:54 , or dumb rocks , but you forgot the GOD who is The ROCK , the GOD who BEGAT YOU.! Do you call The Husband, your FATHER ??  Did any leader in GOD’s church teach to call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our ‘FATHER’??? So you have forgotten JESUS CHRIST the LORD is your FATHER !  How could you know that, as you never drank the spiritual drink from Him, but other dumb rocks ? That is the abomination which caused GOD to leave the wife of CHRIST The LORD , the ministry, …. The desolation and not even one stone is left upon another.  But we preach the true Everlasting gospel to worship the true One and ONLY TRUE GOD and the Everlasting FATHER !

GOD says, HE WILL HEAL YOUR BACKSLIDINGS…. And then you will behold Him… and go to your GOD !!!  shame and confusion, will be no more.  You will know what is your sin… !  Forgetting The Husband , and forsaking Him and found other fathers.  The high priest said GOD the Father is his father and HWA is our ‘spiritual’ father as if the SPIRIT comes from HWA ! Not only he drank the spirit from HWA, but drank ‘much spiritual drink from his rock”!!!!  YOU DISOBEYED YOUR OWN FATHER, GOD AND The Husband !!! You know the penalty for a disobedient son???  Death by hanging!

“for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.}}}…the GOD whom you did not obey is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Husband !!!  THAT IS YOUR SIN !!! The sin which could not be pardoned !  Your GOD, is a SPIRIT.  and disobeying the HOLY SPIRIT is the unpardonable sin , as we have proven over and over ! Adam did the same sin. He disobeyed the voice of The LORD  !  What is the voice of The LORD  ???  It is HIS WORDS, THE SPIRIT WHICH IS THE TRUTH AND LIFE !!! John 6:63 and it comes from The CREATOR or JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s mouth.!  So The CREATOR is the FATHER ! So the Spirit and Truth was CUT OFF, till The Comforter COMES !!!  Do you understand that?  GOD’s words are the SPIRIT, the truth and life. so you do not have any of them! So you inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19 !!!


So GOD says, to acknowledge  your iniquity.

Jer 3:13  Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the LORD thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the LORD. }}.  How many GODS have spoken the Scripture ???  Only JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  your ONLY GOD says to acknowledge  your iniquity for not obeying His voice ! But remember, it is from your graves, you will hear HIS VOICE !!! YOUR INIQUITY, … OR THE SIN WHICH WILL CONVERT YOU BACK TO YOUR GOD AND The CREATOR, AND The ROCK WHO BEGAT YOU, … OR YOUR HUSBAND WHO IS ALSO THE FATHER ;THAT YOU DID NOT OBEY HIS VOICE BUT WENT AFTER OTHER GODS AND CALLED OTHERS, our father !!!  Everything that a FATHER and The Husband does, is done by JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! When you understand this, .. you will acknowledge  your iniquity, … and GOD will hear your words, … and will heal your backslidings and convert you back to HIM !!!

JESUS CHRIST the LORD is also The LORD of HOSTS  … And He is the GOD whom you did not honor as the FATHER. Mal. 1: 6. But Isa. 8: 18 says, these children are with The LORD of HOSTS !!!!  They believe The LORD of HOSTS  is their FATHER. !!!  They are the hosts mentioned above in Jer. 3: 15- 19, your HOSTS !  From Eli’s time, He was known as The LORD of HOSTS , ( 1 sam 1:3) … and Elijah and others were HIS HOSTS. Exo 12: 41 says, all the HOSTS of The LORD  went out of Egypt. They were Israel. so when Israel knew The LORD , … they were the hosts. There are many names to the SAME One and ONLY TRUE GOD !

This is why, Elijah ( also worshiped The LORD of HOSTS, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD,) is prophesied to come to prove once again, that The LORD of HOSTS (who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD )is the GOD and the FATHER also. Mal. 1:6 condemns the priesthood for not honoring The LORD of HOSTS as the ‘FATHER’!

One must prove that Elijah had The LORD of HOSTS, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as His GOD. “And Elijah said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand”. So Elijah worshiped The LORD of HOSTS , he stood before Him, .. who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

But all Israel had made a GOD the Father, their GOD. John 8:54. This is why Elijah Is prophesied to come again to TURN THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THE FATHER! if Elijah stood before The LORD of HOSTS , … then would he not turn the hearts to this same GOD , The LORD of HOSTS ?

 John the Baptist introduced JESUS CHRIST the LORD to the world. THAT IS The LORD of HOSTS ! if Elijah stood before The LORD of HOSTS, would he not stand before the same GOD now also? And it is The LORD of HOSTS whom all will seek, and who LEFT as well. “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy; I am returned unto Zion, will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.”I will bring them,: and they shall be MY PEOPLE, and I will be their Godin truth and in righteousness.”.  ( remember Deut.  32? The ROCK is just, RIGHT, and true) “inhabitants shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.”. When you understand this, and seek JESUS CHRIST the LORD, you are converted! YOU RETURN TO The CREATOR! You return to the FATHER.

So it is The LORD of HOSTS , WHO IS RETURNING.  THEN HE IS THE GOD WHO LEFT !!!  That means The LORD of HOSTS  IS THE GOD WHOM YOU FORGOT !!! But The LORD of HOSTS  is The ROCK !  The ROCK who begat you.  THEN, The LORD of HOSTS  IS YOUR FATHER !!!  Don’t let MANY names of GOD to confuse you any longer. !


There are many Scripture which says to love your GOD. You cannot love two gods. ONE GOD is asking your love .

Deu 6:4  Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:

Deu 6:5  And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Mat_22:37  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. }}}… Jews, in The LORD ’s day believed there is only one GOD. even today they believe so.  But how did we have two fathers, two creators as Mal. 2: 10-11 says?  We received this knowledge from HWA. So all broke the very first commandment ! You cannot love two gods. There is only one!  And then, the children in the pleasant land, loved JESUS CHRIST the LORD, even though they were not of His people, and have not seen. 1  Pet. 1:8.  GOD knows the hearts. He tries the hearts. And then He comes to reveal the hidden things in the heart, 1 cor 4: 5, so from the heart, we can be converted to Him ! So GOD gives them hidden things. 1 cor 2:9.

The above Scripture in Zech. 8, proves The LORD of HOSTS LEFT Zion, at one point, but will RETURN and bring you to Him and will be our GOD, and we will be HIS PEOPLE!! DON’T EXPECT GOD the Father WHOM YOU SAY IS YOUR GOD TO COME AND BE YOUR GOD!

Did you worship The LORD of HOSTS  as Elijah did? We have never heard any leader teaching that The LORD of HOSTS , who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD is their GOD, nor went to drink the spiritual drink from Him!  THE HIGH PRIEST TAUGHT ON THE CONTRARY TO GO PASS HIM!!!   Those who claim to be Elijah, must preach The LORD of HOSTS  to the people, saying that HE IS THE GOD OVER ISRAEL, as Elijah, and king David, king Solomon also did. No prophet in Israel taught that we must drink from The ROCK, who is also The LORD of HOSTS , but drank from dumb rocks, replacing The ROCK ! Such lies will be no more. It is The LORD  who would RETURN to rebuild Jerusalem and it will be called a CITY OF TRUTH ! . Remember The Comforter is the Spirit and Truth who promised to return, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The LORD of HOSTS  !  

In Rev. 21:5 THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD says He will make all things NEW, but IN Him! Gal. 6:15-16 and more. Israel of GOD, are those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  That proves the old creation has not believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD is their GOD or the FATHER also. In this writing, we further prove that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE FATHER also. And one will become a son of GOD, when receives Him as John 1: 11-12 says. And as no one believed Him as the FATHER, they need to be REVERSED or converted once
again receiving the SPIRIT and the image of GOD from The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST
the LORD! It is HE WHO WILL BE WITH US FOR EVER! He created, He died, He will
save and He will redeem us from death and for that, He set a time, the ‘TIMES


That is the time, which is after the judgments, the wife also will be granted to wear fine linen, given righteousness, WITHOUT SIN and CONVERTED or reverted back to the state of Adam when he was first created, morally good ! Job 4:17, GOD askes ‘can the mortal man be JUST THAN GOD and PURE than his MAKER”?  Unless, The MAKER reverts us back to the same state when the first man was created, in the image of GOD, pure; no man can make himself in to The CREATOR’s image! The mortal man , or the carnal, fleshly man could never turn himself to The CREATOR’s image which is the image of GOD. This is why there are beasts in judgment, in the book of revelation. No more Babylon or Egypt, but The LORD , Himself will return and rebuild.

SPIRIT MUST BE GIVEN BY GOD, HIMSELF. That is why, The CREATOR BREATHED on Adam, Gen. 2:7 and even to the apostles. John 20:22. So when Adam sinned, he became FLESH AND BLOOD. Same way Israel too are flesh and blood as they too failed to be sons of GOD, as they rejected Him! 1 cor 10:18, Heb.  2:14. From Adam to the Laodicea era, all rejected The CREATOR! So they could never build the image of GOD and become a son to GOD! And such cannot know The SON means they cannot know the truth or the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, that HE IS THE FATHER also! JESUS CHRIST the LORD has not revealed the FATHER even in His first time, and said, “I WILL REVEAL the FATHER”. John 16:25. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses, king David and Elijah looked for The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY, The LORD of HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the FATHER. ( 2 sam 7: 14- 26)

2Sa 7:14  I will be HIS FATHER, and he shall be MY SON. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: }}}… now, Rev. 3 says, it is the Laodiceans, whom HE LOVES are being chastened. That means they have not accepted The LORD of HOSTS  as their FATHER! And also, the Laodiceans are HIS SONS, as He chastens them!


2Sa 7:22  Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for THERE IS NONE LIKE THEE,

2Sa 7:26  And let THY NAME BE MAGNIFIED for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel: and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee. }}}… So the throne of king David and the Tabernacle of David is established before The LORD of HOSTS , who is The CREATOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! HE SAID…. NOT ANY MAN, BUT The LORD of HOSTS  SAID, ‘I WILL BE HIS FATHER”!!!!  do you know what ‘FATHER’ means???  And he will be MY SON!!!  Do you know what ‘son’ means???  So
king David’s FATHER and GOD is The LORD of HOSTS
  !!!! Is not The LORD of HOSTS  is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and The CREATOR, and The ROCK also ??? If you do not serve The LORD of HOSTS  as your GOD , in the Tabernacle of David,
understand and admit your error!  That is your sin against The CREATOR , as Adam did! As written above, The LORD  said ‘ONLY ACKNOWLEDGE  YOUR INIQUITY”.   You failed to honor The LORD of HOSTS  as your FATHER, even though it is written in the book of Malachi ! How long have we been declaring this ???  Ever since 2008, we have been proving that there is only one GOD over Israel !

The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel:”

And Isa. 8: 18 says, these children are in the midst of
The LORD of HOSTS  !!!


Therefore,, as He said to king David, .. HE HAS RETURNED TO Zion TO CHASTEN YOU WITH A ROD OF MEN, AND THEN TO REVERT YOU TO THE DAY AS KING DAVID DID , TO SERVE The LORD of HOSTS  AND TO BE HIS PEOPLE, AS HE PROMISED !!! And even beyond… to the beginning of Creation , to Adam’s time! the times of Refreshing is to convert you to be His people or sons again! That is why SHILOH  is prophesied to come… to GATHER THE LOST SHEEP OF Israel! and Elijah also stood before Him. 1 Kin 18: 15,


Has any leader or a king in the throne of king David, who claim they have the key of king David, preach THAT THEY SERVE The LORD of HOSTS  ???  Did they ever  ???? So how could the Tabernacle of David stands ??? THERE IS NO GOD IN IT…. king David built to honor The LORD of hosts and He  is no more in it !!!!  So not even one stone left upon another, but totally destroyed.  But JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, in three days He will build it again !!! Even though you do not see, … HIS CHILDREN, WHO BECAME HIS SONS, .. WHO ARE IN HIS HOUSE, … ALREADY ARE SERVING HIM IN MANY WAYS THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW !!!  We found Him to be our Everlasting FATHER! Isa. 63: 16 ! We are already in HIS HOUSE. Heb.  3: 6


Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. }}… ‘I, … The LORD of HOSTS , … AND MY CHILDREN, OR SONS  now dwell in mountain Zion !!!  They are already in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’shouse.


Heb 3:1  Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling,
consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;

Heb 3:4  For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is

Heb 3:6  But CHRIST AS A SON
,…}}}… “holy brethren”,… ‘partakers of heavenly calling”,…and these brethren are called to be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house!  Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, I will go and prepare places for you and come and receive you to Myself”???


Joh 14:2  In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you

Joh 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF; THAT WHERE I AM, THERE
. }}}… The LORD says, in ‘MY FATHER’S HOUSE’… but it is HIS OWN HOUSE, because HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL, but when He was in the world, HE WAS A SON !!!  And then, He said, I go to prepare a place for you, .. and I WILL COME AGAIN, and receive you, TO MYSELF , so where ever I am, you also may be , WITH ME !!! So did JESUS CHRIST the LORD COME AGAIN ???  Yes, HE DID.  BUT TO GENTILES, TO TAKE A PEOPLE TO HIS NAME! Acts. 15:


Act 15:14  Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for HIS NAME…}}}…Therefore, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to take some
gentiles to HIS NAME !!!  That is Isa. 11: 9 – 11, when the knowledge
of GOD  is given. This is why, we give glory to His name !!!  and now that we HAVE ALREADY GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND PRAISED HIM, … BELIEVED, RECEIVED AND FEARED, OBEYED AND WE HAVE DONE ALL THAT, …we are being used to AVENGE those who did not. 2 cor 10: 5- 6. They are the CHRIST and HIS children of Isa. 8: 18,  29: 23 , 54: 13 etc.  they are called the little children, … little one, ( Isa. 60: 21-22), babes who perfected the praise etc.




So now, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and called these holy brethren, ( Heb.  2: 10-13, ) to HIS OWN HOUSE !!!  so HE WENT AND PREPARED THE PLACES IN HIS
FATHER’S HOUSE, WHICH IS HIS OWN HOUSE ! Now, HE IS BACK TO THE FATHER ! There is no other FATHER who builds a house for us ! HE HAS NO BEGINNING, NO END, NO FATHER OR MOTHER !  And another fact is, if JESUS CHRIST the LORD is a ‘SON’, even to HIS OWN house, … should we not be SONS also in His house ????  This is a good lesson for us to think that we must be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SONS , if we are to be in His house !


Has any leader or a king in the throne of king David, who claim they have the key of king David, preach THAT THEY SERVE The LORD of HOSTS  ???  Did they ever  ???? So how could the Tabernacle of David stands ??? THERE IS NO GOD IN IT…. king David built to honor The LORD of hosts and He  is no more in it !!!!  So not even one stone left upon another, but totally destroyed.  But JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, in three days He will build it again !!! Even though you do not see, … HIS CHILDREN, WHO BECAME HIS SONS, .. WHO ARE IN HIS HOUSE, … ALREADY ARE SERVING HIM IN MANY WAYS THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW !!!  We found Him to be our Everlasting FATHER! Isa. 63: 16 ! We are already in HIS HOUSE. Heb.  3: 6


Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. }}… ‘I, … The LORD of HOSTS , … AND MY CHILDREN, OR SONS  now dwell in mountain Zion !!!  They are already in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’shouse.


As written above, …
it was The LORD of HOSTS ’s name magnified over Israel…

“THY NAME BE MAGNIFIED for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is
the God over Israel”..

But Mal. I : 6 says the Levitical ministry did not honor Him as the ‘FATHER’. They did not MAGNIFY THE NAME OF The LORD of HOSTS  !!!  Then what did The LORD of HOSTS  say to them ????


Mal 1:5  And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The LORD will be magnified from the border of Israel. }}}…today, you will see how The LORD  was magnified beyond
the border of Israel  !!!  We magnified the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD by believing Him  and becoming His sons, so HE BECAME A FATHER TO US !!!

Mal 1:6  A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master:
if then I be a father, where is mine honour?
and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of
hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we
despised thy name?
…}}}… Now, we have honored Him as our FATHER. and Isa.
29:23 says, we feared Him. and v 11 says the gentiles sent PURE incense to HIS
NAME !!! please read ‘
the burden of Malachi”. Levitical ministry totally failed to honor The LORD of HOSTS as the FATHER as king David, Elijah and king Solomon did !! Malachi
takes us back to the time of Levi. Levi, destroyed all those who made the calf.
And Levi had the law of TRUTH. that means to worship the One and ONLY TRUE GOD
. please read “
Law of Truth”. If you worship GOD, you can have the truth and peace as Levi did ! Exo 32: 26 onwards. And then The LORD  said, HE WILL VISIT their sin in v 34.  So which GOD said that HE WILL VISIT the sin ???  Is it GOD the Father ???  No… it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who was known as THE ALMIGHTY back then. !  and THE ALMIGHTY, is our FATHER as written elsewhere. 2 cor 6: 17-19 !!! So if you had worshiped THE ALMIGHTY, as your FATHER and GOD, .. then you would have the law of truth and peace as Levi did.!! When you worship Him, … He is happy and we would not be His enemy, and He will not be our enemy. ! So the law of truth is to worship THE ALMIGHTY, who is also The LORD of HOSTS , or JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! Is He not the GOD who promised to make all things NEW ???


Life is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. HE IS OUR LIFE!  There is no other way to get life, other than by and through Him!  It is He who comes to gather as SHILOH , as you are scattered. You did not gather to Him, in the first place ! Mat. 12; 30. Why was Jerusalem desolated? Why did Tabernacle of David fall ??? Why does the Scripture talk about a NEW PRIESTHOOD and the priesthood needs to be CHANGED, as well as the law? The law brings NOTHING BUT DEATH, even WITHOUT MERCY. heb 10; 28 ! So YOU SERVED DEATH ALL THIS TIME.!  YOU SOUGHT LIFE BY DEATH!!!

There are two ways one could choose.

In one way to life, and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD WHO IS THE WAY AND LIFE.

Then the other way to death, which is ANY OTHER WAY , OTHER THAN BY HIM!

But now, there will be ONLY ONE WAY, … as JESUS CHRIST the LORD HAS COME , returned AND ALREADY BUILT HIS HOUSE, WHICH IS THE House of Prayer and the prayers of the saints are received in the golden altar by the new priesthood, the more excellent ministry whom THE LORD obtained  as proven in previous writings !!


You call yourselves kings and priests who sit on the throne of king David, … but worships GOD the Father , and not The LORD of HOSTS  as the throne is His’! So is it any wonder why HE LEFT YOU??? THERE IS NO OTHER GOD LIKE  The LORD of Hosts !!!   You all are HIS SONS !!!  Adam was a son to The LORD of HOSTS  !!!!  He is The CREATOR and JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!  He came in person, leaving His throne and became a man to tell all these, because you could not understand the HEAVENLY things. but you cannot understand earthly things either. “If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenlythings?” . So He came in person to tell you that HE CAME FORTH FROM THE FATHER AND I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE!  But HE ALSO KNEW YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE HIM ! John 12: 37- 41 !!!  JESUS CHRIST the LORD , Himself blinded you … because HE DID NOT WANT TO HEAL NOR CONVERT, till after the judgments. Every  cause, sin and Act and lie needs to be judged and exposed. !



But now, as all things written must be fulfilled, and MADE NEW IN HIM, … she must
return to Him! So she will know The Husband is also the FATHER and there is
only ONE GOD! from Adam, to Laodiceans; rejected The CREATOR!  THEY ALL FAILED TO BE SONS TO The CREATOR. !  Laodicea message says, they are NOT FAITHFUL
TO The CREATOR.  Adam and Laodiceans  became the enemies of The LORD. The enmity between GOD and man must be removed in order for the man to be converted back to be sons of GOD. That story is written in the Bible, how GOD will convert the enemy to HIMSELF and how He would make all things new or convert all to HIMSELF, to be HIS SONS once again! PROVE ALL THINGS. If correct, then accept. !This writing further proves that JESUS CHRIST
the LORD , THE LORD OF HOSTS, that one should seek! “
Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy; I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called a city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts the holy mountain.”. I will bring them,: and they shall be MY PEOPLE, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.”. “inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall come
to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD


Therefore, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who MUST BRING all, and do all things and give the TRUTH and make us righteous, because, righteousness and justification itself is a FREE GIFT! Rom.  5: 16-17 …When you have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in you, … you have life, because BEFORE HE COMES IN TO US, HE FORGIVES WHICH MEANS MAKE YOU RIGHTEOUS, FREE FROM THE PAST SIN OF Adam!  And The LORD of HOSTS  left a remnant as proven in previous writings. They are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel, Isa. 8 :18 says, and they are already in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house as written elsewhere, … and they serve Him already, when HE RETURNS to Zion. But remember , this remnant IS NOT ANY ONE WHO DOES NOT SERVE The LORD of HOSTS  OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  So unless you are already a son to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you are not in this remnant. So hear what The LORD of HOSTS  says;.


Zec 8:6  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; If it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be marvellous in Mine eyes? saith the LORD of hosts. }}}.. so this remnant is with The LORD of HOSTS  or JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Both The LORD and His people who are with Him, see something marvelous. and The LORD  calls them to hear HIS WORDS which He spoke by the prophets when the foundation of the House of GOD is laid, so it may be built. Now, … this is The LORD of HOSTS  or JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house , spoken in Heb.  3:6 !  Those who replaced the symbol of the House of GOD given to JACOB, as proven in previous writings, are not in this remnant, nor in GOD’s house.


Zec 8:9  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house othe LORD of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built. }}}… king David and king Solomon built the house to The LORD of HOSTS  as well as written elsewhere.  But this house is not that one, but a new house, which The LORD of HOSTS , HIMSELF IS BUILDING ! Besides this prophecy is for our times, many years after king David died. These are the same children or remnant spoken in Isa. 8: 18, … and the foundation is laid as The LORD  taught them in Isa. 54: 10-14, as they bring PEACE. ( so as Levi did, they also must have the law of truth, to have peace). So they are the same ones in Heb.  3: 6 in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s house as well now.


The LORD taught them, after forgiving them.1 John 2: 12- 27 and they are anointed
to learn directly from Him as no man have the truth. ! Remember these are the
little children, …WHOM The LORD CONVERTED FIRST, and this is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” . So He knew, that He would convert THESE CHILDREN TO BE IN HIS MIDST, to be a sign and a wonder in Israel, Isa. 8: 18, and He taught them, Isa. 54: 11-13, Then, they sanctify The LORD , and they are The LORD ’s hands works. Isa. 29:23. And in their time, those who erred also will come to understanding. v 24. That means just as JESUS CHRIST the LORD converted these little children, … others also who failed to be
converted and erred in SPIRIT (means HIS WORDS,) will understand and will have
the SPIRIT and be converted! That is why, The LORD  sanctified these children and prayed for
them, to sanctify them by the TRUTH, and to be sent, so others who did not believe, may believe in Him. John 17: 17-20 !!! So as Levi did, they too have the law of truth , if they are sanctified by the truth !!!!  Please read all  the Scripture provided and prove ! YOU WILL


And before The LORD  laid the foundation, there was affliction.

Zec 8:10  For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men every one against his neighbour…}}}…First, PEACE. Remember as written elsewhere in Isa. 54: 14, these children whom The LORD  taught bring peace as they are sent? So that is the remnant, whose eyes see marvelous things, which is to see how The LORD converts Zion to Him ! They are already converted by The LORD  , as they are called HIS SONS. And then, … it is GOD who set all against each other.  Did not we see many sister churches speaking nothing but the lies all these years, and were against each other ???  That is The LORD ’s doing, as He said, He will send them to Babylon, or confusion, Micah 4: 10, to be delivered etc.

And before The LORD  laid the foundation, there was affliction.

Zec 8:10  For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men every one against his neighbour…}}}…First, PEACE. Remember as written elsewhere in Isa. 54: 14, these children whom The LORD  taught bring peace as they are sent? So that is the remnant, whose eyes see marvelous things, which is to see how The LORD converts Zion to Him ! They are already converted by The LORD  , as they are called HIS SONS. And then, … it is GOD who set all against each other.  Did not we see many sister churches speaking nothing but the lies all these years, and were against each other ???  That is The LORD ’s doing, as He said, He will send them to Babylon, or confusion, Micah 4: 10, to be delivered etc.

And GOD talks about ‘AFFLICTION’.  That is their tribulation, which The LORD  spoke to the Philadelphia  era, … but it is not the way the leaders taught , but the affliction which The LORD  talks about is to BE EXPOSED AS LIARS ! Jer. 16: 19.   When The LORD  gave the truth, to the little children, … they came and said you have vanity and lies and that is your affliction. just think; …to destroy you in a lake of fire , … why would THE ALMIGHTY create you in the first place ???  Does he delight in destroying people? He knows the end from the beginning.  Then if He knows that people like Joshua would sin, … and even says he must be pulled out of fire, … would HE create such evil people, later to be destroyed?  He would not have created evil at all.  but all men are evil, cursed from Adam.  Evil heart means if you have departed from the Living GOD. Heb.  3: 12. Then all must be put in the lake of fire  and destroyed!  NOT 50% AS THE Laodicea LEADER SAYS.  GOD concludes ALL TO BE SINNERS.  THEN WHY WOULD The LORD  PUT 50% ONLY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE ???   But the fire which Joshua is put in, is the WORD of GOD , … and we proved the lake of fire  is where the OPENED BOOKS or opened Scripture is.  And remember the fire comes to those who do not know The LORD , CAUSING THEM TO KNOW HIM, so they could be saved. !

Remember GOD killed them, so they can seek Him. Psa. 78: 34- 35.   THE DEAD are preached the gospel, so they could be JUDGED. 1  Pet. 4: 6.  And The LORD knew Apostle Peter would deny Him three times. But He still chose him. He knew king David will be a murderer, … still he was called to be a king and to build a house for Him, and The LORD  gave him a throne and promises. !!!  same way Apostle Paul was given a thorn, and The LORD  said MY GRACE is sufficient. So don’t look at your sins. But look to The Saviour who can save you from the sin ! If He does not save us, … we would continue to sin for ever as HE IS NOT IN US, NOR THE TRUTH !!! He did not create us in vain, but He allowed all these to happen to prove us that without Him, we cannot live ! We did not even knew that The CREATOR is our GOD and THE FATHER ! HOW COULD WE BORN Spiritually, WITHOUT A SPIRITUAL FATHER, giving us birth? A man , or a nogod or a dumb rock cannot do that! If the SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, … then HE MUST BE OUR FATHER !


So The LORD of HOSTS  says HE WILL NOT BE as in the former days, but to be strong as HE WILL NOW SAVE all , AND WILL RETURN to build the city of TRUTH!!! That means to make them know the truth about Him  , so they can call Him my FATHER !  So it is The LORD of HOSTS  who comes to save you. AND ALLOW HIM TO SAVE YOU. !!! Like Elijah, we prove that The LORD of HOSTS  is the GOD over Israel and the whole world.  And submit to Him and receive Him as your GOD and the FATHER and THE KING. !

Zec 8:11  But now I will not be unto the residue of this people as in the former days, saith the LORD of hosts.

Zec 8:13  And it shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong. }}}… house of Israel, … and house of Judah, … you were a CURSE among the gentiles. But not any more.  The LORD of HOSTS  will save you from the curse. He says there will be no more curse ! Evil beasts who are the evil leaders in the churches of GOD, were a curse ! Did not The LORD  say that He will send a rod of men to chasten the SONS ??  So Israel and Judah are sons.  And they were afflicted. But the time has come to save them and make them a blessing. But first, the LORD must convert them to Him, as Adam was, when he was first created !


Zec 8:14  For thus saith the LORD of hosts; As I thought to punish you, when your FATHERS PROVOKED ME to wrath, saith the LORD of hosts, and I repented not: }}}… “you when your’, should not be in the translation. It should be read ‘as I thought to punish fathers provoked Me”…this means the residue is the little children. Read Mat. 12: 27-28, the little children are the JUDGES of their fathers. And Isa. 54: 13 also says, The LORD  taught the children. Jer. 16: 19 proves Israel are our fathers. So The LORD  is talking to the children who are in His midst as written above.  And deut 32 talks about how Israel would provoke The ROCK to jealousy, by having other gods, and forsaking Him. !  ( IN Deut.  32, The ROCK’S ACCUSATION IS THAT YOU FORSOOK HIM AS THE FATHER. !  HE SAYS, The ROCK WHO BEGAT , MADE , AND FORMED YOU, IS FORSAKEN!!!   )  Have you not forsaken The ROCK, the Living GOD, ( Heb.  3: 6, 12) and found GOD the Father as your GOD? John 8:54? So you have provoked the Holy ONE , or The ROCK to jealousy. But now as HE THOUGHT TO PUNISH YOU, … but repented not, but brought you the evil, … and now, … as this remnant Has sanctified Him, and feared Him, Isa. 29: 23, … He Has changed His mind… and says ;-

 Zec 8:15  So again have I thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem and to the house of Judah: fear ye not. }}}… SO IT IS Judah AND Jerusalem WHO WERE PUNISHED ! Jerusalem or Judah is the church now.  So they are said now, by this remnant, that The LORD of HOSTS  will save you and to be strong. !

Even though every one spoke lies, … to deceive others, … ( because, The LORD , himself deceived the prophet also who had idols such as the dumb rock to drink the spiritual drink and not from The ROCK who truly gives it, …  as proven in previous writings in (New stone of destiny”;? .),  Eze. 14,  but The LORD  said there will be a remnant, He would keep and will be sent to comfort, as v 22- 23 says, He will do good. And Ezekiel is to see their ways.  So Ezekiel, himself has done wrong. if not, Ezekiel will be sent instead of this remnant.  So, now, … The LORD  will give the truth, so all can speak the truth. that is about The LORD of HOSTS , and to be converted.  Adam inherited lies. So did all the Laodiceans.  But now, … The LORD  will give the truth. if not how would Jerusalem speak the truth ???  HOW WOULD ALL LIVE IN PEACE WITH GOD FOR EVER???  And the truth will judge you, but will bring peace.

Zec 8:16  These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:…}}}…”Truth and Peace”????  Both, The LORD  taught these children. Read 1 John 2: 12- 27, they are given the knowledge of all truth, .. and then , it is they who were taught peace also and are sent as Isa. 54: 13 says above. ! So The LORD of HOSTS  talks about these little children, the remnant of Israel , whom you will see as they are a sign and a wonder in Israel , when you have stumbled. Isa. 8: 14, 18.!!!  Remember one becomes Israel of GOD, when they are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16!!!  So remember they are the Jews now, as proven in HEBREWS”

 No more evil hearts.  That is to have idols such as the prophet has the dumb rock as proven in previous writings.  And no false oath, … but one will enter in to the new Covenant !

Zec 8:17  And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD. }}}… how do you imagine evil in your hearts, against another?  By deceit and lies which cause them to be killed. That is lying against GODHEAD. False oath is making Covenants with nogods. Mal. 2: 10-11 says, the Covenant of the fathers were broken by Judah. And our writing “Vengeance for breaking a 3700 year old Covenant! GOD Is free from His promise!” proves how that Covenant is broken by Judah , who is the PCG leader, who claim to be from Judah !!!


And, this is why, this remnant of Israel is to do the fasts.  This chapter talks about those whom The LORD  saved first as written above, … and brought in to His house. remember His house is a House of Prayer for all nations.  And these children are to be HOSTS of the nations as written above.  So they keep these fasts joyfully, as The LORD  will come to the desolated Jerusalem to rebuild it. ! You know nothing about these fasts. You can read about it in “Gift of GOD Pt 3- Little children fast for their FATHER –to bring the bridegroom. “

Zec 8:18  And the word of the LORD of hosts came unto me, saying,

Zec 8:19  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; The fast of the fourth month, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth, shall be to the house of Judah joy and gladness, and cheerful feasts; therefore love the truth and peace}}}… these fasts, should be done by those who ALREADY ARE GIVEN THE TRUTH AND PEACE. As written above, The LORD of HOSTS  is returning to make Judah and Jerusalem, a city of truth.  so this house of Judah is THE LION OF Judah, and His children, who were BOUND as JACOB said in Gen. 49:10-12, to the tribe of Judah at the time of gathering by SHILOH ! So The LORD of HOSTS  is SHILOH  also.   And we have been keeping the fasts since GOD revealed them and the truth about that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD and also the FATHER  ! The LORD of HOSTS  will cause the remnant of Israel who are His children to do it. (please read “   Lo Children are a gift of GOD! I, CHRIST and My children pt. 1”

     Because they are given the knowledge of the truth which brings peace, … they know the end is peaceful, and when the truth is made known, no one lies and will be against others. The TRUTH, SHALL SET ALL FREE!!!  Freedom means PEACE. And GOD’s words is the truth, and it comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s mouth, which we are to live by, and it is the HOLY SPIRIT ! So The Comforter came and glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD and that is the truth which will save all, and now, The LORD  Has filled the bellies of the believers, so He can offer it to others, John 7: 36-39, … and they are the Living Waters, … which will spring out giving everlasting life to others. John 4: 14 !!! read the ‘LAW OF TRUTH’ which Levi had as Malachi said.


The LORD  says, many people will go to another to pray before Him, and to seek Him, The LORD of HOSTS  !!!!

Zec 8:20  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities:

Zec 8:21  And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. }}}… so you see the truth which will convert you ???  SEEK The LORD of HOSTS , OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and HE HAS ALREADY LAID THE FOUNDATION TO HIS HOUSE as written above. Heb.  3: 6, Isa. 54: 11-13 !!! understand 1 sam 2: 8, Mat. 23:12,   Jam 2: 5 ! Some will be somebodies, … some will be nobodies ! If you think you are a king or a priest , … remember the priesthood has changed ! Heb.  7 . princes are cast out of their thrones, and others are made to sit on them, and the world is set on them. That is to save the world which rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD as John 1 says, HIS OWN , to the world He came to !

Have you sought The LORD of HOSTS  as your GOD ???  you kings and priests, … have you served The LORD of HOSTS  ???  Have you taught that we must seek ‘The LORD of HOSTS ’ ???  If not, … then it is you who come to seek Him, when this truth is revealed. !


Zec 8:22  Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. }}}… those who did NOT PRAY TO The LORD of HOSTS , … WILL PRAY TO HIM !!! Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, Jerusalem will be desolated, until they say ‘blessed is He who comes in the Name of THE LORD”???  It is the little children who sang and brought JESUS CHRIST the LORD to Jerusalem ?  it is so now also. Read Mat. 21: 9-16… and JESUS CHRIST the LORD cleaned the House of Prayer. V 15 says it is the children who were crying to the Son of king David… !!!  Now you will see it is these children who followed king David and magnified The LORD of HOSTS  as king David did !!!  And out of the mouth of the babes, the PRAISE is perfected, to still the enemy, the fathers who lied. Psa. 8: 2 !!! The LORD  said, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall NOT SEE ME, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. “!  So when you forsook The LORD , … HE DESOLATED His house.  And these children, PERFECTED HIS PRAISE.!!!  Remember, it is out of darkness, the new priesthood is called ? 1  Pet. 2: 5-10 and at that time, Israel is stumbled at the word of GOD. that means they are BLIND. !!! so The LORD of HOSTS  is doing lots by using these children. ! As the Scripture says, in their times those who erred in SPIRIT also will come to understanding, … they will understand that their GOD is The LORD of HOSTS  or JESUS CHRIST the LORD and will come to HIS TEMPLE which is already built !!!!

Then, men will take hold of the Jews, saying ‘WE HEARD THAT GOD IS WITH YOU”….  Then, who could these Jews be, other than those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The LORD of HOSTS ’s house , who are made NEW in Him, who are called the ‘Israel OF GOD!???? Gal. 6: 15- 16 !

Zec 8:23  Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you. }}…These Jews, are with The LORD of HOSTS . They worship and honor The LORD of HOSTS as the FATHER , which the Levitical ministry failed.

Thus saith the LORD of hosts… even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew,… we have heard that God is with you.! 

So who are these Jews ??? These are the Jews who are made NEW IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. who are bound to Him, to the LION OF Judah in judgment, who serves The LORD of HOSTS  AS THE GOD AND THE FATHER !  from them, the salvation comes. That is why, others come to them saying ‘GOD IS WITH YOU”…. or The LORD of HOSTS  is with you !!!

So these Jews, bring salvation… Or the knowledge about the true GOD, … the truth, to set all free… and peace as proven above. !!!!  Remember at this time The LORD of HOSTS  is NOT IN Jerusalem, or in the Holy Mountain !  Holy Mountain, Zion is cast down from heaven. lam 2: 1 .  Jerusalem is desolated !!  besides The LORD of HOSTS  is coming to THE DESOLATED Jerusalem to REBUILD IT as a CITY OF TRUTH !!!  So these Jews are the children of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who received the FATHER , who are converted already and who preach Him, and the truth, to set others free !!!!!!    No man in any of the church can claim to be these Jews, as they are NOT WITH The LORD of HOSTS , OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!   It is the children who bring Him, and HE IS RETURNING TO DO GOOD, as HE HAS LEFT Jerusalem or the Holy Mountain  !!! and read Zeph. 3:, GOD brought others to the Holy Mountain, and they will SPEAK NO LIES.

Zep 3:11  In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of MY HOLY MOUNTAIN. }}}…those who rejoice in the pride in the Holy Mountain, are the leaders who boast and lie and who rejected Him.

Zep 3:12  I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD}}}.. read Eph.  1:1 2, … it is the gentiles who trusted in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, FIRST.!!!

Zep 3:13  The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. }}}… those who trust in The LORD , are Mt. Zion. Psa. 125: 1! And Mt. Zion is now, JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house ! No one can make them afraid as they are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! So if they do NOT HAVE INIQUITY, AND NOT SPEAK LIES, … then those who speak lies and have iniquity, are the ones who would come to them to seek their GOD ! So they have the truth, and the truth shall set you free, means salvation. So these are the Jews, or Israel of GOD, or the remnant of Israel who are with the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , The LORD of HOSTS !

So as John 4 says, the salvation is of the Jews, … the salvation comes from the bellies of the believers who GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, ( John 7: 36-39), … and springing everlasting life to others, as the Living Waters as proven above John 4:14  !!!!  Judah and Jerusalem will seek The LORD of HOSTS  at this time !!!So they cannot be the Jews who comes to seek The LORD  and hold on to the skirt of the Jews!

 As written above, it is the Spirit and Truth, The Comforter who reveals all the truth. and it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who gives REVELATION. ! Because, He alone wrote the Scripture.

Pe 1:13  Because of this, having girded up the loins of your mind, being sober, perfectly hope on the grace being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus CHRIST!…}}}.. Apostle Peter wrote his letters to gentiles. And he says… the revelation of JESUS CHRIST the LORD will come to them, as they hope for the grace of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , which gives the revelation to save all !

 Rom 8:9  But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have NOT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his. “….}}}…Gerald Flurry, the high priest drank from a dumb rock as proven in previous writings. Then , he did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get HIS SPIRIT.  and unless we have the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … we are still flesh and blood. So Gerald Flurry, to this day has not confessed that he drank spiritual drink from others. So the flesh and blood cannot know The SON, nor please GOD. so these little children received the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as they call Him the FATHER.  if we need the SPIRIT of CHRIST, .. that is what would make us sons of GOD. then it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who is our FATHER !!!

The CREATOR is the FATHER. Adam was a son to GOD. Luk. 3. So his sin caused him to be separated from the FATHER who CREATED HIM! Ever since , all humans could not know that HE IS OUR FATHER as well, even though many Scripture tells us so. This is why, Elijah is prophesied to come and turn the hearts of the children to THE FATHER, etc. did not all worship GOD the Father? John 8:54? Then why does the Scripture say that Elijah will come and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER etc ???

Luk 3:38  Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. }}.. So Adam, was a son of GOD. But that was The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  we know The CREATOR, created Adam in HIS OWN IMAGE. That is why, He CONFORMS US IN TO THE IMAGE OF The SON JESUS CHRIST the LORD as Rom.  8:29 says.  When one is created in to the image of GOD , which is of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s, then that one’s creation ends, and has become a son to GOD, and that is conversion! That means as a son to Him. And if he is created in ‘The CREATOR’S image, then he came forth from The CREATOR, and The CREATOR  should be Adam’s FATHER. Could any man be born to his father ?  The physical and the spiritual creation should be done by The CREATOR, Himself.  HE ALONE CAN CREATED ALL THINGS !

Understand… another point, which happens in the last hour, the HOLY SPIRIT will teach us what to say… but it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who will give wisdom and a mouth to speak to the enemy.( Remember Psa. 8: 2 , the babes are to still the enemy ??  )So when the HOLY SPIRIT will teach us means it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who will give us wisdom as He Is the HOLY SPIRIT and His words !!!


Luk 12:12  For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to

Luk 21:15  For I will give you a mouth and
wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist…
He says, the HOLY SPIRIT shall teach us, … then again says ‘I WILL’ give you a mouth, and wisdom , when the enemy is to be confronted, which is now.  And the enemy cannot resist, because it is the truth.  no lie can win over the truth.  This and The Comforter , who is the HOLY SPIRIT, also is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So who is the adversary of The LORD  and His children ??  It is those who do not accept Him or His children ! remember Adam became the enemy?  The carnal mind which came from Adam to all humans, is the enemy ?


Then, it is the SPIRIT of the “FATHER” who speaks in us. So who ever this ‘you’ have the SPIRIT of the FATHER or the true GOD. That means the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD who gives wisdom is the FATHER !!!

Mat 10:20  For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. }}}… the SPIRIT of the FATHER is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words and HE IS THE FATHER! if the HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. then HE SHOULD BE THE FATHER who speaks in HIS OWN CHILDREN !!!


The SPIRIT of GOD, or the breath of GOD, comes from THE ALMIGHTY ! That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1:8 and more. So who ever has the SPIRIT of THE ALMIGHTY, are given wisdom and knowledge. And they are the sons of THE ALMIGHTY, as 2 cor 6: 16-19 says, as written elsewhere.

 Job 33:3  My words shall be of the uprightness of my heart: and my lips shall utter knowledge clearly.

Job 33:4  The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

Job 33:14  For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

Job 33:15  In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

Job 33:16  Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,

Job 33:17  That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.

Job 33:18  He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword…}}}… so as written above, … when The LORD  comes as a thief, … we knew perfectly, … and that is when The LORD  opens the ears and He will hide the pride from man.  When the truth is revealed, all those who exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD  and GOD, … will have their pride hidden !  So in the night, as Psa. 90 says, GOD make them sleep, and says ‘return’ !!!



JESUS CHRIST the LORD created all things TO HIMSELF and not to give
anyone to GOD the Father. HE WASHES THE CHURCH TO PRESENT IT TO HIMSELF !!! Scripture never tells us to worship GOD the Father. but the Scripture tells us, that The
SON is also the Everlasting FATHER, Isa. 9:6, and The Husband is also the
FATHER even though the wife does not know it, Jer. 3: 19-29.


Elijah is to come and turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER

He proved the true FATHER in his time, because Elijah will come to prove the TRUE FATHER and turn us to Him, or to CONVERT us to the FATHER. and we know John the Baptist was Elijah, and he preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LAMB.  John the Baptist never preached a GOD the Father !

Mal 4:5  Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD}}}… the day of THE LORD is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30:3. That is when JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes the second time to give the knowledge of GOD  as the sea, which is the truth about Himself. Isa. 11: 9 – 11.  That is the holy mountain.


Mal 4:6  And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse…}}}… Luk. 3: 16, he talked about JESUS CHRIST the LORD who will baptize us with HOLY SPIRIT and fire. Fire and the HOLY SPIRIT now is the WORD of GOD , but of JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. John 6:63, which is SPIRIT and life. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD GAVE IT TO THESE CHILDREN. And they are the ministry of reconciliation as written elsewhere. So they turn the hearts of the FATHER to the children, and children to their true FATHER. ! THEY PREACH THE TRUE FATHER, SO EVERY HEART COULD BE TURNED TO HIM !!! And Elijah proved The LORD of HOSTS  is the GOD ! That means GOD should be our FATHER as well. ! So who ever fulfills the role of Elijah, must prove The LORD of HOSTS  is the GOD and the FATHER !!!


Then Apostle John wrote , John the Baptist witnessed about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE LIGHT. And he said to believe in Him.

Joh 1:6  There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Joh 1:7  The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

Joh 1:9  That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Joh 1:10  He was in the world, and the WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, AND THE WORLD KNEW HIM NOT. }}}… this ‘world’ means Jews and Israel, HIS OWN! . The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK made them. Deut.  32: 6, 15, 18 and many more Scripture proves that.  And see…

Joh 1:11  He came unto HIS OWN, AND HIS OWN RECEIVED HIM NOT. }}}… the world was made by Him… and the world knew Him NOT, …

and He came to His own, and His own received Him NOT. So His own are the world.

So the world is HIS OWN. THEY DID NOT RECEIVE HIM, EVEN THOUGH JESUS CHRIST the LORD MADE THEM. !  If He made them, … then , … He should be their FATHER. and Scripture tells us so. He made Adam as well, by HIS WORDS and we WILL BE BORN AGAIN Spiritually , ALSO BY HIS WORDS. jam 1: 18, 1  Pet. 1: 23. !!!  The word of TRUTH is ; JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our FATHER. That makes us born as HIS SONS, or sons of GOD. ! He made Adam, … He made Israel as well. So we must prove that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER… ! And the adopted gentiles believed the word of truth. Eph.  1: 13 !

GOD prophesied Israel will not be JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s sons…

Deu 32:4  He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation}}}… understand ??? Israel is corrupted to NOT TO KNOW THEIR FATHER… their spot is not as children to the FATHER. !

Here is the same verse in MKJV

Deu 32:5  They have corrupted themselves: they are not His sons; it is their blemish; they are a crooked and perverse generation. }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, the last generation will be a crooked generation, a faithless one.  And now we know why.  IT IS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THEIR OWN FATHER and they have corrupted themselves !!!!  You were NOT GOD’S CHILDREN . This is why HE COMES, SO YOU CAN HAVE A FATHER and you can be HIS SONS !!!!  S if they are a perverse generation, they need to be reverted and converted !!!

Deu 32:6  Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not HE THY FATHER that hath bought thee? hath HE NOT MADE thee, and established thee…}}}… did  you believe your FATHER is the GOD who bought you ???  is not that JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???


Deu 32:6  Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people
and unwise? is not
HE THY FATHER that hath bought thee? hath HE NOT MADE thee, and established thee…}}}… did  you believe your FATHER is the GOD who bought you ???  is not that JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???


Deu 32:12  So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him. }}}…The ROCK, is PERFECT…. And HE IS YOUR FATHER… ! He BOUGHT you… He MADE YOU… and ESTABLISHED you !!!!  YOU DID NOT KNOW HIM!!!  You did not know The ROCK who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or The LORD of HOSTS  is your FATHER !!!  Your FATHER should be the GOD who BOUGHT You!  So who is sent with this truth to turn your hearts to the true FATHER ???  it is the little children !!!  They blessed The LORD , so He can come to desolated Jerusalem and to build you.  and these little children perfected THE PRAISE as well as written above. !!!  So HE IS PLEASED , SANCTIFIED , BELIEVED AND RECEIVED NOW by others !!! THERE WAS NO OTHER GOD WITH HIM, WHEN HE BOUGHT YOU AND TOOK YOU OUT OF Egypt.  AND THERE WILL BE NO OTHER GODS EVEN NOW!


Deu 32:18  Of THE ROCK THAT BEGAT thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God
FORMED thee. }}}… this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  HE IS The ROCK. 1 cor
10:3-4.  HE IS YOUR FATHER !!!!  HE MADE you…. He ALONE lead you…. IF YOU DO
NOT HAVE HIM AS YOUR FATHER AND GOD, … you have strange gods, such as GOD the
Father, whom ‘YOU’ say is your GOD. John 8:54-56, but Abraham, your father
looked for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day.



You know the meaning of ‘begat’ !!!   He will beget us by HIS WORDS even Spiritually now. Jam 1: 18. 1  Pet. 1: 23.  Then, HE IS OUR FATHER.  HE WAS, IS AND WILL BE FOREVER…. THAT IS WHY HE IS CALLED ‘EVERLASTING FATHER’ !Isa 9:6! And He begat us, by THE WORD OF TRUTH now. Jam 1: 18 !!! His own will did it.  no other GOD tells Him what to do.


Which GOD did BUY or bought you?  Is not The ROCK, who is

is not HE THY ….“FATHER”…. that hath bought thee? hath HE NOT MADE thee, and established thee???


Deu 32:15  But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art
waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then
he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.

So Jacob , forsook the GOD who MADE HIM, … who is his ‘FATHER”, who BEGAT, … AND BOUGHT ,… The ROCK OF SALVATION !!!!   this is why ALL Israel ARE SCATTERED, … REJECTED THE Chief Corner Stone WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD , … AND ARE NOT GATHERED, BUT LOST AND ARE ASLEEP IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!!   THEY NEED TO BE CONVERTED OR TURNED TO THEIR TRUE FATHER TO LIVE !!!!  Well, when you forsake the GOD of salvation, … would you receive salvation ???  If you forget your OWN FATHER, … WOULD YOU BE A SON TO HIM ??? So as many received, Him, … they are given power to become SONS OF GOD… who believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME, … and the GOD of salvation !!!!  king David acknowledged The ROCK of salvation is his FATHER. Psa. 89:26.  And we,  CHRIST the LORD’s children, whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY, ALSO PREACH AND DECLARE HIM, AS THE Captain of Salvation.


So Jacob , forsook the GOD who MADE HIM, … who is his ‘FATHER”, who BEGAT, … AND BOUGHT ,… The ROCK OF SALVATION !!!!   this is why ALL Israel ARE SCATTERED, … REJECTED THE Chief Corner Stone WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD , … AND ARE NOT GATHERED, BUT LOST AND ARE ASLEEP IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!!   THEY NEED TO BE CONVERTED OR TURNED TO THEIR TRUE FATHER TO LIVE !!!!  Well, when you forsake the GOD of salvation, … would you receive salvation ???  If you forget your OWN FATHER, … WOULD YOU BE A SON TO HIM ??? So as many received, Him, … they are given power to become SONS OF GOD… who believe in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME, … and the GOD of salvation !!!!  king David acknowledged The ROCK of salvation is his FATHER. Psa. 89:26.  And we,  CHRIST the LORD’s children, whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY, ALSO PREACH AND DECLARE HIM, AS THE Captain of Salvation.

 Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

Heb 2:11  For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Heb 2:12  Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.

Heb 2:13  And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me. }}}… these are the Isa. 8: 18 children. Read v 14, .. they are the Isa. 8:14 children who are still flesh and blood , who cannot know The SON or the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD !

Joh 1:12  But as many AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME}}}… if you receive GOD the Father as your GOD, … you will become a son to GOD the Father. !  But the GOD who MADE, … CREATED, … BOUGHT, …IS The ROCK !!!  Not knowing this, you are under bondage !!!!  You are not free to serve The ROCK !!!!  evil leaders teach false gods to the people.  But, the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD is given , ON THE DAY OF THE LORD, TO GENTILES.  Zeph. 3: 9 – 10 !!!  The LORD  brought many sons to glory as written above, .. so they could declare HIM as the Captain of Salvation.  It is after that, we blessed Him and praised Him and sends PURE INCENSE TO HIS NAME. Mal. 1: 11!!!

So once again, in HEART, you have returned to Egypt, Spiritually, not having the SPIRIT or the
words of your FATHER, who begat you, and The ROCK who
gives you spiritual drink !!! when you understand this, …. You are converted as
you will seek Him . Psa. 78; 34-35!  king David also called The ROCK of salvation, his FATHER…. Psa. 89: 26… “
Thou art my FATHER, my God, and THE ROCK of my salvation.” . !


If you sit on the throne of king David, … as proven in previous writings , … The ROCK should be


If Israel wants to be converted, … they must know, …. The ROCK is their FATHER and GOD !!!  We must become sons to the GOD who MADE us or CREATED us!

Then, … Isa. 8: 18,  Heb.  2: 10-13 ,  Isa. 29: 23 also says, GOD prepared sons to be IN HIS MIDST, as a sign and a wonder in Israel.  now you can see this sign and a wonder… of CHRIST and HIS children …

remember… Isa. 8: 14 says, Judah and Israel, stumbled on HIM.  but these children, are in HIS MIDST now, being HIS OWN CHILDREN, AND WE RECEIVED HIM AS OUR FATHER !!! Read all the Scripture given in this writing. !


The LORD of HOSTS ,who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to king David… to build a house for Him. and He said, king David’s son will build a house for HIS NAME, and The LORD  WILL establish the throne of his kingdom for ever. And then said…

2Sa 7:13  He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of
his kingdom for ever.

2Sa 7:14  I WILL BE HIS FATHER, and he shall be My
. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: }}}… so The LORD  said, I WILL BE HIS ‘FATHER’ !!!  This is The
and The New Temple also will be built to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. it is
already built as proven in previous writings in Heb.  3: 6.
But, those who departed from Him, are evil and not in HIS HOUSE. v


Do you believe the Scripture ???  read 1Ch_22:10; also .


Deu 8:5  Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee}}}… as a man chastens the ‘SONS’… The LORD  chasten you. !!!!  So, … if The LORD  chastens Israel, … then would not Israel be SONS TO THEIR GOD ??? Man chasten his sons, The LORD  chastens HIS SONS. !!  Remember the rod of men is prophesied to come to chasten the sons.  So it is other men who already know their FATHER , who will be sent to chasten THE SONS !!!! That will convert you from your HEART and will turn you to HIM, the FATHER !!!  The work of Elijah.

 And then, .. it is THE ALMIGHTY, who corrects.  Earlier, it was The LORD of HOSTS , but that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  now THE ALMIGHTY… and that too is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1: 8 and more proves ALPHA and OMEGA is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and THE ALMIGHTY. It is THE ALMIGHTY who met Abraham, Isaac and Jacob . Exo 6:3 and even Moses. !

Job 5:17  Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty:  It is THE ALMIGHTY, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD  ( Rev. 1:8) who chastens all, as WE ARE HIS SONS. !!!  And want to prove scripturally???  Read 2 cor 6: 17-19.  THE ALMIGHTY said to gentiles, He will receive us as HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS  !!! :-


2Co 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

2Co 6:17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

2Co 6:18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye
shall be
My sons and daughters, saith the Lord
. “..}}}… so you see ???  THE ALMIGHTY, is JESUS CHRIST the
LORD… Rev. 1: 8 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come,
the Almighty.”  So THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  Then He tells us to come out from
those who have IDOLS.  Who is that?  It is the high priest who is drinking the
spiritual drink from a dumb rock, and changed the symbol of the Covenant with
Jacob also and are doing abominations defiling JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s or THE ALMIGHTY’s name.  and then, THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD says, to come out among such, and I will be a ‘FATHER’ to you, and you will be MY Sons and daughters !!!!


And ‘temple of GOD,  “ temple of the Living GOD’….  that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who has now built HIS OWN HOUSE, and HE IS A SON to HIS OWN HOUSE.

Heb 3:6  But Christ as a son over His own house; whose house are we, }}}… so THE ALMIGHTY is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Rev. 1: 8 and more. And it is THE ALMIGHTY who met Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  and Moses. Exo 6: 3. So HE WAS THEIR GOD. and later His name changed to many. But it is the same GOD, The CREATOR.  Then, in HIS HOUSE MEANS, WE ARE FULLY CONVERTED TO HIM, AND WE KNOW THE FATHER !!!  We have a FATHER and THE FATHER HAS SONS !!! To be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S HOUSE MEANS WE HAVE FULFILLED OUR CONVERSION !!!


And v 12 says, those who departed from THE LIVING GOD, has an evil heart of UNBELIEF.  and it is Israel who are cut off for unbelief. Rom.  11: 20. So it is their hearts which are evil and who departed from the Living GOD. !!!  So the temple is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house, but HE TOO IS A SON to HIS OWN HOUSE. !  So where is GOD the Father whom you say is your GOD???  If GOD the Father was JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s FATHER, then the Scripture should say, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is a SON to His FATHER’s house !!!!  so we believed THE ALMIGHTY or JESUS CHRIST the LORD , or the Living GOD is our FATHER as we preach Him to you.  So we are converted, as our hearts are turned to the FATHER. !!!  then, we are the ones who were not of HIS PEOPLE, but now are, as Apostle Peter said in 1  Pet. 2: 8 – 10,  …. Serving the Living GOD, or THE ALMIGHTY as HIS OWN SONS, … !!!

So this Scripture says, THE ALMIGHTY and the Living GOD…. IS THE FATHER !!!  Would He lie like humans???  And we are already in HIS HOUSE, praising , blessing and sending pure incense to His name. Mal. 1: 11, when you have failed to honor Him as the FATHER as Mal. 1:6 says !!!  This is the same way you too will be converted, and will call, The Husband, MY FATHER !!! Jer. 3: 19-20, when you return to Him!  As you have not believed that HE IS THE FATHER also, … you have forsaken and departed from Him !!!


We know it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who chasten us, … and He chastens His SONS. He Is not
chastening Egyptians or the world, or any other churches,  but HIS OWN !!

Heb 12:5  And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:

Heb 12:6  For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and SCOURGETH EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVETH.

Heb 12:7  If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? }}}… There are no doubts, but Israel are sons of THE ALMIGHTY, or The CREATOR , The LORD of HOSTS  or JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  He chastens HIS EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVES!!!!  So JESUS CHRIST the LORD chasten HIS SON and not other’s sons. HE IS A LOVING FATHER WHO CORRECTS HIS SONS, FOR THEIR OWN GOOD. !!!  He Is judging His own wife who went after other gods and who have idols, and not the world. !

HE CHASTENS THE Laodiceans. So they must repent, and receive the rebuke of their FATHER and The Husband. Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD is a SON to His own house.?  He is the HEAD of the household or the temple, HIS BODY, and that means the FATHER and as well as The SON means The Husband also. !

Rev 3:19  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be
zealous therefore, and repent.
}}}… which GOD is this?  Is it not JESUS CHRIST the LORD?
So He chastens HIS SONS !!!  The Laodiceans are His SONS !  This
Scripture directly says the Laodiceans are HIS SONS !!!  And He takes them back to the
CREATION!!!!   From the creation, HE WAS, IS AND WILL BE THE FATHER, FROM EVERLASTING!!! But they do not call Him, My FATHER! That is why, not knowing their FATHER, they have the devil as their father. John 8: 44.  That is the lie,
which brought them under bondage.  HIS OWN, did not receive Him. Mal. 1:6 clearly says, The LORD of HOSTS  is the FATHER and the Levitical ministry did not honor Him as the FATHER. !  So that knowledge would convert them to be SONS OF GOD, but sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!


Joh 8:31  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, IF YE CONTINUE IN MY WORD, THEN ARE YE MY DISCIPLES INDEED;

Joh 8:32  And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Joh 8:33  They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? }}}… The Jews including the high priest, Joshua did not continue in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. so they could not be HIS disciples. And could not receive the truth either to be set free.


 So those who received HIS WORDS, ARE SET FREE…( word is the truth)  AND ARE DISCIPLES.  This is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, “And whosoever shall
give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold
water only in the
, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.”.Mat 10: 42. So He prophesied, that HIS DISCIPLES WILL HEAR HIS WORDS, .. AND RECEIVE THE TRUTH, … AND WILL BE MADE FREE, are the little children … !!!  But to this day, you never received these little ones ! THAT MEANS YOU DID NOT RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S DISCIPLES! This is why, you are under bondage as v 44 says.  Because you have no FATHER ! Therefore, as Zech. 8 says above, to make Jerusalem a city of
TRUTH, … The LORD  set these children free and gave them the truth and are sending them. THEY ARE THE JEWS, AND DISCIPLES WHO CONTINUE IN HIS WORDS. ! Remember Israel of GOD, are the ones who are IN HIM!


“the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and SCOURGETH EVERY SON WHOM HE RECEIVETH.”

“I rebuke and chasten”…

So the Laodiceans, are JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SONS !!! But they do not honor Him , JESUS CHRIST the LORD as
their FATHER.


To the Laodicea, He says “These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;.  So He takes them back to the CREATION, to
remind them, HE CREATED THEM, AND THEY ARE HIS SONS, and He loves them and that
is why He chastens them so THEY MUST RETURN TO HIM. !!!


Would He lie?  Would the Scripture lie ??  How many Scripture says, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the FATHER ????  But did we know that? Without inspiration, … we understood, that there is a GOD the Father. Neither HWA , nor Gerald Flurry went to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the spiritual drink, as they preached two gods!!!   So they did not continue in His word!!!!  So they are not JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S DISCIPLES. ! If they were, then they would be in His house !!! But, JESUS CHRIST the LORD has now revealed the FATHER as John 16: 25 says.  The word ‘FATHER’, is an allegory as this verse says, which we have proven previously. ! He did not reveal the FATHER even to the apostles. He said , HE WILL REVEAL.  But then, did He reveal even to the last prophet or the high priest Joshua ???  Gerald Flurry did not go to Him to get the SPIRIT !  So none of His people received the truth about Him, that HE IS THE FATHER AS HE COULD NOT REVEAL THE FATHER TO THEM. !!!  This is why, He said I WILL REVEAL. And then HE REVEALED IT TO HIS OWN SONS, WHOM HE ADOPTED AS SONS WHO RECEIVED, BELIEVED AND SANCTIFIED HIM !!! It is through them, the SPIRIT of the FATHER speaks as written above. And as He is THE ALMIGHTY, … as written above, He received them as sons and daughters  !!!!  He brought them to HIS House of Prayer,… ALTAR, .. AND TO THE Holy Mountain, WHEN THE SALVATION IS ABOUT TO COME. Isa. 56.  And others, He called dumb dogs !


Rev 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will SUP WITH HIM, AND HE
}}}… “ if any man hear My voice”????   This means during
the Laodicea era, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD SPEAKS to hear His voice !!!!!  And as proven above, .. the SPIRIT of the FATHER speaks through the children !!!
And these children have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in them. And Laodicea
means judgment. And in judgment, these children are to be as HE IS. 1 John 4: 4
, 17. So it is through them, the SPIRIT of the FATHER speaks !!! At this time,


Remember The LORD  said, He will not eat Passover till the kingdom comes??? He ate the Passover with the ADOPTED CHILDREN, BY BRINGING THEM OUT OF Egypt OR SPIRITUALLY, by this word of TRUTH, they believed. Eph.  1: 13.  And also they were asked to come out, so THE
ALMIGHTY will receive them as sons and daughters  as written above in 2 cor
6: 16-19 !!!!   All are in Egypt Spiritually. Rev. 11: 8.  So THEY WERE
Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”


And now, you can see this prophecy is fulfilled as we are in the kingdom, JUDGING THE SCATTERED 12 TRIBES !!!!   Mat. 12: 27-28.  “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.”. IN order to cast out the devils in the FATHERS, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave HIS SPIRIT to these children, who are JUDGES. With the SPIRIT of GOD, or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, which they received, they judge their fathers. !  That is why they are a sign and a wonder in Israel. they are also called the finger of GOD. and it is their names which are written in heaven, and the devils are subject unto them, because the devils are the LIARS, and by giving the Spirit and Truth, … the word of truth, the lies are cast out with the liars. They are the fathers as written above also. !  So as Mat. 21: 43 said, the kingdom is taken, and given to whom it was preplanned, to the little children who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Their names are written in heaven. Luk. 10: 19-22,  Luk. 11: 19-22.


the kingdom of God is come unto you”…..  The Laodicea
era, is the judgment. So that is the kingdom as proven in previous writings. And
to JUDGE, JESUS CHRIST the LORD Has called HIS OWN SONS, whom He begat by the
word of truth, the SPIRIT. Jam 1:18. Remember at this time, Laodicea means
Spiritually DEAD. So it is the DEAD who are called to be judged. Rev. 20:
12,  11: 18-19. That is why, to THE DEAD, the gospel is preached.  1  Pet. 4:6.
So by the truth and the true gospel, the DEAD ARE JUDGED. what does that
mean ???  They are judged as they did not believe in the gospel, which means, … they are judged for not believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  So that is how the Laodiceans are judged. and that is the kingdom.  Mat. 12: 27-28, … and when they cast out the
devils by the SPIRIT of GOD, … the KINGDOM IS COME UNTO YOU !!!  Remember, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s WORDS which will judge one…  John 12: 48 “He that REJECTETH ME, AND RECEIVETH NOT MY WORDS, hath one that judgeth him: the
word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. . So The LORD  gave the word to judge. 


As written elsewhere, the judgments also are written. No one can judge by their standards.  That is why, the little children, the babes, are your judges, … judging the 12 tribes as written elsewhere, … and they are “we may have boldness in the day of judgment, that as He is, so also we are in this world.” . 1 John 4:17 . IN order to use these children to judge, The LORD  is in them. V 4. Zech. 12: 8 . Zechariah’s book as written above is for the time when The LORD of HOSTS  RETURNS to rebuild the city with the truth. so whom ever HE PREDESTINATED for that work, HE BROUGHT FORTH AS HIS OWN CHILDREN, to judge and establish , or rebuild the city, by THE TRUTH. ! So New Jerusalem and new Zion is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own house, and it is a House of Prayer, … the prayers are sent to GOD.  Remember the same gospel JUDGES one and will also ESTABLISH. Rom.  2: 16,   16: 25 ! That is the gospel which Apostle Paul preached.  That was the Heavenly vision .



So you see ???  Who are those who REJECTED JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  Who are they ????  it is His own , Abraham’s seed. John 8. Jer. 3: 19-20 , Heb.  3: 6, 12 proves who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who are not. how many Scripture says, it is HIS OWN AND OWN WIFE who have forsaken Him ???  If Israel is to stumble on Him, … and in HIS WORD, as Isa. 8: 14,  1  Pet. 2: 5-8 says, …. It is they who rejected Him !!!! Malachi book totally condemn the whole Levitical ministry for rejecting Him.!  Mal. 2:10-11 rejects Judah ! Gerald Flurry wrote referring to Mal. 1: 6, that it is like GOD the Father is speaking, as proven in previous writings . So that definitely proves, he did not accept or believe The LORD of HOSTS  is the FATHER !!!   No one rejected GOD the Father but say he is their GOD. John 8:54- 56. Abraham, your father did not look for GOD the Father , but JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s day! John 1 proves, it is HIS OWN , WHO REJECTED HIM in every way. Even as the Chief Corner Stone !!!


Rejected ‘ME’.  this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. You rejected
Him as The ROCK, …Deut.  32: 6, 12, 15, 18, as the FATHER , Mal. 1: 6 and as The Husband, Jer. 3: 19-20, … and many more. Even in His first coming, and to the Laodicea era !!! Has not the Laodicea era rejected Him and closed the door to Him ??? Finally Abraham’s seed
became sons of the devil, not having the works of Abraham, and not having the
true GOD as their FATHER . John 8: 44- 56 !



Who did not receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words???

Joh 8:37  I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because MY WORD hath no place in you. }}}…Abraham’s seed, has NO PLACE for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s WORDS. and what are HIS WORDS ???  They are HOLY SPIRIT and life to us. John
6:63, and HIS WORDS begets us. Jam 1: 18. And we are to live BY EVERY WORD
which comes out of the mouth of The LORD , and that is the only way to cast out
the devils in us. So NOT HAVING JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS, … caused you NOT
TO BE BORN Spiritually, … not live for ever, and you could not overcome the devil, because it is the WORD of GOD  which causes us to overcome ! And JESUS CHRIST the LORD lives in us, BY HIS WORDS ! We are conformed to the image of GOD, by HIS WORDS as proven in this writing alone!
The Promised land, …the Promise of the FATHER , are HIS WORDS! “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God
abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.”
.  So you see ???  The WORD OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … MAKES YOU STRONG, TO OVERCOME THE WICKED ONE !!! If you do not have a place in you for HIS WORDS, .. then how could you overcome, or live ???   So the same word will judge you. and you will see, you were Spiritually dead . We are built in to a SPIRITUAL , LIVELY House of GOD, by HIS WORDS !!!! His words will never pass away, .. never lie. Without JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words , nothing EXISTS ! The
whole creation came to be by HIS WORDS the SPIRIT.


But, as John 17 says, as written above, … these children
have KEPT HIS WORD, to whom the name is given !!!


Therefore, as you rejected HIM, and HIS WORDS, … stumbled on Him and His words, … you have become NOTHING. GOD’s house is left desolate. So you must be given His words which is SPIRIT to give life. so He prepared these children, to give you the words, the SPIRIT, to cast out your evil works which is the devil, the evil heart, stiff necked heart which GOD saw even from the beginning and warned. His words must come to pass and now it has. So He Has returned to give you words, but sending them by the bellies of the believers as written above, springing out everlasting life to you. remember everlasting life is to know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. John 17: 3! And Times of Gentiles Has come to give it. 1 John 5: 20! So that is how the children are judges, and it is the kingdom. ! And these words will convert you. this is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said.. to be converted as little ones! So rejecting Him and His words the SPIRIT means no life but must be judged.  Then, The LORD  delivers by opening the eyes to understand the Scripture which is already fulfilled, just as it was for the early apostles, that their eyes were opened after JESUS CHRIST the LORD was resurrected. !

Rejecting JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR proves, they have sinned as Adam! They have forsaken THEIR FATHER, AND The Husband !!!!  The CREATOR is The Husband and also the Everlasting FATHER !!!!  So this knowledge, when understood, … will cause you to return to your true FATHER !!!!  Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words will beget you. Jam 1: 18 !!!!  That is the true conversion!  Then, we go back to  Eden…. GOD will see how He created all BY HIS SPIRIT , making all things NEW IN HIM !!!  Then, we can be with our One and ONLY TRUE GOD , JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who appears in MANY NAMES!

If rejecting JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the sin, … then when repented, … The LORD  will remove your sin and then believe and receive Him as your FATHER to be converted as Adam was !

This prophecy is for the times of Refreshing, restoration, the regeneration which is now, when The LORD  comes to comfort all by giving the truth to make the city of truth as written above.

Mat 19:28  And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That YE WHICH
in the regeneration when the
Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve
thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
}}… Who are the followers of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  remember not GOD the Father !  It is His own disciples, whom He called as
written elsewhere in Rom.  1: 5- 6 !!!  This Scripture talks about the regeneration, the times of Refreshing !!!


‘regeneration’ means strong’s “From G3825
and G1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), that is, (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically Messianic restoration: – regeneration.”. This is definitely, the SPIRITUAL rebirth. And we are born again, by HIS WORDS THE SPIRIT  as proven above. And that is why The Comforter comes, the Spirit and Truth, the HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself to give HIS WORDS the SPIRIT !


1) new
birth, reproduction, renewal, recreation
, regeneration

1a) hence renovation,
regeneration, the production of a new life
consecrated to God
, a radical change of mind for the
. The word often used to denote the
restoration of a thing to its pristine
, its renovation, as
a renewal or restoration of life after death

1b) the renovation of
the earth after the deluge

1c) the renewal of
the world to take place after
its destruction by fire
, as the Stoics taught

1d) the signal and
glorious change of all things (in heaven and earth) for the better, that
restoration of the primal and perfect condition of
things which existed before the fall of our first parents,
which the Jews looked for in connection with the
advent of the Messiah, and which Christians expected in connection with the
visible return of Jesus from heaven.

1e) other uses

1e1) of Cicero’s
restoration to rank and fortune on his recall from exile

1e2) of the
restoration of the Jewish nation after exile

1e3) of the recovery
of knowledge by recollection


perfect condition of things which existed before the fall of our first parents”,  restoration of a thing to its pristine
production of a new life consecrated to God, a radical change of mind for the better”.

It certainly sounds like the TRUE CONVERSION !!! So JESUS
CHRIST the LORD comes to CONVERT all back to the creation, … before the fall of our FIRST PARENTS, Adam and Eve !!!


Apostle Paul, spoke about the time of regeneration well, and we can understand ‘WHEN’ it would be. Apostle Paul wrote as it was in his time. But we know, the times of Refreshing , or regenration happens after the judgment and when The LORD of HOSTS  comes to Jerusalem to rebuild it as written above. !

Tit 3:3  For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish,
disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and
envy, hateful, and hating one

Tit 3:4  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared,

Tit 3:5  Not by works of righteousness which we have
, but according to
his mercy he saved
, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the
Holy Ghost;
}}… so all are sinners, says The LORD .  all had these
character. All were disobedient to Him. But after all are judged, … GOD’s love appears to SAVE ALL, … NOT BECAUSE ANYONE’S WORKS, … but because of His love and kindness, … HE CAME TO SAVE US, AND BY WASHING BY THE WATER THE WORD as Eph.  5
says, and then, giving the HOLY SPIRIT .!!! No man deserves to live, but to
die. No man can get righteousness by the works of the law either. ONLY BY THE
GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … we stand before Him to receive life. !

Tit 3:6  Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour;


Tit 3:7  That being JUSTIFIED BY HIS GRACE, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. }}}… Every one should understand, that we are JUSTIFIED, .. made free from sin, … because… only because of HIS GRACE ! Remember if we have sinned against GOD, … only GOD can forgive ! If you have sinned against a brother, … receive forgiveness from that brother and not from another brother.  So even if there was a GOD the Father, … we have not sinned against him, but against The CREATOR !!!

This is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD said in John 3: 3-5, EXCEPT A MAN IS BORN AGAIN, .. will not see the kingdom !!!  V 5 says, except we are born again by the WATER AND THE SPIRIT, … cannot enter in to the kingdom.  AND THE ABOVE Scripture TALKS ABOUT THE KINGDOM, JUDGING THE 12 TRIBES.  So the judges, were restored first by washing of the water and the SPIRIT, both picture JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. ! So the judges are the little children, as proven above.  And The LORD  came to them, gave the secrets, .. they perfected His praise, and they are given the water the word, the SPIRIT, … and are made judges and in the kingdom. This is why The LORD  said to be converted as little children. So The LORD , converted them as HE PREDESTINATED THEM. ! Therefore, by now, if The LORD  has opened your mind to understand all these, …. You will see… that it is the little children who are given the kingdom of GOD, … and are made judges, as they are CONVERTED OR RESTORED FIRST. !

Mat. 12: 27-28 again.. “And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. “. GOD says, your children will cast out devils by the SPIRIT of The LORD .  so who are the devils ?  12 tribes, … scattered, as they did not receive the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … as proven above, … but, these little children received HIM AND HIS WORDS, …and John 8:44 says, it is Abraham’s seed who are sons of devil, … and who ever, DOES NOT HAVE THE WORDS OR THE SPIRIT OR THE WATER THE WORD, .. are devils who NEED THE SPIRIT, THE WATER THE WORD, … to be born of GOD, … and to cast out their devils.  SO IN SHORT, THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE The LORD  AND HIS WORDS, are the devils !  They need to be judged , so they could be established, … and BE CONVERTED back to the first creation! So GOD’s words cannot lie.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD came and gave the water the word, the HOLY SPIRIT,
to these children as proven above in 1 John 2: 12- 27, Isa. 8: 18, 29: 23-24 etc. also remember Psa. 8: 2.  Babes are called to still the enemy. And who is the enemy ???  Those who rejected Him and His words ! These little children are also called the finger of GOD ! You know what that means. !


GOD spoke about restoring judges first. And judges are RESTORED FIRST, to REDEEM Zion, but with JUDGMENT and CONVERTING her to truth, from lies. !  So these judges cannot be anyone other than the little children who received all truth, the SPIRIT , the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who are to be JUDGES , to whom the secrets were given, after hiding from the wise and the prudent ! Would JESUS CHRIST the LORD lie ???

Isa 1:26  And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counsellors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, The city of righteousness, the faithful city.

Isa 1:27  Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. }}}… so GOD said, HE WILL ‘RESTORE’ judges first. So the judges also needed to be restored first.  And how ? By giving the water the word to wash. The words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and they are the counsellors also. So they are restored first, .. and they are the predestinated ones to do it, … and then, The LORD  will redeem Zion, WITH JUDGMENT.  So the judges are restored first, so they could JUDGE to redeem Zion, with judgment. ! remember GOD judges to establish. Judgment is your light. Hos. 6: 5 and The LORD  takes vengeance to accept. Isa. 61: 2- 3 ! Therefore, when Zion is JUDGED, … her CONVERTS WILL RECEIVE RIGHTEOUSNESS. That means forgiveness ! How would they receive forgiveness ??  As proven above, .. ONLY ACKNOWLEDGE  YOUR SIN AND INIQUITY , to be established as a city of truth. Then, the TRUTH must be given to judge and redeem and to make it a city of TRUTH !!! No more other gods, but The Husband who is also the FATHER and all will call Him, my “FATHER”!!!  This is what these judges are judging to give and make all understand!


Here are few Scripture that GOD comes to make the world as the garden of   Eden, below . HE WILL DO IT. “So shall MY WORD be that goeth FORTH OUT OF MY MOUTH: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it”. Isa. 55: 11. This is the time, as v 5 says, The LORD  sends a nation which you do not know, …. When you are to GLORIFY YOUR GOD. !  remember The Comforter came to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! And we have glorified Him. Thereafter, He will call all to come to drink the HOLY SPIRIT as written elsewhere. Then, from v 5 “Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee. … Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.. For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace:”. So JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words will not return to Him unless it fulfills what HE PLEASES.


If you need to glorify your GOD, … then this nation who comes to tell you about the Holy “ONE”, will tell you there is only ‘ONE’ GOD, Holy and true, .. and they must be already given this knowledge by GOD and glorified THIS ONE GOD! He will cause you to know Him to glorify Him!  And if not, you are still wicked as you have forsaken Him. ‘LET HIM RETURN TO THE LORD, … AND HE WILL HAVE MERCY”… this is no other GOD, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD whose mercy is spoken in Scripture. HE WILL PARDON. Only acknowledge  your sin and iniquity against Him, for rejecting Him as your FATHER and The Husband, … and rejecting HIS WORDS, THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE TRUTH ! and “be led forth with peace”, proves, it is the little children who were prepared by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself to be sent with peace as Isa. 54: 13 says. Remember as written elsewhere, Levi had peace and why??? “And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be thepeace of thy children.”. So make no mistake… it is these children who are with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. are the JUDGES, … in the kingdom, … and they bring PEACE, as The LORD , Himself taught them, as 1 John 2: 12- 27 says and more ! So these judges are sent with PEACE ! They are restored , converted first as the Scripture says and they are the judges, and it is the kingdom and it is the 12 tribes who rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words, who are being judged as The LORD  said… above !!!


“by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.. But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you… I will restore thy judges… And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall
peace of thy children.”.

in the kingdom, … it is these children who are already converted, who
will be your judges, as 1 John 4:4, 17 says, as The LORD  is in them, … and they will give the SPIRIT of GOD which they received , from their bellies, as they have already glorified
JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … John 7: 36-39, … and they are the RESTORED or
converted judges, … and they learned directly from The LORD , and they bring
peace to you !!! As we are fulfilling all these, … we know it is the kingdom!!!



Every one will be WASHED, SANCTIFIED, JUSTIFIED, in the name of JESUS

1Co 6:11  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. }}}…
you are washed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name , because you are POLLUTED OR UNCLEAN, not HAVING HIS NAME IN YOU !!!!  and one is justified, … sanctified … washed
in HIS NAME. !!!  So GOD the Father worshipers are still NOT WASHED, sanctified, … or justified !!!


Think about one thing which your GOD the Father does , except it made you to be called liars , wicked, unrighteous ?

So it is the 12 tribes, who needs to be judged. “judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”

And they are given the TRUTH, to judge their lies, so they can accept their sin and error and acknowledge  sin as The LORD  says above. ! all will be redeemed with judgment!

this The LORD  spoke after talking about rich men who cannot enter in to the kingdom of GOD.  This is why 1 sam 2: 8,   jam 2: 5. The poor are chosen in the last hour. Also the base and weak things of the world , to put to shame the wise !  Since it is spiritual, and done by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words, … the Spiritually blind cannot see, that they are being judged for rejecting JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words.  but in the regeneration, when The LORD  overlooks the ignorance in man, or the times of Refreshing as Acts. 3 says, … He will come to save ALL FLESH, HE will cause you to see and understand all these, WHEN THE BOOKS ARE OPENED TO THE DEAD . !  Rev. 20. Luk. 3: 6. So those who have FOLLOWED JESUS CHRIST the LORD IN HIS SECOND COMING, who are these children, … who received the SPIRIT and glorified, sanctified, praised and blessed Him, have already judged the 12 tribes, who were scattered , so they could be gathered to Him. !  The daughters of Jerusalem were scattered, as they did not gather to HIM !!!


Luk 22:29  And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;

Luk 22:30  That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. }}}…remember JESUS
CHRIST the LORD said, He will not eat even the Passover till the kingdom comes?
And to Passover, one must receive JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words as proven in ‘
The ROCK” our
Passover; will take us from pollutions of the world to be His people
  Worship the
FATHER in Spirit and Truth”

Those who are given the truth, and are judges, sit with Him in His table!

please read it. Because,  this time, we must come out Spiritually, by receiving the words of The CREATOR, The ROCK , the same GOD who brought Israel out in the first time.  Rev.
11: 8 says, you are ‘Spiritually’ in Egypt and sodom. Then, having brought us out of Egypt and Babylon and confusion as written above in 12 cor 6: 16-19, … He caused us to eat with Him ,
His words. He took us away from eating unclean as v 17 says. That is how THE ALMIGHTY became our FATHER !!!


(Eze_3:1-3Rev_10:9 Jer 15:16  Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts. …}}}… so you see ???  Jeremiah ate GOD’s words.  and it is The LORD of HOSTS ’S WORDS!  And these children also are CALLED IN THE NAME OF The LORD of HOSTS  !!! But, HE GAVE ALL THE WORDS, THE Spirit and Truth, AFTER The Comforter CAME, AND THAT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HIMSELF ! So His words were given , in the kingdom as written above also AS THEY ATE WITH JESUS CHRIST the LORD IN HIS TABLE, WHILE THEY ARE TO JUDGE!. So the restored judges, ate HIS WORDS ALSO , in His table to judge those who rejected His words. !!! So the JUDGES received them and ate them. !!! The words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD are SPIRIT and from The ROCK , comes the SPIRITUAL MEAT AND DRINK, which we are to eat and drink. !!!  So in the kingdom, HE CAUSED US TO SIT WITH HIM TO EAT , AFTER TAKING US FROM SPIRITUAL Egypt AND Babylon, and received us as sons and daughters  as written above in 2 cor 6; 16-19 ! . !!! (and we are in HIS HOUSE as proven above)


And remember the word of truth is what made us to be BORN AGAIN, jam 1:18 and made sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And this is why, these children of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, are made judges. Mat. 12: 27-28, they are the finger of GOD, and 1 John 4:4, 17 ! They judge the Laodiceans, of NOT BELIEVING IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND GOING AFTER OTHER FATHERS AND GODS, drinking and eating from dumb rocks etc !  JESUS CHRIST the LORD Is using them to chasten the SONS who did not turn to Him !!!  So when you understand that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is your FATHER, … the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , .. you are converted. ! And until The Comforter or JESUS CHRIST the LORD came, the HOLY SPIRIT, … as John 14- 16 says, no one knew this truth!  No man can know The SON.! Remember ?

Who ever overcame IN THE Laodicea era, is to sit with Him… and this is another clue that this is the kingdom, as The LORD  sits in the throne, during the Laodicea era.

Rev 3:21  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in his throne}}}…to those who
OVERCOME, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD will grant to sit with HIM, IN HIS throne.
!  This is the Laodicea reward, to be given at the end of the Laodicea era, which is now. !!!  So no other gods, telling Him what to do.  And no one can overcome, WITHOUT
Only the little children, have overcome, as JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS IN THEM. 1 John 2: 12- 14, , 1 John 4:4 and that is why they are AS HE IS IN JUDGMENT. V 17 !  So JESUS CHRIST the LORD must judge the Laodiceans. !


1Jn_4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE THAT IS IN YOU, than he that is in the world. }}}.. GREATER is HE… this is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. 
forgave first, … took them out of Spiritual Egypt, … and they overcame. That is
why and when, one is given judgment. Because, The LORD  judges all by His words as written above, which is THE TRUTH. And as v 17 says, they are as HE IS, on the DAY of JUDGMENT!


The throne belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HE IS THE KING. HE HAS NO FATHER OR MOTHER as proven in previous writings. But THE KING left Zion. Jer. 8: 19-20 . Israel was called to be KINGS AND PRIESTS to THE ALMIGHTY, The LORD of HOSTS  or JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  But they failed and JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, the kingdom will be taken from them and given to others. Mat. 21: 43 and Abraham’s seed will be cast out in to the outer darkness.  But that darkness is to come during the Laodicea era, … as there is no divination , Micah 3:6, and out of that darkness, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the LIGHT, called a new priesthood who are not of HIS PEOPLE. 1  Pet. 2: 8 -10.  there are no other gods or kings to sit on the throne, but THE ROOT OF JESSE, THE LION OF JUDAH , is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He came forth from HIS OWN WORDS, the SPIRIT.  His own zeal did all that. Isa. 9: 6- 7.  that is why HOLY SPIRIT, HIS WORD OF TRUTH  begat Him and even us. So there is no other GOD, but it is HIS THRONE which He allows the overcomers to sit .


To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in My throne…

Could any carnal man, overcome by self?  JESUS CHRIST the LORD
must come to us and He will keep our feet from falling. 1 sam 2: 8-9, 1 John 4:4, , 2 cor 13: 4,
Psa 146:9 , Psa. 1217: 6-8, Col. 2;11,  Psa. 51;10-12 , 2 the 1;11,  php 4:7,  Jud 1:24, Pro 3: 26 “
For the LORD shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.” ..Joh 17:12 “I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept”. This is a prophecy for the second coming, when HE WILL BE IN THE MIDST OF HIS CHILDREN WHOM HE PREPARED as written elsewhere in Isa. 8: 18, 29:23 etc. this cannot be about anyone in Israel, as they are all scattered as Jam 1: 1 says, and have forsaken JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Husband and their FATHER. Jer. 3: 19-20 , and besides they are FALLEN FOR THE 7TH AND LAST TIME, as they are Laodicean. !!!


so whom He predestinated, … He brought forth, forgiving first, then teaching as 1 John 2: 12- 27 says. ! and Eph.  1, they believed ! HE SAVES, HE IS The Saviour, … HE CREATES, HE IS The CREATOR, … HE GIVES THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE COMFORTING AS HE IS The Comforter, … HE REDEEMS AS HE IS The REDEEMER, …. AND HE GIVES FAITH AND ENDS IT, AS HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION AND FAITH !!!  HE TEACHES THE LOVE OF GOD , TO BE Philadelphians… 1 Thess. 4:9.   These are characters of divine nature, which no man could have.  Can you have the fruits of the SPIRIT, … WITHOUT, the SPIRIT????  Fruits if the SPIRIT which Apostle Paul wrote about, is from The CREATOR!  HE MUST GIVE ALL OF HIS CHARACTER TO US!  THAT IS WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE A SON TO HIM !!!!  FATHER’s character comes to SONS !!!  so we cannot do anything by ourselves. ! if JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of faith, then He will begin that faith in us and finish it. we cannot do it ourselves.


The LORD  even turns back Zion !!! That is conversion.

Lam 1:13  From above hath he sent fire into my bones, and it prevaileth against them: he hath spread a net for my feet, he hath turned me back: he hath made me
desolate and faint all the day…
.}}}… the flaming fire, … the WORD of GOD comes to those who do not know Him, as proven. Isa. 64:2 and other Scripture. That is the lake of fire , where the opened books are as proven in previous writings.


2Th_1:8  In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:}}}… remember the flaming fire was kept to Adam, to cut him off from the Tree of Life ???  he did not obey The CREATOR!  Same way, as proven above, His own did not receive Him, nor His words. they did not obey THE Everlasting gospel to fear AND WORSHIP The CREATOR, WHICH IS PREACHED IN JUDGEMENT NOW. Rev. 14. That is why they are in Babylon. ! After we believed the word of truth as Eph.  1: 13 says, we are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT , the promise. So we obeyed. 2 cor 10: 5- 6
and that is why The LORD  uses us to take vengeance, .. from those who DO NOT KNOW HIM, … and who DID NOT OBEY THE GOSPEL, but preached two gods and a false gospel for over 80 years. !


If the WORD of GOD  says, Israel stumbled on Him as well as the WORD of GOD , … how could they know GOD ???  So they ARE CAUGHT IN GOD’S TRAP!  His words are judging them, as this is the Last Great Day.  But soon, … as JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified, … John 7: 36-39, … the HOLY SPIRIT or HIS WORDS WILL BE GIVEN FREELY TO ALL, SAVING ALL !!!  This is why, from HIS OWN HOUSE, NOW HE SPEAKS… Heb.  3, … SO YOU MAY ALSO HEAR HIS VOICE !!! DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART ANY MORE, BUT BELIEVE! YOU WILL !

So what Adam failed, … now as the little children have passed, … all the Laodiceans will too as that is the plan of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The CREATOR!  If He is not to save all, why would He comes a second time and give the knowledge of GOD  and said all FLESH will be saved ???  When He comes, can HE FIND FAITH?  Because, faith, itself is a FREE GIFT, Eph.  2:8, comes from The Husband, the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION Heb.  2: 10,  and faith, Heb.  12:2 “Look unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”;.. and it must be given!  Without this faith, .. it is impossible to please GOD. we proved why in “faith of CHRIST .”.  This means those who did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … did not receive faith either !!! These things are made known to all, so they could understand and turn to Him and receive all things. HE HAS COME TO SAVE AND NOT TO CONDEMN THIS TIME, AS THE JUDGMENT IS OVER and now the saving time has come. !

 Once the New Temple has the foundation laid, … The LORD  comes to build it. remember as written above, in Zech. 8, when The LORD  comes to build the city with the truth, … the liars will see they are nothing and have their works destroyed. So not even one stone is left upon another now, as lamentations says as THE POTTER has made the stones in the Sanctuary, to dust or clay. ! So the fasts are about the destruction of the temple which was built on LIES and including the high priest (Gedaliah back then) will die.  All those who did not go to JESUS CHRIST the LORD to get the words, are dead already as THOSE WHO DID ARE LIVING !

So the fire comes on those who did NOT KNOW THE NAME OF GOD… THAT IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S, to bow to Him. ! Remember every knee will bow down and every tongue will confess JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS The LORD  ?

Isa 64:2  As when the melting fire burneththe fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence!
..}}}… so the enemy of JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the wife as the prophet Micah said, and now all could know why. The wife did not know The Husband is also the FATHER, and
worshiped a nogod, calling GOD the Father.! 


The gentiles magnified and glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, having received the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD on the day of THE LORD. so they are being used by Him to avenge the wife, but to teach her the truth. Apostle Paul, magnified JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father, even though he was against Him at first  !

Php 1:20  According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death…}}}… do you magnify JESUS CHRIST the LORD in your body?

 All should bow means worship, .. at the name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!

Php 2:9  Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

Php 2:10  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

Php 2:11  And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father….}}}… have you bow down your knees to JESUS CHRIST the LORD ??? if you are in heaven, or earth, or in the bottomless pit, … you must worship Him.  So you should begin to understand your sin , for not hearing the voice of The LORD  also.  Because these are the words of GOD !!! Have you confessed that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the LORD ???



The LORD  comes the second time, to be GLORIFIED. This is why He comes as The Comforter, the Spirit and Truth. to be glorified means to make us know that He is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, the FATHER as well as The SON and all about Him.

JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to be glorified in the SAINTS,
who BELIEVED. And it is the gentiles who BELIEVED when He came. They are the

Th 1:10  When He shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be
admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.

2Th 1:11  Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: }}}… So HE COMES TO BE GLORIFIED IN THE SAINTS.  THEN, WHO EVER GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … ARE THE SAINTS. And they are the
sons whom THE Captain of Salvation, OR The ROCK OF SALVATION BROUGHT TO GLORY
as Heb.  2: 10 says above !!!!  So He comes to make Himself known.  Then , the saints will judge all those who failed to come to Him. !


JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to count us worthy of our calling and to fulfill HIS GOOD PLEASURE and goodness in us and to work the work of faith with power !!!



Eph.  1 says, the gentiles are made for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s glory. So we glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, ( remember after The Comforter came to glorify Himself).

2Th 1:12  That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.}}}…. Therefore, now that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified, He can call all to come and drink from Him. !


Not only we glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but HIS WORDS AS WELL.

2Th 3:1  Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: }}}… remember Israel is appointed to stumble at the WORD ? 1  Pet. 2: 5-8?  But gentiles are appointed to glorify the WORD OF GOD as well. !!!




2Th 3:2  And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. }}}…those who do not have faith, are wicked.  And The LORD delivered us from such.  Faith is cut off from Israel. Rom.  11: 20.  So they are the wicked who did not know The LORD  , nor His word !

2Th 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil}}}.. so the word of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, is WITH US and now glorified. And the wicked are the ones who do not have faith, who failed to receive the free gift of faith from JESUS CHRIST the LORD , as it comes from Him.  and The LORD  will establish us, .. and will keep us from evil, FAITHLESS people ! This is the faithless generation. You must trust JESUS CHRIST the LORD to give you faith, as HE IS THE AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  AND FAITH. Heb.  12: 2. Look to Him to give you faith. !!! 

The name of JESUS CHRIST the LORD was magnified …

Act 19:17  And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. }}} you can see, it is the only way to be saved. We must magnify JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words !!! These facts are necessary for the conversion !

 As written above, Mal. 1: 5- 6 says, the Levitical ministry will not give glory to The LORD of HOSTS , but, BEYOND the border of Israel, which means among the gentiles, HIS NAME WILL BE MAGNIFIED and YOUR EYES SHALL SEE. !!!  Now you can see ! And then, we send PURE INCENSE to HIS NAME. v 11 !!!

And it is Zion or JACOB who gets the flaming fire.  JACOB’s seed do not know that JACOB met JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven in ‘NEW STONE’ writings.

Lam 2:3  He hath cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel: he hath drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devoureth round about.}}}… so the enemy is the wife of CHRIST The LORD , or Zion, or JACOB’s seed, all scattered Israel !!! so this fire comes in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s anger. They are HIS ENEMIES as they did not believe in Him.  remember Abraham believed and that was counted for him for righteousness ???  Same way, when we believe, The LORD  makes us righteous. We proved why The LORD  does that.  There are no other gods who are angry with Israel. Jer. 15:14 , 17:4… and this fire comes when you are scattered as now. !  Therefore, this fire or the word of GOD which is to burn you as you did not TREMBLE BEFORE JESUS CHRIST the LORD, YOUR FATHER, … WILL TURN YOU BACK. ! Gentiles are prophesied to bring you back to GOD as written elsewhere, and in Isa. 49: 22-23 ! 

even as I also overcame, how did JESUS CHRIST the LORD overcome ???  By quoting the word of GOD! but no one had the whole truth, till The Comforter came and gave the Spirit and Truth. and when He came and gave HIS WORDS TO THE LITTLE CHILDREN, … they inherited Him, and He Is in them, caused them to overcome as HE DID.

These things are made known, so all could be converted, understanding GOD’s will, written in the Scripture. ! SO JESUS CHRIST the LORD CHASTENS THE Laodiceans, AS THEY ARE HIS OWN SONS AND WIFE ! They do not know their HUSBAND IS ALSO THE FATHER ! He chastens because HE LOVES HIS SONS AND THAT IS WHY HE DIED TO SAVE SONS. Please read ‘cross

It is important for our HEARTS to be turned to Him, because HE LIVES IN OUR HEARTS, AND GIVES HIS WORDS THE SPIRIT TO OUR HEARTS to lead us to please Him, for our own good.  Unless we receive His words or SPIRIT to our hearts, WE CANNOT EVEN CALL HIM, OUR FATHER. Gal. 4: 6 …  ( this is written to gentiles, as they need to be ADOPTED as SONS as Eph.  1 says. And then, because we are SONS, GOD gives the SPIRIT, but still it is the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The SON’s. And the SPIRIT comes after The Comforter comes, the second time to give the knowledge of GOD  Isa. 11: 9 – 11, to redeem those who are under bondage, Abraham’s seed. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED THE SPIRIT OF The SON, … YOU ARE STILL UNDER BONDAGE, AND YOU CANNOT EVEN CRY TO GOD, MY FATHER. ! you are like Adam, naked!


When the time came to redeem those who were under the law, (ALL JACOB’S SEED), who failed to be Israel of GOD,) … we the gentiles received THE ADOPTION. “Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee
from the west”;
Isa. 43: 5. this is the binding of the donkey as JACOB
said in Gen. 49: 10-12, at the time of SHILOH coming to gather.  so those who
are in the WEST, needs to be gathered. But who would go for GOD to gather them,
other than those who are in the east?This is why, GOD is coming from east, to build the New Temple in Eze. 43 etc. Remember when Adam was created, there were no
gentiles or Israel. all were a one people . The Most High divided the nations, to be brought back after He comes. In Him, all will be gathered. Read Isa. 43. 
The CREATOR has created a servant for His glory, to know, understand and
BELIEVE.  so the believers are in the east. NEW THINGS are spoken to happen. We have previously explained all these.


Gal 4:5  To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. }}}.. to redeem those who are under the law,, … the gentiles received the ADOPTION. This is why, The LORD  kept them away from the law, and saved them apart from the law. Rom.  3: 21, so they could be used to bring Israel back to Him. read these Scripture and understand how GOD calls gentiles also to His works. Isa. 55: 5, 11: 9 – 11 , 60: 2- 22, 49: 22-23, 14: 2-3,  61: 2-6, 56: 1-10, 42: 1-3,   43: 1-22,  1: 3,  27:11,  Micah 5: 5-9,  2:9,  Isa. 63: 16-19,  66:12-13 ,  Deut.  32: 43, Rev. 11: 2-3, Zeph. 3: 1-15,  Jer. 4:16,  8: 19-20,   16: 19, Mal. 1:5,6,11, Zech. 6: 12-15, Gen. 49:10-12, 1  Pet. 2: 8-10, and many more.

Gal 4:6  And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth
the Spirit of his Son into our heats, crying, Abba, Father.
}}}… did you ever preach, that we need the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD in our hearts to cry to GOD ‘Abba”??


Now read both verses…

To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons, And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father!

Understand ???  You need to be redeemed, and that is why, the
gentiles are adopted as SONS and given the SPIRIT of The SON, or the SPIRIT of
JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  That is Spirit
and Truth, and what gives life. John 6: 63 ! THEN ONLY, WE CAN CALL HIM OUR
FATHER, ‘ABBA’.   If we have the SPIRIT
of The SON or the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then would we not sons to
Him ??? Do you still want the SPIRIT of dumb rocks, or GOD the Father ?


This time, whether you like it or not, … GOD will give you HIS SPIRIT, … because, HE HAS PROVED THAT YOU ARE DEAD !!!  Spiritually dead !!!  From DEATH, He redeems, …so YOU BELONG TO HIM, … YOU BECOME HIS SERVANTS, … HIS POSSESSION, … PURCHASED POSSESSION, … PURCHASED BY HIS OWN BLOOD !!! You will have no choice to choose GOD the Father or dumb rocks found in the jungle to drink the spiritual drink !  The LORD Has Spoken!  IT WILL BE FULFILLED !! His words will not return to Him void !!! The fast of the 4th and 5th months proves the temple and the high priest is destroyed and killed. Besides The LORD ’s words prove that you are dead Spiritually, during the Laodicea era.  The judgment is to hang by death as written elsewhere, if you have disobeyed the FATHER !!!

So GOD says no more curse, and death is a curse, so no one will die eternally, but will be converted, FROM DEATH TO LIFE !!! That too means when Adam was first created, he did not have the curse of death in him. so now, The LORD  will remove that curse, and will make man like Adam, converting him to the first state of man. !!!

Isa_25:8  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will
wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for
the LORD hath spoken it.

1Co_15:54  So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

1Co_15:55  O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?


Remember The LORD  said, those who are in the graves, will hear HIS VOICE?  THIS IS IT !!! Even if you seek death, as many would seek, you will not find it. !!! Rev. 9: 6 ! as written above, GOD knows that all men would sin.  There is no such thing ;that one man is better than the other, or one is a more sinner than the other.  ALL HAVE SINNED says The LORD .  Then, knowing that all would sin, … GOD who knows the end from the beginning, … He would have not created the sinners in vain to die for ever.  HE KNEW HE, HIMSELF WILL REDEEM ALL FROM DEATH.  in order to do that, … HE MUST FIRST GIVE MAN A CHANCE TO PROVE HIS ABILITY OR INABILITY TO LIVE FOR EVER, by himself. John 7;51 SAYS THE LAW REQUIRES TO HEAR FROM ONE…  ! So this is why the law was given, to condemn to death , WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28.  But at the same time, GOD gives another way to be saved, that is by believing in Him. Acts. 13: 37- 39 !!!  So The LORD  has already planned what to do till a NEW SPIRITUAL CREATION is done by HIMSELF !!!  That way, HE CAN DWELL WITH MAN who now will want to live by the way of GOD ! WE JUST HAVE TO ADMIT, REPENT, AND WASH OUR SELVES WITH THE WATER THE WORD, THE HOLY SPIRIT … AND TRUST AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM TO DO THE REST. !!! must receive the remission as well, by HIS BLOOD. !


So after the judgment, … The LORD  opens the eyes to the Scripture as He did to the early apostles, … and their HEARTS BURNED, “And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while HE OPENED TO US
?”.  For us now, it is the lake of fire  where the OPENED BOOKS ARE as proven in previous writings !!! Why this fire comes ? TO MAKE JESUS CHRIST
the LORD’S NAME KNOWN to those who did not know it. !


We need the SPIRIT of The SON, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT, which are
His words as John 6;63 says and then only we can call OUR FATHER, ‘ABBA’.
!!!  Until then, we never knew that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is our FATHER ! The SPIRIT
or the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, made us HIS FIRST FRUITS. Jam 1: 18.. “
Of his own will BEGAT HE US with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures”..  So either first fruits or others , all will
be fruits of JESUS CHRIST the LORD! This is talking about the FATHER of
LIGHTS.  If any GOD who gives light, it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. His words, His truth, is the LIGHT. So His own will BEGAT us by giving HIS WORDS OF LIFE. John 6:63. That is the HOLY SPIRIT, when The Comforter gave us !!! When you also are given HIS WORDS, … then you would know The Husband is also the FATHER and will be converted unto Him !!!  “Because you are SONS”…. The SON’s SPIRIT is given. Your GOD the Father cannot give you The SON’s SPIRIT , to call Him FATHER !!! even if there was GOD the Father, .. his SPIRIT has nothing to do to make us sons or first fruits to The CREATOR. !  It is against the WORD of GOD , to think so.


And then, … we are not servants any more, but a SON. So GOD the Father cannot make you a son to inherit anything.

Gal 4:7  Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Gal 4:8  Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods.

Gal 4:9  But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? …}}}… this letter was written by Apostle Paul, many years after JESUS CHRIST the LORD died. But now only, we know the GOD, or we are known by Him, as we have received Him !!!




Back to John 1…


Joh 1:12  But as many AS RECEIVED HIM, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: }}}… believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s
name means believe in the character and what He would do in that name.  HE ALONE CAN MAKE US SONS OF GOD, BECAUSE HE IS THE GOD THEY FATHER! He Has many names such as The ROCK, The Redeemer etc.  and believe that what He would do as The ROCK. That is to give spiritual drink and meat.  Then The REDEEMER, will redeem. then believe that.  Same way all other names also must be fulfilled by Him in us, and we must believe.  if He is The Saviour, then believe in Him to save you.  no one can save themselves.



what is the allegory of the word ‘FATHER’ in
JOh 16: 25

Drink from “The ROCK” to come out
of spiritual Egypt and sea

Glorifying THE Name of THE LORD OF SABOATH! Pt 2”

How do you glorify the name of The LORD of Sabbath ??? It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who said, I AM The LORD  OF Sabbath”. Because, it is HE WHO GAVE THE LAW OF Sabbath to keep it to honor Him, and an IDENTIFYING sign between the true GOD and HIS PEOPLE!  But if HE IS The LORD , … then we must worship Him on Sabbath. !  That is how we are identified as The LORD of Sabbath’s people. BUT DID YOU KEEP A SINGLE Sabbath IN HONOR OF The LORD of Sabbath , WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD ???  So you have failed to be identified as The LORD of Sabbath’s people !  Is it any wonder why HE DENIED you ??? Therefore, if you want to glorify The LORD of Sabbath, … then you should worship Him on Sabbath and not GOD the Father! GOD the Father never gave the sign of Sabbath.  SO YOU DO NOT HAVE THE SIGN OF Sabbath IN YOU.  That is another reason why you are lost! You are not identified as The LORD of Sabbath’s people !!! 

The Name of The LORD of Sabbath pt 3”


When you believe Him, … and become sons, … then you are born by SPIRIT and not flesh any more.  Because, it is the will of GOD, which cause you to be born again.  and remember , we are born again by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. jam 1:18

Joh 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. }}… so believers are no longer flesh and blood , so they would know The SON… or the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD that HE IS THE FATHER ALSO.

Joh 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. }}}… how could the WORD become the begotten of the FATHER ???  How were the first fruits were begotten? As written elsewhere, jam 1: 18, 1  Pet. 1: 23 says, by JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. HE TOO WAS BORN BY HIS OWN WORDS. !!!  The words are the HOLY SPIRIT. !!!  Isa. 9: 6-7, … the ZEAL OF The LORD of HOSTS , WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD , SENT THE Everlasting FATHER, The SON ETC.   So it was HIS OWN WORDS prophesied that He would be born as a man! no one has heard any words from GOD the Father. the whole volume of the Book is written about JESUS CHRIST the LORD and His words


About John the Baptist, Scripture says… (He comes to turn children to their GOD)

Luk 1:16  And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.

Luk 1:17  And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. }}}… now think…. This is spoken of John the Baptist. And then, this Scripture says, he will turn Israel to their GOD !  Now, … did not Israel know their GOD till John the Baptist was born?  Just think; … why does John the Baptist who was born just before JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … have to turn the hearts of the children to their GOD ???  Did not they know their GOD ???  Were they not worshiping GOD the Father ??? John 8:54. The Jews knew, there is only one GOD and that is GOD the Father.  they rejected JESUS CHRIST the LORD as GOD!  But,  the GOD whom John the Baptist introduced is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  he came to show the way to HIM. !!!  So JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS Israel’S GOD !!!

Understand this …. John the Baptist was born just few months before JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and He is supposed to turn Israel to their GOD!  Right ???  So John the Baptist was born just over 2000 years ago.  But did not Israel know their GOD, TILL THAT TIME ??? Did not Israel know their GOD till John the Baptist ????  And, John the Baptist preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not GOD the Father !!! he was born just few months before JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … to preach Him! So JESUS CHRIST the LORD should be Israel’s GOD !!! So he tried to turn the hearts to JESUS CHRIST the LORD as GOD of Israel !  JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the GOD of Israel, as king David also said, but known as The LORD of HOSTS  !

So John the Baptist will be like Elijah, “to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the LORD”…so who are the disobedient ???  it is all Israel, who have not turned to their GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! that’s why they are unjust !  deut 32 says The ROCK is JUST. Ifthey turned to HIM, then they too would be just !

he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias”….Did John the Baptist go before GOD the Father ????   Did Elijah prove that the GOD the Father is the true GOD ???  Elijah proved The LORD of HOSTS  is the true GOD, as written above, … he stood before. “many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.”, … Therefore, think…. John the Baptist went before JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … and turning the hearts of Israel to HIM and not to GOD the Father !  

 the disobedient to the wisdom of the just;”….If you do not know your own FATHER and GOD, … HOW COULD YOU OBEY YOUR FATHER AND GOD ???  So you tried to obey GOD the Father … and that caused to be disobedient to YOUR TRUE FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD and became UNJUST !!!  justification, also comes as a FREE GIFT from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our FATHER…


Rom 5:16  And the free gift shall not be as by one having sinned; (for indeed the judgment was of one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses to justification.

Rom 5:17  For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one, much more they who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ.)

Rom 5:18  Therefore as by one offense sentence came on all men to
condemnation, even so by the
righteousness of One the free gift came to all men to justification of life.

Rom 5:19  For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous. }}}….so the justification comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  that’s why John the Baptist
preached HIM !one must obey HIM !  


wisdom of the just”…Who are the wise now and also are made just, by JESUS
CHRIST the LORD ???  it is these little children. The secrets were hidden from the wise, … the wisdom of the wise perished, … they are disobedient and unjust, … then The LORD  saved and converted these children and made them just AS THE JUSTIFICATION IS A FREE GIFT by Him !!! So they believed. And it is they who are preaching Israel’s GOD, having become new Israel of GOD in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!!


The JUDGMENT was to CONDEMNED TO DEATH, WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10:28.  But the justification or forgiveness from our sin, … is a FREE GIFT , given to all !!! The FATHER forgives.  If we have sinned against our FATHER, … could another one forgive us? Even if there was a GOD the Father, he cannot forgive us, as we have not sinned against him, but against The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! You forsook The ROCK , the FATHER who begat you as written above. !!!  That is the offense and the disobedience !!! So only The ROCK can forgive the sons.

one man’s disobedience many were made sinners”…this is Adam. From him came the disobedience to all men.  And then JESUS CHRIST the LORD obeyed GOD means obeyed HIS OWN WORDS ! But now, He reveals all things, so you can return or be converted back to Him. !!!  So John the Baptist preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and he tried to prepare the people to Him .  But later, he too changed his mind about JESUS CHRIST the LORD as proven ! So the obedience of ONE, shall many be made righteous. !  Could your GOD the Father make you righteous? JESUS CHRIST the LORD, IS The RIGHTEOUS . 1 John 2: 1.  !!! “Jesus Christ the righteous. “.  If JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE RIGHTEOUS, … THEN RIGHTEOUSNESS MUST COME FROM HIM.

so your GOD the Father cannot give you righteousness. Then what is your position ? UN- righteousness !!! No one need to tell what happens when you are unrighteous. ! Adam, was made good and he was righteous, … till he disobeyed.  So the disobedience came to all. and 1  Pet. 2: 5-8 says, all Israel are appointed to be sons of disobedience . Then, when they return to the GOD who IS The RIGHTEOUS, … they will be righteous also. So John the Baptist’s and Elijah’s works, which is to turn the hearts of the children to the FATHER, will make them to receive righteousness and justification as it comes only from JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE RIGHTEOUS. !!! Therefore, who ever turns the hearts of the children of Israel to the true FATHER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … are doing the works of Elijah to prepare a people to the true GOD and FATHER !


 Following verse will further prove that John the Baptist was preparing JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s way.

Luk 1:76  And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; }}}… which GOD is spoken here? John the Baptist is to be a prophet of THE HIGHEST, … or The Most High, .. who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And we are to be children of The Most High…”Psa 82:6  I have said, You are gods; and all of you sons of the Most High.” But the next verse says, you must die like men. That is because, you failed to acknowledge, The Most High is your FATHER and disobeyed. So disobeying son must be killed by hanging according to the law !!!  But the FATHER paid that penalty! So if anyone calls himself to be a ‘prophet’, … they must be working for The Most High, or JESUS CHRIST the LORD and prepare the people to HIM !!!  So all the prophets who did not do so, … are liars, thieves and made the House of Prayer a den of thieves. !  Remember a thief is one who did not enter through the DOOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 10 !

THIS PROVES, THAT THE PEOPLE SHOULD BE PREPARED, NOT FOR ANY OTHER GOD, BUT TO THE MOST HIGH , WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!! So those who preach the people to prepare them to The Most High OR JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … ARE TRULY PROVING THE TRUE GOD AS Elijah did and are the true servants or prophets of GOD!!! They fulfill the role of Elijah !!! The LORD of HOSTS  or The Most High is JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!


But no leader did so and definitely the Laodicean leaders did not do so, but cut all from going to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Anyway, the people should be prepared for ONE GOD ! And the true prophet who preaches the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to magnify Him and His words,  then brings fire, to burn the hearts, so their hearts could be CONVERTED back to the true GOD, and The CREATOR, and the Possessor of the heaven and earth as Abraham did!!!! That is the true conversion and then people become as Adam, without sin !!! Because the sin and the condemnation was for those who are NOT IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. that is why the Scripture says there is no condemnation for those who are in Him. ! Rom.  8. And if you are IN HIM, you walk in SPIRIT. ! “therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” . This means when you are in Him, … you are not flesh any more. He gives the SPIRIT or HIS WORDS !!! Then, the CONDEMNATION was that you are NOT in  CHRIST the LORD !!!

 Did HWA or any other leader prepare the people to “JESUS CHRIST the LORD’ or to The Most High ???? “thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways”…  Did any leader truly prepare the way for The Most High ?  Did they preach the people The Most High is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD ??? JESUS CHRIST the LORD was The Most High, and also THE PRIEST of The Most High…whom Abraham met. Gen. 14: 18-19 and HE IS THE POSSESSOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. That is The CREATOR. ! if the leaders had prepared the people to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, they should have preached to turn your heart to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and not to GOD the Father. ! HWA preached the opposite. He is the man who started to preach two creators, as Mal. 2: 10-11 says, from Judah , but claiming that he fulfills the role of Elijah and John the Baptist !!!! JESUS CHRIST the LORD will take the throne from Judah as THE LION OF Judah !

Therefore, any one who DOES NOT give the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, …are   under bondage !  That is their sin against THE FATHER. !!!  All humans beginning from Adam, … sinned against The CREATOR, … who is the FATHER ! So He Hid, Himself as many Scripture says. He cut Adam off , cursing to death and that curse is still on, until The LORD , Himself  takes it away.  So we sinned against The CREATOR. And then, … HE ALONE CAN FORGIVE US. Besides, HE ALONE CAN PAY THAT PENALTY AS WELL. ! That is what caused His death as proven in previous writings.


When a son commit sin worthy of death, he must be hanged. So Adam also sinned worthy of death, eternal death . (BUT THIS SIN IS REVEALED ONLY IN JUDGMENT, if not the whole humanity must be hung ). if not, The LORD  would not curse him to death. so Adam was The CREATOR’s son.  Then, if Adam has to be saved from death , the curse of death, … he must die as he sinned against the HOLY SPIRIT. The CREATOR or The Comforter is the HOLY SPIRIT as proven in previous writings. That is the unpardonable sin as proven in previous writings, because if GOD could pardon it, HE WOULD HAVE DONE SO !  Then, if Adam is to die, he will never get life. so JESUS CHRIST the LORD Had to die to save all sons. ! HE ALONE CAN FORGIVE, HE ALONE CAN PAY for our eternal death. !

Deu 21:22  And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:

Deu 21:23  His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;).}}}… death came from one man as Apostle Paul wrote.  Then by one man, we receive life, that is through JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so HE WAS HUNG ON THE TREE to pay for the disobedient sons. Remember disobedient sons are Israel as they are appointed to be disobedient to the word. 1  Pet. 2: 5-10. And they stumbled on the LORD also Isa. 8: 14. So they committed the unpardonable sin, as they sinned against The LORD  who is the SPIRIT , and inherited lies. Jer. 16: 19 ! So the judgment and the penalty should be death by hanging. And in order to save them from the curse of death, … The LORD , .. or the FATHER died because of HIS LOVE AND GRACE ! But remember it is AT THE END OF THE AGE, He appears once again to offer His own blood to forgive and establish the new Covenant. Heb.  9: 25-28, and He comes giving salvation, to those whom HE PREDESTINATED and those who LOOKED for Him, who are the gentiles ! Acts. 28: 26-28,  Acts. 13: 46 etc.


“Any wise” are to bury them. Who are the wise now ? GOD hid the wisdom of the wise, and opened the eyes of the weak and base little children. Eph.  1:8, Mat. 11: 25. 1 co 1:19- 21.   Luk. 10: 21. John 9:39. So in judgment, GOD called the children as Mat. 12: 27-28 , Luk. 11 , 1 John 4: 4, 17 . so they are the wise who see their fathers have done evil against The LORD , THEIR FATHER !!!  in GOD’s mercy, when Israel’s or the Laodiceans’ eyes are opened , what they will see is they have ALREADY DIED Spiritually, …. But now are alive. They will see and understand all the Scripture which is opened in the lake of fire  and have their hearts burning, so they would turn to their FATHER. ! Rom.  11 explains Israel is cast away, and gentiles are given faith, reconciling them, and then, Israel too will be received. That means Israel also will be reconciled.  And that means receiving LIFE, from death. when The LORD  takes a people to Himself from gentiles, Israel is blind. v 15 “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? “. Read the whole chapter.  It explains the present events. But now, the Times of Gentiles or the day of THE LORD is already passing. GOD called the gentiles as the ROD OF MEN to correct HIS SONS ! So according to this chapter, GOD blinded Israel, cut them off, until the gentiles come in. v 20 says, because of UNBELIEF, Israel is cut off. That is same as Heb.  3:12. That is when GOD brought gentiles to His house as v 6 says. ( Isa. 56, 60 etc) That is how GOD raised up the poor, … humbled the exalted etc. !

Isa 60:6  The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD. }}}… Psa. 72: also says same.

Isa 60:7  All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams
of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on
MINE ALTAR, AND I WILL GLORIFY THE HOUSE OF MY GLORY. }}}…these are Abraham’s seed by the bond woman.  As written above, there were no gentiles or
Israel in Adam’s time. And this is the time, GOD will GLORIFY HIS HOUSE OF
GLORY, THE LATTER HOUSE as proven in previous writings ! So JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s plan was to save gentiles FIRST, as they are to trust in JESUS CHRIST the LORD first. Eph.
1 !!!



So John the Baptist came to give the knowledge of salvation with the knowledge of remission of sins.  He preached JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the LAMB.  But no one heeded his message to the Laodicea era. And he called them vipers. But unto the Laodicea era, no one accepted JESUS CHRIST the LORD but closed the door to Him !  So He chastens the sons as written above, … by using other men, the rod of men !!!

Luk 1:77  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,..}}}… And ‘knowledge of salvation’???  “remission of sins”???  What everknowledge John the Baptist preached, MUST GIVE SALVATION to all !!! That converts all to the true GOD the Father !!!

John the Baptist talked about The LAMB.

Joh 1:15  John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, This was He of whom I spoke:

Joh 1:23  He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

Joh 1:29  The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. }}}… so he fulfilled MAKING STRAIGHT THE WAY OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE FIRST TIME. But no leader in His church preached about His second coming, because, GOD says, the prophet is a fool, on the Day of Visitation. Hos. 9:7,  Luk. 19:44.


But those who are to receive Him, are given the knowledge ;-

1Th 5:2  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

1Th 5:3  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1Th 5:4  But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

1Th 5:5  Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. }}}… the children of LIGHT, and the children of DARKNESS.  And this is to happen during the Laodicea era. And out of darkness, JESUS CHRIST the LORD took HIS Royal Priesthood , while Israel stumbled on the word, which is the SPIRIT. 1  Pet. 2: 5-10 !  So JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the TRUE LIGHT, gave to those who are NOT OF HIS PEOPLE, the light, and they are the gentiles, who are to come to give you light, to your RISING. Isa. 60: 2-3 ! these are proven before. And we are the night watchers, who see Psa. 90: 1- 5 !  The thousand year millennium is just a night watch. !  At that time, Israel is sleeping ! So we are given to know perfectly the day of THE LORD, and it is the Times of Gentiles, Eze. 30: 3, and we even received the knowledge of GOD , the clear lip to call upon the NAME of THE LORD on this day. Zeph. 3: 9-10.  Zephaniah is all about this night’s works.  Your eyes will be opened and you will see all of these are fulfilled, how The LORD  came in your spiritual blindness to gentiles, AS IT IS WRITTEN, and how all things were fulfilled… because , what John the Baptist spoke about is taken from Isa. 40, and that chapter says, all ‘FLESH’, which means the UN- converted people who could not receive the SPIRIT from JESUS CHRIST the LORD , who rejected Him and who drank from other rocks, … will see the glory of The LORD . !  That is the Last Great Day, when the believer’s bellies will give out the HOLY SPIRIT. so the believer’s bellies had to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, the WORD of GOD  first, during this night.  As written above, they are called children of light. And Micah 3: 6 says, darkness came over Laodicean prophets , without divination! That is the darkness in Israel.

 John the Baptist’s work is prophesied in Isa. 40… This should be AFTER The Comforter COMES. That is when JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to give us the knowledge of GOD  to save all flesh. This is when the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD is given to glorify Him as well. Read John 14- 16 and understand.  The Comforter comes to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD. John 16;13-15 . that is the HOLY SPIRIT, as well as the Spirit and Truth. Glorifying JESUS CHRIST the LORD means preach THE LAMB as John the Baptist did, so all can be forgiven and be prepared a people to Him. so what John the Baptist did the first time, once again must do in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SECOND COMING AS WELL, in order to give the SPIRIT to all flesh. Remember John 7: 36-39 also.


Isa 40:1  Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.

Isa 40:2  Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her warfare is
accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned
: for she hath received of the LORD’S hand double for all her sins. }}}… your warfare is accomplished.  And your sin OR INIQUITY IS PARDONED!! And to comfort, The LORD  sends gentiles. Isa. 66: 12- 13 and the remnant of Israel , sent to Ezekiel in Eze. 14 as proven in previous writings !!! So GOD, seeing the idols in the heart of the prophet, DECEIVED him first, but then, HE PARDONS their iniquity. This is none other than Joshua, the high priest who has iniquity.


Isa 40:3  The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. }}}… Who ever is sent to COMFORT, by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The Comforter, … does the work of John the Baptist, or Elijah. And then, as the next verse says, every mountain means the high exalted leaders and governments. And it is time to exalt the humbled, and humble the exalted as The LORD  said. Remember, unless The LORD  is exalted, no one could be gathered to Him. John 12: 32.  But these children, who are
humble, … converted, exalted The LORD , in your blindness. They blessed Him, so
He can come to desolate House of GOD, … and they praised Him, so the enemy
could be stilled as proven above , and sanctified Him !

Isa 40:4  Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:


Then, all FLESH, .. they are Israel…, 1 cor 10: 18,  Heb.  2: 14 etc, and the Laodiceans who could not receive the SPIRIT, … will see the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Isa 40:5  And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it..}}}… when John the Baptist was witnessing about The LORD , … He appeared and came.  Same way, when The LORD  sends the children to comfort with the Spirit and Truth, … as JESUS CHRIST the LORD is glorified now ( John 7: 36-39), … your eyes will see and your heart will come to know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is The Husband as well as the Everlasting FATHER ! Remember all flesh shall see the salvation . Luk. 3: 6 !

if man can receive the SPIRIT by himself, … then there is no need of The LORD  to come a second time. ! He is The Saviour, so HE WILL SAVE US. Read Isa. 12, Zeph. 3:9-20, the judgments will be turned off. Psa. 31: 2- 3,  The Saviour is The ROCK , who will save us. He alone could save us , because, He alone knew the truth about Himself.!  If we do not glorify the only GOD, our FATHER, … who gives us the SPIRIT to live for ever, .. how could we get it ?  Could the gentiles whom you say is your GOD give it ? Has he ever spoken anything ?  Will he come to save you ??? So the knowledge necessary to be saved from lies is the truth about HIMSELF ! The only way to be converted is to know our TRUE FATHER AND GOD !!! If not, we have other fathers and gods. Our GOD is a jealous GOD ! He will not give HIS GLORY nor HIS OWN CREATION to vanity !!!

Then, He will cause the death to be a victory. HE WON IT. He IS ALIVE. And we could be alive as well, because of Him. then, GOD says, “NO MORE CURSE.”.  “part 5 “The death, is a curse. !  The law is given to bring death, itself is a curse as proven !  The law is given to curse one to death , which we tried to keep and get righteous character ! Gal. 3: 10-13 So REBUKE taken away means no rod of men thereafter !!!

Isa 25:8  He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.

Isa 25:9  And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and HE WILL SAVE US: this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in HIS salvation. }}}… all flesh will know, JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The Saviour is the GOD who gives salvation !  and who ever preach Him, … does the works of John the Baptist and Elijah ! They are the children, whom the GOD of salvation brought forth to glorify or declare Him. Heb.  2: 10-13 !

Isa 33:22  For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; HE WILL SAVE US. }}}… THE JUDGE , the LAWGIVER, The LORD , .. THE KING is all JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  HE WILL SAVE US.  We cannot save ourselves.! The lies are exposed, Jer. 16: 19, … as Apostle John said, GRACE AND TRUTH comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Elijah proved The LORD of HOSTS  is to be the true GOD!  It was The LORD of HOSTS  who sent fire to prove the true GOD as proven in previous writings. Remember why the fire comes!

The LORD of HOSTS  is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, whom you did not fear. Mal. 1:6. So you turned AWAY from Him. That is the fire from Elijah comes now, to turn the hearts of the children to their TRUE FATHER whose name, they did not know! Your hearts will burn to know these !!! You will know, HWA went around the world, preaching a false GOD and a false gospel which caused all to sin against JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! This is why, John the Baptist preached the knowledge of salvation, by remission of sin.  THE SIN ALSO MUST BE MADE KNOWN TO BE FORGIVEN AND RECEIVE SALVATION !!!  Now you know your sin !!!  Your hearts were not with your FATHER, but other fathers !!! So how could the FATHER who gives the HOLY SPIRIT, gives it to your hearts , so that you can cry to Him, calling ‘ABBA’, the FATHER ???  At this moment, you do not even have a FATHER ! the GOD who gives us spiritual drink to live fore ever, should be our FATHER FOR EVER,  and that is The ROCK who begat Israel or the FATHER and GOD of Israel , whom they forsook. So in order to be converted, … this is what you must do. Hear what John the Baptist said, and ask for forgiveness so you can receive salvation, to serve the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and the FATHER , The ROCK ! You were BEGOTTEN BY The ROCK, as proven above , but did you call Him, MY FATHER??? Well then, … you have sinned against your FATHER , the spiritual FATHER !

 The true conversion is in the heart.  GOD said, your hearts are far from Him. ! The circumcision should be of the heart.  GOD prophesied new hearts will be given. And Israel become new Israel of GOD, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6: 15-16 ! HWA is not the Elijah.  He turned all away from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, saying He is under the authority of the FATHER and all the leaders followed the same teaching. That was planned by GOD, to confuse you Spiritually, as prophesied saying that you will be in Babylon, to be delivered. Micah 4: 10. And Rev. 17, 18 proves you are in Babylon having other gods !!!

The Everlasting gospel is preached, DURING YOUR JUDGEMENTS. Rev. 14: 1- 7, by those who have the FATHER’s name on them. That is the gospel which is mentioned in Mat. 24: 14.  Unless one preach the true gospel about JESUS CHRIST the LORD , is the FATHER and the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, .. how could one be judged and established ? Rom.  2: 27,  16: 25 says, the gospel which Apostle Paul preach will judge and establish one.  So that gospel is given to gentiles to PREACH The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD and to glorify Him ! That gives new hearts and establish the Marriage Covenant once again and will convert all to return to the FATHER and The Husband as Jer. 3: 19-20 says. !!! So one must fear and worship The CREATOR , according to the Everlasting gospel !!!


There is no other FATHER directing JESUS CHRIST the LORD. it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s own will which He begat us by the word of truth as jam 1: 18 says and the following Scripture says.

Eph 1:5  Having PREDESTINATED US UNTO THE ADOPTION OF CHILDREN BY JESUS CHRIST TO HIMSELF, according to the good pleasure of HIS WILL…}}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … predestinated the gentiles to be ADOPTED as CHILDREN TO HIMSELF !!!  Israel did not receive Him. so He Had no other choice, but to adopt the gentiles, to whom He came the second time to give the knowledge of GOD  as the sea Isa. 11: 9 – 11, and brought them to the Holy Mountain, … altar and to the House of Prayer and they have done better than sons and daughters . Isa. 56, which is when the salvation is about to come !!!

So WE BECAME JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S ADOPTED SONS, … and HE BECAME OUR FATHER, … ( Isa. 63: 16) AND WE ARE CONVERTED TO The CREATOR, … AND HIS SPIRIT IS GIVEN TO US, … AND HE IS CONFORMING US TO HIS IMAGE, THE IMAGE OF GOD, THE IMAGE OF The SON. Rom.  8:29 !!!He gave the SPIRIT to our hearts and we call HIM, OUR FATHER !!! So these are the word of GOD which must be fulfilled. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The CREATOR knew the end from the beginning, … and prepared all things this way , now we report to you, so you too may behold your GOD and your FATHER !!!

 Even the wife of CHRIST The LORD , is prepared for HIMSELF.  The wife must call The Husband, my FATHER, … Jer. 3: 19-20, when she returns to Him.

Eph 5:27  That he might PRESENT IT TO HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle…}}}… the church is washed by the water the word, … so she could be presented TO HIMSELF !!!  You do not belong to any other gods, but to The Husband, who is also the FATHER, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!  HE WILL DO IT and HE IS DOING IT, just as HE DID TO US. !!  When the little children whom He predestinated in Isa. 8: 18, … when you stumbled as v 14 says, … He prepared these children, as HE PRAYED IN John 17, to be FORGIVEN first and then to teach all things. 1 John 2: 12- 27 !!!  And that is now fulfilled. Scripture says, the Son of GOD is come to give this understanding !!! 1 John 5: 20 !

 He DIED, .. so HE CAN PURIFY US, AND REDEEM US , ‘TO’ HIMSELF !!! if you can understand this, … you are converted !!! Your heart will be turned to the FATHER !

Tit 2:14  Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify UNTO HIMSELF a peculiar people, zealous of good works

The good works is to turn your heart to the FATHER … ! The FATHER died to save the sons as proven in previous writings. !

His blood forgives us. Then, we are no longer the enemy of GOD as proven in previous writings.  Then, we are reconciled to HIM and not to any other gods,  … but to JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!! HE WILL DO IT ALL !!!  He is The REDEEMER, .. then HE WILL REDEEM US and will give this knowledge to all, just as HE DID TO US.  BUT THIS TIME, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS, BUT HEAR as HE SPEAKS FROM HIS OWN HOUSE as Heb.  3 says. !!!

Col 1:20  And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, BY HIM TO RECONCILE ALL THINGS UNTO HIMSELF; BY HIM, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

So JESUS CHRIST the LORD reconciled all things unto HIMSELF, by Him. And now we know our wicked works, … which caused us to alienate ourselves from Him and became enemy of The LORD , … as we did not know Him. and The LORD  WILL PRESENT US HOLY AND UNBLAMEABLE IN HIS SIGHT…

Col 1:21  And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

Col_1:22  In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable IN HIS SIGHT}}}… so He through His blood, by Him, reconciled us to HIMSELF, to make us Holy. This is why this ministry is the works of HIS OWN HANDS !!!  Isa. 29: 23.  So the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is the enemy, as she has alienated herself from Him.  !!  He reconciled us first, and then gave the ministry of reconciliation to us to declare these things among the sons of Israel and the wife of CHRIST The LORD , so she could be converted !!

This is how The LORD  will make all things new.  IN HIM, … we are NEW.

2Co 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2Co 5:18  And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation}}}… GOD, is the SPIRIT. that SPIRIT is The CREATOR. But later, He became a man to die. But HE IS STILL GOD. The word became FLESH. ! BUT IT IS STILL THE SAME GOD, who is the SPIRIT, who came in flesh!

 2Co 5:19  To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. }}}… same way, the SPIRIT or GOD who is a SPIRIT was in CHRIST, the man, … reconciled us to GOD, … the SPIRIT. while yet He was a SPIRIT, … He could not have reconciled us to Himself or to GOD who is a SPIRIT, as we are flesh with SIN , having been born of a sinful man Adam. ! As Heb.  9:25-26 says, at the END OF THE AGE, He appeared before GOD, HIS OWN SPIRIT, … to plead for forgiveness. We cannot see it as it was done in heaven.  HE OFFERED HIS OWN BLOOD to HIMSELF! At this time, all are Spiritually dead. How could any one who is flesh understand all these? Then, by giving all these knowledge, …. JESUS CHRIST the LORD reconciled us to HIMSELF and then gave us the ministry of reconciliation , to speak for Him. Remember HE IS IN OUR MIDST and IN US doing all these.  If not, no man can know these things.


2Co 5:20  Now then WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

If any man is in  CHRIST the LORD, … HE IS A NEW CREATURE. As The LORD  said in Rev. 21, … HE will make all things new.  No man can become new by self.  Then, … that means as we are in Him, … we are new creatures.  And then, that means CONVERTED !!! Then, He reconciled us to GOD, means to GOD who is a SPIRIT, … who refused to be with the people until He makes them new, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself. ! GOD became as a man ( CHRIST) to die and save and reconcile us to GOD, HIMSELF.  He is holy, and He cannot live with sinful men. So He Is creating a new, spiritual creation, … washing us by the water the word, to present us to Himself as written above, through His own blood !  So GOD reconciled the world to Himself means He had to take gentiles … and then, … gave the ALREADY RECONCILED GENTILES, the ministry of reconciliation, and which is why, we send the knowledge of GOD  , the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, so you too may be reconciled to HIM, OR BE CONVERTED to Him !!!

And then ; “ hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

Now then WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to GOD… !!!

After reconciling us to Himself by His blood, … forgiving, .., according to His own purpose and will, …  then He made us HIS OWN AMBASSADORS!!!  For what ????  So we are to PRAY OR PLEAD WITH THOSE WHO ARE NOT RECONCILED YET, …. TO BE RECONCILED !  Or to be converted to the Heavenly FATHER. and for the wife to return to Him, as Jer. 3: 19-20 says. this is why above Scripture are fulfilled by gentiles, … such as Isa. 55: 5 , 49: 22-23 etc.  remember… we found The REDEEMER, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD to be our FATHER, … even though Abraham does not know us, … neither Israel acknowledge  us. Isa. 63: 16-19 !!!

“we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to HIM… !!!

This is why The LORD  brought the gentiles to His altar, and accept our prayers as pure to His name, Isa. 56,  Mal. 1: 11, Isa. 60:6-9 etc.  Moses stood as a gap between GOD and the people and pleaded, as he found GRACE before The LORD .  Same way, the gentiles are the vessels of mercy, … who found mercy before Him, who are forgiven freely as proven in previous writings!

Remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD Has to do the works in HEAVEN, … earth, .. and in the bottomless pit , He must pay for our sin, … and in the sea and everywhere as no man could know these.  No man can be inspired by self or know the hidden mysteries of GOD, unless HE REVEALS THEM. As Job said it is THE ALMIGHTY who inspires and that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, our Heavenly FATHER !!! So He must be in heaven to receive His own blood, as Heb.  9: 25-26 says, … and then He must offer it to Himself, .. He must wash the church Himself, … and to present it to Himself !!! HE, HIMSELF MUST DO ALL THINGS TO CONVERT US TO HIMSELF !   so He took many names on Himself to fulfill them, such as THE ALMIGHTY, The Most High, The LORD of HOSTS , The SON, Everlasting FATHER, Wonderful Counsellor,  The ROCK, the Captain of Salvation, etc … etc , but all must be fulfilled by HIMSELF . !!! So He is The Husband and the FATHER also. !!!

Then, in the end, as Rom.  8: 29 says, we are conformed in to the image of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The SON.  That means in The CREATOR’s image.  So we must be desiring to build the image of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  Then, HE SHOULD BE OUR FATHER !!!  And then, we are born of Him !!!!

If not, we have the image of the beast !!!!   This is why in the book of revelation, there are beasts and all went after the beast. Remember a beast, is a man WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. !!!   Psa. 49: 20  . That is when all would be converted to the FATHER.  even Malachi says the hearts of the children should be to the FATHER etc.  Besides, it was The CREATOR’s SPIRIT which spoke and created. Adam’s sin caused him to be separated from his FATHER , The CREATOR. ! Throughout the Bible, The CREATOR appeared in MANY names. and finally, as The Comforter.

Even in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s first coming, The Comforter has not come, and HE IS PROPHESIED to come after His death. when He comes, He will guide us in to all truth. from John 14 to 16, Scripture talks about The Comforter. But it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself who comes as The Comforter and will guide us to truth, and will show what is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. but we do not expect any other GOD who calls The Comforter to come, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD. ! And understand… that until The Comforter or JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes AGAIN, a second time, … NO ONE HAD the TRUTH about HIM which saves us.

 Unless, The MAKER reverts us back to the same state when the first man was created, in the image of GOD, pure; no man can make himself in to The CREATOR’s image! SPIRIT MUST BE GIVEN BY GOD, HIMSELF. So Adam became FLESH AND BLOOD. Same way Israel too are flesh and blood as they too failed to be sons of GOD, as they rejected Him! 1 cor 10:18, Heb.  2:14. And such cannot know The SON means they cannot know the truth or the mystery of CHRIST THE LORD, that HE IS THE FATHER also! JESUS CHRIST the LORD has not revealed the FATHER even in His first time, and said, “I WILL REVEAL the FATHER”. John 16:25.

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses, king David and Elijah looked for The ROCK, or THE ALMIGHTY, The LORD of HOSTS who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as the FATHER. But THE WIFE OF CHRIST THE LORD did not know, but WILL KNOW AND CALL HIM ‘MY FATHER’, when The LORD sends her pastors after HIS OWN HEART Jer. 3: 15-20, converting her and causing her to return to Him! That is the work of the ambassadors of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who plead with her to be reconciled!

The enmity between GOD and man must be removed in order for the man to be converted back to be sons of GOD. That story is written in the Bible, how GOD will convert the enemy to make all things new or convert all to HIMSELF, to be HIS SONS once again! So from the beginning, GOD called Israel out of Egypt, but had made a Covenant by promise to Abraham, 430 years before the Covenant with Isaac, of the law. Gal. 3: 17.  So that promise Covenant was by promise and not by our works. This is why, we have hope of everlasting life.  If we have to earn it, no one could. And this is why, The LORD  could have mercy and save gentiles.  What good works did the gentiles have ???  it is by GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and while Israel go through the judgment, GOD saved the gentiles as proven in previous writings.


In His first coming, He said I and my FATHER are one… etc.  but the Jews did not believed nor received Him. So would He come to them another time? This is why He predestinated the gentiles to be adopted as His sons, to come in to the second time, and Scripture says, they will hear salvation. Acts. 28: 26-28 and more. And, when The Comforter or the HOLY SPIRIT or JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes, … HE WILL GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  That is the different between Israel and gentiles now. Israel still believes and have GOD the Father , John 8: 54, but we, the gentiles, worships JESUS CHRIST the LORD and glorified Him as the Spirit and Truth revealed it.  that saves all, … that causes one to be converted, … that truth will give us salvation, and makes us a son to the One and ONLY TRUE GOD who CREATED US. !!!  Then, they are born again to Him. ! Also remember the gentiles are SANCTIFIED to believe the Spirit and Truth. 2 Thess. 2: 13, while the previous verses say, there is a man of sin in the temple , exalting self !

So until the Spirit and Truth came, no one had the truth to GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD. remember glorify means to know and understand the kindness , mercy of GOD. Jer. 9;24. So with this truth, to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD, we are comforted that we know we are saved and will be CONVERTED! When you understand this, you are already saved ! we proved we must be saved from lies and liars! Salvation is from the enemy means the enemy lied and had a false knowledge of GOD ! But The Comforter is THE TRUTH !  SO HE CANNOT LIE. !  He glorifies JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and so must we !!!  The Comforter comes to guide us in to all truth! And what does the truth do ???  IT SETS US FREE!!!  “truth shall set you free” !!! And it is The SON who sets us free. John 8: 32- 36. Read this Scripture. It says, we are servants of sin, if we do not have the truth and go to The SON to get freedom!

Joh 16:13  Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all
truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear,
that shall he speak:
and he will shew you things to come.

}}}… what ever He hears means what ever is written in the Scripture. But it is His own words. !


Joh 16:14  He shall GLORIFY ME: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. }}}… so He receives His own written words to reveal that we need to glorify Him !!!

Joh 16:15  All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take
of mine, and shall shew
it unto you.
}}…  the Spirit and Truth, … will guide us in to
all truth.  and He will show things TO COME !  The truth about JESUS CHRIST the
LORD was a thing to come. !  Things to come means prophecy. And He will receive what is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s, … and show it to us.  That is the WRITTEN WORDS IN THE
Scripture.  All along, in the Scripture it shows that one should give glory to The CREATOR, … The ROCK, … or to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. But no one believed.  So
this is the truth which converted us to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and then, … as JESUS CHRIST the LORD is now glorified, HE CAN CALL ALL TO COME AND DRINK FROM HIM, … THE HOLY SPIRIT ON THE Last Great Day… FROM THE BELLIES OF THE BELIEVERS. John 7: 36-39.  And that is how the Living Waters will flow from the bellies of the believers, springing everlasting life. John 4: 14 ! So the waters which causes one to live eternally, is the true knowledge of GOD , about JESUS CHRIST the LORD that HE IS THE FATHER, AND WE ARE TO BE HIS SONS, but at the same time He is The Husband also, … so we must return to Him ! As Sarah showed, the husband is called The LORD by the wife.  And this is why it
was so, … so the wife of CHRIST The LORD can call her Husband, The LORD . !!!

 JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the SPIRIT. and until YOU TURN TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … there is the veil, the blindness to not to know Him. remember your hearts were hardened by The LORD . Isa. 63_ 16- 19. While we found the Everlasting FATHER, your hearts are hardened and you were never called by HIS NAME OR ALLOWED HIM TO RULE YOU. !!!  That means you never were under JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! He is The LORD of Sabbath, but you never kept a single Sabbath, worshiping Him, as The LORD  , of Sabbath or ever! So the following Scripture explains that when you turn to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … you will be set free. !  Until then, your heart is blind to not to know Him. !!!  Remember Isa. 25, when the death is won, … the veil will be removed as the rebuke is taken away.  And the rebuke came to Laodiceans. !

2Co 3:14  But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.

2Co 3:15  But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.

2Co 3:16  Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

2Co 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. }}}.. turning to JESUS CHRIST the LORD means freedom and conversion. ! Because Adam was with Him. then he was cast out. And Israel is cast out as well. Rom.  11: 20. So this is the only way to salvation ! The blindness of the Laodicea era is only for a time till the judgments are over. So your veil which came upon since the Law of Moses, …or his’ time, … will be removed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!So having dumb rocks as The LORD  said in Eze. 14, … all went after their idols, other gods, other fathers etc.  and no one knew the true GOD and the true FATHER !


Gentiles had dumb idols.  But now, it is Judah or Joshua the high priest and the churches of GOD who have idols.  THAT IS WHY THEY HAVE BECOME GENTILES.! UNLESS THE SPIRIT LEADS YOU … YOU COULD NEVER CALL, JESUS CHRIST, … MY LORD. because that knowledge , no one had till The Comforter glorified Him.

1Co 12:2  Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

1Co 12:3  Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. }}}… no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost..  Therefore, none in Israel received the HOLY SPIRIT, to say JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THEIR LORD !!! But when they are converted, they will. !


You never believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD is your ONLY GOD. !!!  Such knowledge is given to convert you to HIM, to The CREATOR !!! There is no way for you to live for ever, other than being converted from other gods and idols to the Living GOD, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD , and seek Him with all your HEART !  HE IS WILLING. He Has said the bride will be granted to wear fine linen and a NEW Covenant is promise with the forgiveness by the blood. So it will happen. !

Since Israel did not believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they are lost and are blind. and Israel could never preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD… but, as out of darkness He gave the light to us to know Him, and we PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!

2Co 4:3  But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

2Co 4:4  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

2Co 4:5  For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

2Co 4:6  For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ….}}}.. this light shone in our HEARTS. It will be the same to you as well. So from the heart, the conversion is necessary. New hearts come in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  and, … as the light, The LORD  gives the knowledge of the GLORY of GOD ! That is the work of The Comforter , who glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So if we PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … then we glorify Him as Apostle Paul did ! If not, we are LOST. !  This is why the lost tribes ! They did not seek JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and replaced His symbol of the Covenant with the fathers, JACOB. ! So we glorify, … magnify, … and preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !  In that knowledge, … all men will be made perfect.


So in order to give this mystery, JESUS CHRIST the LORD came in to the gentiles… and then, we preach to others, … to be PERFECT IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!

Col 1:26  Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints:

Col 1:27  To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

Col 1:28  Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: }}}…JESUS CHRIST the LORD is in the gentiles.  SO THEY CANNOT LIE.  HE IS DOING ALL THINGS BY BEING IN US. And The LORD  made known this mystery !  That is , THAT ONE SHOULD BECOME PERFECT IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  Then, we become as Adam was when he was first created !!!  FULLY CONVERTED!!! Therefore, we preach, teach and warn all those who failed to receive Him, … to receive Him, to be made perfect !!!  as written above, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the SPIRIT , and His words. having Him and His words makes one perfect Spiritually !!!

Just think;…The CREATOR cuts the man off.  And everything went wrong with the man. Man became evil. He was cut off from The CREATOR’s SPIRIT and presence and image.   Then to revert back should mean to be with The CREATOR, … to receive His SPIRIT, … presence and image ! That should be the CONVERSION. So that knowledge, was given to gentiles, by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The CREATOR, BEING  PRESENT in them.  Then, He gave HIS SPIRIT, .. presence, … His image, and that would make them perfect. So they warn, teach and preach every man , how to be made perfect in The CREATOR !!! “ Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus:”.. Did any leader in Israel , preach this ?

GOD knew and prophesied in the Scripture, that no one would be made righteous by keeping the law.  It is to be a snare. Their table is to be a snare to them.  They are caught to keep the whole law, if not death, WITHOUT MERCY. Heb.  10: 28.  THE WORST PART IS THEY DO NOT EVEN KNOW THAT THE LAW IS GIVEN TO CONDEMN THEM TO DEATH!  Yet GOD Has prepared them a way to be saved, that is by remission of sins by believing in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  Acts. 13: 38-39. then what should you believe?  you must believe that you ran in vain after the law, as no one could be made righteous, and then believe JESUS CHRIST the LORD can make you righteous.  That is by forgiving by grace. So when a sinner is found before a King, .., only way to be saved from the punishment , judgment and the penalty is pleading for grace, and acknowledge the sin and REPENT BEFORE THE KING AND BELIEVE HE WILL DO AS HE SAYS!!    in this case, THE KING HAS already PAID OUR PENALTY!!!

So THE KING will change the mind.  From the beginning, … including Abraham, found grace in The LORD ’s sight. BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE, HE PROMISED TO GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO ALL FLESH. That was JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE ALMIGHTY.

We must know,  and understand that we are sinners, and we could never attain the righteousness which GOD wants or to become a son to GOD!  That humbles us to see how wretched we are like Apostle Paul said. The LORD  said to him, My grace is sufficient.  When we are found to be sinners, .. .could we pay for our sin which is against the GOD who is the SPIRIT ? After all, the soul that sinneth, MUST DIE.  We all have the death sentence in us. We are born with the curse of death Adam brought. How could we ever evade our judgment and punishment?  We could never do so in millions of years.  but The LORD , in HIS GRACE AND MERCY PAID FOR IT.  Apostle Paul said, while yet we were sinners, The LORD  DIED TO SAVE US. !!!  Remember when Abraham was called, he was not circumcised.  and man is so foolish that he cannot RECEIVE WHAT IS FREELY GIVEN.   We only have to repent and ask for forgiveness from Him and accept that HE PAID DEATH to pay the penalty for our sin. !!!

If we have sinned against The CREATOR, .. then either we must pay for our sins, or He must pardon our sin. Still the penalty must be paid. So either He should pay or we must die!

Understanding all of the above, … now we must understand that why JESUS CHRIST the LORD predestinated the little children to be in HIS MIDST, … as they are HIS HAND’S WORKS, Isa. 29: 23, … to save all mankind.  He brought them up as HIS OWN SONS first, so the whole creation could be set free from bondage ! So He gave them His SPIRIT, … truth, light, image, all the free gifts of forgiveness, … faith, righteousness , justification,   sanctification, .. redemption, .. taught the love of GOD  ,  and even called them to be partakers of the DIVINE NATURE.

Apostle Peter wrote to gentiles. This prophecy is to be fulfilled in the LAST TIME. 1  Pet. 1: 5, 20.

1Pe 1:4  To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

1Pe 1:5  Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. }}}… if the salvation is to be revealed in the LAST TIME, … THEN THIS IS A LAST TIME EVENT TO BE FULFILLED. !  At that time, Zion is cast down from heaven, and she is Spiritually blind so she cannot see The LORD  is in the gentiles nor they are given salvation already ! But, the Scripture has to be fulfilled, and written to be opened at the White Throne .

1Pe 1:19  But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:

1Pe 1:20  Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, }}}… INHERITANCE, INCORRUPTIBLE, … UNDEFILED, and that DO NOT FADE AWAY, … is reserved in HEAVEN … ,  and until it is given, … we are kept by the POWER OF GOD, … through ‘FAITH’, ( the free gift of faith Eph.  2:8 , given as Israel is cut off Rom.  11: 20, as we BELIEVED Rom.  3:22)  in order to give SALVATION, … to be REVEALED in the LAST TIME. ! So this salvation, is given at the LAST HOUR. Isa. 56 also says, when the salvation is ABOUT TO COME !!! But, as v 19 says, the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF THE LAMB was foreordained , BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, … but manifested in the LAST TIME !  So GOD worked with Israel ALL THESE THOUSANDS OF YEARS. about 4,000 years ago, the Covenant with Israel began and The LORD  worked with them all these years. so they cannot claim a LAST TIME salvation to them. GOD tried to save them from the beginning. They were HIS PEOPLE. But Apostle Peter writes to those who were NOT OF HIS PEOPLE. 1  Pet. 2: 8-10 ! Therefore, even though GOD knew this before the foundation, .. JESUS CHRIST the LORD MANIFESTED in the LAST TIME for the gentiles. !

1Pe 1:22  Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:

1Pe 1:23  Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. }}}… ‘BORN AGAIN, BY THE WORD of GOD” !!!!!!  That is when one would be converted!


so a LAST TIME salvation came to gentiles, … and they are given faith, … they obeyed faith and that made their HEART TO BE PURIFIED… and that is done by the TRUTH ( remember the truth which sets us free) and they have the PURE LOVE !!! So by the WORD of GOD , … they are born again.  and which GOD’s words are they ???  It is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words. no other GOD has spoken the Scripture.  So if we are born by His words, … HE IS OUR FATHER … the WORDS are our FATHER, because the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , gave HIS BIRTH AS WELL, as it is called THE HOLY SPIRIT !!!  The Word and Words are LIVING as proven in previous writings . His words, fathered Him as well. Therefore, UNDEFILED, INCORRUPTIBLE , inheritance came in the last time. And these are converted. That inheritance is in HEAVEN.  remember Zion was in heaven, till she was cast out. Lam 2: 1.  So GOD considers us to be in heaven, when we walk with Him.  and that is why, the babes have their names written in heaven as well. Luk. 10: 19-22. That is when The LORD  revealed the secret of GODHEAD, or the FATHER and The SON to them.!

Then, the second letter of Apostle Peter also was written to the same people. And at that time, they have OBTAINED PRECIOUS FAITH… with the righteousness of GOD !

2Pe 1:1  Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:

2Pe 1:2  Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord}}}.. By grace, … peace is given, that means forgiveness to walk with GOD, … is given , BUT, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD … OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST !!!  This is why, Isa. 11: 9 – 11 says, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD is to come a SECOND time to gentiles, … and give the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD  AS THE SEA !!! So with the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … we are given all of the above, incorruptible inheritance in heaven. !!! So this knowledge of GOD , about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, was given, by The Comforter, having come again, and GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! How He did is a long story. But this knowledge is enough for you to be saved and converted. !!!

And again, by THE KNOWLEDGE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who CALLED us, … given us through HIS divine power, … all things that pertain to LIFE AND GODLINESS , to be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE NATURE… to escape the corruption in the world and lusts.  So that is real conversion. !

2Pe 1:3  According as HIS DIVINE POWER hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godlinessTHROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM THAT HATH CALLED us to glory and virtue:

2Pe 1:4  Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. }}}… so all these are done, by giving the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  “exceeding great and precious promises… be partakers of the divine nature…”..  That is back to the beginning of creation of Adam !!!  So The LORD , through HIS KNOWLEDGE, … converted these gentiles in the LAST TIME, because of HIS GRACE !!!  So the knowledge of GOD  also was given because of HIS GRACE !!!  How much more would HE GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT, TO THOSE WHO ASK HIM ???  But remember… you had asked for the HOLY SPIRIT from GOD the Father !  But it comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  So you drank from GOD the Father and dumb rocks.  So they fathered you.   !!! A dumb rock became the father of the high priest or the prophet !!!  They call themselves to be high priests, and prophets, and all good names, but in their hearts, … they are corrupt as they have dumb rocks as their father!!! These words are sent, so it will pierce your soul and heart, … and will cause you to be ashamed so a real conversion would take place in your heart !

As faith pleases GOD, … obedience to faith, to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, … made us HIS DISCIPLES. Faith should be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He is the AUTHOR and the FINISHER of SALVATION  and faith. Heb.  12:2. Then, HE WILL GIVE FAITH TO US.

Rom.  1: 5- 6. “obedience to the faith among all nations, for HIS NAME: Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus CHRIST

Rom 1:5  By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for HIS NAME}}}… to be an apostle of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … they first must obey the faith. Rom.  11: 20 says, Israel is cut off from faith. So none in Israel could be an apostle to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, when HE COMES THE SECOND TIME.  Besides they never followed JESUS CHRIST the LORD, but GOD the Father ! And then, an apostle is called for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME OR TO PREACH HIM, to witness to Him!!! THIS TIME, THESE APOSTLES WILL BE WITNESSING TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S SECOND COMING !   again, no one in Israel could claim they have preached ‘JESUS CHRIST the LORD’, as they worshiped GOD the Father !!! Thirdly, it is by GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD, HE CALLS His apostles. !!!  Neither HWA, nor GF could claim they are apostles of JESUS CHRIST the LORD as they do not have all of these three qualifications to be so !!!  And faith also is tested. Some departed 1 Tim. 4,  but others who obeyed faith, ( this is not our faith, but the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD ) will see the appearing of The LORD . “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:” . So this faith is given, JUST BEFORE The LORD ’S APPEARING. So it is the second time. And these obeyed JESUS CHRIST the LORD in every thought. 2 cor 10: 5-6, that is why they are being used to avenge all those who disobeyed.

Rom 1:6  Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ}}}… the true APOSTLES of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , were called by Himself to HIS NAME… which means to PREACH HIM ! That is done by grace, and grace gave us faith. This faith is not our faith, but The LORD ’S FAITH which causes us to trust in Him to do all things as proven in previous writings !!!

So the two qualifications to be an apostle ;“grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for HIS NAME called of Jesus CHRIST”

Gal. 2: 20 “and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.”. So we live by faith of JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So you will see, that we need the image of JESUS CHRIST the LORD to live. !

Then, The LORD , Himself says, the little ones are the disciples, which JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, that you must receive, even though they are little children. “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple,”. The LORD  prophesied that HIS CHILDREN will be THE DISCIPLES who would be sent !!!  These come in the NAME OF A DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST the LORD … and not just any little one! THEY PREACH JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AS HE BROUGHT THEM FORTH TO DO SO in Heb.  2: 10-14, and v 14 explains the sons of Israel who are still flesh and blood, as they could not receive the SPIRIT from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK !!!  Apostle Peter spoke about the trial of our faith.

And faith is given also by GRACE. Remember gentiles are created for JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s grace!

Rom 4:16  Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

Rom 4:17  (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. }}}… GOD cannot lie.  GOD’s promises cannot be broken. So what ever He spoke, is certain to happen and to be fulfilled. so the things that are NOT, … is as they were to Him !!!


Faith, PURIFIES THE HEARTS. And the HOLY SPIRIT witnesses the gentiles’ hearts are purified as they received HOLY SPIRIT. Eph.  1:13.

So Apostle Peter prophesied about gentiles…. That the LORD knows their hearts. But GOD said Israel’s hearts are stiff necked.  And the witness of the hearts of the gentiles are purified is the HOLY SPIRIT.

Hear what Apostle Peter wrote about gentiles.

 Act 15:8  And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; }}}… so JESUS CHRIST the LORD gave the HOLY SPIRIT, as it comes form Him, … to gentiles, as He could see their hearts!

Act 15:9  And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. }}}… and our faith, is a witness that our hearts are purified and we have received the HOLY SPIRIT. but that faith, is the Faith of CHRIST THE LORD, which HE MUST GIVE as a free gift. Eph.  2: 8 !

Act 15:14  Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for HIS NAME…}}}…Remember as written above, the apostles are chosen to JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name ???  So The LORD  first visited the gentiles to take a people to HIS NAME, and then will return to rebuild the fallen Tabernacle of David !!!

Therefore, as written above, … JESUS CHRIST the LORD came to take some gentiles to HIS NAME !!!  This is why, we give glory to His name !!!  and now that we HAVE ALREADY GLORIFIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD, AND PRAISED HIM, … BELIEVED, RECEIVED AND FEARED, OBEYED AND WE HAVE DONE ALL THAT, …NOW, HE WILL RETURN TO REBUILD , the ALREADY FALLEN Tabernacle of David. ! :-

Act 15:15  And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,

Act 15:16  After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: }}}… so when JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes to take a people of gentiles to His name, … the Tabernacle of David is already fallen. If not, there is no need to take gentiles to His name . because the Tabernacle of David was built to HIS NAME, KNOWN BACK THEN AS The LORD of HOSTS  !

Rom_15:8  Now I say that JESUS CHRIST WAS A MINISTER of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: }}}… so JESUS CHRIST the LORD became a MINISTER OF TRUTH of GOD.  And to whom the truth is given ???  Isa. 42: 1- 3… “Behold MY SERVANT, whom I uphold; MINE ELECT, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put MY SPIRIT UPON HIM: He shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. he shall bring forth judgment unto truth.” !!! JESUS CHRIST the LORD knew that HE WOULD COME AS THE Spirit and Truth . (John 4, GOD is a SPIRIT and one must worship Him in SPIRIT. and the SPIRIT are His words, and the words are the truth, as HE IS THE TRUTH, so unless He comes and gives it, NO MAN CAN HAVE THE TRUTH to be saved. The TRUTH shall set us free. So when the time came to give salvation, … HE CAME AS A MINISTER OF TRUTH, but gave the truth to gentiles as they can be forgiven freely, without being judged. ! Same way the gentiles, believed, to be forgiven, all Israel also must believe Him. Acts. 13: 38-39. “And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.”.

Apostle Peter spoke as written above, … for our time, AFTER THE GENTILES HEARD THE WORD OF TRUTH. so that is after The Comforter came.

Eph 1:13  in whom also you, hearing the Word of Truth, the gospel of our salvation, in whom also believing, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise}}}… so the gentiles heard the truth, and believed, which is the gospel of salvation.  That means they received salvation, and they are appointed to receive it. Acts. 28: 26-28,  13: 46 !

And faith, must be in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. !!!

Eph 1:15  Therefore I also, hearing of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love to all the saints, 

Col 1:4  since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love you have to all the saints,

And JESUS CHRIST the LORD must dwell in our HEARTS.  So these are made known, how The LORD  converted the gentiles , the little children, … so you too can be converted the same way. !

Eph 3:17  that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,



Php_3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. }}}…. When the Spirit and Truth is given, upon believing, … one could worship GOD in Spirit and Truth and becomes the circumcision
!!!! as gentiles are predestinated as Eph. 1 says, v 13 , they believed the word of TRUTH… they received JESUS CHRIST the LORD … so they are converted.

But The LORD also says about those who are circumcised…

Tit_1:10  For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceiversspecially they of the circumcision:! 

Why are these of circumcision , are
deceivers and vain talkers???  Because,
they do not worship GOD in Spirit and Truth, as John 4 says, … nor they REJOICE
IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD … and that means they have confidence in flesh. !!!


Even though The LORD  forsook you as well, .. and hid His face, … but HE WILL HAVE MERCY and gather you as well. !

Isa 54:7  For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.

Isa 54:8  In a little wrath I HID MY FACE from thee for a moment; but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the LORD thy Redeemer

And the GOD who hides is the GOD of Israel, The Saviour !!!

Isa 45:15  Verily thou art a GOD THAT HIDEST thyself, O God of Israelthe saviour.

The REDEEMER, …. The Saviour HID HIMSELF !!!!  In this Scripture , it is clearly says ‘O GOD OF Israel”…. “God of Israelthe saviour”…..  The Saviour, JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the GOD of Israel !!!!! You never searched for Him.. and He Hid Himself from you, but for a moment! In that moment, … HE CAME TO THE gentiles and to little children !!!

Isa 64:7  And there is NONE THAT CALLETH UPON THY NAME, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities….}}}.. this iniquity is NOT CALLING ON HIS NAME, but calling other fathers. !


Isa 64:8  But now, O LORD, THOU ART OUR FATHER; we are the clay, and THOU OUR POTTER; and we all are the work of thy hand.}}}… which GOD’sname, none in Israel called ? it is JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s. He Is the CONSUMING FIRE. And HE IS OUR FATHER… the POTTER is our FATHER. read Rom.  9: 21- 25.  The POTTER made vessels of wrath and vessels of mercy. so the vessels of wrath has the wrath, and at the same time, the vessels of mercy is given mercy !!!  That is THE POTTER’S works… and He made the precious sons of Zion, as ‘earthen’ pots.

Lam_4:2  The precious sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, how are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!

So your FATHER, the POTTER made you clay or dust once again!  So now He must revert it. THE WORKS OF HIS HANDS !!!  Then, His hands made these children who FEARED AND SANCTIFIED HIM. Isa. 29: 23-24, and in their time, those who erred in SPIRIT also will come to understanding !!!  Then, they will be converted to their FATHER !!!

The ROCK said, He will hide His face …

Deu 31:17  Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I WILL FORSAKE THEM, AND I WILL HIDE MY FACE FROM THEM, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will say in that day, Are not these evils come upon us, because our God is not among us?

Deu 31:18  And I will surely HIDE MY FACE in that day for all the evils which they shall have wrought, in that they are turned unto other gods.}}}… you must acknowledge  your sin and iniquity of not calling upon the GOD of Israel, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! You have always called other gods and caused the true GOD to hide His face from you. ! He Has warned you of these things.  but His words must be fulfilled just as it is written.  If not, we can call Him a liar and we have no salvation !

The judgments have to be made manifest, for all to see that they have not given glory to JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

Rev 15:4  Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and GLORIFY THY NAME? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.

This is why, in JUDGMENT, the little children who have JESUS CHRIST the LORD in them, 1 John 4:4, 17, who are to be as HE IS, preach the Everlasting gospel and when it is preached , the end will come. Mat. 24: 14.

Rev 14:7  Saying with a loud voice, FEAR GOD, AND GIVE GLORY TO HIM; for the hour of His judgment is come: and WORSHIP HIM THAT MADEheaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. }}}…So one must fear and worship and give glory to The MAKER … The CREATOR to be converted back to the beginning !

All things ends in judgment. The LORD said… prophecy concerning Him has an end !!!  There is no millennium! Just as the leaders took you to worship GOD the Father, … the millennium, … place of safety, are all lies which they made !!! If all things written are to be fulfilled during the ‘Day of Vengeance’, how could the days of vengeance be longer than thousand years? the thousand years is like to GOD, when the NIGHT watch is on. Psa. 90: 1- 5. At that time GOD turned the man to destruction, and says RETURN. !!!   Why else would He come and give the knowledge of GOD   a SECOND time, and come as the Spirit and Truth ??? So the night watch is the darkness of the Laodicea era, when JESUS CHRIST the LORD ‘s light is not seen !!!  remember… ‘flesh’ could be judged only by the ‘SPIRIT’!!!  So all flesh will be given salvation, and be saved!

Remember king Solomon said about the plague in the heart? And king Solomon said, the GOD of Israel, is the GOD who entered in to the Covenant and who shows mercy. that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD.

1Ki_8:23  And he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart…}}}… remember JESUS CHRIST the LORD searches the hearts.  He gives His SPIRIT to the heart as written above. And, there is no GOD like Him.  Your circumcision must be from the heart !  He will give new hearts. There is so much to write.  But these are enough to understand what the ‘conversion’ means. Back to the beginning !!

Things to consider before proving what is the conversion ;

No man can be morally good, before GOD as all are under sin and death. Then, Scripture says, the death is a curse, and will be no more and will be victorious. JESUS CHRIST the LORD, paid for our death. we must understand why He died, and then repent. At the sound of repentance, HIS MERCY forgives us, because physically, or Spiritually, we do not have to die, as The LORD died for us. So even though the judgments are for us to die for ever, …. As that penalty is paid, … we can live and reverted back to the state where Adam was first created. BUT NOT OURSELVES , but The CREATOR will create us once again, all things new, IN HIM to save all. HE IS The Saviour, The REDEEMER also. So HE WILL do these for us. We only need to understand when He opens the eyes to see !

And GOD says there will be no more curses such as death, night, sea and devil ( Rev. 20-22) and all things WILL BE MADE NEW! But NEW, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD. He was The CREATOR who cursed Adam to death. He created Adam to be HIS SON. So as all humans failed to be sons to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, after the curses are removed, all will be CONVERTED to the former state when Adam was created, which GOD saw and said ‘good’. The Tree of Life was cut off since that time means life was NOT OFFERED TO ANY, until it is offered after the judgments. Remember all things WRITTEN ARE TO BE FULFILLED DURING THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE, which is the day of THE LORD, the Times of Gentiles which we live in now. At this time, even the wife of CHRIST The LORD , with all 12 tribes are scattered, Jam 1:1, as they did not gather TO JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Mat. 12: 30. That is why they are called ‘LOST’ tribes, even Spiritually, not drinking from The ROCK, who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD who gives the SPIRIT. 1 cor 10: 3-4, deut 32: 18, Psa. 89:26, 2 cor 3: 17, John 6:63, 20:22. These Scripture proves The ROCK is the FATHER who BEGAT, the GOD of salvation, the SPIRIT, and His words also are called SPIRIT and life.


He Is life, John 1, but His own did not receive Him. but those who received Him, are made sons of GOD ! That proves, receiving Him, makes us as Adam !!!   That is how we could be converted. !!!

Not drinking from The ROCK, the wife of CHRIST The LORD  also lost the white linen, naked, not having the SPIRIT as the covering. Isa. 30:1. This is why Adam too became naked! Remember GOD covered him with a skin???

Remember the judges executed the judgments WRITTEN. Psa. 149:9…But no one has to go through the penalty, because The LORD  HAS PAID. So those who rejoice in the GOD who MADE them, are the saints who executed the judgments written. After the judgment, the wife will be granted to wear fine linen. Even though the judgment is to death, … as The LORD  paid, no man has to go through them. This is why it is unbelievable and all wants to punish others, but not themselves.  So there is no lake of fire , … thousand year judgment, but it is one day to GOD, as Apostle Peter said. Then, the cause of man , the sin and the error of man would be forgotten by GOD. Acts. 3 says, during the times of Refreshing, .. GOD OVERLOOKS the ignorance in man. ! Then, that is the time man will be converted back to the beginning of times.

Following psalm is about the meek or the humble, … receiving salvation, .. .and they are called saints as their sin is forgiven. ( 1 John 2: 12-27), And they PRAISE GOD. ( Psa. 8: 2, 1  Pet. 2: 8-10) and are JUDGES ( Mat. 12: 27-28) . And they rejoice in The LORD  who MADE them.  So no one but the little children, who fits in all of these facts.  They are humble, even as The LORD  said to be humble like little ones.  then, it is the babes who PRAISE GOD, ( the Royal Priesthood who show forth praises of The LORD ), and then it is the little children , who are JUDGES. !

Psa 149:1  Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints. }}}…No one can praise GOD, in truth as long as they are dust and until The Comforter gave the truth to glorify JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  remember dust means lies. ? No one knew that we should praise JESUS CHRIST the LORD. the Royal Priesthood , is taken out of darkness, to praise Him. So until then, all had GOD the Father as their GOD. So till the Laodicea era, after the times of king David who praised The LORD of HOSTS , … no one did. Besides, this psalm talks about JUDGEMENT of the kings and princes, the leaders, the fathers.

Psa 149:2  Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Zion be joyful in their King}}}… these are the Israel of GOD, new in  CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6:15-16 . And one should rejoice in The CREATOR… !  None in Israel rejoiced the The CREATOR, or The MAKER, as Deut.  32 says above. So all things will be made new in Him once again. !!!

Psa 149:3  Let them PRAISE HIS NAME in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.

Psa 149:4  For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautify the meek with salvation. …}}}…the meek received salvation, in the LAST TIME as written above ! Those who are to die, … died, and those who received salvation first, received. Heb.  9: 25-28 !

So they are the saints, who executes judgement upon the NOBLES AND KINGS! They are the children as proven above who are judges, of their fathers  !!! But these judgments are spiritual, and not physical, as The LORD  paid all !

Psa 149:5  Let the saints be joyful in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

Psa 149:6  Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a twoedged sword in their hand; }}}… sword is the WORD of GOD . and one is judged, by the gospel as proven above, preaching JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! 1  Pet. 4:6, that is the gospel which judges the dead who are not with Him !

Psa 149:7  To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people; }}}… who are the HEATHEN now ? Amo 9: 7, Isa. 2: 6, it is Israel, who FAILED TO BE NEW Israel OF GOD as they failed to come to JESUS CHRIST the LORD. Gal. 6:15-16 as proven above ! Now that we know Israel of GOD is those who are in Him, … the rest have become as heathen. !

Psa 149:8  To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron; }}}… kings and nobles are the leaders who did not preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and failed to be Israel of GOD.

Psa 149:9  To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD. }}}… so the judgments also are written. So GOD has to open the eyes to see them.  Remember one is judged, to see if they have worshiped The CREATOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD or not.  the same gospel, judges and establishes as written above. And no king or priest or noble preached the Everlasting gospel !!!!  That is why, it is preached during judgments !!!  ( Rev. 14: 6-7) and then the end will come as Mat. 24: 14 !!!!   Please read ‘Everlasting gospel’. All things are done by the word of The CREATOR. ! So now, it is in the past.  Judgments do not last for ever or thousand years as proven above ! If we did not have the knowledge about the true GOD, … how could we have anything we believed to be right ???  Sabbath day was correct, but we never honored The LORD of Sabbath, who is The CREATOR , JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK ! So that too was wrong.

And these are the saints who see, the priests being clothed with salvation, and white linen…. Psa. 132… The priesthood, is the wife of CHRIST The LORD . so they will be clothed with righteousness, the white linen, while the saints are watching.  The saints, are the first fruits who are born to The CREATOR !!!

Psa 132:9  Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy. }}}… the priesthood is the wife.  And the wife has no white linen, means righteousness .  and she will be granted after her judgment. So these saints , are not the priests.

Psa 132:16  I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. }}}… when the priests are given salvation, …. The saints are shouting for joy. So the saints must have salvation , before the priests. And they must be the ones who preach to the priests how to get salvation. !!! And they are the judges. If GOD condemns the ministry of not honoring Him in Mal. 1: 6, then we know they do not have white linen, as it comes only from JESUS CHRIST the LORD. and the message to Laodicea proves so.



But after the judgment, all will be made new, (Rev. 21:5) which means all will be converted, brought or reverted back to the former state of Adam’s time, including offering the Tree of Life!  Tree of good and evil is cut down. All done by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and IN HIM! All things became cursed and all are cut off from The CREATOR, JESUS CHRIST the LORD and no one worshiped Him nor accepted as their FATHER! But now, GOD is giving that knowledge, as the times of Refreshing, or restoration prophesied in Scripture also must be fulfilled as vengeance is taken to accept all! The wife too will be granted to wear fine linen. GOD killed them Spiritually, so they can seek Him early. Psa. 78:34-35! “When He slew them, they sought Him: and they returned and enquired early after God. And they remembered that GOD WAS THEIR ROCK, and the HIGH GOD THEIR REDEEMER”. Do you, Abraham’s seed believe The ROCK, or The Most High or The REDEEMER is your GOD ? did you look for JESUS CHRIST the LORD as Abraham your father did? John 8:54-56? Well when GOD gives this understanding, you will seek Him and will say The REDEEMER, The ROCK is your FATHER and WILL REVERT, OR BE CONVERTED BACK TO HIM! That is THE CONVERSION!

“Reversion’ means we need to GET BACK to the FORMER state. In this case, we need to be returned to the beginning of creation, when the man was created in GOD’s image, and when the man walked with GOD without any disobedience and also as a son to The CREATOR.  Dust means lies. So cursing Adam to go back to dust means he will inherit lies. That is about the knowledge of GOD , which gives life, which pictures in the Tree of Life, and the lie is about GOD ! ever since no one knew the true GOD. the knowledge about the One and ONLY TRUE GOD gives everlasting life. John 17: 3.  That knowledge is given to those who are sanctified by the truth, to be sent to others. Vs 17-20 !  This is the way GOD Has purposed.  Lies brought death. Tree of Life is JESUS CHRIST the LORD as He said, HE IS LIFE and in Him life. So from the beginning, Adam was cut off from knowing the true GOD that is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, because in HIM, LIFE and HE GIVES LIFE and SPIRIT by HIS WORDS. But this time, all will hear His voice, but some will hear from their graves as they are all dead Spiritually, not having the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So since he inherited lies, the truth must be given to us to makes us live. Lies took us under bondage of the devil, the evil heart. THIS IS WHY Scripture SAYS, THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.  If the truth sets us free, then lies made us under bondage!

King David talks about the conversion.  And this is for the time that Zion has sinned and needs to be built again. He prays to GOD to RESTORE salvation to him, then he will tell the transgressor GOD’S WAYS, so the sinners may be CONVERTED. Therefore, to those to whom the salvation is given first, …. Or restored first, … the first fruits , … must tell others how to be converted. And as you can see, it is the children of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who are chosen to learn from Him , the truth which sets all free, giving salvation. So that is why, they are converted and The LORD  said to be converted as little ones.

SO WE MUST ADMIT OUR SIN AND REPENT. And as proven above, … since The LORD  HAS GIVEN US A LAST TIME SALVATION, … we tell transgressors , understanding king David’s words , about the One and ONLY TRUE GOD , or king David’s GOD, who is The LORD of HOSTS , who alone can save us or give us salvation. ! And remember not only king David, but Judah also has married a foreign GOD… Mal. 2: 10-11 and broke the Covenant, and became an adulterer. You must see how the high priest, claiming to be from Judah, have sinned having many fathers, and even rocks to drink the spiritual drink from. So he has done WORSE than all other sisters as Eze. 16: 50-52 says, and must also bear his shame as 60-63 says!

Psa 51:17  The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. }}}… we all know what a broken heart means.  When a sinner is FOUND OUT and CONDEMNED, … and the sin is understood by the sinner, … that man will repent thoroughly.  Until The Comforter came and gave us the truth, … we too did not know that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD !  And we truly repented and believed.  Remember , the men of Niniveh, also repented and believed. That is why they arise in judgment to meet THE GREATER, JESUS CHRIST the LORD, Himself and condemn others. !

He prophesied that GOD must do good to Zion and build Jerusalem. So this prophecy is for the time to build Zion and Jerusalem, after it’s fall and desolation  as the book of Lamentation says.  remember it is the little children who blessed Him and brought Him to Jerusalem. so they are HIS DISCIPLES NOW as proven above.

Psa 51:18  Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem

 Psa 51:4  Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. }}}.. please read “Be justified or be guilty”, “justify The LORD  as king David did”,  to understand this verse.

And we are born with the sin and iniquity.

Psa 51:5  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. }}}… we can understand this verse now, as the sin is revealed. Adam was cursed and all humans were cursed. So all are born with the sin. !

Psa 51:6  Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. }}}.. if you read these two verses, you can understand what the sin is.  The sin is we did not have the truth in the heart!!! We did not seek THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD, FROM OUR HEARTS and we had other gods … many other gods, … and other men, .. and even dumb idols in our hearts!  This wisdom could not have come from a man, not even a prophet ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD said there will be many FALSE prophets, and did not say where is the true prophet ! That is because, HE, HIMSELF is prophesied to come as a thief in the night and take the Royal Priesthood , out of that darkness and revealed all things to them.  So the sin was that we did not have the TRUTH !  This is why, giving the truth, we will be set free !!! We will be free from SIN, AND INIQUITY which held us under captive !!!  Remember the most deceitful heart and the evil heart which caused us to depart from the Living GOD ? Heb.  3: 12 ! Hidden part thou shall make me to know wisdom means giving the Spirit and Truth to the heart !!! ( remember the HOLY SPIRIT is given to the hearts as written above ) So king David was born in lies as all humans were.!


Psa 51:10  Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew
a right spirit within me.
}}}… well then, … now we know how to get a new heart.  GOD
sends the words to wash us.  And a RIGHT SPIRIT will come only from the GOD of salvation, who gives the spiritual meat and drink !!!  As written above, the hearts
are purified BY FAITH, before giving the HOLY SPIRIT. Acts. 15.


Psa 51:11  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take
not thy holy spirit from me.
}}}…  we should not go away from GOD’s presence so the HOLY SPIRIT will not be taken away from us.  When we are converted, GOD will
be with us. ! GOD reveals all these, so we can have HOLY SPIRIT in our hearts. And
if the HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. then HE ALONE CAN TAKE
IT AWAY ! And His SPIRIT, makes us SONS to Him. ! That is how one is converted
again, to be a SON TO The CREATOR !


Psa 51:11  Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. }}}…  we should not go away from GOD’s presence so the HOLY SPIRIT will not be taken away from us.  When we are converted, GOD will be with us. ! GOD reveals all these, so we can have HOLY SPIRIT in our hearts. And if the HOLY SPIRIT comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. then HE ALONE CAN TAKE IT AWAY ! And His SPIRIT, makes us SONS to Him. ! That is how one is converted again, to be a SON TO The CREATOR !

Then, when the salvation is RESTORED, .. BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, … they will teach sinners GOD’S WAYS, … and then the SINNERS will be CONVERTED !!!

Psa 51:12  Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Psa 51:13  Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. }}}… Now, the salvation has come to gentiles in the last time as proven above, …( 1  Pet. 1:5, 20) so we are to TEACH , PREACH AND WARN to be PERFECT IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!! We all are SINNERS. And then we all need SALVATION.  But first, The LORD  gave salvation to first fruits, so the whole creation could be loosened from it’s decay and bondage. ! remember Scripture says all are sinners. Then all need to be converted. That is why The LORD  saved some first, so they can be sent to others. !

Only GOD can deliver us from our blood guiltiness.  And then, we receive righteousness. And show forth GOD’s praise. Remember it is the babes who perfected His praise, as they received salvation, … and that is the Royal Priesthood, taken out of darkness to sing praises of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the GOD who called them out of darkness. 1  Pet. 2: 8-10 !!!

Psa 51:14  Deliver me from blood guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. }}}… Heb.  2:10, … it is the children whom The LORD , BROUGHT TO GLORY who declare the Captain of Salvation !  So it is they who were saved first.  And the blood guiltiness is not having The LORD  in our heart. If you have Him,, . you are righteous as HE IS The Righteous. 1 John 2:1.

Psa 51:15  O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise}}}… Scripture says, dust cannot praise GOD as it does not have the truth. “Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? “ Psa. 30:9.  So this means as long as the curse of DEATH hangs on us, .. . we have lies, … and we cannot praise the true GOD, JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  NO ONE PRAISED HIM but GOD the Father. So Adam was sent to dust means to lies, to be destroyed as the judgment, but GOD knew HE WILL PAY for the curse and will redeem us.  But we must know the truth ! So king David WAS PRAISING THE GOD OF SALVATION, WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD.!

Here is another Scripture which proves, it was GOD’s plan, from the beginning, for the gentiles to be saved first.

2Th 2:13  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth}}}… ‘GOD Has chosen the gentiles to be sanctified by the Spirit and Truth… and to believe. and this could be understood, as salvation did not come even to the Laodicea era.  And after that, … the day of THE LORD which is the Times of Gentiles. Eze. 30:3.  And then, if GOD does not save gentiles, … then there is no other to be saved first, because the Laodiceans totally failed in JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  So the salvation did not come even to the last era of GOD’s church. Then it must be given to gentiles !

Now when the Scripture says “GOD has from the beginning, chosen you to salvation, through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth”…So first, we know GOD Has chosen some from the beginning to give salvation. It is not just happened, but it was preplanned by GOD.  then, … the SPIRIT must be given, and the truth also, in order to BELIEVE. so that is the Spirit and Truth, … The Comforter. !!!  The Comforter, glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Read John 14 – 16. We have proven these in previous writings. And that truth is what gives salvation. And no one else can claim they preach salvation, … other than the children of Heb.  2: 10-13, … whom The LORD , HIMSELF BROUGHT FORTH TO GLORY, TO PREACH HIM, AS THE Captain of Salvation !!!  So no one leader could have preached this, until the Spirit and Truth or The Comforter came and glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! This is why, all things are planned by GOD, from the beginning !  All flesh will see salvation of GOD. Luk. 3:6.  But in the order of HOW GOD HAS PLANNED. All are sinners means no one knew JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the only GOD. some had three gods, … then we had two gods in the church of GOD, … and it is truly ONE GOD !  But the Jews knew always ONE GOD, but they did not know, that GOD, who is the SPIRIT, came as a physical body, as JESUS CHRIST the LORD ! So if GOD has chosen from the beginning to give salvation to any, … then OUR WORKS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR SALVATION, … and also, .. HE IS The Saviour, … SO HE WILL SAVE AND GIVE SALVATION ! There is no salvation in any other. And the Jews rejected the ONLY GOD who can give salvation. ! To the Laodicea era, they rejected.


Act 4:11  This is the STONE WHICH WAS SET AT NOUGHT OF YOU BUILDERS, which is become the head of the corner.

Act 4:12  Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved}}}… so you see ???  To the Laodicea era, .. all rejected to be built on the Chief Corner Stone, and they are prophesied to stumble on Him !  The LORD chose the Jews to stumble on Him and also in the WORD of GOD , which is the Spirit and Truth ! So they rejected the Chief Corner Stone.  But Apostle Peter wrote, the gentiles are buildon Him and also Eph.  2 ! So there is no salvation in any other, but in JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the Captain of Salvation !!! So by going to GOD the Father, as the high priest taught to go pass JESUS CHRIST the LORD , was a GREAT SIN WHICH HE COMMITTED AGAINST THE GOD OF SALVATION, .. WHICH CAUSED ALL TO STAY UNDER BONDAGE.  But JESUS CHRIST the LORD Has and will forget all those sins, … and only acknowledge  your sin and iniquity against Him as written above !!!  When you are given the understanding that JESUS CHRIST the LORD is the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, …  your eyes are already opened, and you are ACCEPTED and given life…. THAT IS SALVATION and CONVERSION. !!! Then you will know The CREATOR !!! So salvation must come by the belief of the Spirit and Truth … which is given after The Comforter came !

And, salvation is in the obtaining of the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD … that is to know Him. !!!  This is why, the Scripture says, flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom, nor KNOW The SON or the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD, that HE IS THE FATHER AS WELL AS The SON AND ALL NAMES OF GOD APPLIES TO HIM !!!

2Th 2:14  Whereunto HE CALLED you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD CALLED US TO OBTAIN HIS OWN GLORY !!!!!  “HE CALLED.. to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus CHRIST”.

So they are His own sons, whom HE BROUGHT TO GLORY as Heb.  2: 10 says. Could we preach other gods?  THIS TRUTH, SEPARATES the sons of GOD and sons of the devil !!! He came to HIS OWN the first time.  They rejected and killed Him. Then, they rejected Him totally in the Laodicea era also. !  Finally, the high priest drank ‘MUCH SPIRITUAL DRINK from a dumb rock” !!!!  They brought nothing but shame for Him, their FATHER and The CREATOR !!! But even then, His grace will convert them.  !!! So HE CHOSE AND CALLED GENTILES TO OBTAIN HIS GLORY. so He came to them a second time and gave this truth. Eph.  1, 2, says, the gentiles are created for His glory of HIS GRACE !!! Read the previous verses. Because you did not love the TRUTH, GOD sent delusion to believe a lie, so you could be judged. !!!

And The LORD  called us to HIS KINGDOM. Jam 2: 5 also.

1Th 2:12  That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory. }}}… read Jam 2; 5, Col. 1: 13,  1 sam 2: 8

1Th 2:13  For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. }}}… who are called to the KINGDOM ???  As proven above, … it is the JUDGES, the children.  And then, … in the kingdom, they cast out devils, who did not believe nor received the WORD of GOD  , the SPIRIT, by the SPIRIT of The LORD … that is the truth, the WORD of GOD .  so this happened now. We received the WORD of GOD , … with the calling to obtain the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … which we never knew before till now, … and then, it is the truth which we believed, … as GOD had planned from the beginning , and now fulfilled.  so the gentiles are converted first as GOD planned. !


Rom 14:17  For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost}}}… kingdom is the time to give HOLY SPIRIT … the truth !!!  And JESUS CHRIST the LORD is THE RIGHTEOUS and He gave it to HIS OWN CHILDREN as proven above, … and PEACE as well.  So it is from them, one can learn about righteousness , how to receive it, and also the peace ! We proved, RIGHTEOUSNESS is to be with the true FATHER. ! 1 cor 6:9, Un righteous cannot enter into the kingdom. Remember righteousness, is a free gift comes from THE GOD WHO IS THE RIGHTEOUS, JESUS CHRIST the LORD. And it is OUT OF DARKNESS, GOD took us to the kingdom. “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:”  Col. 1:13. So from darkness, it was the Royal Priesthood who is taken ! That is during the Laodicea era as now. ! Have we not judged you by the gospel which Apostle Paul preached in Rom.  2: 16 ???  That will also establish you. Rom.  16: 25 !

GOD Has chosen us to salvation , and sanctification of the SPIRIT AND BELIEF OF THE TRUTH !!!  So He Has written it and spoken it.  then it must be fulfilled.  and what you see and hear is the fulfilled prophecy.  And we all must obtain THE GLORY OF JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!  That is the truth !!! Receiving salvation then means, … to obtain the glory of JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  Did we have the glory of  CHRIST the LORD all these years? When Zebedee’s wife asked for her sons to sit in the right and left of JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … He said, it is already given by the FATHER. that means it is written in the WORD of GOD  already. So GOD has chosen from the beginning, who would be in the kingdom. ! The Righteous judgments also must be revealed by JESUS CHRIST the LORD , on the day of THE LORD. Rom. 2:5. So until the judgment, no one would have known their unrighteousness !!!  Rom.  14: 10-12 says, we all will stand before the judgment seat of ‘CHRIST The LORD ”, … to see… that every knee has  bow down to Him, and every tongue has confessed that He is GOD. !  That is the Everlasting gospel, which is now preached to the DEAD as proven above.  So the dead are judged according to the same gospel and judgments are TO CONVERT ALL back to Him !!! He judges with righteousness and TRUTH. Psa. 96:13 !

So The LORD says above, to acknowledge  the sin and iniquity. And if you do so, HE WILL HAVE MERCY.

Pro 28:13  He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

This is why we need to admit our sins and until we do so, GOD will not have mercy even. No one can cover such a sin as this , as no one has believed JESUS CHRIST the LORD to be the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, the Everlasting FATHER as well as The SON !!!

And it is the goodness of GOD, which cause you to see your sin.

Rom 2:4  Or do you despise the riches of His kindness, and the forbearance and long-suffering, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?..}}}… all these thousands of years, we never knew the truth about JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  but in judgment, HE GIVES LIGHT OR TRUTH, now He Has revealed the truth so all could be converted unto Him.  and it is done by HIS KINDNESS!

So The LORD  will… deliver us from evil …

2Ti_4:18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me
to whom be
glory for ever and ever. Amen. !


And as king David said above, … these children also call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK of salvation, MY FATHER…. they believe Him as their GOD as well.

So the promise which made to king David, … is that his horn will be lifted up, … in HIS NAME, … or in the name of The ROCK, the Captain of Salvation, …  and His mercy will be given, … and in His name king King David’s horn shall be lifted up, … and The LORD  will make such HIS FIRST born or FIRST FRUITS , and they will be made HIGHER than the kings, .. and MERCY will be given for them, .. and also the Covenant. This Covenant is about the throne. !

Psa 89:24  But My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with him; and in My name his horn shall be lifted up.

Psa 89:26  He shall cry to Me, My Father, You are my God, and the Rock of my salvation. }}}…

Psa 89:27  And I will make him My first-bornhigher than the kings of the earth.

Psa 89:28  I will keep My mercy for him forever, and My covenant shall stand fast with him…}}}… so as GOD promised, .. now we call HIM OUR FATHER AND GOD, … and they are the sons of the Captain of Salvation , … and in HIS NAME, … these are made first fruits of The CREATOR, … born as Adam was, ( GOD seed things that are not as they were ), .. and the Covenant and the throne is given to them. ! This is why, during the Laodicea era, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, if you overcome,

Rev 3:21  To him that overcometh will I GRANT TO SIT WITH ME IN MY THRONE, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne

So who overcame ???  it is the little children, as HE IS IN THEM. And they are the judges !

1Jn 4:4  Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE THAT IS IN YOU, than he that is in the world.

1Jn 2:14  I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.

So it is the little children, who are OF GOD…!!!   They have overcome as The LORD  is in them…. !  They are FATHER and sons.  So in His name, this is the horn promised to king David and as he did, these too calls The ROCK of salvation, or the Captain of Salvation, their FATHER, … and they are made His first fruits and are HIGHER THAN KINGS.  So this is why, they are GIVEN JUDGMENT as written above in Psa. 149: 9, to execute judgments on nobles and kings. !!!


Luk 1:68  Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, }}}…The LORD  did not redeem any one except died. and the Day of Visitation is now. And HE IS BLESSED by the babes also now.

Luk 1:69  And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; (My faithfulness and My mercy shall be with him; and in My name his horn shall be lifted up.).  So what was promised by the FATHER, to king David in Psa. 89, … in the New  testament also is mentioned. So IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME, the Tabernacle of David also stands as The LORD of HOSTS  is also JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the GOD of salvation. So this time, The LORD  will remember His mercy promised to king David and also the Covenant !!!

In no other GOD’s name, but The ROCK’s name, this horn is lifted up to king David’s house ! JESUS CHRIST the LORD bound or adopted the gentiles to HIMSELF as sons Eph.  1. (Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, ).  So to the house of king David, … in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, … a horn of salvation is raised up. That is JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The ROCK of salvation, or the Captain of Salvation, … and His sons who declare or perfect Him as the Captain of Salvation, … are the others, who JUDGE the kings, … AS THEY ARE HIGHER THAN THE KINGS!  King David prophesied gentiles will submit to him, Psa. 18: 43- 44 and also said, his own people’s table will be a snare to them and they will ALWAYS SHOW THEIR BACKS TO GOD. Rom.  11: 9-10 .

Luk 1:70  As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:

Luk 1:71  That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; }}}..who is the enemy who keeps the people from being saved by JESUS CHRIST the LORD, and from going to Him, who preach other gods and dumb rocks to drink the spiritual drink and not from The ROCK or GOD of salvation ???  It is the high priest and the leaders in the Sanctuary which is now fallen, the Tabernacle of David which is fallen. !!!  Psa. 74 says Zion is a perpetual desolation and the enemy is INSIDE THE Sanctuary. !!! We have written about these long time ago. So The LORD  must save the people from these enemies who preach against Him, inside the Sanctuary, from their lies. !!! 2 Thess. 2 says, until they are JUDGED, the delusion is sent. But now, they are judged for their lying and not believing in the Everlasting gospel !!! The dead are judged, to be established. 1  Pet. 4: 6,  Rom.  2: 16,   Rom.  16: 25 !!!

Luk 1:72  To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; …}}}…” I will keep My mercy for him forever, and My covenant shall stand fast with him”…. What Psa. 89 says, is now fulfilled, as HIS MERCY caused us to be raised up as His sons IN HIS NAME, … HIS OWN FIRST FRUITS , … HIGHER THAN THE KINGS, … AND NOW, HE CONTINUES HIS Covenant AND MERCY !!! He caused us to BELIEVE IN HIM and to be born as HIS SONS !!! The enemy, even has replaced the symbol of the Covenant of JACOB ! He refused to drink from The ROCK, and found dumb rocks to drink !  and keep the people of GOD to wonder at him !!!  They are the kings, LOWER than the sons of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , The ROCK !!!


Luk 1:73  The oath which he sware to our father Abraham,

Luk 1:74  That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, }}}… who are the enemies who hold the people of GOD from serving Him ???  It is the leaders, the ministry.

Luk 1:75  In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.

Luk 1:76  And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways;

Luk 1:77  To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,

So the sin which caused one to be NOT saved, … is that they rejected their OWN GOD, AND THE FATHER !!!  As king David said and did, … they all must know, The ROCK OF SALVATION, IS THEIR FATHER AND CALL HIM SO, even as Jer. 3:15-20 says, The Husband will be called by the wife ‘My FATHER’ !!! So as v 15 says, these children are the pastors , who are in the pleasant land already, in The ROCK’s house as written above, …. Who teach the wife that The Husband is also the FATHER , and that is how the hearts of the children will be turned to the FATHER, … and as they plead with the FATHER to return to the wife and children, as they are also the ministry of reconciliation, … they prepare the way of The LORD , to come to the children, and doing the work of Elijah and John the Baptist now. !!!

in My name his horn shall be lifted up”….So in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name, this horn will be lifted up. !  Paul said JESUS CHRIST the LORD , of the seed of king David, is raised up according to the gospel he preaches and it was the same gospel which he preached to gentiles as well. So both JESUS CHRIST the LORD and gentiles are born of the same gospel. And the salvation is IN JESUS CHRIST the LORD. So would The LORD  not give His throne to those who are of the same gospel and to the people whom He brought to glory to preach HIM, as the Captain of Salvation ????

2Ti 2:8  Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:

2Ti 2:9  Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.

2Ti 2:10  Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory..}}}… if the salvation is in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, .. then those who went to Him, received it, and He, Himself , IN HIS NAME brought these sons, to CARRY FORTH HIS NAME as the Captain of Salvation !!! They are all one… and John 17, also The LORD  prayed for them to be ONE WITH HIM!!!

in My name his horn shall be lifted up”….

and My covenant shall stand fast with him

He shall cry to Me, My Father, You are my God, and the Rock of my salvation”… Then, in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name,  this horn is raised up to king David. And this is talking about the throne. And it is during the Laodicea era, the throne is set, to judge the 12 tribes, who have shown their backs to GOD always, and they TOTALLY DENIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME!  If they are not calling Him, MY FATHER, to Him as king David did, would The LORD  give the throne to such people who do not even know their FATHER and GOD ???  So in JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s name this horn is exalted means , they have not DENIED JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S NAME… !!!


Rev 3:7  And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

Rev 3:8  I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast KEPT MY WORD, and hast NOT DENIED MY NAME. }}} is during the Philadelphia  era, The LORD  OPENS and SHUTS the key of king David.  And to those who DID NOT DENY HIS NAME, … who call Him ‘FATHER’, … the Captain of Salvation, … who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD,
… who opens and shuts,… opened the key to these children who are after king
David, … and who has NOT denied HIS NAME, as they are raised up in HIS NAME, …
and they have even kept JESUS CHRIST the LORD’S WORDS. John 8:37  , The LORD
said, Abraham’s seed has no place for HIS WORD as proven above. “I know that ye are
Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because MY WORD hath no place in you
. “.  But the little children, have kept His word. 1 John 2: 14. Col. 3: 16…So to them, the key is opened, WHICH IS TO PREACH ABOUT HIM. ! Remember Philadelphia means brotherly love, and The LORD , Himself taught these children, the brotherly love. 1 Thess. 4: 9 ! So these little
children has a LITTLE STRENGTH. And remember as written above, .. in John 17
,  these children who are given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, have kept the word !


Remember why GOD promised that king David will always have a seed on the throne?  He called The ROCK of salvation, MY FATHER as written above.  And these children also calls The ROCK of salvation, MY FATHER !!!  So the FATHER gave the kingdom to His sons. !!!

This is why, AFTER GIVING THE KEY AND ALL THE GLORY, The LORD  CUT IT OFF! And it was done by The LORD of HOSTS … and Mal. 1:6 says, they did not honor HIM AS THE FATHER !!!! So as king David, they failed to call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, MY FATHER, and failed to keep the key of king David, as they do not have the works of king David. This is why, JESUS CHRIST the LORD said, the kingdom will be taken from you and will be given to another nation who bears fruits as written below….  And the key is given by The LORD of HOSTS , WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD !!!

Isa 22:25  In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and falland the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… so IN THAT DAY, SAYS JESUS CHRIST the LORD, The LORD of HOSTS , … THAT THE KEY OF KING DAVID WILL BE CUT DOWN, TO FALL. !!!  The Tabernacle of David fell.  They failed to call The LORD of HOSTS , My FATHER… or The ROCK of salvation, who is also the The LORD of Hosts, my FATHER as king David did !!!!

So JESUS CHRIST the LORD said it will be given to others, who bears fruits.

Mat 21:42  Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?

Mat 21:43  Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. }}}… as written above in Mat. 12: 27-28, … when the children are judging, .. the kingdom has come on you.  so, the little children came after this key is cut down from the last high priest who is a king who sat on king David’s throne who failed to have the works of king David, … and who failed to call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, my FATHER, … The ROCK of salvation.!  So read Psa. 89: 30- 40, after promising not to break that Covenant, but still HE BROKE IT and gave to others.  If JESUS CHRIST the LORD gives it to those who deny His name and who failed to call HIM, MY FATHER and have other fathers, the whole land will be polluted. And GOD said, the rod of men will be sent, and now, it is sent.  And he is cut down to fall. There is no burden in it. !!!


And the fruits ???  John 15, The LORD  said, I AM THE VINE, and unless you abide in Me, … you cannot bear fruits.  So the little children  abide in Him as well as His words … and they have the works of king David, as he called The ROCK of salvation, his FATHER as written above,  and The LORD of HOSTS  , or JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The ROCK of salvation, brought us forth as sons, adopting us, and gave the kingdom. !! ( as we have the same works as king David)  So we must abide in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, to bear fruits. And Israel left his GOD, and FATHER ,The ROCK.  And these children who received the kingdom, .. are abiding in Him, as they declare Him and glorify Him. !!!  The LORD , Himself says, HE IS IN THE LITTLE CHILDREN, AND THE LITTLE CHILDREN ARE IN HIM, AS THEY ARE ONE as written above. So they bear fruits even by preaching others to come to Him, … which means giving salvation to others. !!!!

And those who have the key SHUT, … became the synagogue of satan … even though they say they are Jews, but failed to call their own GOD, ‘FATHER’ and denied HIS NAME. because in HIS NAME, the throne is to be continued ! And they failed to be Israel of GOD, … or be converted from JACOB to ISRAEL, as they never came to Him.! So they lie, even to say they are Jews. !  Now the Jews are those who are in JESUS CHRIST the LORD , THE GOD OR THE KING OF THE Jews!

Rev 3:9  Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. }}}… Remember how one could become a Jew, or Israel of GOD ???  if the little children are judges, … and in the kingdom, … then, higher than the kings, as proven above, … Spiritually, the kings who are being judged must bow down to the judges. Just think; if physically a ruler is to bind some one in chains, as written above, … would not the one who is being bound bow down and ask for forgiveness? So at this time, the synagogue of satan and the true synagogue of Jews , who are Israel of GOD are created. Liars have no place in the kingdom. And it is this synagogue of satan, who are bound by the saints as written above. Saints are those who glorified JESUS CHRIST the LORD also as written above. !

And the synagogue of satan  will see … how JESUS CHRIST the LORD loves these children !


Rev 3:10  Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. }}}…  this hour of temptation comes to TRY all.  and those who KEPT HIS WORD,… are spared.  Then, this temptation comes on those who DID NOT KEEP HIS WORD !!!  Heb.  2:10 says, these sons , must preach the FATHER, the Captain of Salvation, through sufferings. !  So they are patiently waiting on the FATHER to preach Him. ! So the synagogue of satan was overcome by their temptation as they did not have JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words to overcome. ! But, these children, OVERCAME by the WORD of GOD as proven above !!!  Remember John 12:48, it is the words of JESUS CHRIST the LORD which judge one last day. So those who abode in His words, are kept from this hour! They overcame by saying the same thing as JESUS CHRIST the LORD said to the devil “thou shall live by every word which comes out of the mouth of The LORD “…!!! Those who drank from rocks , went through the tribulation and could not overcome but are found to be of the devil ! (Deut.  8:3, Luk. 4). So when JESUS CHRIST the LORD judged by His words, those who have it LIVES, and those who did not have it, DIED !!! (more below).

Rev 3:11  Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. }}}… JESUS CHRIST the LORD warned of many false Christs.  He did not say where is the true CHRIST. But, if you learn from any man, as no man has the truth about Him,… all those who are allowed to be tempted lost their crowns.  Which means, those who looked physically ,  and stayed to go to a place of safety, .. or those who kept quiet seeing the evil of the leaders, .. or those who wondered at Joshua and not at GOD, …. And heard these evil leader’s teachings to drink the SPIRIT from rocks, … instead of The ROCK of salvation, … lost their crowns !  But the little children are said not to learn from any other. 1 John 2; 12- 29 !!!  And they are judges.

Deu 8:2  And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no.

Deu 8:3  And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. }}}… to receive the WORD of GOD  in your heart means HOLY SPIRIT is given to the heart as written above. So those who drank from other stones have stony hearts and those who drank from The ROCK, PERFECT HIM as the Captain of Salvation !!! They brought glory to GOD. But others defiled His name. Mal. 2: 2.

If JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words is what judge you, … to see what is in your heart, … that if you have obeyed and abode in His words, …. Then you can see your heart , if you have the HOLY SPIRIT or not. if you have kept JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s words as Rev. 3 says and not denied His name, … then you can know your heart will not condemn you by His words.  but if you have not His words, … then your heart is evil, and you are not alive as it is the words which gives the SPIRIT and life !

The WORD of GOD  JUDGES one, … is fire which can BURN  one, … It can WASH one, …. it is the sword which can PIERCE  one’s hearts, …. And it ESTABLISHES one, And it gives EVERLASTING LIFE . !!!

Remember judgments are to give light to make you to live !!! The CREATOR must purify the hearts so He can live AND CONVERT YOU TO A SON TO Him !

First fruits :- If GOD brought forth the first fruits, then the rest also will He bring forth!

Scripture says the first born is the strength of the father !!!  as proven in previous writings , the first fruits are given a double portion , so they can take care of the mother when the father dies and others who are not married.  That is why JESUS CHRIST the LORD, as the first born, gave the care of the mother to another ! So first fruits are called to carry out a burden. That burden is the burden which was cut off from Judah as Isa. 22: 25 says… as proven in previous writings !!!  The GLORIOUS throne was given , then cut off. So all the vessels fell as v 24 says, and then this burden, should go to others.  Then, JESUS CHRIST the LORD comes and takes the kingdom, the throne and those who overcame during the Laodicea era, are given to share it.  so 1 John 4: 17 says, it is  CHRIST the LORD and His children are these ones , who DID NOT DENY JESUS CHRIST the LORD ‘S NAME but PERFECTED HIM , … and became one with each other, are the ones who received the throne , to bear fruits. ! Besides, they are the JUDGES. The throne belongs to JESUS CHRIST the LORD, who is also The ROCK of salvation. And He must give His throne to HIS SONS, WHO CALL HIM, MY FATHER ! That is why they are in a pleasant land as proven above, while the wife of CHRIST The LORD  is yet to turn to Him, calling My FATHER !!!

Isa 22:23  And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house

Isa 22:25  In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall;and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it. }}}… this was said by The LORD of HOSTS … WHO IS JESUS CHRIST the LORD.  DO YOU THINK YOU DESERVE TO BE GIVEN A THRONE FROM The LORD of HOSTS  ?????  Do you have the works of king David ??? Would JESUS CHRIST the LORD give the throne to people who does not come to eat and drink with and from Him ??? And who have DENIED HIS NAME and have other gods and idols ?  So the time came to CUT DOWN THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN who say they are Jews but LIE !!!  One must not deny JESUS CHRIST the LORD, or The LORD of HOSTS  or The ROCK of salvation !!!  And the throne is His’.  So He said, He will give to the ones who overcome, and the following Scripture also says The LORD of HOSTS … ! So the children who are with the The LORD of Hosts, … received all ! HE PREDESTINATED THEM TO BE SANCTIFIED, JUSTIFIED, AND TO BELIEVE IN HIM AND GLORIFY HIM AS WELL. !!!  And they are given the  burden now, to JUDGE and ESTABLISH . Because one is judged by the same Everlasting gospel to preach The CREATOR , and then also ESTABLISHED as proven above . !  So we preach JESUS CHRIST the LORD as Apostle Paul did Rom.  2:16,   16: 25,  and in judgment. !!!

NOT HAVING THE TRUE FATHER AND GOD, .. the Tabernacle of David is cut down to fall. And now it is fallen. Acts. 15 says, when The LORD  VISIT the gentiles to take a people to HIS NAME, .. the Tabernacle of David is fallen.  So it’s burden is given to others, when THE ROOT OF JESSE came to take the kingdom to HIS HANDS. !!!  And He gave to others who obeyed, feared, worshiped and accepted Him as their FATHER and GOD as king David did. ! That is how during the Laodicea era, judgment the judges and those who are judged are divided. !

Just think ; why does the Scripture say  CHRIST the LORD is WITHOUT SIN ??? He always obeyed THE WORD of GOD , ( even though it is HIS OWN), and He looked to the WORD of GOD to fulfill all the time saying ‘as it is written’.  So HE ABODE IN THE WORDS ! If He has not obeyed any, …. Then we can call Him a liar and that is a sinner.  No man can abide in GOD’s words as the mind or the heart of the man is the enemy of GOD , the carnal mind. It cannot obey the law of GOD, as it is the adversary , since Adam, the first son of GOD who rebelled.  CHRIST the LORD  quoted the WORD of GOD  to overcome His temptations. But man cannot overcome the same way, because no one knew the GOD who spoke the WORD of GOD . UNLESS HE LIVES IN ONE’S HEART, there is no way to overcome.   The little children overcame by the word, as The LORD  Is in them. ! So they are converted by Himself as He predestinated. Same way, after He purifies the Levitical ministry, … He will come to them as well !

So they are the The LORD of Hosts  and HIS children , …who are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel….

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts,…}}}… The LORD of HOSTS , … and HIS children.  So now, you can see them how they were converted to their FATHER.  as Mal. 1:6 said, you did not honor Him as the FATHER.  But His children do.

So what Isiah spoke is fulfilled by The LORD of HOSTS  back then, but now, He Is known as the Captain of Salvation ! … so they are the same GOD.

Heb 2:10  For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

Heb 2:13  And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me.

Heb 2:11  For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren,

Heb 2:12  Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. }}}.. So this is The LORD of HOSTS , or JESUS CHRIST the LORD . and GOD’s name is revealed to these children. They are called brethren.  And The LORD  and these children are sanctified to be one. That is why, they are as HE IS IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT ! That is when The LORD  revealed about Himself as well, giving salvation , by mercy! So now, IN HIS NAME, MERCY, Covenant and the throne is established.

So what is the name which The LORD  declared to His brethren???  The ROCK of salvation or the Captain of Salvation ! The ROCK WAS Israel’S FATHER AS WELL as Deut.  32 says.  But HE COULD NOT A FATHER TO THEM.  BUT NOW, THESE SONS ARE BORN TO HIM.  SO HE BECAME THEIR FATHER AND THEY ACCEPTED HIM AS THE FATHER !!!!  When king David called Him MY FATHER, he said The ROCK of salvation. And these children who call Him FATHER also says the Captain of Salvation. ! “to make the captain of their salvation perfect”..   In order to make the Captain of Salvation perfect, HE MUST FIRST GIVE SALVATION ! no one knew The ROCK is our FATHER. !!!  And with the true knowledge of GOD , as John 17: 3 says, the everlasting life is to KNOW THE One and ONLY TRUE GOD , … He MADE HIMSELF KNOWN as the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, and HE IS THE FATHER AND THE Captain of Salvation ALSO. At the same time, He showed HIS MERCY also to save us without having to do any good works by ourselves.  And that shows the Covenant will be continued with us as He said to king David , to continue his throne!  And in deut 32,  His name was known as The ROCK who begat also.  So He Has revealed Himself as the Captain of Salvation, by giving salvation, and begetting us with His word, … and as Deut.  32 says, the doctrine of The LORD is to publish HIS NAME vs 2-3. And v 15 says, JACOB lightly esteemed The ROCK of salvation. And now, The ROCK OF SALVATION IS HIGHLY ESTEEMED !!!

And it was a prophecy, from Psa. 22. And it is sung, to a people that SHALL BE BORN, as now !!! So now, the Name of THE LORD is declared.  “THE FATHER”.

Psa 22:22  I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

Psa 22:23  Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. }}}… as written above, we are made for  CHRIST the LORD’s glory, … and these children GLORIFIED Him, … PRAISED Him as the babes, … and also FEARED HIM. and they have the image of GOD, the image of their FATHER, The CREATOR as they are in Him, … and they are brought to glory as well, and they fear Him. Isa. 29: 23 !

Psa 22:30  A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. }}}… who is this SEED, who serves The ROCK of salvation ????  It is those who FEAR, GLORIFY, AND PRAISE Him. !!!

Psa 22:31  They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done }}}… So now, the SEED is serving Him, .. as they have feared Him as written above in Isa. 29: 23, … the same children, … and the seed of JACOB must also glorify Him .. and fear Him, … and this seed serves Him to DECLARE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS TO A PEOPLE THAT SHALL BE BORN !!!  Or that shall be converted !!!  So the seed of JACOB also must fear, praise and glorify The ROCK of salvation, their FATHER now, TO BE BORN !! That is the true conversion , to be with the FATHER !

So The ROCK of salvation brought forth HIS SEED to declare Him as the Captain of Salvation to others who failed to be HIS SEED as they did not believe Him.  So the hearts of the children will be turned to their TRUE FATHER WHO SAVES THEM. !

So this is the seed which is the remnant who will bruise the head of the serpent ! That means the sons of the devil are who REJECTED JESUS CHRIST the LORD !  So HIM, AND HIS SONS WILL BRUISE THE HEADS OF THOSE WHO FAILED TO BE HIS SONS, WHO ARE OF THE DEVIL. !!!

In the days of the throne, all these could be seen.  Justice, judgment, mercy and truth! Just as king David did, in v 26, these children also calls The ROCK of salvation, OUR FATHER !!! So king David’s kingdom is given to JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS SONS !!!

Psa 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. }}}… as written above, after The LORD of HOSTS  RETURNS to Jerusalem, it will be a city of truth.

Psa 89:15  Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.

Psa 89:16  In THY NAME shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.


Psa 89:20  I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:

Psa 89:21  With whom MY HAND shall be established: MINE ARM ALSO SHALL STRENGTHEN HIM.


Psa 89:25  I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

Psa 89:26  He shall cry unto me, Thou art MY FATHER, MY GOD, AND THE ROCK OF MY SALVATION. }}}…The ROCK’s hand, …. Arm, .. also will be with them, … in HIS NAME, the horn is exalted !!!   So those who call JESUS CHRIST the LORD, MY FATHER,  .. MY GOD, … will be established as His seed and king David’s horn.

Psa 89:27  Also I will make him my firstbornhigher than the kings of the earth.

“Higher’ means an elevation, that is, (adjectively) lofty (comparatively); as title, the Supreme: – (Most, on) high (-er, -est), upper (-most).

Remember, it is these kings, the saints bound as written above.  And GOD says, HIS FIRST FRUITS who calls Him My FATHER, are higher than these kings. GOD promised all these to Israel….

Here is what The LORD  said in the beginning of Israel.  Now all that is come true. The ROCK gave all these laws and entered in to the Marriage Covenant. If you have kept His ways, … commandments , … and listed to His voice, …

Deu 26:17  You have today said that Jehovah is your God, and that you would walk in His ways, and keep His statutes and His commandments and His judgments, and listen to His voice.

Deu 26:18  And Jehovah has taken you today to be His peculiar people, as He has promised you, and to keep all His commandments, }}}… His peculiar people… ?? Which GOD’s people have you become of ???

Deu 26:19  and to make you high above all nations which He has made, in praise and in name and in honor, and that you may be a holy people to Jehovah your God, even as He has spoken. }}}… GOD promised all these, IF … you heard His voice and obeyed Him.  Since you have not obeyed The ROCK who said all these, … HE IS FREE FROM HIS PROMISES. !!!  So you failed to be a peculiar people to The ROCK of salvation, your FATHER. !

GOD said, you will be the HEAD …

Deu 28:1  And it will be, if you shall listen carefully to the voice of Jehovah your God, to observe and to do all His commandments which I command you today, Jehovah your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth.

Deu 28:13  And Jehovah shall make you the head, and not the tail. And you shall be always above,

But now, the gentiles within you… have gotten up very high… and you have become very low. And when the gentiles become HIGHER THAN YOU, … THEN THEY ARE A SIGN AND A WONDER …

Deu 28:43  The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.

Deu 28:44  He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.

Deu 28:46  And they shall be upon thee for a sign and for a wonder, and upon thy seed for ever. }}}… All these are The ROCK’s works. You never thought GOD will do this for you as you have Abraham as your father and king David as your king. Instead of glorifying your GOD, and the FATHER , … you disgraced, defiled and polluted His HOLY NAME. ( Mal. 2:2) . Now, … that the stranger WITHIN you, … who were in the church of GOD, with you…. in the Body of CHRIST, with you, … have become very high as The ROCK of salvation has made them HIS SONS which you rejected.  And that is WHEN The ROCK OF SALVATION AND HIS SEED, ARE TO BE A SIGN AND A WONDER, ‘IN Israel’ OR AS THIS VERSE SAYS “UPON THY SEED FOR EVER” !!! Taking everything from Israel , and giving to gentiles , now will be forever. Because you had your chance.  !!!  So you failed to be higher than other nations, and The LORD  made other nations to be higher than you.  WHAT COULD BE MORE HIGHER THAN, BEING A SON TO THE MOST HIGH ???  Or to the only GOD, The CREATOR … ???  So THIS IS HOW Isa. 8:18 is fulfilled and v 14 is fulfilled by Israel !!!  So to the two houses of Israel, … CHRIST and HIS children  are a sign and a wonder , which was prophesied in your beginning !!!

You were to be the head, …and the gentiles are to be the tail…

You were to lend to the gentiles, … and gentiles are to borrow from you…

You were to be higher than the gentiles, … and the gentiles are to be lower than you…

But now… ???

The gentiles are the head, .. you are the tail…

The gentiles are to lend… you are to borrow.

Gentiles are higher than you… and you are lower than gentiles… ! It is GOD’s doing.

The gentiles are already ,SONS OF GOD, … you are still TO BE BORN. !!!

And for you to be born, … the seed of The ROCK of salvation must come and lend you the TRUTH about your FATHER… and His righteousness !!! Now you can see The ROCK’s RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT, according to the TRUTH , as HE is JUST and RIGHT !  Out of His mouth comes all the words of the Bible , which is to be fulfilled.  If GOD did not do what HE HAS DONE NOW, … He cannot be a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE ! He Is not a respecter of persons. HE HAS PROVEN HIS RIGHTNESS !!!

the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He”.

So The ROCK proved His righteousness !

And all the blessings of Abraham , is turned to the gentiles who truly is the first born of Abraham. ! When The LORD  promised Abraham the blessings, He made a Covenant with Abraham, … 430 years before the Law Covenant with Isaac.  So HE HAS FULFILLED HIS PROMISES FAITHFULLY. !!!  Abraham’s maid, Hagar, is from Egypt. But The LORD  brought her out of Egypt, but sent you to Egypt back again, where you are trodden down by them. Rev. 11: 8.

 Deu 28:58  If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD;

Deu 28:68  And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with ships,..}}}… Rev. 11: 8… you are in Egypt once again Spiritually, not having the SPIRIT, and the image of your FATHER !!!

So The ROCK’s mercy and Covenant will be with king David, and these children who call Him, MY FATHER !!!

Psa 89:28  My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him. }}}… all things are made new when the horn of king David is exalted.  Now the GOD of salvation has become our FATHER as it was for king David.  The LORD  anointed king David, and the little children. 1 John 2: 27.

Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth”..

Justice, judgment, mercy and truth, all are given to the gentiles. Isa. 43: 1- 3, … and they are the vessels of mercy, … judgment is 1 John 4:4, 17,  and truth which is the WORD of GOD  was not received by any of HIS own, and given to gentiles as they are sanctified to believe it. 2 Thess. 2: 13 !

The horn of salvation…

 and salvation comes from JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the FATHER or the Captain of Salvation, … The ROCK, … AND HIS CHILDREN HAVE DECLARED HIM AS THE Captain of Salvation AND HAVE CALLED HIM, OUR FATHER !!!!  SO THEY ARE converted  AS Adam WAS, SONS! and His children are the other wells of salvation….. Isa. 12, …. They are sons of GOD, or made  new in JESUS CHRIST the LORD, the new Israel of GOD, … or the Jews from whom comes the salvation as John 4 says.   And from their bellies gives the HOLY SPIRIT, … the Living Waters, springing up giving everlasting life to others, John 4: 14  and they are The Saviours as Oba 21 says. JESUS CHRIST the LORD IS A Jew.  So His sons are Jews also! He is THE LION OF JUDAH, so His sons are other lions who shout at the cities of Judah… Jer. 4: 16, … and the cities of Judah are the worshipers. Jer. 26: 2.

Salvation , in short means giving the truth which we did not have to receive everlasting life. What is everlasting life ???  To know the true GOD. John 17: 3. That means to know JESUS CHRIST the LORD and HIS WORDS, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE FATHER. ONLY ONE GOD. not having that knowledge, … we could not have everlasting life. that means we could not know the One and ONLY TRUE GOD. so why did not we have that knowledge ??  the Tree of Life was cut off from the beginning.  So that knowledge , the knowledge of GOD , … the knowledge of JESUS CHRIST the LORD , the One and ONLY TRUE GOD, … was cut off from all, until this time. This is why the Everlasting gospel is preached in judgment, giving salvation and everlasting life to all. So The LORD  must save all from the leaders who caused the people to go to other gods, and not to the true GOD.  from Adam, .. we lost that knowledge. So no one can say we had the true knowledge of the true GOD. because if you had it, … then The LORD  did not have to come a second time to give it, … and also, you must have everlasting life as well. ! This is why the Spirit and Truth came. And what did the Spirit and Truth guided us to ??  To GLORIFY JESUS CHRIST the LORD!  The truth shall set all free. But the truth is the WORD of GOD and it could come from the GOD of truth , JESUS CHRIST the LORD. so HE MUST COME A SECOND TIME and give this knowledge to save us, so we can worship Him, and He may be pleased to give everlasting life to us, or make us know HIMSELF !!!

So salvation means what ever knowledge we had is false, so delivering from false knowledge, gives us salvation, … leads to everlasting life. So this is why only JESUS CHRIST the LORD can give it, as HE ALONE CUT IT OFF, to bring man to death, by inheriting lies, … because Adam made a GOD a liar by not believing in the truth which The LORD  said. So all inherited lies. This is why Adam and Laodiceans , are naked, as they do not have the covering from JESUS CHRIST the LORD’s SPIRIT. that is why HE SAID TO Laodiceans, to come and buy clothes from Him. !!!

So JESUS CHRIST the LORD, THE JUDGE,  judges the nobles and kings, by using His sons, who are RAISED UP IN HIS NAME . ! That is how Mat. 12: 27-28, the children became judges !!!  THEY ARE HIGHER THAN KINGS, and bound the kings and nobles as written above !  Now they are a sign and a wonder in Israel !!!

So the true conversion is, when GOD bring back the man to the state of Adam, when he was first created, with the image of GOD, and His breath, the HOLY SPIRIT. All will obey Him. There will be truth, righteousness, peace and love of GOD in our hearts.  This is why after judgments, GOD is prophesied to live with mankind.  It will be a spiritual creation, and all will submit to GOD. Man will not be the enemy of GOD thereafter. By that time, all of the names of GOD, will be  fulfilled !

GOD must fulfill all of His names, to bring us to salvation. For example:- … He is The REDEEMER. Then, He must redeem us. For that, HE HAD TO COME AND DIE first to pay for our penalties and must  be resurrected , as we have life because HE WAS RAISED UP. He Had to win over the death first. Then, if He is The Savior, … He must save us. Like that, He must fulfill all of His names, as proven in previous writings. So He saved and redeemed these children to Himself.

Just think; when Adam was first created.  What did Adam have to do to be born???  NOTHING! But The LORD  did everything for him. same way, the spiritual creation also should be like that.  The CREATOR will do all things to create the new spiritual creation , and destroy the evilness of man also. That is why He took upon MANY NAMES, so each name must be fulfilled to bring us to salvation and to give everlasting life. ! We glorified all the names of GOD.

GOD refused to live with man, till all things are made new! No man can do it, but JESUS CHRIST the LORD only. !

Rev 21:1  And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Rev 21:3  And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

Rev 21:4  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Rev 21:5  And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Rev 21:6  And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.

HE CALLED.. to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus CHRIST”.

In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. …  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I WILL COME AGAIN, AND RECEIVE YOU UNTO MYSELF; THAT WHERE I AM, THERE YE MAY BE ALSO. “

But Christ as a Son over HIS OWN HOUSE; whose house are we,”

Who ever is with JESUS CHRIST the LORD, … now are in the FATHER’s house, and it is HIS OWN HOUSE, where HE TOO IS A SON !!! But to His sons, … HE IS THE FATHER, The ROCK of salvation !

So GOD will do it ! The LORD Has Spoken!  !!!

Amen ! And Amen !!!

CHRIST and HIS children, who are to be a sign and a wonder in Israel… !

All things are done by The LORD of HOSTS … so if you want to see this sign and a wonder, … in Israel, … you must look for The LORD of HOSTS , .. who is JESUS CHRIST the LORD and who preach, declare and glorify Him , who are IN HIS HOUSE !!! Now, we can have the glory of our FATHER… as it is written…

Our FATHER and GOD, should be the GLORY of the children.

Pro 17:6  the glory of children are their fathers.

Isa. 60: 19 … “The LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

So The ROCK brought MANY SONS to glory, … and HE IS THEIR GLORIOUS FATHER!

So the conversion means The LORD  will bring us back to the Adam’s time.

This is the end of the Laodicea era, … and the new beginning of the NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH where The CREATOR will be.

Isa 8:18  Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given Me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.